Chances (DiggySimmons)

By Shelovesreading01

41.8K 1.1K 107

Just give me another chance.... ©2017 More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Reading Break
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Make Sure to Vote!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sequel on the way!
New Sequel Coming Soon
Hello !!!

Chapter 10

1K 27 0
By Shelovesreading01


"Come on Miya" I said knocking on the bathroom door. "No ! I'm not going! All he do is tell me what to do! He controlled my whole life." Miya said crying.

I leaned on the door. Both of us still haven't talked to our fathers yet. I wanted her to be the first one to go talk to her father.

I know my father will be at the BET awards so when I see him he's going to claim me as his son again.

"Babe please for me? I'll take you to the BET awards." I said walking away. Soon I heard combs and brushes dropped on the floor and she opened the door with a big smile on her face.

"You got nominated?" She yelled. I nodded. "Best new artist" i said as she kissed me. Her belly got big and my son needs to finish baking.

"You're ready?" I asked Miya. She nodded and spin in her dress. "Beautiful.." I said. She blushed as I kissed her cheek.


"Alright we are here.." I said pulling up to Miya's parents house. She sighed and stayed in the car. "Trust we once you go inside you will get along with him again." I said. She rolled her eyes. "We'll see" She said getting out the car.


I decided to give my dad a chance since he wants to apologize. I'm just ready for this baby to come out.

"Wait up baby.." Diggy said catching up to me. He grabbed my hand and smile.

We walked inside to see my nieces and nephews watching tv. "Hey guys where's my mom?" I asked. "In the backyard." Tayla said. "Tayla!" Everyone said. "Whaat! She asked" she said. I giggled and went outside.

I looked around the backyard and covered my mouth.

"You like it!" My aunt Shauna asked. She walked up to me and we hugged for a long time. She used to always babysit me. "Hi Auntie. It's been so long" I said. "Yes. Know tell me who this young man is?" She said looking at Daniel.

"My baby's daddy and my boyfriend" I said. "Your boyfriend? He with your ugly ass?" Someone said. I turned to see Leon. "Leon!!" I screamed hugging him. "Sup cousin. Been so long." He said. "Ikr we need to link up one day." I said.

Leon went up to Diggy. "Sup man. I heard that mixtape with gotti. That shit was fire" he said dapping Diggy. "Thanks man. Appreciate it" he said.

"Enough of the talking lets start this baby shower" my mom said. My whole family cheers as we start the shower.


I watched how everyone enjoyed the baby shower. Laughs, dancing, the games, crazy uncles. Miya had it all. Plus her dad apologize and now they dancing their asses off.

I kept my promise to Miya that i will go back to my family but I just want him to see me on tv. I want him to see that I can do things on my own.

"Aye Daniel, can I talk to your for a second?" Miya dad asked.

I nodded and followed him inside of the house. He grabbed two sodas and hand one to me. "I know we haven't gotten along well but I just want to say I'm sorry." He said. I sipped my soda. "It's alright. It happens" I said. He chuckled.

"Daniel I want you to do me a favor." He said. "Yes?" I asked. He grabbed my shoulder. "Take care of my little girl. I know she's about to be a mother soon but don't leave her all alone. She can be stubborn sometimes just like her mother." He said.

I chuckled. "You have my word Mr.-" "nah call me dad" he said walking out. I was shocked.

"Daniel Daniel they about to open the presents" One of Miya cousins yelled. I hurried outside.


I put the last present in the truck and with the help of Miya dad we closed the trunk well. "Be safe guys and call me in the morning Miya" her mom said kissing our cheeks.

We got in the car and took off. "Best baby shower ever! Im so ready to have this damn baby!" Miya yelled. I laughed. "Calm down girl, my son ain't finish baking yet." I said.

She crossed her arms. "Did you talk to all of my family members?" She asked. She has a big ass family and everyone wanted to talk to me or get an autograph and a picture. "Yea most of your family members were fans." I said. She giggled.

"Im still wondering why Ariana, Khalil, or Spin never showed up" she said scrolling on her phone. I tensed up when I heard spin. The kill him the other day and we had to leave him barely alive.

I parked in the garage and we head into the house. I threw the keys on the counter and hopped on the couch. "You okay my nigga??" Miya asked. I laughed. Its how she said it with that Japanese accent. "Im okay now!" I said rolling. She rolled her eyes and turned on the tv.

"Stop laughing dude!! There was a shoot out in your old hood!!" Miya said. I stopped and looked at the tv.

There was a shooting on CrossCreak just last night in an apartment. 2 was found dead and arrested after. The dead bodies are Darrell Haynes and Spencer Akula aka Dj Spinking or Spin. More coming up after this.

I covered my face and looked down. Miya came over and patted my back. "Its okay Daniel. Im so so sorry" Miya said hugging me. I cried and layed back.


My phone ringed and it was Ariana. "Where the hell was you!!" I yelled.
"Im so sorry Mi it was Khalil he was upset about Spin! He died last night." She said. "I heard. Daniel freaking out right now. " I said.

"Khalil put that bottle down! Miya let me call you right back" Ariana said hanging up.

I sighed and looked at Daniel. He been through enough. This baby would really cheer him up. "Come on lets go to bed" i said helping up baby Daniel. He wiped his eyes. Helped me upstairs.

He helped me on the bed and pulled him back from walking away. "Take your shirt off so I can massage you. It will help you calm down." I said.

I took his shirt off and sat in front of me. I rubbed my hands and began to rub his shoulders and back.

"Are you calming down?" I asked. I looked up to see his head nodding.

After the message and laid back on the bed and he joined me. "I love you" he said. I was shocked at what he said.

I ran my fingers through his curly hair and smiled. "We love you too." I said.


I woke up to a wet feeling by me. I moved the covers to see pee all over the bed. "Miya!" I said. "Huh" she moaned.

"Peed the damn bed" i said. She sat up. "No I didn't!" She yelled. She stopped and felt around the bed. Her eyes widened. "Im in labor!!" She smiled.

I jumped out of the bed and started to pack. I knew I should've did this earlier.

"Babe it's starting to hurt!!!" She yelled from the bedroom.

I hurried and packed our clothes and the baby's stuff. I called her parents and told them to hurry.

"Ahhhhh this hurts!!!" She screams.

Soon the door opened to see her parents running in.

"I have the car running where is she!" Her dad asked. "Ahhh hurry the fuck up!!!!!" She yelled from upstairs. Her mom chuckled and grabbed the bags.

Her dad came back downstairs with Miya crying in pain. "You fucking left me up there!!" She yelled. "Calm down sweetie we heading to the hospital now." Her dad said running outside.


I started to feel her hair as she sleep peacefully. We just got to the hospital and they finally stopped Miya from the screaming. The baby will come in a few hours but for right now Miya really needs rest.

Soon I heard knocking and it was the doctor. "Hello Mr.Simmons." He whispered. "Hi." I said. He walked up to Miya and checked the baby's heartbeat and Miya's.

"They're both doing fine. Today's the day you will become a father Mr.Simmons." He said. I smiled. "Thank you." I said.

He left and I smiled. I'm going to have a little me running around.

There was another knock at the door. It was Miya parents.

"Aww she's asleep. What the doctor said?" Her mom asked. "Well both of them are good we just have to wait until it's time to push. She needs rest." I said. They nodded.

Her dad walked up to her and brushed her hair. "My little girl is now a mom. It was like yesterday she was just a baby, now she's having one." He said.

I felt bad. She's only eighteen and she was about to go to college. "Im sorry we wasn't protected enough" i said looking down. "Its okay son. It don't always work." He said.

Son? "Call us back when its time." Her mom said leaving.

I sighed and looked at my phone. 4:39. Ugh I'm tired. I looked in the window to see fans and paparazzi outside already.


"Im ready for my nephew to come" Landon said smiling. "Yea he gave me pain for 9 months." Miya said giggling.

"Ayye Daniel I can talk to you for a second?" Landon asked. I nodded and we stepped out.

"Look I know we just met, but I'm going to say this once. My sister is not a sex toy. Don't play with her and throw her away like trash. She's special. I know you about to get famous and you might see girl who'll look better than Miya but you have her and a child. You can't do that childish shit." He preached.

I nodded. "Imma be honest. I fucked up one time and I thought that was my life going in the trash without her. But she took me back and I prove to her that I love her man" i said.

He nodded. "Well it looks like you're doing a good job. Just take care of my baby sis and nephew cause I'm leaving soon and you have to protect her now." He said. I nodded and dapped him.

Soon we heard whining. We walked inside to see Miya moving around in the bed in pain. Soon the doctor came in checking on the baby. "Ohh he's very close. Its time to push." He said. Soon Miya started to feel the pain even more.

I hurried and called her parents. I looked down the contacts to see my mom's number. I hesitated but I called her anyway and she's coming.

" alright who al coming in here." The doctor asked. "Her parents and me" I said. Miya cried in pain.

10 minutes later her parents came in and Miya pushed minutes ago.

A nurse had to wrap my hand up because she squeezed it took hard.

"Omg this hurts!!!!" She screamed. "Come on Miya a few more we just got started." Her dad said.

"Alright push!!" The doctor said. Ahhhhhhh was all she screamed. Im glad I'm not a girl. "Okay the head is out." The doctor said.

I looked down there to see head sticking out. I fainted and everything blacked out.


I felt water being poured on me and I jumped up. I looked around to see Miya holding something. "He's here." Miya said smiling. I walked up to Miya and took a look at my son.

He look just like me.

I picked him up. "Welcome to the world DJ." I said admiring my son.

"Aye Daniel its a family here for you." Miya mom said letting them in.

All them came in and I was shocked.

To be continued....

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