Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (mature)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 27

28.5K 829 940
By LarryWriting


[Louis' P.O.V]

Bringing our baby boy home should have been a happy time, maybe an exhausting time since we had two babies that demanded our attention, but instead we were too busy worrying about Kyle and how he had claimed to have exposed us. It didn't help our nerves when my mother and sisters went home. With my mother around, we didn't feel as panicked leaving the sleeping babies while we showered together since she could watch them. She'd even watched our babies while we went to get Harry's stitches removed, gave us ten minute texts the entire time we were gone to ensure us that our babies were safe with us gone for the short hour. But with her gone, one of us would have to keep an eye on them if the other needed to shower or use the restroom or go somewhere. We learned from past experience with Fionna that the baby monitors didn't allow us to keep track of our babies.

My mother left two days after we'd brought Elijah home, and Liam, Niall, and Baxter came to stay with us for a bit then. We all stood in the entryway to say our goodbyes, Harry chewing nervously on his bottom lip, "Could just stay one more day, maybe, Jay? Is so nice with you here..."

"I wish I could, love, but the girls have school and I have work..." she sighed.

"We'll be here," Niall pointed out. The blonde dog boy was holding Elijah, swaying slightly with him while Baxter played with Fionna and her blocks on the carpet. "We'll help you watch the babies, mate, it'll be alright."

Harry looked nervous, "I do not know..."

"It'll be okay," Daisy patted Harry's hand soothingly, giving him a gentle hug around his middle and being careful of his slightly sore stomach.

The rest of the girls followed suit, hugging Harry and then moving to hug me. They'd each already gotten to say goodbye to Fionna and gotten to hold Elijah on the couch, yet they were still reluctant as my mother ushered them out the door towards the vehicle. She hugged Harry and me at the same time, stealing one last kiss to Elijah's forehead as she passed Niall to give Fionna a kiss as well.

"Goodbye, all of you," she made a kissy face as she departed out the door. "Love you, see you soon. Send me updates!"

And then she was gone, leaving Harry and I in slight fear. Niall offered Elijah back to Harry, who took our baby boy gratefully, "Thank you, Niall."

"Just try not to worry yourself, Harry," Liam called. He was seated in the recliner, watching the babies play on the floor. "We're here to help, and it's been a few days since Kyle was here and nothing's happened yet."

"Was like two weeks and then Ella..." Harry begin with a whimper, but then he shook his head. "But this is not Ella, no, Ella is gone. We were exposed."

"Elijah is what, a week old?" Niall pointed out. "Nothing's happened so far, no one's even knocked on the door being nosy! We all know Kyle is a moron."

"Hate him so much," Harry seethed, but his eyes flickered onto the baby in his arms who had noticeably stiffened at the change in Harry. "Oh no, my baby, it is okay... do not worry, I am sorry. Should not act so mean towards people if I am holding you. Do not want to scare my baby boy."

At that moment, Baxter reached over and plucked Fionna's block from her hands, effectively sending Fionna into loud screeches and ending their playtime together as Fionna pushed herself up and away from him and toddled at us pitifully, "Das, das!"

I fought a giggle as I leaned to lift her into my arms, "Oh my poor Feenna, did Baxter take your block?"

"Baxter James Payne," Liam said scoldingly, and Baxter's ears flattened.

"Papa..." he whimpered, knowing he was in trouble.

"You can't take things that aren't yours Baxie, that isn't nice," Liam told him sternly, squatting next to him and holding out his hand. "Let me see the block..."

Baxter handed over the block, his eyes wide as his bottom lip trembled, "Papa..."

"Can you say sorry to Fionna?"

"Gog..." Baxter sniffled, much to my surprise. "Soy."

"That's close enough," Liam kissed his forehead. "You're my good baby gog, you always say you're sorry. We won't take Fionna's toys without asking again, will we?"

"No!" Baxter immediately squeaked, reaching out for Liam.

Niall cooed, "He's a good little guy if he wants to be..."

"He's intelligent," I shook my head in awe. "How big do you think his vocabulary is? I mean... he says words all the time that I haven't heard him say before and it surprises me."

"Well I read online that the average sixteen month old baby knows about twenty words," Niall shrugged. "He probably knows well over that."

Fionna sniffled in my arms, and I kissed her curly head, "I wonder if Fionna will know that many by that time... she... I don't know how many words she knows. There's Dada, Daddy, Love, Blankie, Maow, Ducky, No, Mine, My, That... I think she knows Elijah... she just hasn't incorporated it with him yet."


"That's like ten!" Niall chuckled, reaching out to poke at Fionna who frowned and started the beginning of a squeal before I gave her a quick kiss on the nose.

"Your beebee brudder is trying to sleep, Feenna!" I hummed.

Under normal circumstances, we'd let Elijah sleep in his crib for naps so he wasn't disturbed, but circumstances hadn't been normal. The lucky little boy hadn't really slept anywhere but my or Harry's arms, and occasionally in his bassinet... where we had a good view of him, of course. Fionna was ecstatic to be sleeping in our bed again, so she had new problems with the arrangement. She'd been sleeping between Harry and I, not at all minding that Elijah slept on either my or Harry's chest.

Harry sat carefully down on the couch with Elijah, bringing him up close to nuzzle his nose into our baby's fuzzy curls. However, he gave a quick huff and winced, "Still leaking. Is so weird."

"Leaking from the top and bottom, huh?" Niall snickered, and Harry glared at him.

"Do not feel like dealing with you right now," he warned.

I laughed in surprise, sitting down with Fionna next to Harry and gently patting his leg, "I'll make him leave you alone, baby... Niall!"

Niall laughed, going back to sit on the arm of the recliner with Baxter and Liam. Fionna squirmed on my lap, turning to look at Harry and Elijah. Her tiny brow furrowed, and she pointed with her short finger, "Uh?"

"Your beebee brother Elijah," I reminded her.

"Shah..." she squeaked.

I reached and softly caressed his head, "Yes, this is Elijah."

"Shah," she outstretched her hand as well, and I gently assisted her in stroking Elijah's fuzzy curls as softly as possible. "Ooooh..."

"Isn't he soft?" I giggled. "You were so soft, too, my beebee. You still are!"

"No!" she crowed, reaching clumsily like she wanted to pet at my head. I leaned down to let her, blowing a raspberry onto her tummy. She squealed, and Elijah whimpered in surprise.

I sat back up guiltily, "Oops..."

"Will sleep fast," Harry soothed. From the front door their suddenly came a knock, and Harry and I both jolted in surprise before Harry was pressed against my side and breathing heavily. "No, do not open it, do not-"

"It's only Chris and Zayn," Niall stood to get the door. "Promise, they texted Liam."

Harry practically wheezed in relief, "Oh... are not taking my Louis or babies. It is okay."

"It's alright," I agreed, loosening the tight grip I'd unconsciously had on Fionna. She huffed at me, her bottom lip poking out in a pout. "Sorry, baby girl."

"Lin-key," she requested.

"What did you do with it?" I asked her. Her blankie literally went everywhere with her, had taken over the role of a pacifier. It was almost even better than her Maow.

"Uhh..." she stuffed a few fingers into her mouth, looking up at me and lightly touching my cheek. "Lin-key?"

"Want me to help you find it, my Feenna?" I chuckled, and Harry kissed my cheek just as Niall let Zayn and Chris in.

"Hey, guys!" Chris whispered loudly.

"Hello," I hummed, standing with Fionna. She spotted Zayn and pointed with a squeal. "It's Uncle Zayn, beebee!"

"Zen!" she screamed happily, and everyone fell silent as she continued to babble away unintelligibly.

Zayn finally lifted a finger and croaked, "Did she just..."

"She called you Zen," I replied hoarsely. "Want to, um... hold her while I get the baby book?"

Niall laughed, walking back over to sit with Liam and Baxter, "And her blankie! But I told you that you wouldn't have to worry about her not knowing many words. She's smart. She'll learn."

Zayn gladly took Fionna into his arms and she squealed happily and patted at him, "Lob, lob, lob-"

He laughed, hoisting her in the air, "I love you, too!"

I chuckled at the two, feeling my heart swell in adoration towards Fionna, and then I turned to retrieve Fionna's baby book from her room. Harry stopped me however, calling out, "Wait for me, my Louis?"

I turned to find Harry wiggling with difficulty off the couch, noticing that Elijah had started to squirm in his arms. He joined me in the entrance to the hall, and I lightly touched his back, "Is our beebee boy awake?"

"Think he needs a nappy change," Harry nodded, looking to where Fionna, Zayn, and Chris had plopped down on the floor. Baxter appeared as if he wanted to join them as well. "Um... our Fionna will be alright with them? Is safe?"

"Of course," I nodded soothingly. "They'd never let anything happen to her."

He snuggled Elijah closer, but was seemingly reassured as we turned and made our way down the hall. We stopped at Elijah's room first to change his nappy. The strange thing Dr. Shell had placed on Elijah's lower parts had finally fallen off a few days prior, but we still put the lotion he had given us on him to ensure that he was as comfortable as possible. We'd also had to adjust to careful diaper changes, as we'd learned the hard way that Elijah wasn't always done peeing even if his nappy was wet.

"Umbilical thing looks like it will fall off soon," Harry murmured softly, as he gently folded the wings over on Elijah's nappy. Our baby boy wasn't crying yet, but his face was twisted in irritation. Like always, Lucy came out from hiding from Niall to see what we were doing. Like with Fionna, she was interested in our little baby boy but wasn't allowed too close to him yet. Harry gently used his foot to keep Lucy from jumping onto the table. "You cannot snuggle with my baby boy right now, Lucy. Is too small. My Feenna will snuggle you though... or I will later!"

I hummed, kissing Harry's cheek before leaning and scooping up Lucy, "Go back to sleeping somewhere."

Harry buttoned up Elijah's onesie and swaddled him back up, and I put Lucy down once Harry had carefully lifted Elijah back into his arms, "Feenna's baby book now?"

"Feenna's baby book," I agreed. "To put Zayn's name in... I don't think my mum will be very happy to know she learned Uncle Zayn's name before she learned Grandma."

"Loves Zayn," Harry giggled, kissing Elijah's forehead as he followed me into Fionna's room. "Gives her her ducky cup and plays peek-a-boo with her."

I untaped the pen from the front and flipped to the page designated for people's names, scrawling Zayn down under Elijah and dating it. I could feel Harry pressed close behind me, and I turned my head to look down at our baby boy in his arms. His blue eyes were open, focused towards the end of his blanket as his tiny tongue poked between his lips. I turned and leaned closer, crooning, "Hello, handsome baby boy!"

Elijah jumped, as if he were surprised by the sudden closeness of my voice. His eyes fell on me, and he blinked lazily. Harry hummed, nosing in a cat like manner at Elijah's hair, "You look like your Daddy, my baby."

My baby boy apparently found me uninteresting, and he turned his attention back to his blankie before his eyes squinted and fluttered shut, his long eye lashes settling against his pink baby cheeks. I lowered my lips to his forehead, "Let's go back to the living room."

Fionna, Baxter, and Zayn were still seated on the floor while Chris had moved up to the couch. The babies were back to playing with the blocks, Zayn was just sitting in the middle to prevent any arguments. Fionna handed Zayn a block, "Gah?"

"Thank you," Zayn told her, taking the block and setting it in front of him. Baxter carefully reached for it, but Fionna screeched at him and flailed for it again. Zayn handed the little guy a block he already had in his pile and returned Fionna's block to her.

She huffed at Baxter, leaning her head against Zayn's side, but then as we sat on the couch she finally realised we'd returned, and she squealed gleefully as she abandoned her blocks and crawled for us. She decided she wanted Harry to hold her as she tugged herself into a standing position with his sweatpants, cooing, "Dada..."

Chris stood from the other side of Harry to help Fionna up in between Harry and I, and she frowned down at Elijah. Chris chucked at her, sitting back down on the couch. Baxter stood clumsily and came toddling over out of curiousity, "Gog..."

Zayn frowned, "I'm all alone now..."

Chris stood and went to plop down next to Zayn, "I'll play blocks with you, babe!"

"Play with blocks, or play with his blocks?" Niall wiggled his eyebrows, and we all groaned. Even Harry who usually had to have such things explained to him understood. "Aww come on, I thought that was good."

"There are babies, Niall," Harry sighed just as Baxter toddled back over to play with blocks some more. "Three. Cannot say stuff like that in front of babies! Always have to tell you this."

Niall sighed, "I suppose you're right."

Harry leaned towards Fionna and me with Elijah with a firm nod, resting his head on my shoulder as Fionna leaned forward to peek at Elijah in Harry's grip, "Shah?"

"Yes, Feenna!" I grinned proudly. "That is Elijah."

"Shah," Fionna cooed, reaching hesitantly to pat at his head. I once again reached forward to assist her in stroking his fuzzy hair.

"We have to be gentle, yes?" I reminded her. "We have to treat him carefully, he is so tiny. Like Lucy, but we have to be even gentler."

"Oooh..." Fionna squealed quietly, as if she knew what I meant.

Elijah squeaked then, and Fionna yanked her hand back in alarm. With flattened ears she crawled onto my lap and cringed into my chest, and I chuckled, "It's okay. He makes funny sounds like you!"

Our baby boy gave a gurgling wail then, rooting against Harry. Fionna whimpered, clinging onto me, "No... no..."

"No, what, beebee?" I kissed her temple. "Your baby brother is just hungry."

Harry cooed to Fionna, lifting his head from my shoulder to kiss my cheek, "Going to feed him and rock him in his room maybe. So he will sleep for a little bit."

"Want me to come keep you company?" I asked him.

"No! No!" Fionna screeched.

"Feenna wants you," Harry giggled. "Can come if Fionna will let you... but Feenna is very squealy and probably will want to pet her beebee brother."

"I guess you're right," I smiled, looking to Fionna who was still clinging to me.

"Dahey," she squeaked.

"I'll stay in here with you beebee," I chuckled. At that moment, Lucy crept into the living room, glaring at Niall and sitting near the kitchen. Fionna screeched, pointing and bouncing on my lap.

"That!" she screeched. "Maow, maow, maow!"

"Go see her," I laughed, putting Fionna on the ground and kissing Elijah's forehead before pecking Harry on the lips. "Go make our beebee a bottle and rock him to sleep?"

"Yes," he nodded, pursing his lips before stealing one last kiss. "Come to me if you can?"

"Always!" I told him teasingly, and he nodded before stepping around Fionna and giggling at her as he walked to the kitchen with Elijah cradled in one arm to make a bottle for him.

Fionna all but tackled Lucy and clutched her close, and like always Lucy happily accepted. Baxter was handing stacking blocks on Zayn and Chris, his little tail wagging excitedly and knocking around blocks that were placed behind him.

"You're a cutey, Baxter," Chris laughed.

"Yes!" he nodded his little head savagely.

"Oh he knows he's cute," Niall chuckled. "He supposedly does have my DNA."

"Niall," Liam sighed. "I agree that you're both cute, but Baxie isn't one to accept such things just yet. He just likes to say yes."

"Yes!" the little guy grinned largely, flashing his teeth.

"Oh I think he knows he's cute," I laughed. "I bet he can work it to his advantage. I know Fionna can."

"Or maybe you're weak!" Niall accused.

"No, no," Zayn shook his head. "I can vouch. She works her adorableness well."

"You're just saying that because she says your name," Niall pouted. "I'm totally the cooler uncle."

Harry came from kitchen, grinning down at Fionna who was patting Lucy happily. On his shoulder he had Fionna's blanket, and he gently rested a bottle on a fussy Elijah to lower the blanket down to her with his free hand, "Here you go my beebee!"

"Link-key, lin-key!" she screeched happily.

"Oh!" Zayn crowed, handing Baxter a block before rushing to the loveseat. "Guess what I have Fionna!"

He strode over to her, clutching whatever he'd grabbed in his hand. I didn't see him hand it to her, but I heard her screech, "Maow!"

Harry giggled, nodding his head, "I will be back after a bit. Have to let my baby Elijah sleep though."

"Love you both!" I called to him as he disappeared down the hall, and I heard him giggle back the sentiment.

Baxter crawled towards Lucy as well as Zayn went back over to sit with him and Chris, and the quiff haired lad frowned, "I keep getting abandoned!"

I flopped over on the couch with a surprised laugh, rubbing at my face, "The babies have better things to do than play with blocks, Zayn, get with the program. I, however, agree with Elijah on the whole nap taking thing. Maybe an early dinner and then bedtime actually. My mum is supposed to call me when she gets home though, suppose I need to wait for that."

I sat back up in time to see Baxter tried to hug Lucy, who finally just darted away from the poor little guy and left him sitting in confusion. Zayn crooned, "Aww... sorry, Baxter. Lucy just doesn't like dogs."

"Gog?" Baxter frowned, pointing to Fionna although she was sitting about a foot away from him and cuddling her Maow and blankie.

"No," she told him, turning her nose up snottily.

"Beebee!" I said, appalled. "You have to be nice, he is always nice to you!"

"Except when he steals blocks," Liam pointed out. "But yes, he usually is my good boy."

"But he said sorry!" I protested.

"Soy!" Baxter crowed, grinning at Fionna.

Fionna examined him for a moment before giggling and hiding her face in her blankie.

There was suddenly a light knock on the door that had us all jolting in surprise, glancing around at each other. Zayn shook his head, "We're all here... unless it's Lucca?"

"Could be, I guess," I stood hesitantly. The rest of the lads stood as well, but then the knob was twisting and the door was kicked violently into the wall, and six men dressed in some sort of MI5 type of clothing barreled into the room. Their faces weren't even exposed, hidden behind balaclavas.

"We've been informed on some illegal citizens living here?" one bellowed, and we were all too stunned to move. Until his eyes fell onto the babies, and I bolted forward. The man who had spoken lunged towards me as he called out another order. "Grab the kids, they're some of them-"

Protesting cries came from all of us. Before I was being forced against the back of the couch I watched in horror as my baby was snatched off the floor, dropping her blanket and Maow with a terrified squeal of, "Dahey!"

"Fionna!" I cried out in terror. Niall lunged for the man with Fionna, all the while trying to shield Baxter, but only managed to be pinned to the wall by another man. Chris darted down the hall just as I heard Harry's voice raising in alarm, and a door slammed shut as Harry shrieked in protest. Liam punched the guy holding Niall while I thrashed against my attacker. "No! Stop my baby, let her go-"

But the man sprinted from the house with Fionna in tow, and something inside me snapped. I threw back an elbow into my captor's throat, and twisted from his grip. Niall grabbed Baxter and bolted down the hall as well while Zayn had sprinted from the house after Fionna. I was dashing right after him, hoping desperately that he'd stop them they couldn't take my baby. I watched as another man, I couldn't tell any of them apart they were all too covered in heavy gear, shoved a rag into Zayn's face and stuffed him head first into an inconspicuous blue van. My baby, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen, already in the vehicle more than likely.

Liam came bolting out of the house, "Where's Fionna and Zayn?!"

I didn't answer him, my heart in my throat and practically strangling me as I raced down the sidewalk towards the gate. A guard slammed the door as the rest poured from the house, pushing me aside to get to the van faster. I was going to be too late.

"I'm one too!" I cried out in desperation, feeling myself moments from tears. They couldn't take my baby girl, she'd called for me, expected me to keep her safe from the bad men.

"Louis!" Liam gasped, and I silently pleaded with him to shut up.

However, one of the men froze, removing his balaclava to reveal short sandy hair and a crooked nose. He barked out in a gruff voice, "You don't look like one."

"Because-" Liam began.

"Because it's like the werewolf myths. It only shows up at night," I nodded frantically, almost pleadingly as I show Liam a look that told him to leave it. Maybe I wasn't getting Fionna from them, but I'd know where she was going, I'd be going there, too. Harry and Elijah would be safe, and I'd try my damndest to make our baby girl safe. "Trust me, I grow a tail, whiskers- I... I'm the father of the other one she just has ears because I'm almost full hybrid but-"

"Fine," he snapped, marching forward to seize my arm and drag me towards the vehicle. He tried to press a rag over my face, but I pushed his hand away.

"I'm willing, get the fuck off me-" I snarled.

He pushed me roughly into the van, I stumbled onto a strange carpeted floor. The man leaped in behind me as I heard Liam call out something I couldn't catch before the van door slammed us into a tinted dimness and the van lurched into motion. I rolled up in surprise, only to come nose to barrel with a gun, "Sit the hell down."

"My baby-" I croaked pleadingly. I couldn't even hear her crying, and my heart felt as if it were going to shatter out of my chest.

"Let the creature see its offspring, I guess," a voice huffed, and the man removed his balaclava and rolled his eyes, lowering the gun. He was standing hunched over so he didn't hit his head on the van top.

"But the little shit elbowed me in the ribs," he snarled.

"Yeah but he's willing to come with us, he turned himself in and isn't putting up a fight," I twisted to find that it was the sandy haired man that had brought me along, and even though I hated them all he was my favourite.

"Please, my baby, where is she?" I whispered hoarsely. "And my friend."

The man with the gun crouched out of the way but kept his weapon in his grip, and then I spotted them sandwiched between two guards on a long seat in the back. Zayn's head was slumped backwards, and Fionna had been draped onto his lap, "There. Happy?"

Sheer terror forced a sob from my throat as I frantically took in her closed eyes and seemingly sleeping form, "She- what'd you do to her-"

"If you don't calm down I will put you out, too," the man with the gun began.

From the front where the final two men were driving, the one in the passenger seat snapped, "Shut the hell up, all of you. We've got to get you freaks locked up before you hurt someone."

"You're the only one hurting-" I tried to crawl desperately for Fionna, only to have the gun pressed to my temple. "Fucking shoot me, go for it, I just want to make sure my baby is okay."

"Let him," sandy haired guy sighed.

"You're weak, Daniel," the man with the gun huffed, but he let me close the distance to Fionna, slipping my arms under her and pulling her into a cradle against me.

"Oh my beebee," I croaked out, buried my face into her curls, feeling my heart break when she didn't wake up. "What'd you do to her?"

"She'll wake up soon," sandy haired guy, supposedly Daniel, sighed. "She's small, so we didn't use a lot of chloroform."

"Can't believe you used any at all," I choked back a sob. "She wouldn't do anything to you, look at her. On second thought, don't look at her, don't fucking touch her-"

"She wouldn't shut up with the crying and yelling for her dad," gun man snapped.

"You're horrible," I hissed, turning my back to him and glancing up at Zayn. "And him?"

"He'll be fine. Might even wake up before we separate you all."

"No!" I gasped, my hold tightening on Fionna. "You can't-"

"He can stay with his kid, right?" Daniel asked. "It'll make them both more cooperative."

Gun man glared at Daniel, but then glared at me, "Fine. But if you try any shit-"

"No!" I shook my head desperately. "I won't, just let me stay with her I-"

"I said fine, now pipe down," he hissed.

I simply nodded, cradling Fionna closer and pressing my lips to her sweaty forehead. As I tried to adjust her in my grip to stroke her curls, I realised just how horribly I was shaking. I swallowed back a sob and glanced at Zayn. His head was still slumped backwards over the seat, but guards weren't sandwiching him between them anymore. My mind was still racing, and I finally remembered that Harry, our baby boy, and the other lads other than Zayn were still safe. Possibly in distress, but they were safe. And Liam was smart, Liam would move them in case the guys who had us tried to go back for them.

With a sickening realisation, I figured the men who had us worked for England. They probably really were with the MI5 and were taking us to some sort of place where we'd have tests run on us. I wasn't even a hybrid, and at night if they figured out that I wasn't... I'd have to come up with a lie that made them let me stay with my baby until I could get us all three out of there. After about twenty minutes of thinking hard and trying to force down panic, Fionna stirred in my arms.

I jolted to attention as she stretched and whimpered quietly, her ears flattening a bit as her eyes fluttered open. My heart swelled in relief, and tears bubbled from my eyes and down my cheeks as I snuggled her closer, whispering, "Oh Daddy's beebee..."

"Dahey," she squeaked, loudly enough for everyone to hear. I shot them a warning look, and they simply rolled their eyes. They didn't mind Fionna talking I concluded, so long as she wasn't shrieking or wailing. "Lin-key?"

I snuggled her up closer, tucking her little head under my chin as I sniffled into her hair. I knew if she realised I was crying she'd cry, too, "I will be your blankie, beebee. It's alright."

"Dada?" she tried to pull away to look around, but I stroked her curls and shook my head.

"Hey beebee, you want a story?" I whispered quietly into her ear. "About duckies, yes, my baby Feenna?"

"Key!" she gasped.

"Oh yes," I said softly, cuddling her so that my lips rested by her ear and she was shielded out of view of the others. And with that, I began my ducky story to keep Fionna silent, aside from a few 'ooohs', until we were stopping and the door of the van was being wrenched open as Zayn was pulled from it and I was ushered out, holding so tightly to Fionna I was nearly worried about hurting her. But they weren't going to get my baby, I would make sure of that. She and Zayn were going to make it back home to her Dada and her baby brother Elijah even if it meant that I wasn't.

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