The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter eight

777 59 25
By asdflkjhg5sos

Hi here's an update pls vote and comment 30+ plsssss


Luke sat at his desk in his dorm, his headphones blasting music, so he was blind to the world and to the fact Ashton had left the dorm hours ago for class. Luke was doing research for his history paper, he was googling about the 72 attacks and similar things towards it and serial killers of Australia, anything to make sense of what had happened.

Then Luke's interest peaked when he found someone's blog. He scrolled down to the section all for the 72 attacks, clicking on it, which loaded a page to a video.

Luke saw a cute boy on the video so he paused his music before clicking play on the video.

"Hello everyone, this week I will be discussing something that I have a very big interest in, the murders of nineteen seventy-two." The boy started, making quotation marks over the words murder. Luke furrowed his brows but continued to listen, "if you're new to my blog, I'm Ben Hampshire, and today I'll be specifically talking about the lone survivor Stephanie Turner, who had recently recently died from an animal attack," he once again used quotation marks on animal attack.

"First of all, let me get some thoughts out of the way, what sixty-four year old woman goes and gets mauled by a group of animals? Also, she's a survivor of the murders in 72, who's to say she didn't squeal about the details and get herself killed? And who did she tell?" Ben asked.

Luke paused the video, he had talked to Stephanie and then she turned up dead? Something was clearly wrong here, someone knew that Luke talked to her. Ashton? No Ashton had only moved here when Luke had. Calum? No, Calum was too sweet and too kind to know anything. Michael, probably.

Luke clicked on the send message button and started writing a message. "Hi, my names Luke Hemmings, a few days before Stephanie died I went to talk to her about the 1972 attacks for a research paper for my history class. I'm very confused and you seem to know a lot about it, please get back to me soon"

Luke watched the end of the video and by the time it was over, he had a response.

"Fuck yes we should meet up, I need to know what she said"

Luke snickered at the informality of his words before replying with a time and a place. They'd meet at six outside the town library.

Luke was interrupted from his work when Ashton came home with donuts and Calum. Luke took a donut and climbed in to bed, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders as Ashton put on a film. "So you two." Luke said, "when's your first date?"

"We just had it." Calum said, "I brought him donuts and coffee."

"And we made out." Ashton shrugged, which made Calum send him a faux glare.

Luke giggled, "that's cute," he lay down on his bed, stuffing his face with his donut before hearing his phone buzz. He saw he had a text from an unknown number, it read: 'hey Luke this is Ben! Just wanted to make sure I got the right number'

Luke text back saying it was right and added it to his contacts before he got another text, but from Reece.

I'm outside your dorm building come meet me xx

Luke stood up from his bed and went towards the window, looking down towards the front doors and seeing Reece was sitting there on the steps. Luke grabbed a jacket, told his friends he'd be a minute, and left the dorm.

Luke went down the stairs, past the giggling teenage girls on the stairs before getting to the doors of the building. He pushed open the doors and stared at Reece, "what do you want?"

Reece sighed and stretched his arms out for a hug, "can I just get a hug, I've had a very long and stressful day."

Luke stood with his arms crossed for a minute or so before giving in and moving towards Reece, hugging him. "What happened?" Luke asked, his head buried in Reece's chest.

"Some family issues that I won't bore you with, I don't feel like going back to my house yet. Wanted to see you." Reece said, holding Luke close and taking in the smell of his minty scented shampoo.

Luke sighed, "it's okay, I've had my fair share of family issues, after the whole ex-thing we all had a falling out and it was pretty bad," Luke said, pulling away. They both sat down on the steps.

"I also wanted to come by and say sorry." Reece said, taking Luke's hand in his.

"Oh," Luke mumbled, "I guess I can forgive you but I don't want to date you right now. I don't think it's right for me." Luke said.

Reece nodded, "I can respect that, I still want to be your friend until you decide you want more, though."

Luke smiled softly, "that's okay, I can do friends."

Reece grinned, "I should let you go inside, class tomorrow and all."

Luke stood up, "thanks for coming by." He said, slowly going back towards the doors, Reece standing up. Luke stepped inside the building, before turning when Reece called his name. "Yeah?"

"Don't go out at night around here." Reece said, "heard what happened to that lady and I don't want the same to happen to you Luke. Etheridge is a dangerous place," He then gave Luke a small smile before turning around and leaving.

Luke spent the rest of his night with his friends eating doughnuts and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows.


Luke met Ben at the cafe that Calum had first taken the blond to. Ben was a tall, muscly guy with round glasses perched on his nose. He had cute red cheeks, with stubble on his jaw--he would be Luke's type, if--if what? If he didn't have Reece? Reece wasn't Luke's.

They got a coffee together, before sitting down at the back of the cafe. Ben smiled after sipping his coffee, "so, tell me everything."

Luke nodded, licking his lips, "so I went with my friend about my paper and I asked her what happened. She said some monster attacked her, not someone but something. She said it had red eyes and it tore out her boyfriends neck, she watched him die and then it attacked her too." Luke said.

"A monster?" Ben questioned, "would explain why the cops say it was an animal attack, either they covered it up or they didn't know themselves."

Luke took in a breath, "something happened after at school though, some guy pushed me and said it was my fault she was dead, Steph is dead because she told me what happened. We need to figure out what happened in 1972, Ben." Luke said pointedly, he was determined to find out the truth.

Ben smiled, "we should go snoop out her house then." Ben then held up a set of keys.

"What? How did you get them?" Luke questioned. "Did you steal them?"

"Technically yes, but my dads the Sheriff so it's not that bad, he'll just smack my wrists and take them back." Ben smiled. "Now finish your drink and we'll go to her house."

After Luke finished his coffee the two of them drove in Ben's car towards Steph's house. They parked down the road, far from the house and walked quietly towards it. They rushed towards the door, aiming for silence before Ben unlocked the front door. They entered, Ben shutting the door behind them before Luke sighed in relief from not getting caught. "I hope no one saw us," Luke said, the two boys going in to the living room.

Ben paused, "this place doesn't look like there was a bloodied animal attack." He said making Luke furrow his brows and look around. The place had boxes upon boxes out on every surface, no sign on a struggle except for one spot of blood by the kitchen door, which wasn't even very big.

"Definitely not," Luke said. "Should we check the boxes?"

"Yeah, let's look for anything we can." Ben nodded and the two separated, Luke going towards the double doors that led to the garden, the dining table was pressed against it and covered in multiple boxes, papers strewn all cross the floor. Luke pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight before going through the box closest to him. He found bills and old newspaper clippings, then finding multiple Year Books from the years 1967 to 1972. Luke flipped open the 72 book and went to the page of every kids name. He found Stephanie's name and the page number before flipping to it curiously.

Luke gasped at what he saw, as he read what her achievements in the Year Book were: Head Cheerleader and Hottest Couple ft Michael Clifford. Luke quickly found the page of hottest couple and gulped at the photograph.

There were Michael and Stephanie, the boy with his arm around her waist as they leant against a locker. But the thing was, Michael looked like the Michael who had pushed Luke.

"Ben? Get in here." Luke called, then hearing his footsteps.

"What's up?"

Luke pointed at the page, "this is the Michael that attacked me and said it was my fault Steph was dead, he should be sixty years old, but he looks nineteen."

Ben furrowed his eyebrows, "how could that be?" He asked, "it's literally impossible Luke, he must have had a kid before he died, given it away, people do look very similar to their great grandparents sometimes."

Luke shook his head, "no, no, that's stupid talk, something's wrong here, with this whole thing, with this town." Luke gulped and looked down, "this is my fault, I shouldn't have gone snooping, we sh--"

The two then saw the flash of police car lights through the window making them curse, Luke quickly closed the book and picked it up, before running towards the back door. Ben unlocked it quickly and the two ran, running down the back alley behind the house. They stopped after a few minutes, Luke leaning against a brick wall and panting heavily, "fuck," he breathed out, holding the year book to his chest.

Ben laughed, putting his hand on Luke's shoulder, "you good?"

Luke nodded, "yeah, yeah, that was some adrenaline rush."

"We need to figure out what happened there." Ben said, "let's head back to the car."

Luke gulped and stood up, the two starting the walk to Bens car. "Okay so," he started, "Michael, same Michael, immortal Michael, whatever, his girlfriend or Steph, is dead right after I talk to her about the attacks."

"With no real sign of an animal attack, so the cause of death was bogus." Ben continued. "This was a cover up, she died to hide something."

Luke nodded, seeing the car in sight, "what the fuck did I uncover and who the fuck murdered Stephanie?"

Ben looked down at Luke, "I'll do some more digging tonight, I'll Skype you whatever I find alright?"

"Alright," Luke sighed, "god I'm tired now."

Ben chuckled, "let's get you home yeah?"

"Oh could we grab a McDonald's on the way home I'm starving." Luke said, getting the the car and getting in.

"Are you asking me on a date Luke Hemmings?" Ben joked, making Luke giggle.

"You wish." Luke smiled.

They drove to the nearest McDonald's which wasn't near at all, eating as they drove to take Luke home. Luke had finished his food by the time they parked up outside the dorms. Luke sipped his drink, "thank you for tonight, and the food,"

"My pleasure." Ben smiled, "so what do we think shouter Michael? What is he?"

Luke pursed his lips, "my bets on vampire." He joked, though what he saw couldn't be explained.

"Ten dollars on vampire." Ben said putting his hand out for a handshake, Luke shaking it.

"I'll see you soon." Luke said and got out of the car. He walked up the steps to the dormitories and inside, waving goodbye to Ben before walking up the stairs and past the giggling girls. Luke got to the top floor and furrowed his brows at the sight of Reece. "Why are you here?" He called, making Reece look up and walk towards Luke. "You weren't in class today."

"Keep away from Ben or so help me." Reece muttered, grabbing Luke's wrist. "Got that?"

Luke glared at him, ripping his hand away, "he's just a friend," Luke spat, "what the hell's wrong with you, this is why I couldn't date you, at this rate I can't be your friend either Reece!"

Luke stormed past Reece and towards his dorm but half way there Reece was tugging him back and making Luke look at him. He cupped Luke's cheeks, looking at him in the eyes, "listen to me." Reece started, seeing it was working this time.

"I'm listening," Luke mumbled, dazed.

"Me and you are okay again." Reece said, rubbing his thumb along Luke's cheek. "You want to be my boyfriend, my beautiful little boy, no one else's, just mine, okay Luke?"

Luke nodded, "all yours Reece."

Reece slowly removed his hands and blinked, "you okay?" Reece asked the blond.

Luke beamed, "of course I am, I get to see my boyfriend." He hugged Reece tightly before leaning up on his tip toes and kiss Reece softly. Luke smiled against his mouth, Reece's arms encircling around Luke's waist and pushing him against the wall of the hallway. Luke moaned softly, feeling Reece's pelvis hit his, Reece's lips then went south, catching Luke's scent as he kissed across the blonds throat.

Reece pulled away when he heard Ashton's voice, looking up to see the tall boy was standing outside his dorm. Luke was staring up at Reece, wanting to kiss him again.

"Luke." Ashton called, making Luke him softly as he leaned up and kissed Reece's jaw. Reece looked down at his boyfriend and whispered to stop, making Luke pout. "Luke come inside its late."

Reece stepped back, "listen to Ashton and go to bed, yeah?"

Luke huffed, "okay." He quickly leant up again and pecked Reece on the mouth before he turned and went to his dorm, Ashton glaring at Reece before slamming the door shut. Reece stood their for a moment before grinning, he got Luke back, even if it was by force.

Luke put his bag down, taking out the year book and hiding it under his bed before he took off his coat. "What was that all about?" Ashton asked Luke, the blond standing up and taking off his shirt for bed. Ashton saw Luke's bralette and smiled softly, Luke was cute in his feminine clothes.

"What was what about?" Luke asked, taking off his jeans and leaving him in his panties. He grabbed some pyjama shorts and pulled them on, they were silky and soft.

"You and Reece."

"You mean my boyfriend?" Luke scoffed, "I forgave him and thought I'd give him another chance, were good now." Luke said.

"That easily? You were crying in my arms naked in the shower the other day Luke."

"After my last relationship, I've gotta learn to move on and accept shit, Reece is a great guy and I like him a lot." Luke smiled, before getting in to bed.

"Have you been with him all night? Did you two fuck?" Ashton gasped. "Please say you didn't."

"We didn't." Luke said, "I was with Ben, my friend, about a project for History."

"Oh your vampire theory." Ashton rolled his eyes, getting in to his own bed. "How is that coming along anyway?"

"Can't tell you, it's a secret for now, might show you my paper later though." Luke then yawned, "I'm tired, i have class early tomorrow."

Ashton nodded, "okay, sweet dreams Luke."

"You too Ashy."


Super sorry for no updates but here's one yayyyyyyy I'm still struggling with the plan for this and stuff and trying to fit it all together


Ben? His theories?

The year book? Michael and Stephanie?

Reece? Ashton? 

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