The Final Twenty-Four | 5

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Thanks for 1k comments already, y'all are lit asf. And shoutout to my loyal readers, the ones who have supported me since day one. The ones who will stick with me throughout an entire book and won't drop like flies. The book for you, which will probably be Cinderella, is coming.

"And I need the rest of N.W.A. right here, right now. The party is over for you guys, you have things to do, a track to complete."

"Jerry how did you-"

"Don't worry about how I found out. Eric Lynn Wright, let's go!" he yelled.

"What up Jerry? What took you so long to find us?" Eric chuckled.

Ruthless Records

"I hope you're ready for one hell of a lecture and I don't care what time it is. You are not going to like my attitude right now but can you blame me?! Your next studio session is going to be just like boot camp, I promise," Jerry spat.

"Jerry it's not that damn serious," said Dre "we just wanted to have a little fun. You get tired of sitting in a hot ass studio all damn day long and we weren't coming up with anything."

"Well just wait til your next studio session, it's not going to be pretty guys I promise. You think you can handle running suicides and performing push-ups?"

"The hell?" Ren questioned.

"Sir, did I ask you to talk? No I did not. Next time I see you, you owe me sixty suicides and two hundred and fifty push-ups."

"We ain't on the damn track team man," I spat.

"You know what Eric you're right, you're absolutely right. But I don't care if you're not on the track team and you're also not on the debate team either so I don't believe I asked for your opinion now did I?"

I licked my lips. "Just saying and last time I checked, I believe you work for me, I don't work for you. So all of this extra shit is irrelevant."

He took a few steps closer. "You are one hundred percent correct Eric, yeah I do work for you and you can fire my ass but we made a deal. You promised me that you would not leave this studio until your track is complete, now did we not make a deal?"

"We ain't nowhere near finished Jerry but we're going to complete it damn. We're already planning the music video as well," said Ren.

"Well because Lorenzo and Eric decided to keep interrupting my lecture by throwing in their two cents, that's eighty suicides and three hundred push-ups for Dre and Yella."

"What you mean for Yella and me?"

"Just what it sounds like Dre, did I stutter?"

"No sir," he mumbled.

"Okay. Now since Eric and Ren are the debaters, they owe me one hundred suicides and three hundred and fifty push-ups."

"Are you serious?" Ren stood up "just because we decided to ditch this place and go to a pool party? Jerry we were personally invited, I know this girl we went to school together."

"Sit down Ren. And I know it's not that serious but you promised me and you broke that promise. And because of you, I had to track you down by listening to the radio, that's how I found you. N.W.A. attending that pool party made headlining news, or shall I say Boyz to Men."

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