Winter at Hogwarts

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Winter at Howarts- 

"So before everyone leaves for Christmas vacation, I would like to give you your last lecutre. Parchment and Quills out today, please." The professor said. Defense Against the Dark Art was my last class until the wonderful vacation the students at Hogwarts get. "I would like you to title your notes, 'Cruciatus Curse' and then leave plenty of space below it." I did as was told and wrote down notes. 

Between quidditch tryouts and now, a lot has happened. (And not just at Hogwarts!) We had our first quidditch game agaisnt Hufflepuff about a week into November. (I caught the snitch at the cost of a dislocated elbow. Don't worry though, we got it back into place!) In the Wizarding World, the rise of Lord Voldemort is increasing once again. I've also recieved another lovely note from Bellatrix Lestrange, and I haven't let it discourage me. 

Rosie and Sirius have gotten quite cozy, and it's not only worrying me. James had come up to me the other day, demanding I get Rosie away from Sirius because apparently she was sucking the 'fun' out of him. Lily has been just completely scared out of her mind for Rosie, and all I'm worried about is Sirius' player side showing through and him breaking her heart. 

Remus and I are doing well, though he and I have been quite distant lately. He gets caught up in work and Prefect duties, and I get stuck up in quidditch practice and school work, so it's hard to meet up every once in a while. It worries me, and I do hope he won't lose interest. 

"The Cruciatus Curse is one of the three Unforgivable curses. It causes extreme pain to victims.." 

It was a full moon a few days ago as well, and I've never seen Remus so bitter. He's also been angry recently, which makes me wonder what goes on when I'm not around. 

"Some know practioneers of this curse are Bellatrix Black and Grindelwald." My head shot up at the sound of her name and my eyes locked with the professors. We had a sub today, and this guy had definitely given me the creeps. For a moment, there was an evil glint in his eyes, but I shook it off and continued writing.

After a full parchment of notes, the bell rang. "Miss Jones, if you could stay for a moment."

As the students happily filed out of the classroom,  I walked up to the desk. With a flick of his wand,  the door closed and it was locked. "Cassiopeia Black, it's finally nice to see you in person again." A new voice hissed. The professor was no longer sitting in his seat, because it was replaced with a women's body. She was very lean and had crazy black hair. Bellatrix Lestrange sat in front of me. I turned to run, but she was quicker. "Incarcerous."

Ropes wrapped themselves around my torso, and made me fall rather hard in my back. "Help!  Help me!" I called out as panic washed over me.

Bellatrix let out a cackle and stood slowly from her chair. I tried to squirm away, or at least closer to my wand, but it was no use. My heart beat faster and faster. Bellatrix straddled me over my torso and dug her wand into my neck. "I would have so much pleasure killing you right now. " She said in a sickly sweet voice.

I spat in her face. Her eyes grew wild and she grabbed my neck with one hand, limiting my oxygen. With her other hand, she reached into her corset and pulled out a dagger,  gently grazing it across my cheek. "What do you want from me?" I whimpered. "You have me pinned down just kill me."

Outside the speaker went off. "All students return to their common rooms immediately. All teachers are to meet on the third floor."

Bellatrix raked the dagger across my cheek, and I felt warm blood dripping from it immediately. "I'm not going go kill you today. I came here to tell you," She leant down so she was right next to my ear. "To tell you that we're always watching. You-Know-Who and I are never far and can strike at any moment." There were sounds of footsteps outside the door. Bellatrix leaped off of me and pointed her wand. "Lets see if you were paying attention in class. Crucio."

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