Pure Pain, Excruciating Love

By White_n_Roses

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Life for Samantha Hale seems to always find a way to break her. At the age of 17, she attends high school, ac... More

Pure Pain, Excruciating Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
New Story

Chapter 2

180 2 0
By White_n_Roses

"You can't keep doing this," I heard him yell with sadness, anger and desperation.

"I can do whatever the hell I want," she yelled back.

"You seriously think this is gonna do you any good? Do you really think this will benefit you?" He was trying his many methods, but I knew she won't crack.

"I don't care. Don't come treating me like one of the psychos you help," she stammered, and I heard the pouring of liquid into a cup.

"For god's sake. You're killing yourself, leave the damn alcohol," he was furiously yelling now.

"Why the hell should I? You drink, why can't I? Leave me the fuck alone."

My ear drums were weak by now.

They didn't know I was here, behind the wall, right around the corner of the kitchen. They think I'm in my room, finishing off homework with my speakers in my ears like always. But I never did that. I always hear every single argument, every single fight, I was used to it although it still hurt.

"I drink a glass a night. I don't empty a freaking bottle in the damn morning," he argued, trying to calm down.

"Leave me alone," she stammered.

"I can't leave you alone. I can't sit and watch you kill yourself," he stated.

"I'm just drinking for fuck's sake! I want to, I like it, I need it," she screeched.

"Well I don't want you to! Your daughter doesn't want you to. You really think we can sit and watch you act like this?" He bellowed.

"I don't fucking care, you got me into this, it's your fault. You have her and she has you, so I don't see how I'm in the middle," she yelled back.

"You're her mother!" His voice might've shaken the walls and ground by now. "Why are you doing this? You are her mother, be there for her, be there for us. What happened to the woman who was progressing? Where did she go?" His voice was sad, it was ripping at my heart and clawing my insides.

"She's gone, she fucking woke up the moment she stepped into this life. The moment she had a fucking family."

     I woke up with a start, my heart was beating fast, my chest was heaving, my body was soaked in sweat, and my eyes were heavy from my tears. It was one of the worst dreams, one of the worst memories. It was the day I found out the true person my mom is, and it was the time I knew I lost her. Glancing at my phone which was next to my pillow, I noticed it was six in the morning, which means I had to take a shower and be ready for school. So, getting out of bed, I tiptoed to my bedroom door and made sure it was locked. With that checked out, I grabbed a towel, black shorts, striped red and white shirt, some underwear and entered my bathroom, locking the door twice.

Gazing into the mirror, I winced as I stared at the reflection. A bruised, pink cheek, red puffy eyes, messy hair, and a deep cut at the forehead. It wasn't new to me, but I never get used to it. How can you get used to looking yourself in the mirror and find a bruised and hurt reflection looking back at you? You can't, because each time you stare, you see the real and true feelings in the reflection's face and eyes, and you can't stop the memories or the feeling of hopelessness seeping through. Ignoring the damn reflection, I hopped into the shower with the faucet spraying warm water all over me. It felt relaxing, but not to the extent of fully putting me to peace.

Today was the first day of school, and I really didn't have the energy to stand up for myself if any one tries the old antics they're so stupidly trying. I was tired, internally and physically. My mind kept wandering back to the books girl, Anna, and those hazel, almost yellow eyes. Would I see them today? I hope not. I'm really not up for being questioned about the bruises and the cut.

     Air drying my hair, on the lowest volume incase they wake up, I made sure to brush my side bangs over the cut. And so I was successful, as I was done the cut was perfectly hidden and my hair was perfectly situated over it. I slowly dabbed some concealer and foundation over my cheek as I winced now and then from the excruciating pain setting upon my skin. I pulled on my under wear, clasped my bra, buttoned my shorts (which weren't like short shorts!), and slipped on my striped shirt which was successful in hiding the slight bruise on my upper arms. There, now to pack my bag.

As I left my bathroom, I made sure to lock it behind me incase my mom decides to barge in or even George. My backpack was readily at the door, so I made my bed and made sure my chest by the bed was locked, placing the key in the chain around my neck where I also had his chain. I tiptoed out of my room, wearing my grey converse, and locked my room's door. I had to be as quiet as I can, so I had to take the steps one at a time and make sure it doesn't creak. Thank god I get to the kitchen in peace and quite. There's no food in the fridge, so I settle on a granola bar and an apple. Grabbing the sandwich I prepared yesterday and hid behind cartons of milk (which my mom and George never ever grab), I placed a water bottle and my lunch food in my bag and ate my granola bar, downing some milk. There.

I noticed the car keys by the door. It is my car, but the tire was flat a couple days ago and George said he'd take it to the garage in case I 'steal' the money he'll give me! He only does this because he knows I need my car to go grocery shopping and to buy him his drinks. Latching onto my car keys, I step out of the house, get into my car and start off to my dreaded destination.

     The parking area was filled with cars of different types, students were every where. You could easily make out the different groups; the book warms, the nerds (I don't refer them to that!), the basketball jerks, the jocks, the goths, the punks, the divas, the cheerleaders, then the head of all groups. Yup, there sure is a variety. Anyway, I quickly found a place to park, cut the engine and exited my car.

The weather was hot but with a light breeze of wind. I dreaded the moment I'll walk into one of my classes. I made my way through but as I suspected, I had an annoying run in.

"Hey, look at that. Little miss smarty is back."

I gave him an annoyed expression as he stood in front of me.

"C'mon Sam. Where's my hug?" He snickered.

"Drop it Eric, move out of the way," I stated with annoyance.

"Hear that guys. She thinks she's the boss," he chuckled as he turned to his group.

Some chuckled along, while others just gave him the 'cut it out' look. They weren't all bad, I knew some of them and I know why they're part of this group and I know the real them so sometimes I'm not really convinced or affected by their actions. But I am affected and shunned whenever this dip shit- Eric- or the leader who seems to be late, are all over me trying to crush me.

"Tell me Sam, how was your summer, did you have fun? You know, I waited for you. Such a disappointment you couldn't get a taste of what you're missing," he smirked and his soccer followers laughed, like really, loudly laughed.

My cheeks were crimson red, I was sure. I hated this boy with all my heart and soul. He's made these past years hell for me.

"Move," I stated trying to go around him.

He was quick, he grabbed my arm and made me face him. His contact made me shiver with fear and panic. Whenever George abused me, I'd feel this panic arise when I'm touched, because it sends me back to the actions he took over me.

"Let me go," I stammered trying to pull at my arm.

"Not so strong now huh?" He had this teasing, devilish smirk that sent my insides to churn with unexpected fear.

It was just like George's.

"Let go," I tried pulling my arm away.

My hands were trembling and I was starting to find it difficult to breathe easily as my chest heaved.

"Dude, let her go," spoke a soft voice.

I knew he'd interfere, he always did, because he was so different from them, just like I remembered him.

"Shut up man, she's just trying to make a scene," Eric smirked as he winked at me.

"Please, just let go," I pleaded, now my head pounding with the fear going through me.

"Eric, let her go, you're being a douche," Arron states, the sweet voice guy.

Eric doesn't budge, so Aaron steps up to him, standing beside me.

"You look like you're about to hit her, let her go, everyone's staring," Aaron spoke with irritation.

Eric looked around and noticed some students whispering and staring at him. He finally let my arm go and I stumbled back, rubbing where he was clutching me, because it was the spot where my bruise was healing.

"What?" He bellowed as he looked at the staring crowd.

Everyone scattered around and moved to other spots in the parking lot. Aaron looked down at me with this guilty expression which always seems to affect me. I mouthed a thank you to him and he shrugged with a slight smile as he signaled for me to go. With no hesitation, I walked off quite rapidly to the school building. Finally.

     My locker was right between my designated classrooms, which I was thankful for. I couldn't notice any new students, so I hoped there weren't many. I placed some of my books in my locker while I grabbed some books I needed for the first few lessons. After the run in with Eric, I tried to calm down as I found myself in the bathroom breathing in and out for a while. I was grateful for what Aaron did, he was always like that. He always found a way to keep them away from me, to make sure they don't bully me too much. He sometimes had no choice but to shut up and watch, because at that time Eric wouldn't be the one bullying me, it would be the leader of their group. Moving on, I locked my locker's door and turned around. As if right on cue, I noticed someone familiar and they noticed me. Anna. She grinned and came running to me, flinging her arms around me.

"I'm so glad I found you," she chirped.

Blushing, I smiled and replied, "I'm glad you found me too."

And we chuckled at that.

"So, did you get here easily or did you get lost now and then?" I asked her.

"Oh no, I was fine. I came here early, I found my way to the offices, got my schedule and everything and I was just wandering around," she explained.

"Oh, great," I grinned at her.

Anna was just so alight. That's one thing I instantly noticed about her. She was always smiling and chirpy. Her personality seemed quirky. Unlike the day we ran into one another, today she was wearing black tight jeans and a soft yellow flowy sleeveless shirt. Her hair was the same, with her red and dark purple strikes.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked her.

She nodded and handed me the piece of paper. Scanning over it, I noticed we had science, history, and geography except for maths, english and health. I voiced my findings and she fist pumped the air.

"Thank god, I don't want to be friendless in my classes," she said.

Did she just call me her friend? She did say friendless!

"I'm sure you'll make friends quite quickly," I mumbled as we headed to our first lesson which was geography.

"Sure, I don't like to be surrounded by many people though," she pointed out with a frown. "I'm pretty good for now," she beamed at me as she linked her arm with mine.

I guess I earned myself a friend.

     "So let me get this straight, lunch breaks are spent in the cafeteria or outside, we have extra lessons to revise on Thursdays, and gym class is with the other class?" Anna repeated the information I just told her as she placed her books into her bag.

"Yup, that's pretty much it," I nodded.

"Okay then," she nod her head, closing her locker's door and turning around.

"So is gym class gonna be crowded?" She wondered.

"Not really, sometimes the sports teams and cheer leaders get permission to practice while the others just do laps," I explained.

"Cool," Anna mumbled. "Any hot guys?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

My cheeks flamed red at that and I knew I looked like a beetroot.

"You're so innocent Sam," she chuckled as she bumped her hip to mine.

"Shut up," I scoffed playfully as I tried to cool down my flaming cheeks.

"I mean c'mon, what's a fun gym class without hot guys?" She smirked.

"Seriously that's all that crossed your mind?"

Anna chuckled and shrugged, "Well no not just that. I was wondering if I'd get any luck seeing some hot dude shirtless, damn, that'd be just the highlight of my day. Oh, but he has to be like strong and fit, with abs, sweaty with glistening skin."

I stared at her wide eyed, mouth ajar.

"Oh my god, look at your face," she laughed, clutching her side.

"C'mon Sam, I'm a teen age hormonal girl, don't tell me you don't think the same thing," she gave me a pointed look.

"I don't," I exasperated as if telling her 'you're frigging wacko!'.

"Well, I do. I need something new to devour my eyes on. I mean my eyes are already losing focus seeing my brother shirtless because 'it's too damn hot' outside to put on a freaking shirt," she grumbled, trying to imitate her brother's voice. Wait brother?

"You have a brother?" I asked her with wonderment.

"Yeah, sadly that is," she pouted slightly.

"I didn't know that," I mumbled to myself.

"It's only me and him, I would've killed for a sister. He's so annoying at times," she grumbled as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"Wow, he can't be that bad," I chuckled.

"Oh you'll see." I looked at her as she made no sense.

"He goes here to school. I'm sure we'll run into him, and then you'll be able to say 'Oh poor Anna, that beautiful, sweet, charming, funny girl with that sucker of a brother'."

I laughed at her comment. I haven't laughed in school for a very, very, very long time!

"Sure," I patted her on the back.

"Seriously, he is," she added.

"So, he's younger than you?" I asked her, seeing as she's senior, last grade.

"Nope, older," she responded.

"How come?" I wondered.

"He failed some grade," she shrugged.

"Oh, now I get it," I nodded.

"He's smart, he really is, but he went through a hard time, slacked in school, dropped his grades and so he failed a grade," she informed me.

I nodded not able to answer her.

We made our way to our final lesson before lunch, science. Once in class we sat at a two seat table in the second row. We still had a few minutes before class started so we chatted for a while. A group of girls in their cheerleading outfits walked into class, swaying their hips and pushing out their chests.

"Who are they?" Anna whispered to me as she studied them.

"Cheerleading team," I whispered back.

"You mean school bitches," she chuckled.

"Anna," I lowly screeched under my breath.

A girl, the girl of my nightmares, with dyed blond hair and menacing blue eyes walked past our table and her hand, oh-so-accidentally knocked over my papers which were on the table.

"Oops," she looked over at me with a smirk. "Didn't see you there," she chuckled and walked off chuckling with her followers and making snide comments.

I bent down and picked up my papers with frustration seeping through my body and veins. I. Hate. Her.

"Bitches," Anna stated looking at them with disgust. "Who's she? What's her problem?" She asked me as I sat back in my chair.

"She's Sandy Frazer, head cheerleader. She's like this rich stereotypical daddy's girl. She rules everyone and no one's able to react back," I whispered to her as the teacher entered the class.

Anna nodded and said, "At lunch."

I had some explaining to do apparently.

     "So Sandy is the bitch of the school, she's head cheerleader, rich, and a bully?" Anna recounted as she forked her salad.

"Yeah," I nodded, biting onto my sandwich.

We were sitting outside at the seating area where we had the view of the field where many students were wandering around and some practicing their sports. Right in front of us, by the open field, Sandy and her group which consisted of Eric, Aaron and many others, stood chatting.

"I still don't get why she's in charge," mumbled Anna.

"Okay I'll elaborate," I huffed, sipping some water. "She's rich, her parents own the biggest and most successful companies in Europe, so when they moved here everyone wanted to cooperate with them. When Sandy joined the cheerleading team when she first came here, she was instantly in control. Anyway, everyone wanted to be her friend, some just because their parents wanted to be part of her parents' business," I explained.

"So it all winds back to her parents' success?" Anna wondered with furrowed eyebrows.

"Kind of," I nodded.

"Okay, well what does she have against you?"

I was taken aback by that question. Was it that obvious?

"I don't know, she's been like this since the very start," I mumbled.

"That fake, plastic bitch," Anna seethed.

"Calm down there," I chuckled.

"Well what about them?" She gestured to Sandy's group.

"They're part of her group because their parents were the first to join her parents' business and so if they fight her or upset her, she'll play the daddy's girl role and they're screwed," I explained, finishing off my delicious sandwich.

"Wow, that's stupid but fudged up," she chuckled.

Anna tended to curse a lot, but she likes replacing the strong curse words with substitutes, which was actually funny.

"Uha," I agreed.

"Is that her boyfriend?" Anna gestured with her head to Eric.

"No, Eric doesn't do boyfriend," I chuckled.

"So he's Eric?"

I nod and explain, "Eric Jensen. He's the captain of the soccer team, he's the hotshot jerk. His parents own the company that provides the school with its resources and services. He sleeps around with almost every cheerleader. He's like the male version of Sandy."

Anna kept surveying them as she listened and nodded.

"So Sandy with balls and a dick?" Anna chirped.

"Anna," I screeched slapping her arm playfully.

"Geez, okay, continue please. Who's that one?"

I looked over at who she was referring to.

"That's Chace, Chace Willis ," I mumbled looking down at my lap.

Chace was a sweet guy as well, he wasn't afraid to say no to Sandy and more than once he has actually defended me. With his light brown hair and brown eyes, he's a good looking soccer player and a charming boy.

"He's different from Eric. He's also part of the soccer team. His parents are partners with Sandy's but he isn't afraid to say no to her. He's sweet and a really good guy. Sometimes I forget he hangs out with them," I smile as I look at him sitting away from Eric and Sandy, beside Aaron.

"Was he like your boyfriend?" Anna asked quietly.

I whipped my head to look at her.

"What? No," I state.

"Then why the sad and longing face?"

I huffed out a breath and decided to just tell her.

"I used to be part of their little group," I whispered.

"You what?" She shrieked, almost all eyes on us now.

"Calm down," I gave her a hard glare. "I was part of their group, until Sandy came along and then I left and along the way I ignored them so we parted away," I explained.

Yes they were my friends, I think that's why they try to keep Sandy away from me and almost always make sure I'm not affected by her or Eric.

"Wow," Anna whispered. "So Eric and Sandy are bitches, Chace is different, then what about that girl?" She asked, protecting her eyes from the sun as she squinted.

"That is Kayla Roger, Sandy's co-cheerleader," I told her.

Kayla is a gorgeous girl with black hair and dark hazel eyes who's so caring and understanding.

"We used to be very close. She's so caring and understanding, she's almost always trying to stop Sandy from bullying girls. Whenever Sandy tries one of her tricks on me, Kayla manages to stop her and she sends me this smile, I just know she's the same. Her parents are actually the ones who brought Sandy's parents here when they were in Europe. Oh, and she's Chace's girlfriend, they're so cute together," I smile as I look at the lovely couple, arms around one another.

"Aw, so sweet. It's nice to know they don't all have hearts made of lead," she grumbled.

"Yeah, it is," I agreed.

"Oh, and that guy. Let me guess he's an innocent, sweet feller? He's cute too," Anna chuckled as she regarded Aaron.

"Straight to the point," I chuckled, "That's Aaron Mason. He's like the baby of the group. He's so innocent, never wants to be part of the fighting or arguments. He's on the soccer team. When I was with them, he was closest to me. I hate seeing him under Sandy's control. His dad is always pressuring him. He's by her side because his dad will give him hell if he doesn't as his dad needs Sandy's parents' money to grow some business of his."

Anna's eyes are bulged out as she hears my explanation.

"Poor Aaron. He seems lost between them," she mumbles. "Do you miss them?" Anna asks me quietly.

"Yeah, when they're alone and not with Eric and Sandy, I do. But this is life, so," I shrugged.

"Oh, you don't have to worry Sam, I'm here now. When Anna Anderson is around it's always a happy day," she wiggled her eyebrows as she threw her arm around my shoulders.

"Gee thanks," I chuckled.

"Does that mean I'm your only friend?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes.

"So it seems," I nodded my head.

"Awesome, give me your phone," she opened her hand and gestured for my phone to be placed on her palm.

Reluctantly I placed my iPhone 3GS on her palm. She swiped at the screen and tapped here and there and then grabbed her phone and did the same thing.

"Okay, here," she grinned giving me my phone back.

"What did you do?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Check your Facebook," she grinned as she flipped her hair back.

Yes, I have a Facebook account. I only have some friends, not much. I hate Twitter and I just find Instagram boring, so I stuck to Facebook. I've got some students from my classes, I have Aaron, Chace, and Kayla, but they almost never use it, neither do I. Oh, and now I have Anna.

"You added me on Facebook?" I accepted her request.

"Yup, now everyone will know you do have someone, and if they mess with my friend they'll get to meet Anna Anderson's knee cap and her fist," she replied.

"Thanks Anna," I smiled at her with a chuckle.

"No problem my sweet, innocent friend," she winked at me. "I wonder where my brother is," she mumbled looking around.

"Maybe he's in the cafeteria," I told her as I placed my belongings back in my bag.

Any minute and the bell to get ready for class will ring.

"Yeah maybe. He does love food," she chuckled. "He's not burly or chubby. Oh no, he likes to keep himself in shape, I think particularly for the girls. God that boy, he eats for four and yet is still in shape. Damn him," she grumbled as she stood up and placed her bag over her shoulder.

"You seem to really be annoyed by him," I chuckled.

"It's not that awful, I just tend to make it an issue because that's how we are," she laughed. "Don't you have any siblings?" She asked me as I stood up from my seat.

"Nope, only child," I replied.

The bell went off and we started off.

"Oh shoot, I forgot my book. I'll meet you in class," I told Anna as I remembered placing my history book on the seat next to me so we'll have space on the table.

"Ok, I'll save you a seat," Anna nodded with a smile.

Quickly, I ran to our seat and found my book. As I unzipped my bag I noticed some students still hanging around. They were Sandy's group. Maybe they had extra practice or a meeting. But I noticed something different. There was an addition to their group. A tall, few inches taller than me, lean boy with bleach blonde hair was hanging around with them as Chace greeted him. Was he Chace's cousin or something? I couldn't see his face, he was looking side ways and conversing with the guys. He seemed familiar, but why? From where? His attire was normal, jeans and a grey t-shirt. I then remembered that I would be late for class if I didn't hurry, so I zipped my bag and turned around walking away. For some reason my mind was telling me to turn around, wait to see this boy's features. Without any thought, I slightly turned my head to look back as I stopped at the building's door and I got a slight glimpse of the bleach blond guy. He had a peaceful face, white skin (I thought he'd be tanned because of the bleach hair, silly me!), perfect nose, reddish pink lips which carved a sweet smile and perfectly shaped eyebrows, his hair swiped to the side over his forehead. But what caught my eyes were his eyes. They seemed like I've seen those eyes before, but I don't recall seeing soft hazel eyes. The only hazel eyes I saw were of that creepy hoodie guy. These seemed different, they were dancing with glee and the sun's effect on them made them seem more of a honey color. Hazel eyes, they can't be the same, could they?

     This was the only class I loved. English. I really like the teacher, Ms Ross, and I love the subject. As I entered the class, Ms Ross smiled at me and nodded in greeting and I replicated the action back. This class had single seated tables, which was a bonus for me because Anna wasn't with me in this class. But anyway, my teacher is supportive of me, I think she senses I have some trouble at home and she's always trying to motivate me to keep going and work hard. I think she's 36 years old, but she has this glossy red hair to her shoulders which she keeps the top half clipped in a bun and her brown eyes are so reflective of her loving and caring personality.

As I took my seat which was the fourth row back, with three rows in front of me, I watched as students shuffled in with no energy for this lesson. Idiots! I got ready, opening my notebook and placing my bag by my side. I heard snickers and chuckling of a male voice. Looking up I see Eric entering class with one of his friends and then the bleach blond guy is walking behind him, not giving a care about what Eric is rambling about. Eric slips into his seat which is a few seats away from me and the bleach blond guy sits in the row in front of me in the middle of the classroom.

"Okay students, quite down please," Ms Ross speaks over the chatter.

The class slowly quiets down as Ms Ross steps in front of her desk.

"Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a wonderful summer," she smiled at us. "I am glad I see almost all students from previous year." Then she stopped and faced the bleach blond guy, "I see we have a new student." Ms Ross clapped her hands as she grabbed a file from her desk. "Welcome to St Hills, and welcome to my english class," Ms Ross welcomed the new guy with her soft voice.

"Thank you," he spoke, and his voice was like nothing I've heard before.

It wasn't like Chace's or Aaron's, Channing Tatum's or Alex Pettyfer's. It was soft, and quite, not too quite, it had that little boy's shyness to it, but it still carried a soft man's smooth tone. Why am I even rambling about his voice? Seriously Sam? I shook my thoughts out of my head as Ms Ross continued.

"Let me see here..." her eyes skimmed down the paper she was holding. "Oh, you must be Ashton A-"

Ms Ross was cut off as 'Ashton' (so that's his name!), interrupted.

"It's Ashton Weston," he mumbled.

"Oh, okay then. Welcome to English class Ashton, now we have a little custom for the new kids," she smiled cheekily. "New students are given the task to prepare a presentation of themselves, in whatever form, within two days," Ms Ross explained. "It's so their classmates get to know them and so I can see the ability they have in organizing work and contribution."

Ashton nodded his head along Ms Ross's explanation.

"So I will be expecting a presentation after tomorrow," Ms Ross concluded.

"Yes ma'am," Ashton chuckled at his teacher's enthusiasm I guess.

'Ma'am', oh finally a gentleman in class.

"Perfect," chirped Ms Ross. "Now to start off, we're going to read a sample from Shakespeare's Macbeth," Ms Ross instructed.

We heard a groan from the students, which of course was Eric.

"Is there a problem Mr Jensen?" Asked Ms Ross.

"We've read it a million times, it's a waste of time to re-read it." he stated.

"Well, I guess that isn't fair is it? I'll tell you what," she stopped and smiled, oh that smile....he's in trouble. "You'll get to read the whole play again, and within a week, I'll expect an analysis essay, how about that Mr Jensen?" Ms Ross placed her hands on her hips.

"Wh-I-. That's not fair," he exclaimed.

"Life isn't fair Mr Jensen," Ms Ross stated as she turned around.

I was trying my all not to laugh out loud. I love Ms Ross. I heard a soft snort, and noticed Ashton trying to cough, faking. I found myself smiling at his action. He opened up his book and seemed to start off reading. I couldn't stop assessing him. Where have I seen him before? Damn it, I can't see his face, I can't decipher why he looks familiar. Slowly, his head turned and his eyes met mine. I froze for a second and then adverted my gaze to my book, with burning cheeks, letting my hair fall around my face. Did he just catch me staring at him? Shit!

     The bell rang and I sprinted out of the class before anyone else could. During the whole lesson I kept my head low, eyes on the book, hair covering my face. I had to get out of here, fast. Anna was waiting by my locker so I bustled to her.

"Hey, how was english?" I asked her in one breath.

"Good, what about you? Did your teacher make you sprint?" Anna chuckled as I placed my unwanted books, which were only two, in my locker and then locked it.

"Nope, I just have to be home early. Gotta get ready for my job," I lied, well not really because I do have a job I need to get to.

"Oh, you have a job? That's so cool," she grinned.

"Thanks, so are you gonna go?" I asked her.

"Nope, I have to wait for my brother, but I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" She hugged me tight and pulled back smiling.

"Of course, bye Anna," I waved as I went off.

As she waved back, I almost ran out of the school building, across the parking lot and to my car. Once inside was when I let out the breath I was holding. "What the hell Sam?" I scolded myself. "Seriously? In class?" I placed my forehead against the steering wheel. Sighing and calming down, I turned the key in the ignition and set off home. But first I had to do the normal grocery shopping, and of course alcohol shopping.

    With about twenty bags in my hands and the alcohol in my bag dragging me down, I almost didn't make it to the door. No one was home thank god, so I entered and let out a deep groan, flexing my arms and fingers. I placed all the groceries in their places and stocked the alcohol beverages in their usual cabinets. The living room was littered with tissues, cigarets, and empty beer cans. This was what awaits me, every single day.

Quickly cleaning up the living room and organizing it as well, I headed to my room and started off on the little homework I had. It was easy so I finished it all in about an hour. I had a few minutes until work so I better get ready. My bag was ready by my bed so all I had to do was change into jeans. Today I've got a shift at Rick's Diner, and at Rick's Diner shorts are not allowed, you must be dressed in pants or knee length skirts and no sleeveless shirts. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and changed my shirt into a long sleeved white shirt. There you go Mr Rick, it's freaking summer and I'm in long sleeved shirts and jeans! Running downstairs, not before locking my bedroom door of course, I raced to my car and started off, blasting some music, it's sort of a long drive so I need to entertain myself.

    "Sam," yelled a voice.

I smiled and waved hi as I spotted Finn, nineteen years old with black hair, buzz cut, and grey eyes. He was the funny man of the diner, always there to make you laugh. He's never shy, so that's why he yells out my name when I enter. Beside him is Trevor, who's twenty two, black hair, and green eyes. Trevor is the leader kind of guy who's always trying to keep everything under control.

I walked into the changing room after I greeted each guy, put my apron on, and locked my belongings.

"Hey," greeted Jace as he finished wiping off a table.

"Hi. How was your day?" I asked as I signed myself in.

"Pretty good, what about yours? First day of school?" Jace wiggled his eyebrows as he leaned against the bar.

"Good. I made a friend, she's pretty cool, her name's Anna," I smiled.

"Yeah I noticed, I checked Facebook and there it was. She seems cute," he smirked with a wink.

"Jace, no. Not my friend, god," I slapped his arm as I walked around the bar to grab a tray.

"What? I didn't say anything," he defended himself.

"You don't have to man, it's you, everyone knows the meaning behind your words," Finn spoke.

"Thank you Finn," I mumbled.

He grinned at me and held his palm for me to high five, which I did as he wouldn't budge.

"Whatever," Jace muttered.

"So any luck today? Seen any one you could fancy?" Finn wiggled his eyebrows.

"Fancy? Seriously? Damn, and I thought you couldn't get any fancier," I chuckled as I picked some left over plates on the bar.

"Ha ha," he mocked.

"What about you Finny, any girl you fancy? I think it's been a long while since I've seen a girl hang around your ass," Trevor chuckled as he clapped his hand onto Finn's back.

"Shut up man," Finn moved away from Trevor.

"Nice one Trev," I grinned at the smarty ass.

     It was after my shift that I found myself dreading driving and going back home, even though I am so tired and stumped. With no choice, I started the car and drove home. The lights were on which meant they were home. I hope they're happy with the alcohol I purchased, I'm no expert with this stuff. "Here we go," I mumbled to myself as I twisted the door knob and entered.

It was quite, no noise downstairs, none at all. I closed the door behind me and entered the kitchen to drink some water. As I rinsed my cup and placed it on the rack to dry, I heard heavy moans and bumping noises. Oh god, oh my god. Not again. They were in their room, doing the deed that is. I tried to keep the noises out of my ears as I rushed to my room.

Once inside, I locked the door and slumped onto my bed. In the end, I dragged my tired feet to my closet, grabbing my pajama and slipping it on as quick as possible. With my teeth brushed and my face washed I finally let my body lay on the bed. Not a minute passed when my phone beeped. It was a chat on Facebook from Anna, it said: Hey, u there?

I smiled and replied back, Yup just got back from work, what's up?

A second passed and she answered, Nothing much, just wanted to say hi. Oh, how was work? I stayed at school for like an extra 30 minutes but it was cool.

Why would she stay an extra thirty minutes, was her brother that slow? I replied back: You poor thing :P Work was good, sorta fun. What did you do for thirty minutes?

It took her a minute to reply, That's awesome. I had to stay back for my brother, he had practice I think he joined the football team, or the soccer team....I don't know, whatever. Anyways, Kayla was there as she waited for Chace, she kept me company, she's a really sweet girl. I have her in maths, she sits next to me, she was pretty cool too. So an extra friend to my list. It's okay with you right? You won't feel offended? She actually asked me if I'd like to be part of the volleyball team, she's organizing that and she needs some help, I'm thinking about it. She said, she has to do something else, she hates Sandy's cheering!! I like her even more :P Btw, she told me to tell you hi.

I smiled at her long explanation, but especially at the last part and snorted when she thought I'd be offended. So I replied: Yeah she's really cool. And of course I won't be offended, you can be friends with whoever you want and plus, she isn't an enemy. I think you should join in with her, if you like volleyball that is. Then Sandy will lose cheerleaders!! If u see her tmrw tell her I say hi back :)

Anna replied in a second: Okay good ;) Maybe then we'd be able to break this bond with Sandy and form our own group *evil laughs*. I'm gonna meet her at lunch tomorrow for the volleyball thing, I'm sorry you'll be alone :(

I let out a small laugh and replied, No probs. I'm happy for you ;)

Anna replied back: If I make it we're going out to celebrate got it wittle Sam?

Giggling, I wrote back: Aye aye ;) We should probably get to sleep. I'll see u tmrw Anna ;) Sweet dreams.

Anna's response: Goodnight Sam, I'll see you tomorrow <3 Sweet Dreams ;)

And so our forty minute chat ended. I didn't go straight to sleep though. I was curious to check out Anna's Facebook profile. Her birthday is on January twelfth, she had many photos uploaded and she knows how to speak English, Spanish, Italian and French. Wow! Going through her photos, I realize she's always smiling or grinning at the camera. There were some of her and some girls, her friends I guess. Others of her and some guys, maybe friends or cousins, and then there were a few with a guy who she seems to be so carefree around. He seemed bad, like really bad. He had really blonde hair, his eyes were hazel but they held anger and his hair was short and wild. Who was he? I dismissed the confusion and curiousness and closed her profile, checking the statuses. Jace had a new status: Man, uni life is craazzzyyyy!! And he had a picture attached of him at a party with a drink in hand and some guys surrounding him, they were all huddled around, bent over laughing. There was another one by Anna which said: First day of school. Was pretty cool, hey that rhymes :P Really looking forward to the year, made great friends ;) Kayla had liked the status and some other of Anna's friends. I decided not to just because I wasn't that confident of others seeing my name up there. My eyes were slowly drooping, so I placed my phone next to my pillow and snuggled into my pillow. Will I see Ashton? Will I see the hazel eyed hoodie guy again?

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