24 Hours To Live • Eazy-E

By moonwalkbae

15.5K 1.7K 11.6K

A story in which a boy lives his final twenty four hours on Earth after being haunted by his past. 2016 // ©... More

Author's Note
The Final Twenty-Four | 1
The Final Twenty-Four | 2
The Final Twenty-Four | 3
The Final Twenty-Four | 4
The Final Twenty-Four | 5
The Final Twenty-Four | 6
The Final Twenty-Four | 7
The Final Twenty-Four | 8
The Final Twenty-Four | 9
The Final Twenty-Four | 10
The Final Twenty-Four | 11
The Final Twenty-Four | 12
The Final Twenty-Four | 13
The Final Twenty-Four | 14
The Final Twenty-Four | 15
The Final Twenty-Four | 17
The Final Twenty-Four | 18
The Final Twenty-Four | 19
The Final Twenty-Four | 20
The Final Twenty-Four | 21
The Final Twenty-Four | 22
The Final Twenty-Four | 23
The Final Twenty-Four | 24
The Final Twenty-Four | 25
The Final Twenty-Four | 26
The Final Twenty-Four | 27
The Final Twenty-Four | 28
The Final Twenty-Four | 29
The Final Twenty-Four | 30
The Final Twenty-Four | 31
The Final Twenty-Four | 32
The Final Twenty-Four | 33
The Final Twenty-Four | 34
The Final Twenty-Four | 35
The Final Twenty-Four | 36
The Final Twenty-Four | 37
The Final Twenty-Four | 38
Thank You

The Final Twenty-Four | 16

255 36 275
By moonwalkbae

Go ahead and scream cause here's an update lol I told y'all I'm outlining my ass off so that's the reason for my updates.

Before I start this chapter I want to thank y'all for 3,000 comments. I feel like I have the most active readers when it comes to Eazy-E fanfics and y'all are so lit so thanks.

And while I'm at it, I thought I should let you know that I'm still outlining "The Wizard of OZ NWA" and "Eazy-E: American Gangster" is going to be a gangster/mafia type of book.

Somewhat similar to the movie "American Gangster" and I'm not sure if he's going to be Eazy-E in that story or just Eric Wright, I haven't decided yet.

And last but not least, "Take Care" is currently being outlined as well, another Eazy fanfic lol I mean duh. The blurbs and plots are going to remain a secret but I'll spill the beans soon.

"American Gangster" is going to be very violent so if you can't handle books like this, then don't read it.. simple. But the blurb for "The Wizard of OZ NWA" is:

A story in which a girl wakes up in the land of OZ.

That's all folks! Here's the chapter ⚡️


Then out of nowhere, I heard another loud bang.

"Ms. Woods let us in. We're not gonna hurt you and we're not leaving until you open this door."

I dropped the phone and gently opened the door. In walks four armed men and they're all aiming their guns at me.

Thank God my son is spending the night with someone.

"Tell Eric Wright we came."

After they let theirselves in, I slowly backed up while heavy breathing. Never been so scared in my life. Four armed men are in my presence right now and no one is here to defend or help me.

But once again, thank God my son is spending the night with someone else. My child is my world and I don't know what I would do if his life is in danger.

I know exactly who one of them is but the other three, not so much. However, they do look familiar. Maybe I've seen them on the news or maybe out in public?

The one that I recognize pulled out his gun and demanded me to take a seat on the couch. I did what I was told of course because right now I'm shitting bricks and right now, my life is on the line.

"Now we're not here to hurt you, we just want to talk. First off, why did it take you so damn long to answer the door?" he scoffed.

I couldn't get my words together. I look around and all I see is three loaded guns aiming directly at me.

"Well? We're waiting," another one added. This young man looks so familiar. I honestly believe that I've seen him somewhere but at this very moment, I just can't put my finger on it.

"Because I-I.."

"I'll answer for you. Because you was about to call the police right?"

I shook my head.

"Okay," he laughed "I'm just going to pretend that you're telling the truth because I know you're shitting your pants and I can't blame you."

"Fuck you," I spat with an evil glare. I know I probably just fucked myself up but oh well.

"Oh the whole world has already done that. Well fuck you that is," the one I'm sure I've seen before chuckled.

I'm sitting here staring at him, I know I'm not going crazy. I've seen this guy before but right now, I just can't put my finger on it.

"Why are you here? How do you know where I live? What do you want?"

The leader clocked his gun. Yeah these guys are definitely strapped and I have every right to defend myself in my own house. But I'm so scared that they'll pull the trigger and honestly it's not worth it.

So, I'm trying not to piss them off.

"We're doing this mafia style. See when the mafia can't get to the person they need to speak with, they go after people they're close with. You know such as their family and close friends."

He pulled out a cigar and lit it, before placing it in his mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry," he laughed "may I?"

"What do you want," I muttered. You can see the fear and anger in my eyes. What the hell did I engulf myself into.

"I know someone that owes a big time drug dealer a lot of money."

He licked his lips before taking another hit.

"Okay so what does that have to do with me?"

"His name is Scooter and he's going to remain anonymous for many reasons. You work for KTLA News and we know that you're a big ass snitch. Hell you ratted Eazy out to LAPD."

"No I did not!" I yelled.

One of the guys who I've never seen before clocked his gun and aimed it at my head so I decided to tone it down.

"Oh you didn't huh? You didn't rat him out?"

"Of course I didn't. Eric is not that damn important for me to just go out of my way and turn him in. He and his little crew were going to get busted sooner or later."

The guy who looks so damn familiar continued to stare at me with sympathy in his eyes, as if he's guilty of something. But it looks more like he feels sorry for me and is on my side.

"Eazy is Scooter's homeboy, even if they did have a fallout years ago. And Scooter told us that E would help him come up with the money."

"So what does all this have to do with me?"

"You fucking him?"

"No. We're just friends, that's it."

"Okay well since you two are just friends...tell him to help Scooter come up with that money."

I scoffed. "Why does Eric have to be responsible for someone else's debt? That's not fair to him. Scooter borrowed that money for whatever reason which makes it his responsibility to pay it all back."

"See Scooter promised Worm that E would come through for him. However," he sighed "my man Eazy is as fake as a two dollar bill because he hasn't done anything as of yet."

"Well Eric is clearly showing Scooter that he doesn't give a damn about his money problems."

I glanced at the door and noticed that it's still open.

"Yeah and see I clearly don't give a damn about Eazy being a Crip neither. Want to know why? Because I kill Crips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... And I have no problem killing their pussy either," he smirked.

I started to panick. "W-we're not doing anything. I have nothing to do with this so whatever is going on between Scooter, Eric, and Worm is between them. Keep me out of it."

"Like hell," he spat "I have a bullet for all three of y'all. You, Scooter, and E."

I felt myself tearing up but I tried to control myself. "Just leave me alone. I'll tell him that you stopped by please just leave me alone."

"Aight. And tell him to help Scooter come up with the money. If not, it's going to be a Bloodbath in Kelly Park I promise you."

I keep glancing at the guy who looks so damn familiar. He's staring at me as if he knows me as well, but I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.

The leader took a few steps closer to me and aimed his gun directly at my forehead. I closed my eyes and I can feel them watering up again but I'm trying to keep it cool.

He whispered. "You're too young to die baby. You're only twenty-one years old."

Tears began streaming down my cheeks. Feeling the barrel of the gun against my forehead means one thing... I'm going to die.

He can pull the trigger whenever he wants to and knowing him, he just might.

"POW!" he yelled before laughing.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I spat. Tears are still streaming down my cheeks but these are angry tears now. I've had it with these thugs.

"Got yo ass," he chuckled "that's what you're going to hear if Scooter doesn't come up with this money."

One of the guys started chuckling. Now I'm in the middle of this shit. This only means one thing, I gotta stop fucking with Eric.

But it doesn't matter to be honest. They'll still end up getting me.

He lowered his gun and began to smirk. The door is still open so I'm going to use it to my advantage.

"Yeah," he muttered "you don't get it do you? I'm the God of Bompton," he smiled.

I quickly got up and ran towards the door until one guy grabbed me.

"Where you going baby?" the leader chuckled.

He has a tight hold on me and I want to scream for help but it won't do me any justice. I bit his hand which caused him to winc in pain and release me.

"Damn! You fucking bitch, you bit the shit out of me!" he yelled before shooting at me, but thank God he missed.

I screamed and ran outside as quick as a flash. They started shooting at me and what a coincidence, it starts to rain.

I started to run faster and faster, dodging their bullets.

This is my lucky day because four guys, well three because the leader isn't participating, are shooting at me and I haven't been hit yet.

I ran into an empty alley to catch my breathe.

"Thank you Jesus," I whispered. There's no sign of them at the moment.

Whew, that was close. I literally almost lost my life.

It's raining pretty bad and I'm soaking wet. I attempted to find the nearest payphone until I started to feel light headed and weak.

Seems like everything is spinning and seconds later, everything went black.

"Tomica?" said a raspy voice.

Feels good to still be alive. When I opened my eyes I blinked a few times and found myself laying on a large King size bed.

Right now, I don't want to fucking look at him.

"Eric h-how did you-"

"A witness found you passed out in some alley. What happened? And you're still soaked. That's why you're laying on top of towels."

I stood up and ran fingers through my hair. "Let me take a shower and then I'm out of here."

"What?" he scoffed "no. Stay the night girl."

"Stay the hell away from me," I spat.

"What? Why? I thought everything was going well between us. Are you on your period or something?"

I rolled my eyes. "Robbing that bank was bad enough but now you're really in some deep shit and thanks to you, I'm involved."

"What is this about?" he asked while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I have to end this early. This... us. Well scratch that, there is no us. Never was and never will be."

"Yeah you're on your period huh?" he laughed "so what the hell happened? What caused you to pass out in the rain?"

"Because of you four goons came to my apartment! Because of you and your homie Scooter."

His eyes bulged. "Who are these goons?"

"I-I don't know. Well I recognized the leader and another guy looked so damn familiar but I just can't seem to remember where I've seen him."

"Look don't even worry about that. I'll take care of it."

"Are you serious right now?" I spat "who are you trying to fool? Now because of you, I'm involved. I don't fit in with this lifestyle Eric."

"Well what did they say? And I'll be sure to keep you out of it."

"Don't even worry about it," I mumbled while heading towards the door.

He grabbed my hand. "Wait. Don't go. Stay the night, I just want you to be safe. Please?"

I licked my lips. "Look I-"

"You're so pretty."

"Thanks. You're pretty too."

"Well stay with me. It's still raining and you need to be somewhere warm and dry."

"Nah," I smirked "eat shit and die."

"Eat shit and live," he muttered.

After taking a long, hot shower, I decided to leave and stay in a hotel for the night. I just can't go home at the moment and I'm going to call the police.

I found a payphone and before I could dial, I hear Eric running after me. Damn why won't he just give up?

"Tomica!" he yelled "Tomica!"

I placed the phone back on its hook. "Yes?"

He has those damn shades on.. as usual. And we're both soaking wet.

"You have a bad habit of playing hard to get," he laughed.

"And you have a bad habit of chasing after me. You should know that I'm not checking for you like that."

"We're just friends right?" he licked his lips "right?"

"Eric you are my secret admirer. I think I finally found a guy who's willing to do whatever it takes to wear me down," I smiled.

"Well it's good to switch roles. Bitches are always throwing theirselves on me."

I sighed. "Bitches? There you go with that word again."

"Yeah. A lot of you women are bitches, there's a difference."

I wish I had an umbrella on me right now because I am soaked. Eric is too but he clearly doesn't give a damn. And it's hard for us to see each other because it's so dark.

"Don't you have a videoshoot tomorrow morning? Why aren't you getting your rest?"

It begins to thunder and I also saw lightning flash in the sky as well.

"It's good to have a fan who's not on that groupie shit," he smiled.

"Well I must admit you are very handsome and amazing."

"Some people don't think so. Well, the amazing part because everyone thinks I'm handsome."

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Anyway... thank you for the dry, warm shelter."

"Yeah," he muttered.

"Can you take off those shades?"

"They're Locs."

I scoffed and stepped closer to him. I attempted to reach for them until he stopped me.

"Wait," he mumbled. I reached for them again and as usual, he grabbed my arms and I gasped.

He released me and I succeeded in removing them. I can't see his eyes clearly because it's dark and raining.

It's been a long ass night for sure. And I don't know what's come over me but I gently grabbed his face and when he licked his lips, that gave me the greenlight to place mine on top.

Out of nowhere he grabs my waist and I slid my tongue inside his mouth.

This feels like a romantic movie. You know, the scene where the lovers romantically kiss in the rain. Yeah, that's what it feels like.

What a day. I got into it with Eric at my job, went to his crib to apologize, went on a "friendly date", received an anonymous phone call, almost got my ass killed, and it ends with a kiss in the rain.

This is better than sex because that's what we're using each other for. This boy is making me feel some type of way slowly but surely.

Right now we're just two friends having sex but I can't wait until it turns into something else.

Aww! Goals 😍

This is my first time writing a whole chapter in Tomica's pov lol and it probably won't be the last.

New readers, disregard my random ass author's notes lol anybody who's read my books since day one know I play too damn much.

Also, Suge is obviously the guy with the cigar but who do you think is the one that Tomica has seen before? 🤔

One more thing. Kendall kenny93_  stated in a chapter that Eric might end up killing one of his homeboys lol she makes sense. Y'all so quick to point the finger at Suge. What if he kills Scooter or Lucky?

I feel like I'm the Queen of pettiness and twists 😂

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