Criminal Minds Preferences

By 12_gymnast

779K 13.9K 1K

I don't own any of these characters and I am writing only what I think that characters are like. Thank you! More

#1 How you met
#2 They ask you out
#3 Your first kiss
#4 Your hidden talent
#5 When they get jealous
#6 You get jealous
#7 Their favorite thing about you (Physical and Personality)
#8 Your favorite thing about them (Physical and Personality)
#9 His favorite place to kiss you
#10 Your favorite place to kiss him
#11 How he likes your hair
#12 You get taken on a case
#13 He saves you
#14 Your best friend on his team
#15 How he annoys you
#16 How you annoy him
#17 How he turns you on
#18 How you turn him on
#19 What you do on his day off
#20 How you two sleep
#21 Your favorite movie to watch together
#22 Sick days
#23 Bad Dreams
#24 How he hugs you
#25 PDA (Public Display of Affection)
#26 Stolen kisses
#27 Nicknames
#28 Pillowfight!
Imagine #1: Spencer Reid
#29 How you cuddle
#30 How He Kisses You
Imagine #2: Spencer Reid
Imagine #3: JJ
#31 What you wear of his
#32: What he wears of yours
#33: How they say "I love you"
#34: What pet the two of you get
#35: Snow days
#36: Your cute couple photos
Imagine #3: JJ - Part 3!
Imagine #4: Spencer
Imagine #5: Derek Morgan
#37 How they say I'm sorry
#38 Your love quote
#39 The strangest place you two have done 'it'
Imagine #6: Spencer Reid
Imagine #7: Aaron Hotchenr
JJ Preference Add (Part 1)
JJ Preferences Add (Part 2)
JJ Preferences Add (Part 3)
Imagine #8: Spencer Reid
#40: Mornings
Imagine #9: Spencer
Imagine #9: Spencer- Part 2
#41 Their Favorite Book
Please Read
#42- Date Night
#43- They walk in on you changing
#44- Habits that you picked up from them
#45- What happens when you get bored
#46-Little notes they leave you
#47- Shopping for Swim Suits
Emily - Catch Up
Emily catch up (2)
#48- Habits That They Love
Luke Alvez Catch Up (Part1)
Luke Alvez Catch Up (Part 2)
Luke Alvez- Imagine #1
Luke Alez - Imagine #2

Imagine #3: JJ - Part 2

7.7K 71 4
By 12_gymnast

You follow Agent Hotchner into the conference room, watching JJ as she gathers the rest on the team.  You pick a seat around the large round table and wait for the rest of the BAU team to enter.  As you wait, you open one of the files sitting on the table.  As you scan over it, someone enters the room. "This ones a bad, I'm sorry that it's your first case," says JJ as she sits down and reaching for a remote.  "Oh, yea." You say not thinking of anything else better to say.  Just then, the famous Dr. Spencer Reid sits next to you. "Hey! I like your socks," he says pointing to your Star Trek socks. "Thanks," you laugh and glance down.  Agent Hotchner stands to talk to the team, " Everyone, this is Agent (y/l/n). She is going to be working with us for now."  Everyone else introduces themselves and shakes your hand. "Hi, Derek Morgan," a tall, dark man says. "Agent Rossi," says the man next to Derek. "Prentiss," a pretty, dark haired women says. "And you know me," says JJ smiling at you. "Yes..." you say glancing around the room. JJ then proceeds to explain the crime that had happened.  You wonder if she doesn't remember or something but decide to forget about it for reals because this is work and not high school.  "Got your to go bag with you?" Derek asks you. You nod and then it hits you, this is your first case and you got really excited.  The whole team got on to the plain about 30 minutes earlier and as soon as everyone settled in, the laptop that was on Hotchner's lap beeped.  "Hey Garcia," everyone says at the disturbed blonde on the computer screen. "Hey my crime fighting friends," she says as she types into a keyboard. Must be the technical analyst that Derek was telling you about. She was a cutie and as she fumbled around typing and explaining something about the unsub to the rest of the team, you decided you were going to like it here. "And who is this," Garcia said, looking at you through the screen. " (y/f/n), I am the newest member of the team." You say, giving her a slight wave. "Oh! I thought you were going to be... Never mind. Bye guys, be safe." Then she was gone. 

The team lands and Hotchner divides you all up. "Spencer, you and Rossi go to the last crime scene. JJ take (y/n) to the parents of the latest vic and Emily and I will go to the precinct and get started on the profile." Hotchner says and takes off out of the jet.  You and JJ walk in silence to the car, silently put your bags in the back and silently get in the car. You had no idea what to say to her, so you decided to just think about what to say to the victims family. While you think, you look out the window. All you saw was a plain suburbia, you hated the suburbs.  "Ugh, I hate the suburbs," JJ mumbled with a sigh.  "Me too. It's always so creepy and there is always a sex scandal going on," you say back. "For reals though," JJ says with a laugh. "So what are you going to say to the family?" You ask her.  "Oh right, is it your first time informing a family?" You nod and swallow hard. "Just follow my lead. You have always been quiet and comforting. You'll catch on," JJ says with a smile. She does remember. "You know... It's good to see you," JJ says, not taking her eyes off the road. "Yea," you reply. "Look," JJ says "I know we didn't really know each other for a long time but I really did like you." Your heart race increases and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. "We were really good friends and I want to keep being friends. So can we stop the awkwardness?" You feel your heart drop. "Of course," you say, knowing that it is the right thing to say. Just the JJ pulls into the house and hops out of the car, you follow her to the door and take a deep breath. "Don't worry, we got this," JJ says with a wink.

When JJ and you had asked the family enough questions, you two had let yourselves out and headed back to the car. "You did great," JJ says when you get in the car. "Thanks," you say. "I know it's hard," JJ says, grabbing your hand. "Yea," you say glancing at her hand, "I just feel like I can't do anything to help them." You say, looking at her hand. "You can," JJ says, giving your hand a squeeze. "You can help find you did this," you nod and look at her. "Thanks JJ." She nods and says, "Now... let's go catch him." With that the two of you discussed ideas about the case as you drove to meet the rest of the team. 

"Find anything interesting?" Derek asks the two of you. "Yea, you gave us the short stick." You say to him. "Hey don't look at me. Hotch is the one who assigned you," Derek says pointing to Hotch. He looked stressed and angry. "If you want to take it up with him, I'll be glad to watch." You shake your head aggressively. Derek and JJ laugh at you and the Spencer practically runs out of the conference room. "Hey, guys," he yells. The whole team swiftly walks in to see papers, book and files everywhere.  Garcia was on the screen of a computer and both of them looked excited and proud. "Okay, so get this," Garcia starts, "the last victim went to a bar or club, we know this because Spencer," she trails off so Spencer could pick up where she left off. "I took this picture of the purple ink on his had and ran the picture through some color filters to fill in the rest of the stamp." He stops and turns around to find something in the pile of papers. He lifts up a paper with the completed stamp on it. "And I got this," he shows us all the picture. "But it's only a stamp of a the letter A," Derek says. "Yes!" Spencer says excitedly. "That's when I called Garcia and she went through and found all the bars and clubs with an A in their name." He lifts up another piece of paper with a list. "Here is the list that we got," Spencer says holding it up to show everyone. "Yes... But it has 93 clubs and bars on it," Garcia says.  "Yes, so no we need help narrowing it down," Spencer says. "Did you find out anything at the victims family's house?" He asks looking at you. "Um... Let me see the list," you say reaching for it. He lets you have it and you look down the list. "JJ, did you see the matchbox in the ash tray next to the picture of the vic a ComicCon?" No one says anything. You look up and see JJ trying to think back. "No I don't think so," she says. "Okay good," you say. "Why is that good?" Hotchner asks. "Because I can show off now," you say grabbing your coat. "I think I know why the victim was killed." Everyone grabs their coats and head to the door.  

You all get in the car ad drive to the victims house. "I don't understand," Spencer says. Everyone else was thinking the same thing. "We still have full access to the crime scene right?" You ask as you open the door. Everyone follows you in and you switch on the lights. You begin to walk around the house. You could hear the whispers between the team, "What is she doing?"  "I don't get it."  "Did she say anything in the car?" All the sudden, you find what you were looking for. "What are the main motives for murder?" You ask anyone is general. Spencer starts to tell you, "Greed, mercy, anger, revenge, money, adultery" You cut him off right there. "Yes,"  You say standing next to the book shelf. "Man, this guy had a sucky taste in books." You say running your fingers over the spines of the books. "What are you doing?" Hotch asks you. "Okay okay, I'll get to the point," you say. "Anyways, I really hate the suburbs. There is always weird things happening here," You say as you pull on the book case. It swings out to expose a dark hallway leading to who knows where. "Like creepy passage ways under the house," you say as you pull out your flash light. Hotch pulls his gun and steps in before you. He takes your light and walks into the hallway. He steps around the corner and the light slowly disappears. You were the last one to pull your gun when you didn't hear Hotch anymore. "Clear," he yells from inside. All of you walk in, putting your guns back in their holster. You go around the corner and see stairs going down. "Creepy," JJ says from behind you. "Seriously," Prentiss says behind her. Everyone heads down to see Hotch standing in an empty room. "What?" you ask. "Looks like it's empty," Derek says. Everyone heads back to the stairs when you see the dust on the floor. You get down and look at the floor. Something was dragged out of the room, something was taken from here. You see a few different drag marks in the dirt on the floor. Spencer notices what you're doing and looks with you. "There," he says pointing at the farthest wall. Someone turns on the light so everyone could see what was happening. You could see the room better now and saw that there were footprints in the dust on the floor. "Okay," Rossi says. "This is weird."  You all nod and look at each other. "Let's get a CSI team in here," says Hotch. All of you head up to the front of the house. "Wow. That was impressive," Prentiss says. "Yea, how'd you know that?" JJ asks you. Both of them looked amazed. "Well, the matchbox that I saw wasn't anything fancy and looked more like an underground club or bar or something. So, to dig deeper my thoughts, I went through the victims house again and the interview we did with his parents," you say pointing at JJ.  By now everyone was listening to you as you explained how you got to your discovery. When you finished, the CSI had arrived and started to look at the room.  " Alright everyone," says Hotch. "As soon as the CSI are done, they will call us but I want to go back and talk to the vics parents and look over the profile to see is we can find anything else out." Everyone nods and goes to do their assignment. You and JJ head back to the victims parents house to get more answers. 

When you arrive, the is dark but you and JJ can hear yelling coming from the house. You both pull your guns and head to check it out. You kick open the front door and see the victims mom yelling at a tall man. "FBI," JJ yells at them. "Shit, " says the tall figure. Just then something knocks you out and you fall to the ground.

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