Back At Hogwarts

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Back at Hogwarts-

"I don't understand why Dumbledore picked one of the Marauders to be a prefect." Lily sighed. We were walking to the Great hall for the feast, and Lily already started her usual 'choice words' about the Marauders. 

"Be thankful it wasn't Potter!" Rosie commented. Lily's face scrunched together. Rosie and I laughed. 

"Oh dearest Rosie, I didn't know you felt that way about me?" A voice said from behind us. Lily and Rosie both stopped walking, but I pushed them forward. 

"Go to the feast, I'll deal with them." I told them both. Lily gave me a grateful look as she tugged Rosie's robe sleeve. Once they disappeared into the sea of returning students, I turned to the four boys. "Why must you always irritate my friends?" I groaned. James smirked at me. 

"I think I had the right to join the conversation after hearing my name." He said smartly. I watched as Sirius eyed me up.

"Why can't you get it into your thick skull that Rosie, Lily and I don't want anything to do with you?" I hissed. James frowned. 

"I'm sorry for being nice Jones!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes at him. It was funny when James was annoyed. I gave him a sarcastic grin, waved, and walked away. 

Finally reaching the Great Hall, I found Lily scanning the room and Rosie staring out into space. Lily's eyes found mine and she smiled. I made my wave over to her and sat into the small gap that she saved me. "Was it bad?" She asked. I shook my head. Rosie noticed me and intently listened. 

"No, he was just being his usual self." I replied. "But I did manage to annoy him a little." I added. The girls grinned at that. 

"When did you become so confident?" Rosie smirked. "The last I remember of Miss Rowen Jones was the fact that she was silent when we were yelling at Potter." I smiled at her. 

"I guess I changed over the summer." I said happily. At that moment, everything became silent as the first years were marched in by Professor McGonagall. "I hope we get a lot of first years." I whispered to them. They nodded in agreement. 


"I'm so full, I don't think I'll be able to eat for the rest of the week!" I groaned, rubbing my tummy. Lily and Rosie laughed as we entered the dormitory. Poor Lily already had trouble trying to lead the first years up to the common room and by the time she found us, she was all frustrated. 

I found our room and smiled. Opening the door, I found my bed, which sat closest to the window. "Home sweet home ladies." Rosie giggled as she dove into her bed, which sat closest to the door. Lily shook her head at Rosie, and sat on her bed which was in between Rosie and I's. 

We all changed into our sleeping wear, and soon it was pitch black in the room. I heard both Rosie and Lily's soft breathing, which indicated they were both fast asleep. But for me? I was wide awake, thinking about the upcoming school year. 

I was really excited, which was unusual for me. As like any student, I usually hated school, but this year, I was excited. Eventually, probably around midnight, I fell asleep. 

I woke up to Rosie hitting me with what felt like some sort of clothing. "Wake up! Can't miss the first day of classes!" She said happily, finally throwing my school robes down and going over to her trunk. I grumbled and groaned as I changed. Lily was already ready and laughing at my moodiness. 

"I don't understand, you've had plenty of sleep." She said, shaking her head. I pulled on one of my shoes. 

"Not when you fell asleep around midnight." I snapped, causing them to laugh. When we reached the Great Hall that morning, I was fully awake, and aware of all the excited whispers that filled the hall. I sat down and ate some toast.

I didn't even finish my toast when McGonagall handed people their timetables. "Miss Jones, here you are." She said quickly as she handed me a piece of paper. "And here's Miss Evans and Miss Colby's." And then she was off, handing other members of Gryffindor their schedules. 

I looked at my timetable and groaned. This was not going to be a fun year. "Any classes with me?" I asked hopefully. Lily and Rosie looked over my schedule, a smile on both of them. 

"I have Charms and Potions with you." Rosie said. We had Charms first. I turned to Lily. 

"Wait, I have Charms and Potions with her too!" Lily grinned. "Oh and also Transfiguration." I sighed. 

"I think this will be a good year guys!" I said happily, but boy, I spoke too soon. As breakfast went on, I happened to overhear the Marauders schedule. "Oh bloody hell!" I curse out, once I finished eavesdropping. 

"Miss Jones! Language!" McGonagall scolded as she walked by. Lily and Rosie looked at me, concerned. 

"Hold on." I mumbled, finishing my second piece of toast and taking a swig of milk. The bell rang, which signaled that we had ten minutes before class started, and I stood up. "Anyway, I have all my classes, with at least one Marauder." Lily and Rosie sighed, as they  realized that they had a class with them as well. 


"Welcome back Fifth years!"  Professor Slughorn said happily. I groaned as Lily and Rosie snickered at me. "Today, for some house points, you will brew the Draught of Peace." I was happy because the people at my table consisted of Rosie, Lily, and Marlene McKinnon, who was a fellow Gryffindor. "But, as a challenge, you will work in pairs that I have previously matched." Everyone groaned as he began to list of the pairs. 

"Roseanna and Lucas, Lily and Severus, James and Marlene, Sirius and Rowen, and finally, Remus and Dylan." I got a laugh when James glared evilly at Severus, but frowned when Sirius took a seat next to me. 

"Hello Jones." He said smoothly. I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Black." He frowned. "What?" I asked as I added the first ingredient to our potion. 

"Why aren't we friends?" He asked, staring at me.I shrugged. 

"You are a bully, cursing innocent people who didn't do anything to you. You break girls hearts, simply because you can. And you've never said one nice thing to me." I replied. 

"Oh." He said simply. Although I tried to ignore it, Sirius weird attitude towards me since yesterday has got me thinking whats up with him. "Here, add the powdered moonstone." He said, while handing me the powder. 


Once potions was over, (Lily and Snape earning five points for their house) I headed to Herbology. I was just rounding a corner when I spotted Remus. "Hey, Remus!" I called. He turned and gave me a smile. He waited for me as I approached him. "Are you heading to Herbology?" I asked, and he nodded. "Good, me too." And then we walked. 

"So, Rowen, how're you?" He asked, putting a book into his school bag. 

"I jut had class with tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber, so not that well." I laughed. Remus smiled. 

"What'd they do?" 

"Well, James was quite moody because Lily's potion partner was Severus. And my potions partner was Sirius, so I'm guessing you could imagine how that went." I replied. He chuckled next to me. 

"Well, on behalf of my friends, I'm sorry you had a bad class." He said. I smiled at him. "Rowen," He said suddenly. 

"Hmm?" I mumbled as we stepped out onto the grounds. 

"Are we friends?" He asked. I thought about it. Remus Lupin was a nice guy, he was smart too. He never cursed or hexxed people like James and Sirius, he was too kind. 

"Yea, we are." I replied as we walked through the door of a greenhouse.


So i may have gotten hurt at a tourney and now i can't move my leg. 

<3 Wren

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