The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter ten

547 48 24
By asdflkjhg5sos

Whoooooo updateeee

40+ comments pls. Comments mean more updates


Luke was refusing to go to his Art class the next day, he couldn't see Reece and not think about what he'd seen, what he'd figured out. He was kind of terrified but also intrigued to find out more, but the fear completely overcame that, it made Luke want to curl in to a ball.

Even though he was missing his first class, he slept in and got ready for his History class. He went to his lesson and sat through it until he received a message. Luke bit his lip as he stared at the message, it was from Reece.

From: Reece
We need to talk

Luke quickly texted a response, and sighed.

To: Reece
I need time, please

Luke shoved his phone in his bag and concentrated on his lesson. Once the class had ended, Luke grabbed his bag and left the classroom, only to pause when he saw Reece standing outside and leaning against a grey pillar. Reece was staring right at Luke and now the blond couldn't escape and run away because there was no doubt Reece would catch up to him.

Reece walked up to Luke, not saying anything until everyone had left, once they did he looked down at Luke, "we need to talk."

Luke shook his head, "no." He said, taking a step away and walking past Reece. The brunette sighed loudly and followed after Luke.

"Baby come on."

Luke rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his heart fluttered at the pet name. He stayed quiet as he walked to his dorm.

"You didn't come to art today." Reece said, trying to get Luke to talk to him, continuing to follow him. "It was a bit boring without you, I got stuck with Calum the whole time, he's very boring."

"Rude." Luke mumbled.

Reece groaned, "Luke you clearly know what I am."

Luke suddenly turned around, ending up hitting Reece's chest, he took a step back before punching Reece's chest. "I know about you and Michael!" Luke exclaimed.

"Good." Reece said, before picking Luke up and throwing him over his shoulder easily. Luke squealed loudly, his hands grasping at Reece's jacket tightly. Luke slumped against the older boy and let him carry him away. They ended up in the dorms, Reece opening Luke's dorm room easily and then putting Luke down, "shut up for a moment." Reece said.

Luke opened his mouth to complain when Reece grabbed his wrist and took off the bracelet Calum had given him, throwing it on the floor.

"Hey!" Luke yelled, "that's a present!"

Reece then grabbed Luke's face with his hands, Luke's heart dropping in to his stomach at the sight of Reece's bright red eyes. Then Reece leant down and pressed his mouth to Luke's, the blond's head falling in to a whirlwind of Reece's memories.

The year was 1603, when Reece first turned.

The plague in England was spreading quickly and Reece was sick. His body was in cold sweats and his fever was in the high nineties. His skin was pale, showing the dull blue veins beneath his skin, he was skinny and malnourished, everything he ate was brought up again. His skin was covered in nasty blotches and boils, making him almost unrecognisable.

Reece was coughing up blood as he keeled over a bucket, that was shoved right next to the bed, he was too weak to get out of bed. As Reece rested his head down again he heard the bedroom door open, making him crane his head to see a man in an all black suit, and a white mask covering his mouth. "Who a-are you?" Reece asked, his throat scratchy.

The man came forward, sitting on the edge of the bed and took off his mask, a large grin on his face. "I am a doctor." He said softly. "How long have you been sick?"

"Days, sir." Reece responded, the plague developed rapidly.

The doctor nodded and then opened his small, leather bag, and took out a small flask shaped bottle filled with a red liquid. "Take this and you will feel better soon." The doctor said and Reece of course listened and let the man pour it in to his mouth. Reece had to get better to look after his sister, she was the only thing he had left, they were alone together now.

The liquid tasted copper-y making Reece furrow his brows, it tasted like the blood that kept being coughed up.

The doctor then put the flask away in to his small bag and stood up, "you won't last the night boy." He said, making Reece panic.

"No! No please!" Reece begged, trying to grab a hold of the mans sleeve but he left the room as quickly as he'd entered. Reece groaned in defeat before he rolled over and buried his head in his hands.

Reece didn't even last the night, his body being found that evening by the nurse serving him supper.

However, Reece's life also changed that night.

Reece awoke with a gasp, throwing the sheet off of his body, he scrambled to get out of the bed and fell on to the wood floor. "Oh my god." Reece breathed heavily, feeling his jaw ache and his skin itch. He got to his feet quickly and looked in the mirror, his face was free of the nasty boils and blotches of the plague and he looked less pale and he looked...alive.

Then he heard the door open, and the nurse that had found his dead body stood there in shock horror. "Y-you died, sir."

Reece stared at her, then at the exposed parts of her body from the dress she wore, and the way her neck pulsed and them Reece was lunging at her and tearing her sweet neck to shreds with his teeth.

Luke suddenly gasped, pushing Reece's hands away and falling backwards on to his bed. Reece stood above him, emotionless, and Luke looked so confused and baffled and so afraid that Reece almost wanted to comfort him. Reece then sat down on Ashton's bed, "there, you know."

Luke stared at him for a long few seconds before he stood up, walking around his bed and picking up the yearbook he had found from Stephanie's home. Luke sat down again and opened the book to the page of Michael and Stephanie in the seventies.

Reece read it, nodding, "I remember that night, vaguely."

"What happened?" Luke asked, he had to know why Stephanie had to die.

Reece sighed, "I had been locked up for a few years and my sister had finally let me out and I hadn't drank anything in so long so I had heard the party and went for it. I saw Michael first and I attacked him but what I didn't know was that one of the other vampires had healed him the day before, so he changed. I killed the other eleven kids." Reece shrugged nonchalantly, like mass homocide wasn't a crime worthy of the death penalty.

"What happened to Stephanie Turner?"

"Who?" Reece asked.

Luke rolled his eyes, "the survivor, the one I had talked to."

"Ohh, her." Reece said, "yeah I killed her." He shrugged, "no biggie."

"Why?" Luke questioned, "she didn't deserve it."

Reece sighed, "She told you about there being monsters, about me, she couldn't tell you anymore than she already had."

Luke scoffed, "that's stupid, she didn't know anything, and all I was doing was writing a paper for my history class."

"I didn't want you to know, I could hurt you Luke and I wanted you to think I was human so this went simpler and easier." Reece explained and Luke looked down at how happy Stephanie and Michael were in the photograph, Michael must have hated Reece for killing Stephanie, no wonder Michael had shoved Luke.

Luke looked up again, "so how long have you been alive?"

"Four hundred and thirty one years, I died from the plague in 1603." Reece said.

"Wow." Luke said, wide eyed. Luke put the yearbook down and then went to his laptop, pulling up the email from Ben and showing Reece the photograph of him in the First World War. Reece looked at the photo, smiling a little, he pointed at the man next to him, "he was so gay for me in the war, 1915 was a good year."

Luke then looked at Reece, "can you show me the memories thing again? I want to know more."

Reece nodded, the both of them sitting down on Luke's bed again. Reece took one of Luke's cheeks in his hand, "it's not very pleasant Luke."

Luke nodded, "I can handle it."

Reece's other hand took Luke's other cheek, and Luke grabbed both his wrists, "show me everything, Reece."


Sorry for no updates for sooooo longggg, a lack of comments makes me not wanna update rip


Luke knowing?

Reece meeting him and showing him how he was turned? He was turned in the vampire diaries style of way lol

Luke asking about Stephanie? Reece's reasoning?

Luke's reaction? Him wanting to know more?

I have such a good plan for this book but I suck at epilogues so idk how I'm gonna figure it out but I'll try to

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