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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**


I left Hogwarts Saturday night, having taken the Floo Network directly to my home. Everything around me was in boxes and the large furniture was gone. I climbed up the stairs, and was relieved that my room had been untouched. 

"Rowe, sweetie? Is that you?" Someone called from downstairs. That was my dad's sister. 

"Yea Aunt Aly, it's me!" I called back. With a final glance of my room, I descended the stairs and received a hug. "Hey." I breathed out. She held me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes. 

"You've grown up so much Rowe." She sighed. "How've you been?" She asked, taking a seat at the table. I copied her move and sat across from her. 

"I've been okay," I replied simply. She frowned slightly. 

"How's that boarding school you're going to?" She asked. I chuckled. Of course Aunt Aly knew nothing of the wizarding world, all she knows is that I leave at the beginning of September and then come back right before summer. 

"It's alright, I still have Lily and Rosie." I replied. She smiled. "Also, I've made another friend. His name's Remus." She lifted and eyebrow at me. 

"Oh, a boy." She giggled. I rolled my eyes. 

"We're just friends!" I retorted. She smiled at me.

"Tell me about him." She demanded. 

"He's really nice, very sweet. He's a proper gentlemen, loves books almost as much as I do, and he seems to be protective over me." I told her. "But the thing is, he hangs out with this group that thinks they rule the school, but he isn't like them at all." 

"Do you like him?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment. 

"I guess you can say I have a tiny crush on him. But I think he sees me as a little sister or something." 


"Rowe sweetie, it's time to get up." Aunt Aly said. I had a small fright when I forgot I was in my room. It was Sunday morning, the day of my parent's funeral. And I was not ready. I didn't know how I was going to react to seeing my parents in a casket, side by side. I also didn't who or how many people were going to show up. 

I rolled out of bed and brushed through my wavy black hair. When it became relatively straight, I shimmied into a simple black dress and black heels. I didn't bother with the makeup, as I knew it would run. 

I trudged downstairs and was met by my Aunt, who gave me some toast. We ate in silence. 

When the time came for us to leave, my heart started pounding. We sat in a small car, driven by my uncle and when we arrived at the funeral home, I was trying hard not to cry. There was a large group of people at the entrance, some people inside some people outside. My uncle parked the car and we all go out. 

On our way towards the entrance, several people greeted me and my aunt. I recognized most of the people, and were happy that they showed. At ten o'clock sharp, everyone was seated inside the medium sized room and I was walking towards my seat when someone hugged me from behind. 

I turned around and was surprised at the group that stood in front of me. Lily was hugging me, Rosie was giving me a sympathetic look, Remus was staring at the two caskets, and James, Sirius and Peter were awkwardly standing there. "W-What are you guys doing here?" I mumbled. Remus stepped up towards me and gave me a hug. 

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