Criminal Minds Preferences

By 12_gymnast

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I don't own any of these characters and I am writing only what I think that characters are like. Thank you! More

#1 How you met
#2 They ask you out
#3 Your first kiss
#5 When they get jealous
#6 You get jealous
#7 Their favorite thing about you (Physical and Personality)
#8 Your favorite thing about them (Physical and Personality)
#9 His favorite place to kiss you
#10 Your favorite place to kiss him
#11 How he likes your hair
#12 You get taken on a case
#13 He saves you
#14 Your best friend on his team
#15 How he annoys you
#16 How you annoy him
#17 How he turns you on
#18 How you turn him on
#19 What you do on his day off
#20 How you two sleep
#21 Your favorite movie to watch together
#22 Sick days
#23 Bad Dreams
#24 How he hugs you
#25 PDA (Public Display of Affection)
#26 Stolen kisses
#27 Nicknames
#28 Pillowfight!
Imagine #1: Spencer Reid
#29 How you cuddle
#30 How He Kisses You
Imagine #2: Spencer Reid
Imagine #3: JJ
#31 What you wear of his
#32: What he wears of yours
#33: How they say "I love you"
Imagine #3: JJ - Part 2
#34: What pet the two of you get
#35: Snow days
#36: Your cute couple photos
Imagine #3: JJ - Part 3!
Imagine #4: Spencer
Imagine #5: Derek Morgan
#37 How they say I'm sorry
#38 Your love quote
#39 The strangest place you two have done 'it'
Imagine #6: Spencer Reid
Imagine #7: Aaron Hotchenr
JJ Preference Add (Part 1)
JJ Preferences Add (Part 2)
JJ Preferences Add (Part 3)
Imagine #8: Spencer Reid
#40: Mornings
Imagine #9: Spencer
Imagine #9: Spencer- Part 2
#41 Their Favorite Book
Please Read
#42- Date Night
#43- They walk in on you changing
#44- Habits that you picked up from them
#45- What happens when you get bored
#46-Little notes they leave you
#47- Shopping for Swim Suits
Emily - Catch Up
Emily catch up (2)
#48- Habits That They Love
Luke Alvez Catch Up (Part1)
Luke Alvez Catch Up (Part 2)
Luke Alvez- Imagine #1
Luke Alez - Imagine #2

#4 Your hidden talent

16.2K 305 180
By 12_gymnast

Derek Morgan
You are in the kitchen washing dishes and listening to your iPod. About half way through the dishes, your favorite song comes. Automatically, you begin to dance a little. You had taken dance classes as a kid and all the way through high school but you haven't really practiced for awhile. Derek, your boyfriend, was on a case in Idaho. So you thought you were all alone and begin to "break it down." Just in the middle of your solo you slip on some water that has dripped on the floor. You thought for sure that you were going get hurt but then a pair of hands catch you from behind. You panic a little, not knowing who it is that caught you. "That was pretty impressive until you fell," Derek says behind you with a laugh. You laugh with relief and joy that Derek is home. "I didn't know you could really dance?" He asks sort of making fun of you. You both giggle and finish the dishes together while you tell him your dance stories.

Aaron Hotchner
Laying in bed fast asleep, your phone begins to ring. As you pick up the phone you groan and say, "Hello?" You hear someone take a long shaky breath. "Aaron?" you ask concerned. "Yea," he says, voice sounding drained. "Is everything okay?" you ask quickly, but he doesn't answer you. "Aaron? Are you okay?" You almost yell into the phone. "Yes... I-- I am. I just need a break. I have this new case and I don't know what to do. We have a note that could help us catch the unsub, but we can't find a translator," he sounds really tired you think. "Well, what language is it?" You ask hoping that you can at least try and help him. "It's Latin or something... I just can't believe that we can't find a translator," he says quietly, but you get excited. "Aaron! In college I studied Latin! Send me a copy and I'll translate it!" You were so excited to help him. "Really! That's great, I'll have Penelope send you a copy right now," he says with relief in his voice. "I didn't even know you speak Latin," he says slightly impressed. To be honest, learning new languages was always pretty easy for you. "Oh yea, I picked it up as an elective in college. I actually can speak a few languages," you say the last part proudly. Aaron giggles and tells you that he is proud of his new team member. As soon as you receive the letter he turns into the team leader. He sternly tells you to get working on it and get it back to him as soon as possible. You told him yes sir and began to work on it feeling very important. Plus, you always loved when he bossed you around like that.

Spencer Reid
Music as always been important to you and your life. It helped you get inspiration for writing and just put you in a good mood. On your way into your house from the grocery store you had your head phones on and were quietly humming to the tune. However, when you got into your house and shut the door you began to belt out the song. As you put the groceries away sing to about 4 songs thinking that you were all alone in your house to sing your high school musical out as loud as you want. But when you finished "I Don't Dance" you heard someone clapping behind you. You rip your headphones out and whip around to see Spencer leaning against the wall smiling at you. You feel your cheeks burn and you look at your feet. All you could manage to get out was,"I - I didn't know you were here." Spencer begins to walk over to you with a small chuckle. "You're pretty good. You know?" He asks sounding more like a rhetorical than anything. He raps his arms around you and hugs you tight, "I'm serious." You look at him and smile, he leans down and kisses your nose. From now on the two of you drive around and he listens to you sing to the radio on his days were he doesn't have cases.

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