A Midsummer's Night Dream

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

A Midsummer's Night Dream-

"I can't believe we're doing this!" I laughed. Sirius chuckled as he waved his wand. Decorations flew from the grounds and wrapped themselves around the trees. What was happening was Sirius and I got tired of doing nothing, so he came up with this idea to have a party. It was just going to be a party with the Marauders and my friends, but it was going to be really fun.

"This is going to be epic." He chuckled. I waved my wand and food floated from out the window and onto the table. "Did you get firewhiskey?"

"Of course I did!" I replied, having the bottles also float from the kitchen. "When are they coming?" I asked, and a few seconds later, I heard a pop!

"Rowen!" Lily and Rosie cried. I turned around and my two friends ran towards me. They engulfed me in a hug. "It's been far to long." Rosie commented.

"I know. I know." I said. "Hey, will you help us set up?" I asked them, and they both whipped out their wands. They helped Sirius with the decorations while I set up the second table. It was almost six when James had arrived with Remus and Peter.

"Let's party!" James cried. Lily giggled as she transfigured a rock into a stereo and music started blaring. We all placed our wands on the table and began danicng. There were many laughs. I watched as Rosie and Sirius danced along with each other. Peter had rested a little and took a swig of the firewhisky.

Although Lily was stubborn, she let her hair down and began dancing with James, who was smiling happily. Remus and I were also danicng around to the music. "This is awesome!" I shouted over the music. Remus grinned at me.


Third Person POV-

"Tell me why we don't just go get the girl now?" A rather shady looking man whispered. Bellatrix growled at the man.

"Because you swine, our Lord told us to wait!" She hissed. Bellatrix turned her head back to the children who were dancing idiotically. "Look at them." She ordered to the men who were behind her.

"They're fiflth!" One of the men shouted. Bellatrix smiled slightly.

"They won't know what hit them." She whispered in a low, hungry voice. She apparated a moment later.


After hours of dancing, we all sat around the table. James had started munching on some crisps. Lily and Rosie were sharing a piece of pie. Sirius was munching hungrily on a piece of chicken. "Sirius, this is the best idea you've ever had." I said to him, after taking another bite of a piece of a cake.

"It actually wasn't my idea." Sirius commented. I turned to him. "It was Remus'." I looked at Remus.

"What-" I started, but he cut me off. He grabbed my hand and stood up.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.I gave him a strange look and looked around at my friends. They were all grinning and smirking at me. I got up and followed Remus. We traveled towards the river, which ran behind Sirius' home. We stopped a little short of it, and he turned to me. "Rowen, do you love me?" He asked. I made a strange noise, and uttered a small laugh.

"Of course I love you!" I said enthusiastically. He grinned.

"And do you care that I put you in danger every full moon?" He asked. I shook my head.

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