The Final Twenty-Four | 17

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This story is going to have a huge plot twist, like seriously. I'm still outlining it and I should hate myself for it because this character is going to end up being the bad guy lol.

Just know that everything is going to start making sense later on in the story.


This feels like a romantic movie. You know, the scene where the lovers romantically kiss in the rain. Yeah, that's what it feels like.

What a day. I got into it with Eric at my job, went to his crib to apologize, went on a "friendly date", received an anonymous phone call, almost got my ass killed, and it ends with a kiss in the rain.

This is better than sex because that's what we're using each other for. This boy is making me feel some type of way slowly but surely.

Right now we're just two friends having sex but I can't wait until it turns into something else.

| Eric |

About an hour later, we both took a long, hot shower and dried ourselves off. For some strange reason, I started to feel weak and lightheaded.

Then out of nowhere, I started coughing and wheezing. I searched everywhere for my inhaler but couldn't find it.

The coughs got louder and my chest felt tighter. My bronchitis decides to act up just when things are going well and on top of that, my inhaler is nowhere to be found.

[A/N: does anybody know if he had asthma as well? I know he had bronchitis but did he have asthma too? I need to know for future chapters]

I made my way to the kitchen and made a tall glass of water. I continued to take deep breathes and my chest felt heavier and heavier.

Just when I was about to call an ambulance...

"Is this yours?" she asked while holding my inhaler "I found it in the bathroom."

I couldn't speak obviously due to heavy breathing and wheezing. And Tomica is hands down the dumbest bitch ever because she can clearly see that I'm grasping for air and slightly coughing, yet she still asks if the inhaler belongs to me.

I snatched it from her and starting coughing again. I held my hand up, telling her to back up and she did.

Now I just hope that it's not empty.

"You good? Do you want me to call an ambulance?"

My vision started to get blurry and I began to shake it. After removing the cap, I breathed out and brought it to my mouth before breathing in slowly.

I removed it from my mouth and held my breathe for about ten seconds, then breathed out.

Seconds later, my chest felt tight again and I started taking deep breathes.

"Eric do you want me to call an ambulance? Well, I'm gonna call one anyway."

I waved my hand, letting her know that I'm fine. I tried to open my mouth to talk but all I did was let out a few coughs.

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