Bad girl meet Bad boy

By Stay_Weird123

853K 19.3K 3.6K

People have hidden past's that they call 'hidden' for a reason. Cher Smith is a 17 year old girl who has a re... More

Thanks to all of you and edit for 2021!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaper 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 *Epilogue*
A note to all of you!

Chapter 27

13.6K 386 66
By Stay_Weird123

Justin's P.O.V

The boy's and I are going to a club tonight. The girls decided to stay home and have a girls night out. Being away from Cher will be hard,but the boy's begged me. I was over at Ryder's right now and he was in the shower getting ready while I'm just sitting on his bed watching the telly. I was waiting for Dameon and the guys to get here. I let out a sigh and got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured me some juice. I put the juice carton back in the fridge and went back into the living room with my glass. I sat back down and switched the telly to the xbox and started playing COD.

"Justin?" I hear my name being called from behind me.

"What Ry?" I ask

"Did you get that bored." He asked amused.

"Shut up." I growl

"Daymn Take a chill pill BooBear." He said sitting by me.

I pause the game and rub my face with my hands, groaning."Sorry Ry, just tired." I mumbled

"Well good thing we are going out.You need a drink." He said laughing then the doorbell rang.

"Okay let's go." I said turning off the xbox and grabbing my jacket and shoes then heading out the door with Ryder behind me.

-Skipping boring car ride-

"Whoa! Lets go boys!" Aiden yelled jumping out of the car,

I rolled my eyes,but laughed he would be so wasted later. We all walked in and sat down at the bar with Aiden. We all got shots, but I got more to drink then everyone which surprised Dameon. I'm not big of a drinker.

"Justin, stay were I can see you." Dameon said strictly as I wobbled to the dance floor.

"ohhh piss off." I slurred.

I walked up behind some random person and started dancing with them. My mind was blank and I was wasted as fuck. I grabbed the person's waist and started grinding with her. She turned around and put her arms around my neck while we danced.

"What's your name sexy." I slurred taking a swig of my vodka.

"Eleanor, what about you babe?" She said with a smirk that reminded me of someone

Justin, Do you wanna take this somewhere else." I whispered in her ear obviously not thinking clearly.

She giggled as I dragged her to the back rooms.

Dameon's P.O.V

I looked around for Justin not being able to find him.

oh shit 'I thought.

I looked around until I saw a glimpse of him disappearing behind a wall. I ran after him, but when I turned the corner I couldn't see him.

I walked back to the bar. Beyond pissed. I know he's wasted,but he's cheating on Cher and I couldn't stop it. I looked around for the rest of the boys to see them all together in a mean game of pool. They wern't as drunk as Justin, just a little tipsy. The only sober one of us is probably Ryder and I. I walked up to them and watched for a while. Time quickly passed and soon people started to leave.

"Where Is Justin?" Aiden asked suddenly.

I frowned and suddenly got very pissed. My eyes flicked to behind me and they caught on soon enough.

"What!?" Ryder yelled with a furious expression. As he threw the pool stick down and stopped down the hall. We just listened as we heard a door slam open and a scream and a door slam again.

A moment later Ryder is dragging a pale looking, not so drunk anymore Justin with him and pushed him towards us angrily.

I glared at him. We all did.

"Guy's It was an acciden-"

"Save it Justin." Ryder growled. "You'll be lucky Cher doesn't find out."

"No Actually your going to tell her." Brent said after with a glare towards Justin.

"Lads come on." He begged.

I suddenly stood up and walked striaght up to him he had to look up since I was taller than him.

"Or we will." I hissed suddenly fuming.

With that we all left the club, it was about 5 in the morning and we were tired.

Cher's P.O.V *back in time a few hours*

We were all sitting around my room eating gummy worms and just talking. I missed doing this with my best friends.

"Sooo Cher." Chloe smirked

"Sooo Chloe." I said back taking a drink of my beer.

"How you and Justin doing?" She asked

I blushed and got a gummy worm. "We are fine." I say then my phone rings.

"Speak of the devil." Delilah says

I roll my eyes and answer the phone. My eyes whidened and I paled.

"Cher babe what's wrong?" Zoe asked making everyone look at me with worried glances.

I listened to the other end for what seemed like for ever. Those things echoing in my head. I can't believe him. I threw my phone on my bed without hanging up and ran to my bathroom locking the door. I heard everyone quite for a minute before everything went crazy.

"The fuck is wrong with him!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Why would her do that"

I couldn't listen to it anymore. I did the only thing I knew to do. I blocked them all out. I let the tears fall freeliy not caring anymore. I stared up at the ceiling with a blank expression I faintly heard voices asking me to come out, but I ignored them. I can't believe I let my walls down for him. I fell hard and like I knew I always would I got hurt. I thought he loved me. He was always there for me when I needed someone. I used to hate him and I fell in love with him. Maybe I should have just contiued to hate him. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. I couldn't take it anymore. I shakily stood up and walked to my cabnite I blindly searched my bathroom for the sharp object. I soon found it and I rolled up my sleeve.

"Useless." I muttered cut

"Ugly, forgotten, alone" cut cut cut

"He cheated on you." I whispered I pressed the blade down and slid it across my wrist one last time before I dropped the blade and slide down the wall to the floor and began crying.

After awhile the cuts started to burn. Bad. I stood up and walked over to the sink and rinsed my wrist wincing at the pain. I wrapped it up and put my hoodie on to hide it. I would Always do what I did when I felt like this. It became a ritual to me. I sat on the cold floor, Tears still falling. Then I made a bad move. I started listing to the voices around me and I heard to voiced yelling. One of them Delilah's and one his. I slowly got up and unlocked the bathroom door. The yelling stopped and everyone faced me.

Justin's face looked distraught. He was pale and you can tell he's been drunk and that he's been crying. The boy's had a cold look on there face when they looked at Justin. The girls stared at me and I gave them the signal to leave us alone. The ushered the boys out and soon it was just Justin and I. It was quite and I had forgotten about my wrist, it started to sting making me hid my arm in hopes it wasn't as noticeable.  

Justin noticed when I quickly put it down. He took one step towards me and I took one back. I looked into his eyes and they were watering with tears and pain. That's when I lost it. I fell to the ground crying my eyes out. He was instantly by my side. He picked me up and laid me on my bed. I don't know why I was still so comfortable around him and how I felt so broken yet so loved. I cried for what seemed for hours until Justin slowly moved my sleeve up and looked at the cuts on my wrist.

"Why." He whispered looking me in the eyes

I glared at him "why?!" I pulled away from him "What do you mean why!"

I slapped him hard across the face. The hit made him turn his head sharply

"How could you?" I whispered

"Babe, I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing!" He begged

"Don't call me babe." I hissed "Justin you cheated on me!'

"Ba- Cher I was drunk! I love you and only you!"

"It doesn't matter if you were sober, high on meth or DRUNK. If you love someone you don't hurt them!" I scream at him 

I calmed down a bit, but was still angry "How can I ever believe you or trust you again." I said

"I'll prove it too you." He whisered then he gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him

"Cher I love you." He whispered then pressed his lips to mine.

I pushed him back and snap. 

"How can you sit here and claim you still love me after you cheated on me! How can you kiss me after being with someone else? You out of all people I never expected this. I trusted you and that alone should be enough to smack some sense into you. I gave you everything I had and you just throw it away like that." Tears are streaming down my face as I just stare at him. 

He's not even saying anything just staring at me, so I continue.

"You can't tell me you love me after this because that's one action that proves you don't love me." I say and it stings like needles in my heart.

"Who are you?" I say finally before he can say anything again.

"I think it's time for you to leave." I said bluntly turning my back to him and crossing my arms.

"Cher please." He begged.

"Leave, Justin." I said blankly.

But as I heard the door shut behind me I feel like my heart was taken with him as I fell to the ground and cried.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter. It will be awhile before I update. I got my computer taken away and wattpad so this will be the last chapter for idk how long :/ Sorry guys! I love you and remember


Peace out dreamers


-Superman out!

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