Valentine's Day

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Valentine's Day-

When the hall of Hogwarts start to litter with pink and red hearts, you know it's the month of February. Girls become giddy and boys become more socially awkward. Today, February Twelfth, I found myself in the library. I was turning the pages of an old book about house elves. My head was rested on my hand, which was propped up by my elbow. 

As I turned the page once more, I noticed some sit across from me. I smiled when I realized it was Remus. "Hello Mr. Lupin." I said. He chuckled as he emptied the contents of his bag on the table. He had a leather notebook, parchment, a quill and a bottle of ink. "May I ask what you are doing?" 

"I am finishing Professor Slughorn's essay on Polyjuice Potion." He replied, dipping his quill in the bottle of ink. "Did you finish it?" I looked down at the book, knowing I wouldn't be able to continue. 

"Yes, I finished in class." I said. "Hey Remus, did you hear about the Death Eaters?" He looked up and ours locked. He shook his head. "Apparently, there has been sightings of them down in London. They're increasing their appearances in public." 

Remus sighed. "This isn't looking well for our side." I gave him a sad smile. 

"Hey, we'll get through this. Our side of the war is definitely going to win. There is no way that Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic, or the Auror department is going to allow them to take over." I said hopefully. He smiled at me. "So, what are you doing this Valentine's day?" He asked suddenly. I sighed. 

"I was thinking about going down to Hogsmeade to get some new books." I replied as I turned the page of the book I was previously reading. "The owner of Tomes and Scrolls sent an owl, they just got a new shipment of books." I added. 

"That's it?" He said in disbelief. "That's all your going to do?" I nodded. "Oh come on now Rowen, it's Valentine's day! Why don't you go hang out with Lily or Rosie?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Lily said she refuses to leave the dorm on Valentine's day. I guess she's afraid that James will try to make a move on her or something." I said. "And Rosie is going out with Sirius, didn't you know that?" Remus shook his head.

"Him and James have been quieter than usual. Probably because so many girls are chasing after them and they only each want one girl." Remus replied. "Even Peter has been acting unusual." I gave up reading this old book and shut it closed. I folded my hands neatly . "What are you planning on doing Mr. Nosey?" 

"I was going to do whatever you were going to do." He said. I rolled my eyes. "What?" 

"Are you just going to tag along with everything?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"Only if you want me too."  He said slyly. I sighed. 

"Well, it looks like your joining me to the bookstore. And whatever else I feel like doing." I said, grabbing my book and placing it my bag. "Well, I must go now, I promised Rosie I'd hang out with her tonight. Apparently, I've been a little distant?" I said with a chuckle. "Care to join me back to the common room?" He nodded. 

And so we began our journey from the library to the common room. There was a two foot gap between us. And there was little sound around us. I turned my head and  looked at Remus, and I mean really looked. "Yes?" He mumbled. 

"Shh.. I'm just observing." I replied. Remus' hair has definitely become longer, as I realized it was messier than usual. He had a little stubble, and his eyes had  small bags underneath them. I noticed he grew taller, as the top of my head usually reached the bottom of his ear, and it did no longer. "Hey Rem." 


"You've been under some stress, haven't you?" I said, my voice airey. He nodded. "I think you should go get some rest." I replied. And he nodded gratefully. 


"Wake up you twat it's almost time to go." I hissed. I practically pushed Remus off his bed, and he fell the rest of the way. He let out a howl of pain and disturbed the sleeping Peter and James. "What's a matter Potter? A handsome guy like yourself doesn't have any plans for this glorious day?" I snickered. He threw a pillow at me. 

"Iowlnywawntlily." He groaned. 

"Come again?" I chuckled. I removed the piece of cloth that was blocking his mouth. 

"I said I only want Lily." He snapped. As Remus stood up, I laughed. 

"Remus, put some pants on and hurry up!" I smiled. He turned slightly red and went over to his dresser. I turned back to James. "James Potter, I promise you , but  Seventh year Lily will be swooning over you." He gave me a crooked smile. "Where's my brother?" He rolled his eyes. 

"Shouldn't you know? He and Rosie had an early start." He said. I stuck my tongue out and gagged. 

"It freaks me out that my brother and best friend are going out." I said. I felt an arm on shoulder, and found a fully dressed Remus behind me. "Finally." 

"Oh don't worry yourself." He chuckled, "Your books are going to still be there." James laughed. 

"You guys are going to Tomes and Scrolls on Valentine's day? That's pathetic." I gave him a look. I pulled Remus towards the door and he walked through. 

"At least we have each other on Valentine's day." I said as I walked out the room. I had a smile on my face as Remus and I left. 

Tomes and Scroll was a favorite of mine. There was aisles and aisles of books that reached the ceiling. I smiled when the tinkle of a bell sounded as we entered the store. "Hello Rowen! It's so nice to see you again." The old lady said from behind the counter. Her and her husband owned the store, and they really enjoyed having me there."Oh, and whose this?" 

I turned to Remus. "This is Remus Lupin. We're.. er.. best friends." And Remus nodded. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Remus." The lady smiled, as she turned the page to the book in her lap. I walked up to the counter. 

"So what do you recommend?" I asked. Her eyes lit up. 

"Try aisle four, two shelves up." She said, and I pulled Remus by the hand to the aisle. Remus leaned down and whispered in my ear. 

"I'm buying." He whispered, and I smiled as his breath tickled my ear. I picked up a thin book. 

"Remus, you know I won't allow that." He just smiled. 

Remus and I ended up splitting the cost of the books, after much arguing. And then after, we went to the Three Broomsticks and got some butterbeers. We sat in a small booth, close to each other. I sipped at my butterbeer. "Happy Valentine's day Rem." I smiled. He put his arm over my shoulder and gave a hug. 

"I think you can say happy unofficial fourth date." He chuckled. "So, where are you going this summer?" He asked. 

"Well, I overheard that Sirius was going to buy a house or flat and I was just going to ask to have a room. Otherwise, I'd be screwed." I laughed. I picked up my glass and sipped my butterbeer once more. We sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. After about twenty minutes, I picked up my bag of books. "Want to walk back to the castle?" He nodded. 

The walk back to the castle was filled with many laughs, smiles and a few hugs. And at the end of the day, I was able to confidently say that Remus John Lupin was my best friend.


I'm  in a real shitty mood right now. 


<3 Wren

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