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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**


"Rowen, sweetie, would you like anything to eat?" Professor McGonagall asked. We were seated in the Headmaster's office, probably waiting for him. 

I was still streaming tears, but I've calmed down for the most part. There was so much racing through my mind. My parents are dead. They were killed by Death Eaters. They were gone and I was alone. We sat in silence, the only sounds were the sounds of my muffled cries. 

Headmaster Dumbldore appeared about ten minutes later, and he gave me a sad look. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents Rowen." He said gently. I wiped my eyes and looked up. 

"What a-am I supposed t-to do s-sir?" I stuttered, trying to catch my breath. He thought for a moment. 

"I'm sad to say that you will have to live with your real parents." I shook my head. I didn't want to believe that for sixteen years of my life, my parents weren't actaully my parents. I was adopted, my real mother didn't want me and that's how I ended up with them. 

"Who are they, do you know?" I asked. He shook his head. "Sir," I started. 

"Yes Miss Jones?" 

"Will I h-have to plan their funeral?" I managed to choke out before breaking out into a new wave of tears. McGonagall helped calm me down once more before Dumbledore spoke to me again. 

"I'll have someone plan it. I don't want you to do anything but rest. You've already had a tough day and it's not even first period." He chuckled lightly. "I'll have Minerva escort you bak to your Common Room, and I don't expect you to attend any more classes for the rest of the week." 

I nodded quietly and stood up, letting the tears fall from my face. "Thank you sir." I choked out. Professor McGonagall escorted me through the corridors and up to the Gryffindor tower. "Thank you professor." She gave me a sad smile before scurrying off. 

I went up to my dormitory and crawled into bed, letting sleep take over in hopes of waking up and realizin it was all a dream. 

Rosie's pov

"Severus, I've already told you, I don't want you hanging out with those creepy Slytherins!" Lily sighed. Severus Snape's face fell. 

"Lily, you don't understa-" Severus started, but was cut off by the flaming red head. 

"I do understand Sev, it's just, those guys are bad news. Please, just be careful." Lily urged. Severus nodded before walking away. Lily walked over to me with a sad look. "I'm afraid for him." 

"You have evey right to be Lils, his friends are interested in the Dark Arts!" I said. "But don't worry to much for him Lily, he knows what right and what's wrong." I added. We walked back to the Common room and sat on the couch. "How do you think Rowe's doing?" I asked. Lily looked into the fire. 

"I haven't seen her since that morning. She's pulled the curtains closed on her bed and won't talk, not even to us." Lily said. 

"I'm worried for her." I added. Lily nodded in agreement. "It's like, I want to comfort her, but I don't know how." At that moment, the portrait opened and in walked Remus and Peter. Remus spotted us and started to walk over. "Lupin, what do you want?" 

Remus frowned. "How is she?" He asked. I didn't reply, so he turned to Lily. 

"She's not talking to anyone." Lily replied. 

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