Running with the Wolves

By skaikruwerewolf

127K 3.7K 4.5K

Veronica Stilinski lives with her older brother Stiles and her Dad, the Sheriff, in Beacon Hills. She is star... More

chapter 1: this is how it all began...
chapter 2: the boy with the blue eyes
chapter 3: standing on his own two feet
chapter 4: lockers
chapter 5: movies and a burger
chapter 6: the dynamic duo
chapter 7: we have a situation
chapter 8: alpha beta omega
chapter 9: you don't have to worry
chapter 10: mission accomplished
chapter 11: it's all about power
chapter 12: the waves and the starry sky
chapter 13: you did that all on your own
chapter 14: kicking and screaming
stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 15: the woods
chapter 16: the shadow
chapter 17: part of the pack
chapter 18: the warning of a banshee
chapter 19: the loft
liam dunbar // part 1
chapter 20: all night
chapter 21: broken
liam dunbar // part 2
chapter 22: trapped
veronica & stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 23: unable to move
chapter 24: promise
chapter 25: screams
stiles stilinski //part 2
chapter 26: admit it
chapter 27: questions and answers
chapter 28: it's not your fault
chapter 29: lab partners
chapter 30: exhale
liam dunbar// part 3
chapter 31: a name to a face
chapter 32: strength in numbers
chapter 33: unconscious
chapter 34: targeted
chapter 35: the plan
chapter 36: we'll figure it out
chapter 37: this is why
chapter 38: driving lessons
chapter 39: painful lessons
chapter 40: because you trust everyone
chapter 41: half light
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 1
chapter 42: dance
chapter 43: betrayal
chapter 44: healing wounds
chapter 45: nothing is ever going to change that
chapter 46: tunnels
chapter 48: paralyzed
chapter 49: in sync
chapter 50: crossfire
chapter 51: guilt
chapter 52: frequencies
chapter 53: despair
chapter 54: perigee-syzygy
chapter 55: I need you
chapter 56: i have all your passwords
chapter 57: don't leave out the drummer
chapter 58: i'll always be here for you
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 2
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 3
chapter 59: good news
chapter 60: even up the score
chapter 61: the borrowed book
chapter 62: the beast of beacon hills
chapter 63: apotheosis
chapter 64: welcome back
chapter 65: what do you wanna know?
chapter 66: we did it, brother
chapter 67: magic
chapter 68: picture perfect
chapter 69: holy ground
chapter 70: heartbeat
chapter 71: sunsets
chapter 72: coffee
chapter 73: wolfsbane
chapter 74: where do we start?
chapter 75: goodbyes
chapter 76: don't worry about me
chapter 77: i've been waiting for this
chapter 78: the echo of his scream
chapter 79: this is how it all ends...
chapter 80: unconditionally
chapter 81: till my heart stops
chapter 82: heartbreak
chapter 83: you can talk to me
chapter 84: i'm sorry
chapter 85: graduation
chapter 86: brother let me be your shelter
chapter 87: love always
chapter 88: the necklace
chapter 89: always
thank you!

chapter 47: favors

709 25 87
By skaikruwerewolf

beacon hills animal clinic

"It can't be. They haven't been in Beacon Hills for years." Deaton says as he looks through the pictures on my phone. No one is in the pictures, but he knows who the owners of all the tools and gadgets are.

"Who?" Scott asks.

"The Dread Doctors." Deaton responds.

"I'm sorry, the what?" Stiles asks.

"They're scientists who worship the supernatural. They've been here before." Deaton says, handing me back my phone. "And the last time they were here, a lot of people died."

"And now it seems like they wanna kill us. That's fantastic." Stiles says.

"What are they doing here? Why come again?" Scott asks.

"They want to bring back the perfect killer." Chris says, walking into the animal clinic. We turn to look at him, confusion on our faces. "Just got back from talking with my dad. They're here not to create the perfect killer, but to resurrect one.  The Beast of Gévaudan."

"Yes." Deaton says. "That makes sense. It makes sense. Josh being taken. Experimented on. Controlled. They are using teenagers to try and resurrect the Beast."

"Teenagers?" I ask, emphasizing the 's' at the end of the word. "So how many more?"

This time Chris answers. "Don't know. I'm assuming if they fail, they'll try again. I talked with the Sheriff earlier. There's been an increase in missing person reports. Almost all of them are regarding teenagers." He turns to Scott. "They don't want anyone in their way. That's why they had someone come after you. They wanted to eliminate you before you became a threat."

"How do we stop them?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure you can." Chris says.

Everyone is silent as the begin to process the gravity of the situation. Deaton was right, someone is trying to bend the rules, and they've done it.

"There's gotta be a way." Scott says. "No more missing teenagers, no more experiments. I'm going to put an end to this."



stilinski household

"What is Deaton calling them?" my dad asks when we get home.

"Chimeras." Stiles answers.

We explain to my Dad everything Deaton told us and about what we found in the tunnels. Deaton wants to talk to my dad and Melissa, see if we can find a connection as to why Josh was specifically taken, chosen, for this experiment.

After talking with my dad I head upstairs to my room and think about everything that's happened in the last couple of months. All the new threats and dangers. How the hell am I supposed to protect the people I care about, the people I love if I can't even protect myself.

I can't control my abilities well enough to hold someone off, by well, you know, inflicting unbearable pain on them to stop them.

I don't know how to fight well enough, I got lucky with Josh...

I need to be better prepared.

I look at the time. He should still be awake.

I grab my cellphone and dial his number.

"Veronica." he answers.

"Hey, Derek. Sorry this is kind of late..."

"That's all right. Everything ok?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah I guess. I was actually wondering if you were busy tomorrow."

"Not really, why?"

"I need a favor."


next morning; derek hale's loft

"You want me to what?" Derek asks.

Malia just dropped me off at her cousins loft.

I take a deep breath before I ask Derek again. "I want you to teach me how to fight."

He crosses his arms. "No." he says as he walks away.

"Oh, come on. Why not?" I ask as I walk after him.

He stops and turns to look at me. "I can think of about 10 off the top of my head right now."

"Ok, well name one." I counter.

He shakes his head. "Why do you want to learn how to fight?"

I sigh. "Because I want to be able to defend my friends. My family. And I don't want to feel like I need someone to defend me. I want to be able to defend myself."

He doesn't say anything. His arms are still crossed over his chest and he leans against a table, thinking about his answer.

"Please." I whisper.

"Fine." he says after a while.

"Yes! I mean, uh, I mean thank you." I say.

He smiles, but tries to hide it. "Saturday mornings."

"Sounds great. Thanks again Derek."

Malia opens the door and walks in. "So what'd he say?" she asks.

"He said yes." I reply.

"We start next week." Derek says.

"All right. I'll be here too." she says.

We look at her questioningly.

"What? I wanna help too." she says.

"Perfect." I say, a smile forming on my lips.

"Ok, well lets go. I'm hungry." Malia says.

I nod and wave goodbye to Derek.

"Bye cousin." Malia says to Derek as we walk out.

"Bye cousin." Derek calls out right before we close the door behind us.


monday evening; stilinski household

Earlier today Malia, my brother and I stopped by the Sheriff's station to talk to my dad. He's been working on gathering all the information related to the disappearing teenagers since the Dread Doctors came to town.

My dad fears that if they aren't successful, they'll kill them.

Malia thinks that that's what happened to Donavan. She thinks the Dread Doctors took him, experimented on him and weren't able to resurrect the Beast through him so they killed him. That would explain a lot of things, actually.

Josh, where are you? Have they taken him? Is he hiding?

The sound of glass breaking interrupts my train of thought. I go downstairs and into the kitchen where Stiles is picking up broken glass from the floor.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Dropped the glass cup." he responds.

I help him pick up all the pieces and throw them away. I notice his hands are slightly shaking, but it's still noticeable.

"You ok?" I ask.


"No. I don't think you are." I say and point to his hands.

"I said I'm fine." he says before rushing up the stairs and closing the door to his room.


wednesday; stilinksi household

Scott is dropping me off at home, his bike is in my driveway. I get off the motorcycle and hand him back the helmet. We are coming back from the animal clinic, which we went to after school. I was working on my abilities with Deaton.

This time I did it, I actually did it. I was able to take the pain around me and direct it using my hands, transferring it into Scott. But this time it was different. All the other times, I was so worried about hurting Scott, that the thought alone prevented me from being able to transfer pain. So I found a way to control the amount of pain I direct. It took a lot of trial and error but I did it. And since I didn't have to worry about hurting Scott, it worked. Every. Single. Time.

"It's fine. Honestly, I barely felt anything." Scott says after I apologize for what feels like the millionth time. "The good thing now, is that it seems like you have this all figured out."

I nod. "Seems like it."

We stand by his motorcycle. He looks down at his helmet before looking up at me. "So...I talked to Liam yesterday."

"Oh. About?" I ask, suddenly curious.

"I think I should let him tell you himself." Scott answers.

A car pulls up on the street and parks in front of my house. Liam gets out of the car and begins to walk towards us. Scott and Liam greet each other, just like they always did. A smile. A hug. It's almost as if there had been no separation between them.

"I should get going." Scott says. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I say goodbye to Scott and watch him take off on his bike before turning to Liam.

"Hey." he says.


"I was wondering if we could talk."

"Yeah, sure." I say as I walk towards the door and he follows. I unlock it and we walk in. I shut the door and put my backpack down on the couch. He stands in the middle of the living room, looking around the walls of my house. He hasn't been here in a while. I place my keys on the table and he turns to look at me.

"Sorry I didn't call." he says.

"That's ok."

"Your family isn't home?"

"Not yet."

He nods.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask, starting to get nervous, not knowing what to expect.

"Right. Yeah. I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me, when we were in the tunnels. And you were right. What I was doing wasn't fair to you guys. So I thought about it and I've made a decision. And I thought it'd be better if I'd tell you myself, and in person."

"And what did you decide?" I ask him, my heart beating faster than it was beating before, hoping he's going to say what I want to hear.

"I've decided to stay. And that I want to rejoin the pack. This is all part of who I am. You're all a part of who I am, and I can't run from it. The pack is my family."

I smile at him.

"I talked to Scott." he continues. "We had a very long conversation. He agreed to let me back in the pack." he says, excitement in his voice.

"I'm glad. You belong here." I tell him.

"Yeah, you were right about that too." he says.

He walks over to me and we embrace in a warm hug.

"I'm glad you're staying." I whisper to him.

"Me too." he whispers back.

He pulls away, just enough so that our eyes meet but he doesn't let go of me. "There are...there are other reasons why I decided to leave the pack. Reasons I didn't tell you. But that's a conversation for another day. With everything going on, it can wait."

I nod. "Ok, well when you're ready, I'll be here. Like I always will be."

"Thank you." he says. "For everything." He kisses my forehead and then we step away from each other. We say goodbye and he walks out and heads home.

He's had a guard up for a long time now, but he finally let it come down.

he's staying and I couldn't be happier

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