And Let The Classes Resume

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

And Let The Classes Resume-

"It's funny." I thought outloud. Rosie had turned to me and gave me a questioning look. "What's funny is I'm complaining about doing my homework, but it's like, there are people out there doing Muggle homework which is a whole lot worse." I explained. Rosie agreed with me. 

We've been at Hogwarts for about a week now, and the teachers had finally slowly assigning homework. I turned to Rosie. "Have you seen Lily around lately? I've been meaning to ask her about something in Defense Against the Dark Arts." And as if on cue, Lily walked in with James much to our surprise. 

"James, I told you no already." Lily sighed, shifting her bag from one shoulder to the other. Her usual tint of red was absent from her cheeks, something unusal for her. "It's only a week into school and you already need tutoring? I'm not a fool James." James ruffled his hair, something Lily found rather irritating. 

"Then will you help me with my homework? Please, Lily." James asked, his normal, confident voice not there. Lily nodded and looked around the common room, spotting Rosie and I. She smiled and  pushed James towards us. 

"Hello James." I greeted, James smiled at me and took a seat. Lily smiled tiredly at me. "Head duties taking a toll on you?" I asked her and she nodded. She slumped into the couch and dumped the contents of her bag onto to the table. She tiredly began writing. 

"It's just, there are so many things to do!" Lily explained, her quill moving slowly across her parchment. James watched her intetnly. "And the newest Prefects won't do anything, especially the ones in Slytherin.

James jumped into the conversation next, explaining everything they had to do as Head Boy and Head Girl. And on occasion, he stopped talking about Duties and asked Lily a question before returning to the previous conversation. When he finished half an hour later, we turned to Lily to find  asleep. "Poor girl. She's been working her tail off." James said. Rosie stood up and attempted to pick Lily up, but as she was almost half a foot shorter than her, Lily didn't move. 

"James, can you take her to her bed?" I asked. He nodded and lifted her up effortlessly. He disappeared with her up the stairs. Rosie started gathering Lily's things, but I stopped her. "She didn't finish her homework, I'll just finish it for her." Rosie sighed. 

"Rowen, it's nearly midnight." Rosie said. I whipped out my wand. 

"Are we witches or not? I'll just enchant a quill to do all the writing while I make it up in my head." I said. Rosie yawned loudly. "Go to bed, I'll be up in a few." She smiled gratefully and trotted up the stairs. James, had returned from down the stairs and rejoined me."Welcome back, did you enjoy yourself while you were up there?" 

"I just don't know what it is about her! She's just so beautiful and one of the kindest people here at Hogwarts." He said. I smiled at him. 

"I think it'll be your year James." I admitted. He beamed at me. 

"You think so?" He asked. I nodded. "Why?" 

"James, even the most clueless people can see it. You're  changing, and Lily can see it. You've deflated that arrogant head of yours and you've stopped jinxing people for the fun of it. Can't you see that Lily likes this side of you? She likes the fact that your becoming mature, all of you are. I mean look at Sirius for example. He used to be a player, and a right bloody git too. But then he met Rosie, and whether he likes it our not, he slowly changed into a mature man." James sat there quietly for a moment, letting it all sink in. 

Lock It **Remus Lupin Love Story**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora