Surprise! I Need Somewhere To Live

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Surprise! I Need Somewhere To Live-

Being my not so graceful self, I practically flew out of the fireplace, and I actually hit my head on what felt like a table. "Ouch!" I hissed, already feeling the blood on my forehead.

"Rowe! What are you doing here? Are you alright?" The familiar voice of Remus Lupin said. He rushed over to my side and swatted my hands away, examining the cut. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He helped me up and brought me to the bathroom. 

"Sorry for the sudden appearance Remus." I said, as he carefully wiped my forehead. We were inches from eachother, and I felt his body heat radiate towards me. Remus chuckled. 

"It's quite alright. I'm actually glad you came when you did, my mum and dad would have flipped if you came tumbling out when they were around." He replied, placing a bandaged across the cut. When he finished, he kissed me. "I must say, I did miss that." I giggled. "So what brings you to my home?" 

We walked out to the living room where my trunk was, slightly open and a few books on the ground. I knelled down and put them away. "Sirius and I ran away from home, we'll probably be disowned." 

"Why would you run away?" He asked, handing me a book that slid underneath the table. 

"I think Sirius ran away because he didn't want to continue to live with years of harassment from our mother, father, and brother. I ran away because I hate the way they are trying to change me and because I was threatened." 

He gave me a confused look. "Do you remember Bellatrix Black? She graduated a couple of years ago?" He nodded. "Yea, well she's my cousin and I sort of snapped at her and apparently her and someone else has plans for me and I sort of didn't want to stick around to find out what it was." I said. After repacking everything I sat on the couch with him. "Is it alright if I stay with you until school? I could go to Rosie's if I can't." 

"I think it'll be fine, come on, I'll show you the guest room." He said, taking my trunk and leading me up the stairs. "So how has your summer been treating you?" 

I scrunched my nose. "Horrible." I said simply. "And yours?" 

"It's been quite bland actually." He said, turning the doorknob and revealing a very neat room. "Here you are, my bedroom is across the hall, so if you need anything else, you can most likely find me in there." 

"Wait, don't leave me. Let's hang out." I said quickly, and he smiled.He sat on the bed and I opened my trunk to examine what I brought. "Oh darn! I forgot my boots." I mumbled, looking through my mess. Remus chuckled as he watched me. 

"Can you believe it?" He said suddenly. 

"Hmm?" I mumbled, taking a seat next to him and then laying down on my back, staring at the ceiling. He did the same. 

"You-Know-Who sent out Death Eaters, they are going after people." He said. I sighed. 

"It's really dangerous out there, huh? It's not safe-" I was cut off. 

"Remus! Sweetheart we're home!" Someone called. Remus smiled. 

"Come on Rowe, it's time to meet my parents." He said happily. He grabbed my hand and we ran downstairs, me laughing the entire time. In the kitchen, where Remus directed us, I saw his parents. His mother was very pretty, she had light brown hair green eyes and she was very lean. His father was a very strong looking man with soft features. He also had brown hair. "Mum, dad, I'd like you to meet Rowe." 

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