24 Hours To Live • Eazy-E

By moonwalkbae

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A story in which a boy lives his final twenty four hours on Earth after being haunted by his past. 2016 // ©... More

Author's Note
The Final Twenty-Four | 1
The Final Twenty-Four | 2
The Final Twenty-Four | 3
The Final Twenty-Four | 4
The Final Twenty-Four | 5
The Final Twenty-Four | 6
The Final Twenty-Four | 7
The Final Twenty-Four | 8
The Final Twenty-Four | 9
The Final Twenty-Four | 10
The Final Twenty-Four | 11
The Final Twenty-Four | 12
The Final Twenty-Four | 13
The Final Twenty-Four | 14
The Final Twenty-Four | 15
The Final Twenty-Four | 16
The Final Twenty-Four | 17
The Final Twenty-Four | 18
The Final Twenty-Four | 19
The Final Twenty-Four | 20
The Final Twenty-Four | 21
The Final Twenty-Four | 22
The Final Twenty-Four | 23
The Final Twenty-Four | 24
The Final Twenty-Four | 25
The Final Twenty-Four | 26
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The Final Twenty-Four | 29
The Final Twenty-Four | 30
The Final Twenty-Four | 31
The Final Twenty-Four | 32
The Final Twenty-Four | 33
The Final Twenty-Four | 34
The Final Twenty-Four | 35
The Final Twenty-Four | 36
The Final Twenty-Four | 37
The Final Twenty-Four | 38
Thank You


298 40 273
By moonwalkbae


The guards transferred me to the death house, which is the last and final step before I get executed.

The biggest fight of my life, death row.

"Let's go Wright. This is the final twenty-four hours of your life," he spat.


Right when I opened my eyes, I realized that it's time to begin the countdown. The final twenty-four hours until my execution.

A week after Tomica and I got married, and it was an emergency wedding because now is the time to get down to business. I know that I need to hand everything to her, including my company. When you're near death in any way, you wake up and realize that you need to get your house in order and fast. Just like what my grandma used to say.

And now is the time to get my house in order.

For some strange reason, it feels like I've been in a coma or a deep sleep because when I woke up in my suite, I didn't know where the hell I was. Everything looked and felt so different, the environment. I had to blink a couple of times just to snap back into reality.

I spent the rest of my sentence in a private suite courtesy of Thomas. I had bad vibes about the guy when I first met him but once we got to know each other, he looked out for me and I can't think him enough.

As well as my fans. They've fought their asses off for me. For the past two weeks, they have stood in front of the prison gate screaming and yelling at the guards, demanding them to free me and send me home.

The year is 1995 and I honestly can't remember everything that happened in 1990 or 1992. Everything is a blur, all I know is I'm about to pay for it.

Tomica wrote me a couple of days ago just to tell me that she almost lost the baby due to stress and frustration.

She can't have a miscarriage. Not when I made her promise me that she wouldn't lose the baby in any way or sell my company. I'm thankful and blessed that the guards gave me permission to knock her up again, I just want to make sure I leave a piece of me on this world.

But Tomica Woods-Wright is my world. Always have been and always will be.

I held on to my wedding ring. Back in 1990, I didn't see myself marrying this girl. As a matter of fact, I hated her.

I received thousands of letters as usual and read a big majority of them. Even though my execution is twenty-four hours away, my fans are still trying to fight for me.

My eyes began to water and my lips started to tremble. Next thing I know, it happened. But, there's nothing wrong with crying.

I've had this balled up in me since 1992. These are tears of anger, confusion, and frustration. But I know that God has something in store for me on the other side.

Heaven's on the other side, is what my grandma used to always say.

My house is in order, well at least I think it is. I've written my last and final statement to my fans in which I requested Sweeney to read to them after my death. I married the love of my life and knocked her up for the second time, I've said my final goodbyes to my family and friends.

The last moments of my life were well deserved, well deserved.

The guards talked me through everything in regards to executions. They don't just walk an inmate to the death chamber and execute them, they have to follow a policy step by step, hour by hour, minute by minute.

A month ago, another inmate had to face the firing squad. It's not an easy way to go but it's fast.

Prior to leaving death row and heading to the death house, I have to get searched by the guards; just to make sure that I'm not carrying a weapon of any form in order to commit suicide to cheat my execution.

"Alright wiggle your arms, hands, and I even want you to stick your tongue out," he demanded.

After being searched, they handcuffed me and escorted me out.

"Let's go Wright. This is the final twenty-four hours of your life," he spat "are you ready?"

The transport process is probably the best and only chance I had to escape, but it is the last time I'll see the light of the day.

The ride to the death house was about a forty five minute drive.


"Watch your step," he muttered while they continued to escort me inside.

There's enough guards shielding me to protect the President.

During my last week on death row, I was given a last meal request to give to the death row chef.

I didn't have the appetite to even decide on what I wanted my last meal to be because it's literally going to be my last meal, my last full meal on this Earth.

I finally decided to request a hamburger and fries because it's simple and was told that it's sort of "comfort food" for inmates.

But, I had to remind myself that I finally have the opportunity to eat a meal that I haven't eaten in years.

They continued to escort me into my private cell and slammed the doors shut. These doors are going to remain shut until it's time for the execution to take place.


"There's twenty-one hours left until execution," he said before walking away.

On my way to the death house, I was informed that my fans, friends, and family are crying their eyes out while protesting. That's love and I'm blessed beyond measures.

I met a Reverend who's playing a role in trying to keep me relaxed and calm, until it's time for me to die.

Everything that came out of his mouth went out the other ear. There's nothing he can say or do, that can keep me relaxed until they put me to sleep.


Approximately ten hours passed and it's now nighttime. Seems like time is speeding by and my execution date and death row sentence has made headlining news.

I couldn't sleep but I forced myself. I tossed and turned in this small ass bed with my hands in my pockets, wishing that this is just a bad nightmare.

The guards are outside watching my every move. Making sure that I don't harm myself in anyway.

March 26, 1995

The next morning, I was allowed to shower and used the phone to make one last call. I used this opportunity to call my mom and they had to dial the number for me of course.

Thank God she answered.

I was allowed to choose witnesses but I decided to choose no one. I was determined that my friends and family will not watch the state kill me.


Two hours later, I ate my last meal. The last meal that I requested which was a hamburger and French fries. Something that I haven't had in three years.

After I finished, I continued to sit in my bed shaking my head while holding back tears. Time is speeding by, my life is speeding by.


The warden approached my cell, and told me to follow him to the death chamber. I stood up and headed towards the door, with two guards shielding the front of me while two other guards are shielding the back of me.

On my way to the death chamber, I kept having frequent flashbacks of the day I was sentenced to death row.

"Eric Lynn Wright. For your crime against the people of this city, and of this great country... this court hereby sentences you capital punishment."


As soon as I stepped into the death chamber, the first thing I noticed was the gurney. And that walk... felt like a long walk even for the guards.

They encouraged me to lay down while they strapped me. My heart is beating extremely too fast, simply because I'm going to die.

The warden says it's time for me to make my last and final statement.


"Well I'm sorry for what I've done. And to my fans I would like to say to my fans, thanks for all your support and stay true to the game. And don't never believe people who tell lies."

The warden lowered his glasses and it was time for the executioner to do what he had to do.

We're less than fifteen minutes away and right now, so many things are flowing through my head right now.

I'm strapped to a gurney, getting ready to die. Everything is setup. The drugs, everything. You name it, it's here.

I closed my eyes and everything was black for a few minutes.

When I woke up, I realize that I'm still alive of course. The warden is still standing over me while the first drug is inserted in my vein.


The second drug, which will paralyze me, was then inserted. And sure enough, it paralyzed me.

They waited a few more minutes before inserting Potassium Chloride, which stops the heart.





| Third Person |

The execution is not complete until a medical doctor checks the body for vital signs.

She looks at the clock. "Time of death, 6:28 pm," she muttered.

"In Los Angeles this evening, rapper Eazy-E has been executed at approximately 6:28 pm. The rapper has received thousands and thousands of calls as well as letters from fans and family."

"He was a visionary as well as a smart businessman and loving father. He was the founder and leader of NWA. Wright was 30 years old."

Outside of San Quentin State Prison, thousands and thousands of Eazy's fans as well as friends and family gathered around while holding lit candles, posters, albums, and banners.

Others even threw rose petals in front of the gate in honor of the rapper's death.

Ron Sweeney smiled and gave Tomica Woods-Wright a hug before reading the letter written by Eric.

"Eazy wrote me a letter to read to his fans and family," he started.

He continued to read before finishing with "but I want to say much love to those who have been down with me. And thanks, for your support."



A story in which a boy lives his final twenty four hours on Earth after being haunted by his past.

Don't delete this story just yet. Yes it's finished but I still gotta write the "Thank You" chapter which is coming in a few hours.

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