The Final Twenty-Four | 13

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Ugh Wattpad can choke on a dick and die. Sorry for the false alarm earlier but here is the chapter. And I have a new cover theme, let me know if you guys like it.

Also I'm thinking about trying a new theme. Black and white is my signature but I've been thinking about red/floral but that's way out of my field lol.

Oh and I know I'm so late but thanks for 2,000 comments. This book is gonna end up having a shitload of comments lmao.


"Scooter ain't yo fucking business. This is between him and Worm."

"Like hell. And yeah looks like I need to send you a little message haha mafia style."

"Aye I got a bullet for whoever fucks with Scooter."

"Scooter?" he laughed "I wasn't talking about him... Eric."

Annoyed, I instantly hung up the phone and called my assistant in.

"Yes sir?"

"I thought I politely asked you to block his number," I said with a straight face, confused as to how his number went through.

"You did. Was it the same guy who called the other day? If so, I made sure that his number was blocked."

"Well he just called...unless he called from another number," I licked my lips.

"Yes that makes sense. But of course, I can block that number as well."


"Are you okay Mr. Wright? Lately you've been acting different. Who is the guy that keeps calling?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it. He's nobody. I just don't want him calling my studio, so I want you to make sure that the number he just called from is blocked, okay?"

She nodded and I met the crew after checking my pager.

"Hey Eric who called?" Jerry asked.

"Nobody.. nobody important."

"Aye there go Toe-Touch on KTLA News," Yella chuckled while adjusting the volume.

"You mean Tomica," Dre corrected.

"Stop correcting me! Ain't that what I said?"

"Los Angeles street gangs are becoming more and more dangerous. The Los Angeles Police Department are still looking for the three young men that robbed City National Bank."

"Since when is Tomica a news reporter?" Ren asked.

"She's not. She's a record assistant or some shit like that. She's just a featured guest and her topic is gang violence," I muttered while checking my pager.

"LAPD and the rest of the city of Los Angeles is challenging you to call 1-800-SNITCH if you know anything about the robbery and the suspects."

"Do you guys know anything about it?" Jerry asked "oh God these thugs are making L.A. a very dangerous city."

"Well at least they're caught on video. We just can't see their faces because they were running too fast," said Yella.

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