Under His Watch {16th Century...

Af MeepyM

2.1M 56K 3.1K

Mistress Jacqueline DeWhite is married off to Lord Dominic DeFleur. She is not told anything and is expected... Mere

Author's Note:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 (Part 2)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 19 Part 3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 39

38.8K 802 23
Af MeepyM

Jacqueline had wanted to talk about this issue for so long. She had been newly married for a week, officially in her eyes, to Dominic and he had treated her like a princess. He hadn't showered her with presents and bribes. Instead he had spent so much of the week with her. He had taken her shopping but also to walks, riding and picnics.

They had come to this understanding. They had conversed about their lives, their hopes and their childhoods. It had not been unpleasant and they both had the occasional outbursts of iciness or in frustration. They had asked each other questions, laughed and ate but there was the lingering of uncertainty.

"Am I like a prize to your family Dominic? To you?"

Dermont finished shaving Dominic's face so he could speak. Tilting his head back up Dominic looked at his wife who was staring at the ring she wore. Her hair was worn up and tendrils snaked down and cupped her face. Her body was covered by the night dress but apart from that she sat with a childlike innocence which he envied. Her legs crossed and her lip bent in concentration.

"Prize?" Dominic asked. Dermont bowed and began to finish his work. He collected the shaving materials and brushed the hairs off Dominic's chest and and then wished the couple a goodnight.

"I will require your services tomorrow before we go out Dermont."

"Yes, my lord." The servant shut the door and the clink of his feet could be heard as he withdrew to the servants quarters

"A prize sir. My lineage and womb. You will have many powerful heirs even if their mother is a peasant. My father's debt is paid and you can flaunt me as your prize."

Dominic addressed the easiest topic first."You are no longer a peasant. You are a countess."

"In paper, my lord. In paper. On the outside I am a peasant, a wench for men's appetites and ambitions."

Dominic swallowed the saliva that had been building up and sat next to her, mimicking her actions. He crossed his legs and looked to the ceiling."I have no ambitions or appetites."

"Your heirs. You are on of the most rich men in the county. With the king's ear. And a title. Men would kill for your place and if they did you need an heir. Or when you die, I would be scorned for not bringing you an heir."

Dominic's cold reality had sunk in a while ago but it felt wrong when she said it."You are incorrect lady wife. So wrong. I will not allow them to scorn you, and I do not need heirs. We will produce them later. For now it is not a problem."

"But what about your father?" She twisted the ring."He will be most disappointed."

"He picked you for me, along with Daniel." Dominic looked at her face."I knew nothing of you, not even your status or your family. Apart from that stupid debt your father acquired, this marriage probably wouldn'tof existed. A little research and I figured out his reasoning. He thinks I am weak and a pretty wife with pretty heirs would at least make up some of the damage I would otherwise cause."

"Or to mould into his own creations." He nodded in agreement with her statement. He clasped her hands.

"You aren't my horse." He looked at the fear in her face and hoped one day it would flee away in the wind, like his mothers ribbon behind Jacqueline's veil."And neither will my children be. I hope we can come to an understanding. So I can get rid of the fear in your eyes."

Jacqueline turned away. This was becoming too perfect. It would be a dream if the moods of her husband he could predict."Would you like to retire?" He asked the question softly."It grows late,"

"No," She looked at his face."I do not fear you."

"I-I have been a brute. I have been like my father."

Jacqueline closed her eyes and shook her head."He was a beast, he hurt you in many ways and you havent reached that far."

He said quickly, like a child eager for some praise from his teacher."And I won't. I-I'll be good and faithful and kind. I won't hit you again I swear it."

"Dominic please, there are some things which won't change."

"No I swear. The only time you will see me rough is with my men. Their attitudes towards their master will not change, their expectations also. But with you, lady wife..."

He trailed off and cupped her face. She looked at him shyly, a blush forming on her cheeks. He let go off her face and played with a lock of hair.

His face lent into her's and he pressed his forehead to her's. He kissed her then. His lips touched her's. She brushed his smooth face with her fingers, the rings touch a sharp contrast of ice to her warm hands. He played with her hair smoothing it until the kiss was finished.

Her breath smelt sweet and he thought of the ache in his body. The ache of his loins.

Dominic blushed then. He didn't want to see her reaction. She would slap him like the first day of their official 'marriage' or scorn him, or worst of all leave him."And I will respect your decisions."

Dominic was about to comment when she quietened him."But I want the right to think them through and have an input, when it concerns me."

Dominic nodded. He has accepted if this marriage was to go anywhere she would has to voice her opinion, and gathering she read a lot, maybe they would be logical."I know as a husband you have the authority, I have accepted that from my childhood, but I would like to..."

"Jacqueline, please don't." He removed his night shift."I do not have the authority that I have pretended to have. To control another human is a sick thing, I want a partnership and I want it with you."

She nodded and looked at his muscular figure, with a blush. He was so handsome.

"What's wrong?"

Dominic looked at the sky and shook his head."Nothing Jacqueline, I'm tired that's all,"

"Please tell me,"

"Nothing," He smiled."Just sometimes you cut yourself off from me and you don't need to anymore Jacqueline,"

"You can't control my emotions sir,"

"I'm not trying to Jacqueline," He sighed."But you are cutting me off and it's hurting me, it hurts me."

"You hurt?" She said sarcastically.

"I am a human, just like you Jacqueline. I make mistakes, feel pain just like you. That means every snide remark cuts me as well so please stop messing with my emotions,"

She was quiet."I'm ever so sorry,"

"It is okay, I do not think our relationship will be perfect," She smiled at her own words that tumbled off his lips."But I would at least to have a chance,"

"Yes, I agree." She replied, enjoying the bed movement as he lay next to her and blew the candle out.

"Good, I would just like to get to know you more. What I've seen is amazing, but it's like an adventure to find out more about my wife,"

Dominic rubbed her hand and Jacqueline kissed his cheek, his blushing cheek."Thank you for taking me away from my father, looking after me, giving me a place to call home,"

Dominic would of replied, however he had already fallen asleep.

Author's Note: I know, it is quite short, I'm really sorry about that but I hope it kind of shows three different sides intertwined. The misunderstandings, the parts people forget about others (E.g. Dominic does have feelings and reactions for a reason- because he is a person) but also along with the other chapters, that people have fears that reflect how they react to others in their future(Jacqueline's hostility to Dominic's kindness) and also there could be a little romance too.

The next chapter is the epilogue and I would now also like to share with you a bit from my next boom I've been kind of working on. It is another Historical Romance (It is one of my favourite genres) but it is quite different to this story and the romance is much more consistent too. It should be out next week Saturday (The day after my Physics exam- it is like a celebration) and I would love to know what you think.

Here is the blurb for it:

London, 1795

William Thomas Blake is a man who was born to outstand in life, he founded his own insurance company and at the age of twenty five he is sitting in wealth and prosperity. Yet, he is not satisfied with his life and the confidence that used to burst from him now is a dull flame and he continues his life half empty.

Katherine Ayim is a runaway slave, who is caught and bought by William for his convenience. Already broken down by years of abuse she lives only to please anyone but herself and she wishes only for a glimpse of happiness.

This couple is one of the rarest in Britain, although black people live in the country, and yet there is something about their relationship William cannot get away from, it draws him in and leaves him reflecting on his choices. Katherine on the other side watches herself grow and she sees it’s not about the position that her circumstances have given to her, but the choices that she can make to escape the ideas that have always chain her…

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