Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (mature)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33

Chapter 32

25.9K 828 376
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: SORRY I'M A LOSER. I'm selfish and updated Wanted Most twice. But this is next here you are. Dedicated to @flyingoverolympus for the cool edit in the multimedia! :)

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Uh... Maow."

My eyes fluttered open, and like usual upon waking up, I briefly panicked. I jolted up with a gasp, but instead of being in a white carpeted room with a small bed in a corner, I was back in my and Harry's room. Harry had Elijah sleeping soundly on his chest, his beautiful face peaceful looking. His cheeks were pink with sleep, and his lips were slightly parted. Elijah was on his little side, his head tucked up under Harry's chin as he made cute little huffing sounds in his sleep. His little ears twitched occasionally. Fionna was sitting between us groggily, sucking at her Maow's ear. It all came flooding back then, how it had been over two weeks since I'd made it back to my family. Everything was back to normal again, everyone was safe. I was just still having problems sleeping.

"C'mere, Feenna," I cooed, reaching for her and pulling her into my lap. I glanced at the clock, wincing as I realised it was only 7:50am. Harry needed to sleep longer, so I kissed him and Elijah both on their cheeks and slipped down the hall with Fionna to get us both some breakfast. "We're up pretty early, hmm?"

"Yas..." she trilled, clutching to me with one hand her blankie with the other. "Dada?"

"He's sleeping with our beebee 'Lijah still," I told her. "He'll be up later. What dees my beebee Feenna want to eat?"

"Ooh..." she giggled, and I placed her in her highchair as I kissed her forehead, moving her blanket onto the chair next to her. Lucy came prancing into the room, and Fionna giggled at her. "Maow. See."

"That is Lucy, beebee!" I cooed. "You are so smart."


I poured some food into Lucy's dish, and she simply turned her nose up at it and waltzed from the room once more. Shrugging, I went to look in the fridge as I asked Fionna, "What do we want for breakfast? How about... eggs! Do we want scrambled eggs, my Feenna?"

She screeched happily, "No!"

I held a finger to my lips, giggling, "Shh... beebee, we can't wake up your Dada! I'll make us some scrambled eggs."

She babbled away from her highchair, "Bee, bee, bee, bee!"

"Daddy's beebee?" I asked her, placing a pan on the stove.


"You're not my beebee?" I made a pouting face, walking over to her while the pan heated. "You're my beebee, aren't you?"

Her ears turned to the side shyly, and she stuck her fingers into her mouth before she gurgled around them, "M'goo..."

"I know," I chuckled, booping her nose. "You're my good baby Feenna."

"My Louis?" I heard Harry call from the living room.

"In the kitchen, lovely," I called back.

He hurried into the room, our baby boy in the sling around his torso. He looked a bit worried, but at his gaze fell on me he smiled widely, "Are really home..."

I moved to hug him and Elijah before I went back to cooking eggs, kissing Harry gently and then gazing down at Elijah's confused looking little face, "Mhmm... it's been that way for two weeks now. Crazy, yeah? I'm still... still having trouble sleeping though. I don't know why that is."

"Dada!" Fionna finally screeched, having been gurgling at Harry happily but finally growing tired of him not looking at her.

"I am seeing you too, my beebee," he giggled, walking over to her and gently supporting the sling so he could lean and poke his lips out for a kiss. She obligingly gave him a slobbery open mouthed kiss back, and his nose scrunched in the adorable way that it did. "Thank you, my beebee. Now... my Louis? Are not sleeping well? Bad dreams?"

"How about we talk about it over eggs?" I suggested, and he nodded. I walked to the fridge to retrieve the ingredients while Harry sat down in a chair next to Fionna. She squealed gleefully, stretching her arms out for him and shrieking, "Peas! Peas!"

My mother had stayed with us for about a week after Fionna and I returned home safely, although I insisted she could go back to my sisters, and over that time she had started teaching Fionna how to use manners. Fionna found out quickly that if she tacked a "please" onto everything, she usually got what she wanted. We were still working on "thank you".

Harry giggled at her, leaning to lightly bump his head against hers, "My Feenna, I am holding your beebee brother... bet I could hold you now though! Has almost been a month! But... that is meaning my baby boy 'Lijah is almost a month, too."

"Tomorrow..." I agreed. "He's already grown so much."

Harry whimpered at that, shaking his head, "Nope, still fits in his little sling pouch. Is still my baby boy."

Elijah, however, gave a loud and shrill cry, so Harry was quick to remove him from the sling and take the fabric off of himself. He held Elijah to his chest with Elijah's little head resting on his shoulder, and Fionna instantly straightened up in her high chair, "Oooh..."

"Beebee..." she cooed to Elijah, flashing him a large grin.

Elijah simply rooted at Harry's shoulder, completely ignoring Fionna as his little head lifted wobbily, a whine leaving him. Harry hummed, softly stroking the back of his head, "You are hungry, aren't you my baby boy?"

Harry stood with Elijah, placing a kiss on Fionna's head as he carried our whimpering baby over to make him a bottle. I giggled as Elijah continued to root at Harry's neck and shoulder, suckling at Harry's loose t-shirt and the skin of his neck, "He's firmly convinced that you'll feed him that way even after all this time he's eaten from a bottle."

"Do not even really leak anymore," Harry sighed affectionately, turning and kissing Elijah's temple.

"Uh... peas?" Fionna squeaked from her high chair.

"Hold on, beebee, your eggs are almost done," I told her before smiling at Harry. "If Elijah can wait until I finish these eggs I'll hold him while the eggs cool enough for us to eat? And you can make him a bottle."

Harry nodded, gently pulling Elijah away from his shoulder to lift him up to eye level, holding him close so his one month old eyes didn't have problems focusing on Harry, "You can wait my beebee? Yes, am thinking you can my handsome beebee boy. You are looking so much like your Daddy!"

Elijah's little tongue was poking from his mouth, but then much to my surprise, he gurgled a little and his little face lit up in a smile. Harry jolted in surprise, and I nearly dropped my spatula, "He smiled at you... he- where's his baby book? We need it!"

Harry simply burst into happy tears, pulling Elijah close and nuzzle his nose against our baby boy's fuzzy ears. Fionna shrieked at that, stretching for Harry desperately, "Dada?! Dadadadada-"

"I am okay, beebee," he sniffled. "I am happy!"

"I wish I could have gotten a picture," I croaked, wiping at my own eyes and stretching to grab two big plates for Harry and me and one of Fionna's small purple plates. I carefully put a tiny bit of eggs onto Fionna's plate, the rest on Harry's and my plate, and then I placed the pan back on the stove as I flicked off the stove top, reaching for Elijah. "You are so perfect, lovely baby boy!"

Harry hummed, carefully handing him over and wiping at his cheeks, "Will make him a bottle... can eat... then we will find his baby book."

I tucked him into the crook of my arm and held him up close so I could talk to him. His gummy smile was gone, replaced by his confused look and his little tongue poking from his mouth again, "Your tongue is just always sticking out, beebee. And you are so chubby!"

"Is not nice," Harry protested.

"No!" Fionna said scoldingly, but then she giggled. "Lob."

"Love you too, Feenna," I laughed, looking back at Elijah. "You are chubby though, my baby boy. You has two chins! Two!"

"Likes food, that is all," Harry protested.

"It is okay," I cooed. "I like him."

"Were chubby as a beebee, too," Harry raised his eyebrows at me. "Jay has showed me."

"My little mini-me beebee boy," I hummed. "With your Dada's hair of course. It would be a shame if that hadn't carried over."

Harry finished Elijah's bottle, offering it out to me to feed him, and I nodded happily as I accepted it. In return, the boy grabbed several Fionna's plate and my plate and carried them to the table. Fionna squealed the moment Harry brought it over, holding her hands up once more, "Dada! Dada! Beebee? Peas!"

The younger boy instantly put down the plates on the table, even Fionna's little plate rather than on her highchair, and he startlingly unbuckled her from her seat. She screeched happily as he put his hands under her little arms, lifting her up carefully and experimentally into his grasp before he clutched her close to him, "Hello, my Feenna."

"Dadadadada!" she gurgled, giving him open mouthed kisses. "Lobloblob!"

The boy's stomach was basically healed, and he'd even lost nearly all of his baby weight already. He simply had a small tummy that poked out over his pants and marks left from carrying our two babies. I could tell he was a bit distressed by them, but I loved them all the same, "Are you alright, lovely? Don't strain yourself..."

Dr. Shell had told us to wait at least six weeks before we resumed sexual activity, and we were nearly at four, but I couldn't remember how long he had said to wait before Harry could lift Fionna. However, he seemed to be doing it without any problems and it made both he and Fionna extremely happy.

"Kankoo... kankoo..." Fionna cooed to him, and Harry smiled wider.

"You are so welcome, my beebee... so smart!" he kissed her on the nose, and she attempted to give him a kiss back, managing to slobber a bit on his cheek.


He gently slipped her back into her chair and buckled her back in. She stretched her arms out for the food, and Harry lifted an eyebrow at her, "What do you say, my beebee?"

"Uhh..." Fionna squeaked. "Lob."

"Nope... what do you say?" Harry grinned, his ears turning shyly to the side as I winked at him and adjusted Elijah so the fussing baby could have his bottle.

"Peas!" she whined.

"Okay, beebee," he nodded. "You can have your breakfast."

Before he handed it over, however, he lightly tapped it to make sure it was cooled down, and then he slipped it in front of her. She grabbed a bit in her little fist, happily stuff it into her mouth. My nose scrunched, "We should have gotten her a bib... or stripped her down to her diaper."

"Will just have to have a bath anyway," Harry sighed, coming over to me again and ducking down to kiss me gently. "Love you."

"I love you, too..." I hummed, giving him an eskimo kiss and then walking to the table with Elijah. Harry carried over the other plate, sitting down between me and Fionna to feed me bites of eggs and to make sure Fionna limited her handfuls.

"Cup?!" Fionna suddenly squealed. "Cup?!"

"Think she is thirsty," Harry nodded, getting up to retrieve Fionna's sippy cup. Yet another word Fionna had finally learned while my mother was over, though I was certain she'd said it once before. He got her her ducky cup and poured some grape juice in it before handing it to her. "Are so talkative lately!"

"She likes saying her new words I think," I chuckled. "And she likes that we do what she wants. Right beebee?"

"Kankoo, kankoo..." she gurgled to Harry. "Cup?"

"You've got it in your hand, beebee."

Elijah gradually stopped eating when he was about halfway done with his bottle, simply gumming at the nipple of it instead. So I carefully brought him to my shoulder to pat firmly at his back in attempts for a burp. From the living room, there came a knock at the door, and Harry and I both jumped slightly, looking to each other fearfully. I shook my head however, offering Elijah out to Harry, "It's alright... you all aren't a secret anymore. You're citizens and no one can take you."

"Took you," Harry croaked. "You are a citizen, took you!"

"But they're in jail," I whispered. "They got caught. We're okay."

Dr. Wendel had been thrown in jail for a long, long time. It turned out she had more people than just us being held hostage, had been purchasing and selling supplies illegally, and wasn't even a real doctor. If she'd been nicer I would have considered her a perfect match for Dr. Shell, but frankly I loathed the woman and found her repulsive. Harry, Niall, and the babies, luckily, had all been made members of the UK. Although Niall's parents were unknown, after much questioning and testing Niall had finally been allowed to be a citizen. Baxter, Elijah, and Fionna were granted citizenship almost immediately, and Harry had been allowed it once we gave them Ella's name despite the fact that she was deceased and couldn't be questioned over it.

The knock came again, and even Fionna's little ears fell flat to mimic Harry's. I went to stand, and Harry shook his head, "No, do not..."

"It's probably one of the lads," I told him gently. "We're... we're alright."

But I was hesitant as I walked into to living room, peeking through the peep hole and sighing in a relief. I opened the door quickly, grinning at Niall, Liam, and Baxter. Baxter crowed loudly, "Hey!"

"Hiya, Baxie!" I laughed. "We're all in the kitchen eating eggs. I can make you all some, if you'd like?"

"We ate already," Liam chuckled. "But thanks! Baxter really wanted to come over and play with Fionna, so I figured we'd come talk to you all for a bit. Plus... I published my third book, so-"

I lunged forward and pulled both he and Baxter into a tight hug, "That's great! Congratulations, mate!"

"Yes!" Baxter nodded savagely.

"It's just a good day today!" I chuckled. "You published your book, our beebee boy is smiling now!"

"Aww," Niall squealed. "I wonder if he'll smile at me!"

The lad raced off into the kitchen, leaving a confused Baxter in Liam's arms, "Um... Dey?"

Liam laughed, kissing between Baxter's white ears and making his tail wag rapidly, "He's going to see Fionna, Baxie boy! Do you wanna go to?"


"Well what are we waiting for?" I held my arms out to him, and he happily came to me. "Let's go!"

I playfully dashed off into the kitchen to have Baxter squealing with joy, and we stopped next to where Niall was cooing at Elijah, carefully holding him up to eye level with himself. Harry had a skeptical look, "Careful Niall... has just eaten. Could be icky."

"Ooh," Niall grimaced, lowering Elijah back down and cuddling him close. "I'd rather keep my face free of spit-up."

"Good call, love," Liam patted Niall's bum, and Niall's tail wagged in amusement .

"Are Chris and Zayn coming over?" Harry asked. "Do you know?"

"Zen!" Fionna squealed.

"Oh yes, we lob Zen," I nodded, looking at Baxter in my arms. "Do you love Zen, Baxie?"

"Um... yes!"

"You just love everyone though, right?" I chuckled.


Niall giggled at his baby, but then he shrugged to Harry, "They might come over if you asked them... Liam texted them yesterday but ever since Zayn got back... well... Zayn and Fionna and Louis but- never mind. Anyway. Ever since then I don't think they've stopped shagging. Maybe it's a way to deal with the stress, I dunno..."

"Well they're together in the closest way possible," Liam explained. "It's probably a nice reminder that they have one another."

Harry nodded, "Okay... uh... babies. Must talk about something else."

"They should come over. I'll call them later and we'll plan something," I chuckled. "Liam published his book!"

Harry grinned largely, reaching out and hugging Liam, "Congratulations, Liam! That is good!"

"Thanks, Harry," Liam blushed. "Means a lot..."

"Peas," Fionna declared, pointing to the floor. "Peas."

"Are you done eating, baby?" Harry asked her, but moved to unbuckle her.

"Whoa!" Liam protested. "Can you-"

But Harry lifted Fionna up anyway, Niall and Liam gazing worriedly at him. Harry simply rolled his eyes, nodding as he carried a babbling Fionna to the sink, "Am alright... does not even hurt."

He washed Fionna's face and chin off at the sink, stripping her of her little shirt and letting her down to toddle around in her pajamas pants. I placed a squirming Baxter down as well, and he raced over to Fionna excitedly. Fionna simply blinked at him, and he giggled.

"Maow," Fionna told him, and then she toddled happily from the room, more than likely to find Lucy. Baxter hurried after her, but then she came running back in. "Dahey? Dahey? Dadadada-"

"We're right in here, Feenna, go play," I told her, grabbing her blanket from her chair and offering it to her. "Here's your blankie."

"Lin-key," she grinned, toddling over to take it from me. "Peas."

I watched her hurry back off, smiling softly, "I think she meant thank you, but please is good enough. It's the thought that counts."

"Just make sure you actually correct her every now and then," Liam laughed. "Or else she'll get confused! I'm surprised Harry can say as much as he does now since you refused to correct him."

"I was corrected sometimes!" Harry protested, coming over to pick up the plates. "And am talking fine... um... or okay... now."

"Yes," I followed him to the sink to assist him, wrapping my arms around his middle gently and pressing my lips to his neck. "You talk fine... I love the way you talk."

Harry leaned back against me, twisting around so our lips could meet, and Niall groaned, "Get a room!"

"I'll have you know," I sighed in slight sadness. "Harry and I haven't been able to 'get a room' for an entire month now."

"You poor boys!" Niall gasped. "Louis, you at least like-"

"Nope," I sighed. "If Harry can't, I won't either."

"Told him he could though," Harry sighed, looking at me in confusion. "Just will not..."

Niall chuckled at us, looking to Elijah in his arms, "I think me and Eli here are gonna go make sure Baxie and big sister aren't getting into any trouble. They're awfully quiet in there."

"Please do," I agreed, beginning to help Harry wash our plates and Fionna's juice cup. "We'll all be in there soon."

Harry and I washed the dishes quickly as Niall and Liam both went to watch the babies in the other room. We had a few minor distractions, mainly each others' lips, but we dried the plates and put them away before Harry nonchalantly patted my bum and scurried from the room giggling. I raced after him, darting in front of him to place a hand on his cheek and brush my lips against his, and Fionna squealed suddenly, "No!"

She came scrambling over, looking up and stretching her arms out for one of us to pick her up. I obliged with a laugh, "Can I not kiss your Dada?"

"Mine," she sighed.

"He's mine, too," I told her, and she frowned.

"Oh. Lob."

"I love him, too!" I nodded insistently.

"Dahey," she frowned, but she touched my cheek softly, looking to Harry. "Dada. Maow."

"That... okay, my Feenna," Harry giggled, and then I lowered Fionna back to the floor so she could go back to playing with Baxter. The two had dragged out Fionna's blocks, and Fionna was creating a pile on top of her blankie and Maow."

Harry and I hurried into Elijah's room quickly to scrawl down the date on his 'First Smile' firsts page of his baby book, chuckling at Lucy who was in there hiding from Niall, and then we joined the others back in the living room. Liam and Niall were already sitting on the couch, and Harry retrieved Elijah from them so he could sit down on the floor with our little baby boy. I spread out a blanket for them, and Harry placed Elijah flat on his tummy and laid down on his back beside him, watching Elijah fondly. I wasn't sure what I liked more about tummy time: watching Elijah squirm and make squeaking sounds as he pushed his little head up to look around, or watching Harry watch Elijah.

The kitten eared lad would always lay close beside our baby boy, laying on his back as he watched fondly. His eyes were just filled with such love and adoration that it melted my heart. He'd been the exact same way with Fionna, and for some reason it just made me want to continuously have babies with Harry, and I had to resist rushing him to the bedroom for an attempt. Harry couldn't have a baby so soon after Elijah if we were going to have anymore babies at all. We'd had such a big scare with him after Elijah was born that I was still skeptical. However, we hadn't gotten the shot Dr. Shell had recommended.

"So who do you think Zayn and Chris will choose for their best men?" Niall asked. "Their wedding is in three months. August. And they still can't decide. Personally, I think it'll be me."

"I think you're full of crap," I replied, plopping down next to them. "We all know Zayn will pick me. Chris has a soft spot for Harry, as well. I bet he'll choose him."

"I will fight you to the death for it," Niall declared.

"Um... no," Harry replied, sitting up and narrowing his eyes at the blonde. "Leave my Louis alone."

"Oh dear," Liam sighed, looking to Fionna and Baxter. "Fionna, Baxie... never end up like us. Same for you, Elijah."

"He already looks just like Louis," Niall laughed as the subject thankfully shifted before Niall and I had to wrestle. "Who's to say he won't act like him?"

"I think Fionna has the acting like him covered," Liam murmured, and we all turned our attention to Fionna to find her placing blocks on Baxter's and her own head. Both of them were giggling wildly about it.

"I did teach her that..." I smiled softly, but then my smile slipped away. "In um... we were under observation. I showed her that. And then they..."

Harry instantly picked Elijah up in his arms, scurrying over and worming his way onto the couch, cramming four people, technically five, on the sofa meant for three. He pushed his head up under my chin, "But you are back, you are not there."

"I still dream about it though," I whispered. "That I'm all alone and they... Fionna isn't there... God, they actually took her from me in there though. I don't... I couldn't..."

"Lou," Liam spoke softly. "Maybe you should ask Dr. Shell about your dreams."

"I don't think he's a brain doctor," I sighed. "I'll be alright, anyway. The dreams are lessoning. I just wake up in a startling panic frequently."

Harry nodded sadly, "Does... hurts my heart to see him so scared. He just will... grab me and our babies and hug us for a very long time if we are awake. And I do not mind my Louis, do not mind at all! Just worries me..."

"Give it a week or two more," I insisted. "It hasn't even been a full month yet. It's fine, I promise!"

They all three nodded slowly, and Baxter and Fionna curiously stood to come over, Baxter reaching for Liam, "Papa-"

"Hiya Baxie," Liam leaned and scooped him up, and I picked up Fionna, setting her on my leg beside Niall so she couldn't poke at Elijah like she liked to do. "Baxie, you've got Maisy's hair all over your shirt. She needs brushed when we get home."

"Beebee," Fionna cooed to Elijah.

"Beebee Elijah," I nodded.

"Shah..." Fionna giggled.

"Shah," Baxter repeated.

"I don't think I have to worry as much with these beebees and you all around to help me," I hummed, kissing Fionna's temple.

Harry kissed my cheek in reassurance, and both Niall and Liam reached for my knee at the same time. Niall grinned largely, however, shaking his head at me, "Nah, you don't have to worry, mate. You think we'd let something happen to you all for good? We're probably gonna have a few mishaps down the road because honestly, we're a bunch of idiots, so I apologize in advance but-"

"We're idiots, I agree," I chuckled. "But we're the good kind of idiots..."

"Right," Harry giggled.

"Pretty much," Liam laughed fondly.

"The good kind if idiots," Niall agreed. "But basically, you can't escape us that easily. We're a family, you're stuck with us."

The curly haired lad leaning against me laughed, kissing Elijah's little head as Fionna giggled at Niall and Liam grinned largely at me. I simply sighed, almost as if I were disappointed, but then I gave each of them a massive smile, "Well just so you all know... I wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone else. I love each and every one of you. Even Zayn and Chris though they aren't here to hear it."

"We love you, too, mate," Liam replied whole-heartedly.

"Yes!" Baxter crowed.

"Lob," Fionna cooed, and Harry snuggled closer with Elijah.

I wrapped my arm around my Kitten, kissing the top of his head and then kissing Fionna's, and Niall happily flipped on the television so we could all continue sitting crammed together on the three person sofa. We were squished, but we were content, and we were most definitely a family.


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