Death Eaters?

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)** 

Death Eaters?-

"Professor Dumbledore? It's me, Rowen Jones." I said, knocking lightly on the old wooden door that separated me and the Headmaster's office. The door swung open very slowly, and I stepped into the dimly lit room. Dumbledore was sitting at his table, writing something with a large, brown quill. I silently took a seat in front of him and waited. 

A few minutes later, he placed his quill on the desk. "Hello Rowen, how are you?" He asked in a happy tone. I smiled at him. 

"I'm alright." I replied in a shy voice. Dumbledore scanned me over and sighed. 

"You must be wondering about my urgent note, am I correct?" He asked, and I nodded. "I have some good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" My eyes darted back and forth for a moment. 

"Bad, I might as well get that over with." I replied. Dumbledore nodded. 

"The Death Eater rebellion is rising and you are in grave danger." He said slowly, as if making sure I understood every word. I just nodded simply, because I already knew that. "You don't seemed to be phased at all." He commented. I chuckled. 

"I already knew both of those facts." I murmured. He nodded. "So what's the good news, sir?" He smiled. 

"Well first, I am offering you a spot in The Order of the Phoenix." He noticed my confused complexity. "It's a secret organization I've created. It's mainly to oppose He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and his army of death eaters." He finished. 

"Of course I'll join professor, but I do have a few questions." I said, and he urged me to ask them. "Why are you offering me a spot?" The great old wizard chuckled. 

"You are strong, clever, and good-hearted." He replied. I shifted in my seat. 

"W-Who else are you planning on letting join..?" I asked. 

"Just a few students I know that I could trust. I won't say any names yet, but you'll hear over time, I'm sure." He answered. "Anything else you would like to ask me? Or tell me?" I thought for a moment, and pondered whether or not to say anything about the strange, magical book that's been helping me. I shook my head quickly, and he sat back in his seat. "Alright, I'll write you a pass to class." He paused, and then smiled. "And I forgot to tell you, I've given you and your friends permission to leave school grounds this weekend." 

I smiled, grabbed the note from Dumbledore, and left. 


 Remus grasped my hand tightly, as we stood in front of large, brown doors. Lily was on my left and Rosie was behind me with Peter. I raised my head and examined the building before me. The walls were a rather dull beige, but there were stained glass windows that showed an array of colors. 

The sun was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, but I could make out the large orb of light in the middle of the sky. There was a small breeze that lifted a few leaves from the ground. "Are James and Sirius already in there?" Someone said to my right. 

I turned to Lily. Lily was wearing a black dress that fit perfectly on her hourglass figure. She had black tights on her pale legs and was wearing black shoes. "Yea, they left a few hours before us." I replied. We were in Burghead, a small city on the coast, just a little east from Hogwarts. "Ready?" I asked everyone. There were silent nods. I took the brass handles on the doors and opened them. 

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