Delving Deeper

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Delving Deeper-

"No no no! That can't be right!" I said as a million thoughts raced through my head. "I'm not related to that pompous jerk and that Pureblood obsessed family!" The doors to the hall opened, and who better to show up than the Marauders. "Sir, there has to be a mistake!" I whispered harshly. 

Dumbledore reached into his robes and handed me a folder. "Everything is im here, Cassiopea." I grabbed the folder. 

"Hey Rowe!" Remus called. 

I turned to Dumbledore. "Please don't call me that, that's not my name. It's Rowen Jones." I said before scurrying off, pushing past Remus and Sirius. I walked out the door and all the way to the Boathouse, where no one could find me. There was too much going on in my head as I sat down in one of the boats. 

"Calm down Rowe. There is probably a mistake! Dumbledore's finally lost it!" I reassured myself. I slowly peeled open the folder and inside was two documents. The first was a birth certificate and the other was a note. I read the note first. 

To whom it may concern, 

This is Cassiopea Black, born on October 1, 1959. I simply do not want her anymore, for in the Noble House of Black, there is no use for Squibs. 

I scoffed at the note. Walburga Black thought I was a Squib, and so she simply gave me up? Some mother she was! I picked up the birth certificate and scanned it over. 

Name/ Weight/ Length: Cassiopea Rowen Black, 7lbs, 1 ft 7 inches

Mother's name: Walburga Black

Father's name: Orion Black 

Current place of resident: 12 Grimmauld Place

Blood Status: Squib

"I'm actually their daughter." I whispered outloud. "I'm actually a Pureblooded witch." And then I sat their. Staring at the two documents that lay on my lap. I didn't move when the bell signaled the start of class, and I didn't move when it signaled the end of the day. I only moved when the grounds became darker and the light of the full moon was overhead. 

I stood up and wondered back towards the grounds when I heard voices.  I hid behind a tree and looked for whoever the voice belonged to. 

"Sev, we shouldn't be doing this! It's after curfew!" A girl cried. I knew that was Lily. 

"Lily, I've been tracking where they all go every month! Black just tipped me off and I need to know what they're up to!" A boy hissed. Severus. They inched closer to a large tree, which I soon recongized to be the Whomping Willow. 

"Sev, it's too dangerous, and I refuse to go!" Lily snapped. Severus groaned. "How're you going to even get past the Whomping Willow?" There was silence. "How did you do that?" 

"Never mind that Lily, look out for anyone, okay?" Severus asked. Lily, quiet for only a moment, murmured a 'yes.' I peeked behind the tree and watched as Severus went into a small black opeing and Lily walking a good twenty feet away from the tree. 

I don't exactly know what inspired me to do it, but I snuck around the tree and came at it from the opposite end of Lily. Quietly, I made my way into the hole, and was surprised to find a large, dark passage way. "Lumos." I said, ever so quietly. The passage lit up and I walked forward. 

It was about fifteen minutes before I saw another light up ahead of me. I put my wand out and ran up to him. He was standing by a door. "Severus Snape, get back into the castle!" I snapped. He turned around and had his wand at my chest. "Are you going to curse me? No? Then lower your wand." He lowered it. 

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