Happier News

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Happier News-

It was the last night of February, when Lily and Rosie came stumbling in through the portrait. "Hey Rowen! Row- Oh, there you are." Rosie called out to me. I smiled up at her. "Alice is looking for you." 

"Alice?" I questioned, closing my book and placing it in my bag. I never really talked to Alice, but she was one of the nicest Gryffindors I've ever met. Well, her and Marlene McKinnon. "Erm, ok, where is she?" 

"She's by the Greenhouses." Lily replied. "You better hurry, she seemed quite flustered." I nodded and was off. The corridors were quite alive today, first years were running up and down the halls and the older students were chatting happily. When I rounded the corner to the Greenhouse, I found Alice pacing back and forth between Greenhouse 2 and 3. 

"Hey Alice!" I called. She looked up and relief washed over her face. She ran up to me and sighed. Alice was very pretty. She had shortish brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a little bit taller than Rosie and a little bit more skinnier than me. "What's up?"

"Hey, I know we don't talk much, and I know you might not really like me-" She started, but I chuckled. 

"Alice," I said slowly. "We're friends. Now tell me what's up." I chuckled. She smiled at me. 

"I know you are good at relationships.." She started, and I smiled at her. This was definietly about her crush on Frank. Frank was this Sixth year Gryffindor whom Alice had a crush on. Everyone knew that Alice liked Frank and Frank liked Alice, but they didn't know about the other. "Well, Frank asked me to go on a Hogsmeade date and I don't know what to do! I reaaaaally like him and I guess I'm just so nervouse- Oh Rowen, can you help me?" 

"Of course Alice!" I said with glee. I sat down on the cobblestone steps and she followed suit. "Ok, first of all, what did you say to him?" She chuckled. And this is what began our friendship. 

Alice and Frank, the week following their Hogsmeade date got together, and Alice became closer with Lily, Rosie and I. And not only that, Frank Longbottom became good friends with James, Sirius, Remus and Peter.


"Good morning!" Someone yelled in my ear. I let out a shriek and promptly rolled out of bed. I bumped my head on my dresser and cursed. 

"Bloody hell Sirius!" I hissed. He chuckled as he bounced up and down on my bed. "You git. What do you want? It's six in the morning!" I yelled. I heard groans and realized I had woken up Lily and Rosie. 

"Remus told me to get you." He smirked, and my head shot up. "Something about Voldemort." I gasped and stood up quickly. Despite the fact that I was in a tank top and shorts, I ran down the steps of the girls dormitory and up the boys, quickly finding the Marauders room and opening up their doors. James was standing by the window in his boxers, one leg into the unform pants and one let out. Peter was tying his tie infront of the mirror, and Remus was grinning from ear to ear on his bed. 

When he saw me he ran up to me, snaked his arms around my waist and kissed me on the lips. I sank into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, longing to be closer to him, as if that was possible. I was breathless when we parted. "Bloody hell Remus, what was that for." I said in a whisper. 

"Dumbledore just owled me." He murmured. "He said that Voldemort has stopped recruiting the Werewolves and that for now you aren't in danger." He said. I grinned. 

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