If Only You Knew.

By TheWanted_Fans2

15.1K 406 185

Megan and Jodie want nothing more than to be happy but things keep coming up that cause upset between them an... More

Part 1 - You ready?
Part 2 - Nando's.
Part 3 - Meet and greet.
Part 4 - Stay please?
Part 5 - I'm sorry.
Part 6 - What?
Part 7 - Wow.
Part 8 - Home.
Part 9 - The memories.
Part 10 - Uhh.
Part 11 - Questions, questions, questions...
Part 12 - Toby and Lizzie.
Part 13 - Er, I-I...
Part 14 - I'll miss you.
Part 15 - Wanted Wednesday.
Part 16 - LA baby.
Part 17 - Last day.
Part 18 - Home.
Part 19 - Heartbreak?
Part 20 - Dried tears and worry.
Part 21 - Weakness.
Part 22 - Bad dream.
Part 23 - Blame and guilt.
Part 24 - Wishes.
Part 25 - Regrets?
Part 26 - Broken.
Part 27 - Love and hate.
Part 28 - Surprise.
Part 29 - Plans and laughter.
Part 30 - The dinner.
Part 31 - Things change.
Part 32 - Laughs and memories.
Part 33 - Bets and plans.
Part 34 - Smiles all round.
Part 35 - O' happy days.
Part 36 - Rampage time.
Part 37 - Secret planning.
Part 38 - A little bit... Intimate.
Part 39 - Agreements, arguments and plans.

Part 40 - Epliouge.

138 6 0
By TheWanted_Fans2

A year and a half later...

*Jodie's POV*

Things were getting better. The hate was gradually stopping and I was rarely getting them, fan were starting to accept me. Although it had been a good six months and without a doubt some fans accepted me straight away, happy that their baby Nath had found someone, others however were less understanding and accepting. I'm not going to lie, but the comments made towards me hurt me more than I let on, I knew it was coming, after all, a little under four years ago, I was part of the same fanbase, but things has changed I wasn't the one sitting behind the computer, wishing that I could actually tell the band how much they meant to me, now I was the one, sitting alongside them as they discussed the fans and the performances from the last few days. Things had changed drastically, especially between us. In the last eighteen months, Max lost his grandfather as did Nathan just weeks after, Nathan had also gone under the knife as his future was at stake, their third studio album, Word Of Mouth, had been released, a world tour was planned and most shows were sold out or had few seats left.

However, amazingly, although there was the odd argument here or there, we had stayed knotted together, stood by each other and now, we were all together. Max was with Nina, the model he works alongside. Tom and Kelsey are still happy, teasing each other as always. Siva and Nareesha were now engaged, planning their wedding for fall next year, after the world tour had finished.

"Babe?" Nathan called, bringing me out from the daydream as I relived the last year and a half.

"Yeah Nath?" I called, getting up and joining him in the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas" he smiled, turning round with a little puppy in his arms.

"Oh my god." I squealed. I had been droning on for months about how I wanted dog for when Nathan was away and I was left alone and due to the fact that I wasn't currently working, I was doing nothing whilst Nathan was away on tours and short promotion trips.

"I couldn't wait any longer to give it to you" he grinned, I took the small puppy from his arms and held him in mine, making faces at the puppy as he continued to stare at him.

"What breed is she?"

"It's a he and a Dachshund" I let him down and watched him as he stretched before running around on the laminate flooring, tripping and falling due to his low self balance. I smiled and looked at Nathan, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Does he have a name?" Nathan shook his head quickly before looking at me again,

"I was thinking Teddy or Buddy" I looked from Nathan to the dog, back to the Nathan and then the dog.

"How about Axel?" I grinned, Nathan nodded and pulled me closer. Resting my head against his chest. The smell of his aftershave surrounded me and I couldn't think of a better moment. 

Little did Nathan know that Megan and Jay were looking after Parada. The kitten I had brought him for Christmas. Knowing that Karen and Jess had suggested it as Nathan adored his cat back in Gloucester, I knew it was the perfect present.

"What you thinking about?"

"How amazing you are"

"I knew that, I don't need you reminding me constantly" Nathan winked, I shook my head and bit my lip to attempt to hide the smile that was breaking onto my face.

"Shut up Nath" I smirked, Nathan went to make a sarcastic comment, it was a unwritten rule with Nathan, if you tell him to be quiet, you will get a overly sarcastic response.

I stood on my tiptoes, not leaving a millimetre between us as I crashed my lips to his. Nathan wasted no time, kissing me back instantly. I smiled as Nathan's hands found my hips and he slowly manoeuvred me back until my back was against the kitchen wall. From there, his arms wrapped around each of my thighs and lifted me up, the wall supporting my weight.

We'd been together three years and not once had I not been affected by his touch. I was still to understand how someone could affect me this much. The kisses we shared still sent shocks throughout my body and allowed the butterflies to roam the pit of my stomach. The reactions to Nathan, had not changed and I was certain that they never would. I could and would never get bored of this. From the playful kisses to passionate kisses, from the quick hugs to the nights we spent in each other's arms, from the days I wished from his touch whilst he was away to the days where I couldn't get enough of him.

I still couldn't understand how someone could affect me so much.

*Megan's POV*

"I want one" I laughed as Parada fell over. Jay and I were currently cat sitting until Jodie gave Parada to Nathan for Christmas.

"Now you say" Jay jokes. It was obvious he was stuck what to get me for Christmas this year, last year he went all out, showered me with jewellery and small gifts alongside a exclusive holiday to the Caribbean.

"Sorry baby" I smile, kissing his cheek. His arm was around me and Parada laid on my lap. He smiled and readjusted himself in his seat, focusing back on the TV.

"So I was thinking, we take a trip to my mum's Christmas Eve?"

"That's fine, is everyone going"

"As far as I know. I'll get a car to take us and bring us back" Jay smiled, pulling me in even closer. Parada yawned and I think I fell in love then and there if I hadn't before.

"You think Jodie will find out if we move to Madagascar and take Parada with us?" I asked, Jay looked at me for a moment before shaking his head and smiling at me.

"Nah, I think we could do it" he answered sarcastically. I copied his actions and shook my head.

"Less of the sarcasm Mr."

"Shut up you" Jay smirked, I pinched his cheek playfully only for him to dig his fingers into my sides, causing me to squirm and jump, waking Parada up in the process.

"You want a drink?" I asked as Parada leapt off me and onto the floor.

"No thanks" I nodded and walked through to the kitchen. I went about making myself a hot chocolate, oblivious to the fact that Jay was sneaking up on me, I only noticed when he slipped his hands around my waist, making me jump.

"I take that back, make me a coffee please?"

"No, you scared me" I moaned, pouting as I turned to my boyfriend.

"Don't do that"

"Do what?"

"Pout, you look adorable"

"Shut up Jay"

"Only telling the truth, love"

My eyes met his and again, I was captivated.

"I love you"

"I love you too beautiful."

My heart jumped, I'd never get used to Jay McGuiness telling me he loves me. It was something that always amazed me, who would have thought that someone would love plain-old, difficult Megan, but someone does and for once, I don't doubt him or love. Nothing could interrupt and destroy Jay and I, I was certain and for once, I was scared of my feelings, never have I, ever, been in love with someone this much, I wasn't only scared of my feelings, I was terrified. However I knew that Jay loved me and I loved him...

I guess 'happily ever afters' do exist.


It's finally finished. 9,349 reads, 310 votes and 196 comments later, If Only You Knew is finished.

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed this story. You all mean the world to me. A year and a half later and I've finally posted the last chapter to the story. I think this is a bit crappy but I really wanted to finish this for you guys. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did.

This last chapter is dedicated to Jodie - the main character to this story. After asking for an imagine, I decided that I would continue to write that imagine into a story, and I don't think I ever actually posted the imagine on here with the others. So, thank you Jodie.

Again, thank you to all of you, I seriously cannot thank you enough. I love you all and please, if you enjoyed this, go read my other, newer and hopefully better story - Trapped In Love.

Please comment and vote as always lovelies!



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