Feeling Watched

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Feeling Watched-

"Oh come on Rowe, wake up!" Someone yelled. My eyes opened and Lily, Rosie, Remus, James and Sirius were above me. "Oh thank goodness!" Lily cried.

"You alright Blackbird?" James asked. Lily gave him a strange look.

"Y-Yea, I'm good." I told them. "What happened?" Sirius stepped up.

"I was walking by when you sort of went rigid. Then you fell back into your seat." He said. I gasped, and opened my hand. In there was the note, all crumpled up. "What's that?" Sirius asked.

"Someone's coming for me." I smoothed the letter out and showed it to them. "I found this letter attached to my owl. Obviously someone intercepted my owl, that's why you didn't get my letter Lily." I explained. Sirius cursed.

"Bloody hell!" He screamed, backing away from me. Everyone turned to him, giving him a puzzled look. "I could recognize that cryptic handwriting anywhere. That's from Bellatrix."

I fainted again.

The next time I woke up, Professor McGonagall was over me. I was also not on the train, but in the hospital wing. "Welcome back to Hogwarts dear, how're you feeling?" She asked.

I sat upright. "Not very safe." I told her.

"You are safe at Howarts, I can assure you that. The feast is about to begin. Would you like to come up with me?" I nodded. "So, Miss Jones, Dumbledore has requested to speak with you at the end of the feast, is that alright?"

"Yes." I said quietly. We walked in silence up to the entrance hall, where all the new first years werer waiting.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" McGongall said. She gestured for me to go ahead of her and I went into the Great Hall. I received many strange looks when I walked in, and I realized that I was still in my muggle clothes with a Gryffindor robe on top. I found Rosie and Lily and sat next to them.

"How're you feeling?' Lily asked. I sighed.

"Better." I lied.


When the feast was over, I went straight to Professor Dumbledore's office. I stood there for literally a second when I realized I didn't have the password. "Lemon drops? Fizzing Whizzbees?"

"Liquorice wand." An old voice said from behind me. I turned around and met Dumbledore's sparkling eyes. "Hello Miss Jones." He said as he passed me and went up the staircase. I followed him up the spiral staircase and took a seat in the small chair across from his desk. He sat across from me, reached into his robes and pulled out the piece of paper that I read only hours ago.

"Miss Jones, may I say first is that you are safe at Hogwarts. Nobody can apparate in or out of the Hogwarts boundaries, and there are plenty of professors that would protect you should anything happen." He paused. "Now, as you may know, You-Know-Who and his armies are rising and that this note is most likely real and you are in danger."

"What should I do professor?" I asked. He sighed.

"Although you will be of age this October, I will be asking you to stay at Hogwarts during Christmas. I haven't thought of what to do during summer, as the situation may simmer down, but as of now, you should stay at Hogwarts." I nodded. "Well, I'm glad that that's settle. You may go to bed now."

I left his office quietly, my mind racing. Why did Bellatrix want me so badly? Did she want me dead? Why me?


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