Bellatrix Black

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Bellatrix Black- 

Orion yelled at me for my answer, and I fled the study. I ran back upstairs and into Sirius' room, where I noticed he had already unpacked. Sirius gave me a look when I slammed the door shut and slid down to the ground. "May I help you?" He asked. 

I took a deep breath. "Our father is a menace!" I sighed. He nodded. 

"Welcome to my world. Atleast mum likes you." He said, looking out the window. I started to laugh. 

"I highly doubt she'll like me any longer after she finds out that everything i said last summer was a complete lie." I said. "I'm everything she doesn't like, a Gryffindor, a person who could care less for blood status, and I definitely do not support that... what's his name? You know, the evil guy? Ehh never mind. " Sirius sat up on his bed 

"Hmm.. It turns out we are more alike then I thought." Sirius said. He sat up and gave me a look. "I feel bad for you Rowe, I mean, I've been living in this hell all my life but you were kind of just thrown into here." 

I sighed. "I just can't believe she gave me up." I admitted. "Just because she thought I was a Squib!" 

"Sirius! Cassiopea! Dinner!" Someone called, interrupting my thoughts. Sirius stood up and opened the door. 

"Alright, let's get this over with." 

Dinner was an absolute mess. Orion would not stop giving me the coldest look and Walburga was correcting me on everything. "Cassiopea, sit up straighter, and get your elbows off the table." She told me. Sirius snickered at me. I elbowed him in the ribs and did as my mother told. "So," She looked at her three children, "Your cousin Bellatrix is coming over-" Sirius spit out his drink. "Sirius! Anyways, she wants to meet you Cassiopea, and I expect you to be on your best behavior." 

"You can't be serious? You're introducing her to our crazy cousin?" Sirius asked. Walburga looked enraged. 

"HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR COUSIN LIKE THAT!" She yelled. Sirius rolled his eyes. "What she is doing is the right thing." Walburga said, calming herself down. She turned to me. "I do hope you follow in her footsteps, she'll be talking to you about it tonight." I nodded and returned to my dinner. 

I was walking back up the stairs from dinner when Sirius caught up to me. "Don't piss Bellatrix off, she's crazy." He said to me. I cocked my head. 

"I've heard bad things about her, but I don't exactly know what she does." I admitted. Sirius' face turned cold. 

"She's a death eater, a follower of You-Know-Who." Sirius said.  My heart started beating faster. 

"And Walburga wants me to be like her? A crazy maniac?" I said. Sirius nodded. 

"She more or less wants you to wipe all inferior races off the planet. We're Purebloods, and in her eyes, better. Anyways, Bellatrix is bloody mental!" He was about to say more when the doorbell rang. My eyes widened in horror. 

"Cassiopea get down here!" Orion called. Sirius, surprisingly gave me a hug before I descended the stairs. Walburga opened the door and there she was. Sirius was right when he said she was crazy. My first impression was definitely that she was a maniac She had wild hair and crazed eyes. She wore tight black clothing that only increased her intimidating glow. 

"Hello Aunt Walburga." Bellatrix said in an almost mocking tone. "It's good to see you." Walburga looked nervous.

"You are looking well Bellatrix." Walburga said, moving herself to the side and allowing Bellatrix in. Bellatrix locked eyes with me and gave a smirk. 

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