The Summer I Was Called 'Freak'

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

The Summer I Was Called 'Freak'-

"For the last time Lily, my parents are just away on a business trip. They should be back halfway through summer." I told Lily as she brushed my hair. We were in Lily's bedroom, after Petunia had a fit about more 'freaks' in the house. 

"Rowe, even though I know you're lying, I'll let the subject drop." Lily said, and I smiled. "So, how did you end up at Black's house again?" She asked. I chuckled. 

"It was his mum.." I started. "She was just so.. controlling? It's like, even if I tried harder to get out of the predicament, she wouldn't take no for an answer." I turned around and faced Lily. "And get this, she absolutely loathes Black! She hisses and scold him for the simplest things. I almost feel bad for him."  Lily laughed at my comment. 

"You do know that the Black family is really into that 'Pureblood is superior' thing. Did they know you're a muggleborn?" I shook my head. 

"No, I didn't tell them what status I was. But I had to lie and tell them I was a Ravenclaw." I confessed. "Apparently they are totally against the Gryffindor house and they think Slytherin is where all the superior people go." I sighed. "I was only in that house for a day and I was sick of them all."

"Lily! Rowen! Lunch!" Lily's mum called. We both got off of Lily's bed and walked downstairs. 


"Guess whose here? Your parents! Now wake up! They're dying to see you!" Lily screamed in my ear. The thing about living at Lily's house was she was either sleeping in until one o'clock, or she woke up at seven a.m. sharp; there was no in between. 

"Can you tell them to come back in an hour?" I grumbled, shoving my face back into my pillow. Lily laughed at me, and started to nudge me. Eventually, I had enough poking and prodding. "Okay! I'm up- Geez." 

"Your parents are downstairs you know." Lily pointed out. I smiled, it's been at least two months since I've seen mum and dad. And truth be told, I really did miss them. "Rowe?" 

"Well come on!" I squealed as I ran out of bed. I heard Lily's laughter as we descended the stairs. In the sitting room, I found my mum and dad talking with Mr. and Mrs. Evans. "Mum! Dad!" I ran over to them and gave them both a big hug. "I missed you guys." 

"We missed you too honey." Mum cooed as she patted my back."We can't wait to hear about your time at Hogwarts too." 

"As long as their is no boys involved." Dad chuckled. I turned scarlet. 

"Dad.." I groaned. Everyone laughed. "Anyways, how's Aunt Tanya?" Mum frowned. 

"She's doing better, but she's still incredibly ill." Mum said. Even though she was still ill, it was good to hear that she was doing better. Lily gave me a sad look.

That afternoon, we left the Evans house, after thanking them many times for taking me in under their wing. We drove all the way to Bristol, where I lived.I was happy to finally be home. I really missed everything about our small little home. 

"So how was Hogwarts?" Mum asked, as she brought over some tea and biscuits. i smiled at my mum and then told her about all my adventures. 


Sirius' Pov

"Prongs, I'm telling you right now, there is something fishy going on here." I exclaimed. My dearest mother, permitted me to go live with the Potters for the last week of summer. Frankly, I think she was glad to get me out of the house. 

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