Everything Wrong With: Sonic...

By NotMasterhands

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Everything Wrong with : Sonic Fandom (Mainly the wattpad one) Warning : This book contains my... More

Character Portrayal - Silver
Archie Sonic Comics
Future Plans
My Problem with some Sonic OCs
Positive Outlook on Archie Sonic
Happy Birthday Sonic!
Common Sonic OC complaints + examples
Ship Problems : Sonadow
Opinion books and Ship Ratings
Forgotten SEGA Characters
Character Portrayal - Amy Rose
Irritating Sonic Headcanons
Liking a character for being OOC
Character Portrayal - Cream The Rabbit
Things to maybe annoy Sonic Fans here
Ship Problems : Mephadow
Shipping Hypocrisy
Ship Opinions & Reasoning
Over-sensitivity (+ I got muted)
SonAmy & How it affects Amy
Elise & "Beastiality"
RPing as Official Sonic characters
I have "People Problems"
BAD Sonadow Writing
Recoloring, a specific part
Basic "Annoying" Fanfiction Ideas
Against the idea of "Sonic Picture Books"
Wattpad Sonic - Short Rants
Happy 10th Anniversary Silver/Sonic 06
Project Sonic 2017 News
Wattpad Sonic - Roleplayer Rants
Credibility of a "Sonic" fan's claim
Sonic Opinion Books (Personal Rant)
Sally Acorn vs. The Sonic Wattpad Fandom
Recolors, in general
The NotMH Suffering Trilogy ft. Sonic Forces+Mania
Wattpad Sonic Fandom vs. Sources ( + Sonic Facts Book EXPOSED????)
Shipping Hypocrisy ver. 2
Recoloring (CheekySilver & Ultimate_SonTails)
Sonic OCs: No superpowers = unoriginal?
Road to Mania (Happy Sonic Mania Release Day!)
Sonic Forces isn't an excuse for OC creators (and here's why)
Sonic Forces Story Trailer - Notes & Opinions -
Reposters, & why they are the worst people alive
Things about Sonic Forces that pisses me off
The Anniversary to Forces (Sonic Forces Celebration!)
SoNiC mAnIa PlUs?

Sonic Boom vs. The Wattpad Sonic Fandom

490 24 18
By NotMasterhands

Well, I actually saw someone who made an argument opposing to people who instantly makes fun of Sonic Boom as an instant bad title.

If you don't already know me, I like Boom. Its one of me and my sister's re-intoduction to the Sonic Franchise. Other's might not know, but I've been around Wattpad for months now, and defending Boom is one of my jobs (like defending Boom!Knuckles)

Originally, I wanted to have my next rant be about how Boom! Knuckles' new design and intelligence actually benefits his character, but I wanted to make an overall review first.

Warning/Note: I will mostly, talk about the TV series and Sonic Boom's characters. Although I originally wanted this to be an overall review on Sonic Boom as a franchise, I'd take too long in writing this and my fingers hurt. Instead I make this a part one and start with Sonic Boom, the TV series and its characters and premise. Also I'm writing this without any references, so any correction would be appreciated if I get anything wrong

Sonic Boom, as a series is pretty decent for me, in my own taste. It being written as a comedy show,should be actually be written better. Personally, I have a bland sense of humor and would get a laugh from anything, and its personally no exception.

There are times where I feel like the writing needs to be better. I know I'm not the first to say this and I wont be the last, but these words doesnt instantly justify that I think its bad show.

It's decent to good if you ask me, and It could use some improvements here and there, Both as a comedy show and a Sonic show. Now when it comes to how the characters are being portrayed, then that is something I'd like to talk about more, since one of the biggest complaints about Boom is personality.

Character design wise, I think they are pretty decent. Well personally I'm not one those people who complain about Sonic's arms being Blue or that fact that he wears a scarf, because like its original intention, It does give me a better sense of adventure (despite the fact that they barely do it in the games). 

I think the emphasis on Knuckles' arm strength is actually pretty okay, because atleast he wasnt ridiculously strong despite having such a small body. Tail's goggles and belt really is a great idea, because it emphasizes his use when it comes to machinery in the team. I personally like how some visuals of him has him holding a screw driver or a wrench, because I am personally a fan of the"holding a tool to represent mechanic characters" thing that other franchises or series has.

Amy's was, well one of the most loved parts of the redesign, because it pretty much gives you an overall look to how much she's pretty much changed and matured, compared to her Modern Sonic self. It has more design and class, but it still gives you an Amy vibe - That sweet girl who'd hammer her way through a crowd of robots, the pink hedgehog that kept her charm from her old self and is pretty much known as the better Amy. (She is known as that, but personally I dont have any preference, because I like both Amys)

When it comes to the sports tape, I actually like them. They give off the adventurous feel that Sonic Boom wanted to go for, and it pretty much their defining feature! When you say scarfs and sports tape, YOU SAY SONIC BOOM! Instead of explaining further, I'll just put this picture of a comment I made instead^^. (If t doesnt load then im sorry!)

When it comes to personality, then people's opinions becomes a bit mixed. Though before I explain why, I'd like to clarify that personally, I'm not really a person who would point out mistakes in character based on their original game counter parts. Sure, they are based on them and is pretty much them but +lots of tape, I'm one those people who see them as their own character sometimes. They are basically a different character ,because for Knuckles and Amy, the things you'd like about the original them is practically gone.

This to me, applies mostly for Knuckles. Game!Knuckles isnt exactly right, but he aint dumb either. People instantly point out how extremely dumb Boom!Knuckles is and I'm not denying it, but why do people say it it like "Knuckles is so dumb now in Sonic Boom! Its so insulting!"

Game! Knuckles born and lived most of his life on Angel Island. He isnt given an education and he isnt exposed to much things that is outside of his island and he has so much to learn about modern culture. He is inexperienced and confused, and SEGA thought it'd probably be funny if they use this idea as a joke. And then Boom! Knuckles was born.

Did anyone actually realize that at the beginning of Sonic Boom, Knuckles want even dumb?He'd be the one to crack up and joke here and there but he wasnt as clueless as he is now. I guess SEGA added it to his trait-list for the sake of keeping Sonic Boom a comedy show. hen again, hes not 100% "as dumb as a rock" because there are times where Knuckles becomes the Voice of Reason for the Team and even showed that he has sort of an ability when it comes to tactical planning (in the Archie Comics). He also has a big ego and gets pretty sensitive and brutal when insulted, just like regular Knuckles.

Sonic, in Sonic Boom, sorta became more self-loving/selfless? (is that the right term???). I mean its just that hes pretty confident on his abilities as a hero, and his ego grew. He sorta really liked the idea of being the hero of Bygone Island, and became rather sensitive and jealous at the thought of someone taking that title form him. I guess he has more pride now. He's a lot cocky now too I guess. Personally its rather how to explain how the two Sonics are different, but lets just say Boom!Sonic overall has a bit of a bigger pride/ego for now (until I decide to rewrite and change this)

Tails, became rather more useful now. In the actual show, he gets more screentime to perform and show off his inventions, that pretty much develops Tails' smart mechanic personality. He's usually the one who corrects the jokes (AKA The Voice of Reason) in the Team and became more active in the Sonic Team. Boom also gave him the sorta affectionate personality or that he could like someone, because they did that with Zooey, which I find cute. He also has a bit of an atitude, when it comes to him not being taken seriously or when nothing is being taken seriously. I just pointed all these out because I do think there is an obvious difference between the two Tails though. Ill let you sort that out.

Amy, well as most people would put it, became more mature. Instead of a fortune teller, she became an archeologist. She'd take charge when the team acts all stupid, because shes literally the most sensible person in the team. I guess she does sometimes put her nose on  other people's business now, and she's usually the one who'd try to keep the peace between the members every now and then, even if it did mean giving Eggman a lecture on how to be a good roommate. She's also a lot lady-like now, though she's mostly perceived by her teammates as the tough yet naive member of the team (which is why sometimes they dont even respect or listen to her I guess). Shes also very very sweet and optimistic now too.

As for the overall show, which I sorta already talked about in the begining, It needs work. The animation is so simple and detailed (aka me watching tumblr vids of Boom! Sonic's ear flaps) yet the colors are usually dull. The colors are eheir inconsistent between episodes or within the episode. The overall animation is great though.

He doesnt exactly have a goal in the show though. Again, I think Sonic Boom is supposed to be a comedy show than it is a Sonic Show. One thing everyone requests Sonic Boom to have is an actual plot to follow, instead of us all waiting for something interesting to happen to atleast 1/5 of the main characters. Also for the jokes to be more funny. (Though like I already said, my bland sense of humor makes me laugh to anything,even Boom)

Though personally, I think Sonic Boom's biggest problem as a show is because of how many people expected it to be an action show. Sonic Boom being a comedy sitcom pretty much destroys most expectations for the show. The writing is fine but it could use a lot of work, especially since this is one of the only things it has going for.

But I guess I cant blame them, since Sonic Boom does feel a bit experimental in its first season. Considering how all other Sonic show's has a theme or edgy story to follow, Sonic Boom feels and looks pretty new, because its not meant to have an actual story or plot. I'm sure Season 2 will be better (atleast I hope).

One things for sure, they are starting to take Sonic Boom a bit more seriously. They have 2 writers that I love, has confirmed to have more characters, better script writing a new locations.

Since both Ian Flynn and some other Sonic Boom writers got to experience writing Boom a bit, trough the comics and made it interesting, I can maybe assume that the episodes would be better paced now and have a goal in the end too. Its just a dream though

Thats all I can write for now, though. Personally I'd like to tackle Eggman!Boom and Rise of Lyric in the future, with how it affected the Sonic fandom in general. Maybe soon.

Again, this is one of my rage based rants. All arguments here might be short and out of context at times but thats because I like to indirectly debunk arguments people have said about Boom before. I had to point this out just to remove some confusion.


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By ilovemycat456 on deviantart 

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