Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (mature)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 26

43.4K 812 503
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: IMPORTAAAAANT!: In my last "chapter" that wasn't a chapter. Twas only a sneak peek in case some of you were confused. The part you read is in this chapter as well. I only had that last part up to shamelessly promote my new story Wanted Most. And I'm gonna do it again xD Go read it if you have time. Wanted Most. On my profile. I like writing it so I'll probably update quite a bit, and it's a short story cause it was intended to be a one shot. ANYWHO THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO PayneLiamLover BECAUSE LOOK AT THE MULTIMEDIA EES ELIJAH SO COOOOT.

[Louis' P.O.V]

Harry, our babies, and I stayed at Dr. Shell's for about three more days before Dr. Shell told Harry he could go home. But I was still skeptical. 

"You're sure?" I pressed. "He won't pull open his stitches?"

"I don't think he will, no," Dr. Shell soothed. "The ones inside him will dissolve soon, and he can come back in about two or three days to get his sutures removed." 

I glanced at Harry where he was sitting on the bed with our babies. He clearly felt better, sitting up and looking much perkier as he cradled Elijah with one arm and gently combed through Fionna's curls with a comb he had in his free hand, "You are such a good beebee... such lovely hair, my Feenna." 

She looked extremely pleased, strangely liking her hair being played with. Then again, even if she was only a baby she was Harry's child. She simply chewed on the ear of her Maow, looking at her toes as she wiggled them. Dr. Shell chuckled, "She seems to be tolerating that well, for a one year old." 

"She's always a good baby," I murmured. 

"Well, good parents normally make good babies," Dr. Shell shrugged.

Fionna attempted to lean back against Harry, however, but Harry winced as she leaned against the pillow he had covering his tummy, using his free hand to gently adjust her as she babbled to him. I gave Dr. Shell an appreciative grin as I hurried to Harry's aid. 

"Beebee!" I whispered, glancing at our half asleep baby boy as Fionna squealed and reached out for me. 

I scooped her up and hoisted her in the air, nuzzling my nose against hers. Harry giggled, smiling fondly at us, "Both are so silly..." 

"Is our baby boy sleeping?" I hummed, lowering Fionna back to cuddle her close. 

"Think so," Harry murmured, gazing down at Elijah lovingly. "Is very snuffly, though." 

Fionna's finger's slightly sticky hand touched my cheek lightly, "Lob." 

"Lob you too, beebee," I looked to her, smiling widely. "Did you just need some attention on you, my Feenna? You love attention, don't you my little Kitten." 

I blew a raspberry onto her cheek to make her squeal, and she pressed her open mouth to my cheek and attempted to give me one as well. However, all she managed to do was huff out some air and drool on me, so I peppered her little face with kisses. 

"Oh," Harry said suddenly. "My color that on my hand where that needle was fell off..."

"That's alright lad," Dr. Shell told him. "Wanna get Elijah ready to take him home?"

"My mum and sisters are waiting there," I chuckled. "They didn't want to come get in our way."

Harry nodded, gently adjusting Elijah and moving to stand with him, "Will need lots of blankies, and needs his little beanie." 

"The weather out isn't actually bad," Dr. Shell told us. "But it is a bit chilly, so yes, both the munchkins should probably be bundled up." 

"Maow!" Fionna crowed, squirming excitedly in my arms. 

I sat her down, and she bounced a few times before she waddled off towards the bed, plopping down to look underneath it. She frowned then, looking around the room in confusion. I lifted an eyebrow, walking over and placing my hand on Harry's thigh as I looked down at Fionna, "What're you looking for, Feenna?" 

She pursed her lips out, "My..." 

"Oh?" I giggled. 

She looked under the bed again, as if whatever she was looking for was going to miraculously appear. "My?!" 

Her lower lip wobbled into a pout, and I leaned down to pick her up, "Well let's find whatever you're looking for." 

"Uh... my?" she sniffled pitifully. 

"I don't know what you're looking for, Daddy's baby..." 

Fionna's eyes fell on Elijah in Harry's arms, shrieking and pointing at him, "My! My!" 

"Yes, that's your baby brother..." I murmured in confusion. "Why would he be under the bed?" 

Fionna continued to stretch her hand out towards him, and Harry's eyes widened, "Maybe... is wanting Elijah's blankie? He is using it though, beebee Feenna. Where is your blankie?" 

"Lin-key! Lin-key!" she screeched. 

"Oh," I croaked. "Well... it's too bad we don't have her baby book here." 

Dr. Shell chuckled, "You can't write down everything she says and does into the baby book." 

"We can try," I shrugged, walking around with Fionna in search of her blankie. We found it on the other side of her nappy bag, and she screamed happily as I picked it up and placed it in her arms. She snuggled close then, sucking slightly on the corner of it. "We'll do the same with Elijah, I'm sure." 

Elijah let out a gurgling wail suddenly, and Harry crooned down to him, "It is okay, baby boy..." 

He carefully swung his legs over the bed, standing with Elijah as he stood to change his nappy. While he did that, I got Fionna ready to go outside. She didn't want her beanie on, however, and she continuously pulled it back off and threw it. 

"Feenna," I said firmly. "You have to wear that beanie." 

"No!' she screamed. 

"Yes," I told her, pointing at her and giving her a serious look. 

I tugged the hat on her head, and she huffed, "No!" 

Yet, as she went to reach for it I gently grabbed her little hands in my own, "No." 

Her eyes grew large and tear-filled as she stared at my hands holding hers. She slowly brought my hands and hers up to her face, burying her face against them as she moaned sadly, "Nooooo... noooo..." 

"I'm sorry, beebee," I told her. "But we have to keep your ears warm. Can you hold your Maow and blankie for Daddy?" 

She peeked at me, but then tried to crawl forward onto my lap. My eyebrows shot up, but I let her crawl onto my lap and snuggle against me as she sniffled slightly. Dr. Shell, who had been helping Harry gather some of Elijah's things, laughed aloud at that, "She's upset with you, but she still wants you to cuddle her." 

"Our beebee is something," I said fondly, adjusting her beanie so it'd be a bit more comfortable. She allowed me to put her jacket and shoes on her, still clinging to me with a pout on her face. Harry had crouched down carefully, although it still made me nervous when he did that, and was putting Elijah in his baby carrier. Elijah was sucking quickly at his pacifier, but he seemed to relax when Harry tucked all sorts of blankets around him and carefully placed his beanie on his little ears.

"Have to keep my baby boy warm," he told Elijah fondly, gently stroking his cheek. Like always, Elijah turned his head eagerly and rooted into Harry's hand in search for food. "Cannot be hungry already, my beebee, just ate a little bit ago!"

"Well he can eat again if he's still awake when we get home," I hummed, balancing Fionna on my hip and draping her blanket over her head to act as a sort of shield from any wind. I hadn't been outside for a few days, I wasn't sure what it would feel like. 

Harry nodded happily, almost picking up Elijah's carrier before Dr. Shell lightly placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hold on, Harry. You can carry Elijah, but with his six pounds and with the carrier's weight... it's definitely more than your stomach can handle." 

Harry frowned at that, "How can I carry my beebee then?" 

"I'll carry Elijah out to the car for you this time," Dr. Shell soothed. "After that, Louis or whoever is helping you will have to make two trips for the babies." 

So after we made sure we had everything packed up, ranging from clothing items, shampoos and conditioners, Aristocats, I carried Fionna out to the vehicle while Harry anxiously followed Dr. Shell as the older ban carried Elijah. Fionna's car seat was behind me and Elijah's was behind Harry, and Elijah was almost instantly asleep after we'd thanked Dr. Shell and started back home. 

Fionna babbled to herself in the backseat, mainly gibberish but with the occasional Dada, Daddy, Ducky, That, Maow, and her newly learned words Elijah and Blankie. Harry and I had entwined our fingers, and he occasionally turned carefully to look towards the back. We couldn't see much of our babies since their car seats were rear-facing, and while Harry was used to Fionna not being able to see Fionna in the car, he didn't like not being able to see Elijah.

"Is still so tiny, maybe should have sat between our beebees to watch him," Harry murmured worriedly. 

"We're almost home, lovely," I promised, glancing in my rear-view mirror. "He's sleeping. I think he'll be okay..." 

"You are probably right, my Louis," Harry nodded slowly, seemingly relaxing a tad.

When we reached our flat, pulling into the driveway that was alongside it, I smiled at Harry, reaching over to help him unbuckle, "Kitten, would you like to go get my mum to come carry in one of the beebees?" 

He nodded, leaning with one hand holding his abdomen to kiss me. I hurried around the car to open his door for him, however, since pushing it open and closing it hurt his tummy. He allowed me to help him out, and then he was hurrying around the fenced in yard to our gate to get my mother. Only instead of just my mother, all the girls came piling out of the house, Harry trailing behind them.

 "I can carry Fionna in!" Lottie screeched, instantly clambering into the back of the car to unbuckle Fionna from her car seat. 

Fionna looked extremely confused as she was scooped up and dashed into the house, and had been so surprised she'd left her Maow in her car seat. Harry grabbed it for her, and I unbuckled Elijah's carrier from the car to carry him inside with. Fionna was seated on the floor, happily hugging Lucy to her as my sisters cooed and petted at her curls. I sat Elijah's carrier down and slipped off my shoes before I carefully removed the blankets I'd used to shield his little face from the wind. 

Harry stood close as I gently unbuckled him and lifted him from the carrier, whispering softly to our sleeping baby boy, "Welcome home, my baby boy Eli." 

Fionna screeched at us as she realised we were in the house, dropping Lucy and crawling eagerly towards us as she made cute little excited noises. I carefully handed Elijah over to Harry and leaned down to scoop her up, laughing as she seized my shirt in her hands, "Dahey!" 

"We're back to your home, beebee!" 

"My!" she crowed gleefully. 

My mother scurried from the kitchen where I figured she was making a late lunch, clapping her hands happily as she saw us, "You're home!" 

"We're home," I hummed, leaning and kissing Harry's cheek. 

Elijah suddenly squirmed awake at the commotion around him, crying out slightly until Harry nestled him closer. The baby boy rooted his little face against Harry's chest, and Harry sighed, "Cannot feed you like that, my beebee... I will make you a bottle." 

"Mine, my," Fionna frowned, pointing at Harry, as he gave us both a kiss and retreated into the kitchen to make Elijah a bottle.

"Your Dada," my mother nodded in agreement, holding her arms out hopefully for Fionna. 

She simply giggled, turning and hiding her face in my neck. I pursed my lips, looking to my mother, "Why do you think she's so... attached? I mean, I'm not complaining! I love how snuggly she is... but why doesn't she ever want to play long with her aunts or with you? Why does she just want me to cuddle her?" 

"You're her Daddy!" my mum laughed. "Until she turns two she'll always have an extreme case of separation anxiety, always wanting you to be with her and be paying attention to her. It's comforting, safe. She knows you won't let anything bad happen to her." 

I stroked softly at the back of Fionna's head, "But you can play, beebee! I will keep you safe no matter where you are."

Once Harry was back, I managed to get Fionna to roll happily around the floor with her aunts. She would grab a hold of her tiny feet, falling to the side and screeching as she rolled. My sisters would burst into giggles, and Fionna would giggle along with them and then start all over again. 

My mother sat in the recliner while Harry and I sat feeding Elijah on the couch, Lucy sleeping above us, "She certainly acts like you did when you were a baby, Lou. She loves to make people laugh." 

Fionna stopped suddenly, reaching out and pointing at the bow Phoebe had in her hair, "Ooh..."

Felicity brightened at that, "Do you want one, Fionna? Louis, Harry, can we put a bow in her hair?!" 

Harry giggled, setting Elijah's bottle carefully between us on the couch to burp him, "If there is enough hair, yes." 

"I think it'll be cute," I hummed. 

"I'll get one from my bag!" Daisy grinned. "I think I have a sparkly bow! And my little green comb!"

She scrambled up and hurried from the room, while the rest of them attempted to keep Fionna entertained. I felt Harry's head on my shoulder suddenly, and I turned to kiss the top of his curls, "Hello, handsome."

"Missed home," Harry sighed happily. "Like having our babies here."

"Fionna has all her toy's here," I smiled at the group of girls and our baby playing on the floor. Daisy came running back into the room, ribbon, a tiny hair tie, and a comb clutched in her hand.

Elijah made a squeaking sound against Harry's neck, and Harry kissed his fuzzy head, "Baby boy do you like it better out here or did you like it more in my tummy?"

"As long as he's warm and snuggled I think he's happy," I murmured, reaching to gently caress our baby boy's silky head.  "And fed... we can't forget fed. Our beebee Pumpkin likes hims food." 

"Yes," Harry cooed, snuggling closer to me. "Loves to eat." 

"No!" Fionna screeched suddenly, and we looked back to her to find that she was trying to push Lottie, who was combing her hair, away. Her little hands flew up to her ears and she burst into tears. She crawled away from them, coming straight to me and looking up pitifully as she garbled. "Dahey, Dahey, Dahey-" 

"Aww," I crooned, waiting for Harry to sit up slightly so he wouldn't fall over as I leaned to pick up Fionna. "Did your little kitten ear accidentally get scratched?" 

"Maow," she whimpered, clinging onto me with one hand as she held her little kitten ear with the other. 

"Can I see, beebee?" I asked, gently moving her hand to examine her ear. It looked normal, no damage to the fuzzy black of it. I leaned and pressed my lips to the back of it. "Daddy kissed it better. All better now." 

She sniffled, leaning still clinging on to me. Harry leaned and kissed her cheek as well, and Fionna reached to poke at Elijah's tiny arm. Lottie came over to us, however, and Fionna instantly whimpered and cringed into me. 

"Aww, Fionna," Lottie pleaded. "I didn't mean to hurt your ear, I didn't even know I did it... will you let your Daddy comb your hair?" 

"No..." she whimpered.

"Feenna says no," I shrugged. 

"She always says no," Lottie laughed. "I bet she'd let you put her hair in a bow, and you need to practice anyway." 

I sighed, but I held my hand out for the comb and hair accessories and adjusted Fionna on my lap. I gave her forehead and gentle kiss, "I will brush your hair softly, beebee, okay? I won't hurt my beebee's ears." 

She simply stuffed a few fingers into her mouth, so I adjusted her to face away from me. I combed gently through her curls, and she made happy noises and swayed from side to side. Harry giggled at her, reaching out a free hand to gently steady her before he moved it back to rub at Elijah's tiny back, "Beebee, Daddy cannot brush your hair well if you are moving!" 

"I think I got the tangles out..." I murmured. "There wasn't many since you brushed her hair earlier." 

"Now just comb these pieces here up onto the top of her head," Lottie informed me, and the rest of the girls came scrambling over to see. Fionna whimpered slightly at suddenly being surrounded, and I cooed to her in reassurance. 

"It is okay, Feenna Beana," I hummed, gently combing parts of her hair into a sort of fountained style on top of her head. "Your hair is so curly, beebee. So much like your Dadas."

"Lin-key, lin-key," she sniffled.

"Blankie?" Daisy giggled.

Harry nodded, "Yes... is wanting her blankie. You will get it for her, Daisy, please?"

"Sure!" she ran over to the living room floor and scooped up Fionna's blanket and her Maow as well before bringing them over and handing them to her. She cooed at Daisy, snuggling her blankie and Maow close. Daisy squealed at that. "Her dimples are so cute!"

"My beebee is just cute in general," I hummed. "Now... how do I make this stay on her head?"

"Louis, c'mon," Lottie huffed. "You know how to put a hair tie in." 

I sighed, but quickly and as painlessly as possible wound the hair tie repeatedly until is contained the scarce amount of hair that poked up. Lottie grabbed the ribbon then, leaning over Fionna and tying a surprisingly nice bow. The girls all squealed once again in adoration, and I turned Fionna around so Harry and I could see her, "Oh my beebee you are so precious!" 

"Positively adorable," my mother chuckled. "Now, girls. Why don't you leave Elijah to sleep for a bit and go play in Fionna's room." 

"With Fionna?" Lottie asked hopefully. 

"If she'll go with you," I nodded. 

Harry hummed, "Go play with your aunts cute haired beebee." 

Lottie reached for Fionna, but Fionna screeched and turned to cling onto me tightly, "No, no!"

"Okay, okay!" Lottie held up in her hands in submission. "Stay with him, fine... we're going to play with your toys, though." 

"Get out of here, Lottie," I laughed jokingly. "You're always so mean to my poor little beebee. Before we know it you're going to be stealing our beebee boy's pacifier to make him cry!" 

"I would not!" she huffed, turning with her nose in the air before marching away and down the hall. The rest of my sisters giggled, but they raced after her.

My mother sighed, "Louis..." 

"She knows I'm just kidding!" I said in exasperation. "I know she wouldn't actually purposely be mean to any of the babies." 

"I'm going to see how lunch is coming... it's a stew, and the potatoes are refusing to soften," she explained, standing and kissing both me, Harry, and the babies on their heads. "Fionna your hair looks absolutely lovely." 

When the living room was empty, Fionna squirmed slightly so I'd put her down. She left her blankie and her Maow on the couch with me, wobbling cautiously to the hallway to peek around the corner. One of my sisters laughed from down the hall, and she screeched, turning and trying to run back towards us. She tripped however, and I winced until she pushed herself up and crawled the rest of the way. She grabbed onto the couch cushions, beaming at me.

"Lob," Fionna cooed, attempting to climb up on the couch with us. Lucy was already perched above Harry on the couch, looking down curiously at Elijah as he snuffled against Harry's shirt.

Her chubby little legs were too short of course, and since Harry's arms were cradling our baby boy, I leaned down and scooped Fionna up. She squealed happily, nuzzling her head under my chin before looking to Harry. 

"Hello, my lovely Feenna Beana," Harry giggled. 

"Mine, my, mine," she crowed. "Lob!" 

"Lob you, too, beebee," he replied, looking down at Elijah. "Lob both my beebees so much." 

I kissed Fionna's head before I blew lightly on some of her curls to make her screech and try to cover my mouth. But then there came the sound of a knock at the flat door, and I called to my mum in the kitchen, "Um... Mum? Could you get that? We aren't wearing any beanies in here and if I put Fionna down she'll follow me, so-" 

"I've got it!" Felicity crowed, barreling out of the hallway from where she'd been playing with my other sisters in Fionna's room.

"Thanks, Fizzy," I chuckled. 

I heard her open the door, heard a man's voice as I poked my tongue out at Fionna so she'd giggle, and then Felicity was saying something to the man and shutting the door before hurrying over to me, "Um... Louis? It's that one guy you used to date, he wants to talk to you so he's still waiting right outside... think his name was Kyle? I know I only met him once or twice but-" 

Felicity continued to ramble, but my mind had already raced onto other things as Harry stiffened at my side. Harry's hand moved from Elijah to my leg, and a scowl formed on his face. Then again, I could feel a scowl appearing on my own, and I was quick to interrupt Felicity, "Fizz... will you take Fionna in the back room and play with her?" 

"Oh," Felicity replied, slightly taken aback. "Okay..." 

"Thank you," I murmured, handing her Fionna's Maow and blankie. Fionna made a sound of frustration, reaching for them, and Daisy held out a hand to her. 

"Will you play with me, Feenna?" 

Fionna looked at her for a moment, but she reached for Daisy to be picked up, "No."

Daisy giggled, picking her up, walking slowly with her since Daisy was a tiny girl herself. My mother came confusedly into the room, and I stood to my feet, "Mother, you might want to call an ambulance for the guy outside." 

"What?" my mother gasped, but then Harry was wiggling carefully to stand. 

"Will hold Elijah, please?" he asked. 

"Kitten, you should stay in here so-" 

"No," Harry shook his head, his scowl deepening. "Do not trust him. Last time you were alone he kissed. Knows you are mine cannot just kiss!

My mother nodded, reaching out for Elijah, "I'll hold him... but Harry, you have don't let Louis do anything he regrets, okay?" 

"Will not let him punch," Harry promised. "Might hurt his hand. But might punch Kyle. Hate Kyle." 

"Kyle!" her eyebrows shot up. "Louis, your Kyle?" 

"No!" Harry wailed slightly. "Is not Louis', that is me, I am Louis'!" 

My mother quickly nodded in agreement, "I know, I know! That's not quite what I meant, Kyle isn't Louis'. You're Louis', Louis is yours." 

"Maybe if I stand here long enough he'll leave," I mumbled angrily. 

To answer my question, there came another knock at the door. Harry took my hand in his own and marched to the door, carefully opened it because of his stomach, and glared out at the man standing on our porch, "I do not like you." 

"Hi, Harry," Kyle said absentmindedly before he looked to me. "Louis... do you think we could talk in private?" 

"No," Harry and I said in unison. 

"But I just need to tell you a few-" he tried.

"Can tell me, too," Harry said firmly, moving out his hand to show his wedding band. "Louis is mine. We are married and he is mine. Gives me kisses, we have two babies, he-" 

"Harry, I'm not trying to steal Louis," Kyle huffed. "Calm down, jeez." 

"Don't talk to him like that," I hissed.

"I'm trying to tell you something, Louis, without upsetting Harry!" he threw his hands in the air. "It has nothing to do with our old relationship." 

"Well then tell us, we're married, if it involves one of us it automatically involves the other, too," I told him.

"Fine," he crossed his arms. "I've accidentally told someone about you and they told someone, who... basically, long story short, I might have exposed Harry and your kid... kids?"

My heart automatically dropped as Harry's head snapped back in surprise. I stared blankly at Kyle for a few moments before I croaked out, "What did you just say?" 

"It was an accident, I swear-"

"Just like telling Ella where we were was an accident?" I roared at him, stepping forward and making Kyle scramble backwards in surprise. "You got our baby taken from us when you did that you-"

"Louis, I-" 

"No!" I interrupted. "Ella sent a guard to break into our house and he took our baby!"

"Did you get her back?" he squeaked. 

"Yes, no thanks to you!" I snapped, feeling Harry grab my hand again. "We got her back and Ella's dead and we have another baby who is barely a week old and you exposed us again! Dr. Shell told you to leave us alone, how did you even find me here when- ugh!

I finally just reared back my free hand and swung it forward, punching Kyle in the chest. He stumbled, nearly falling, and bit his lip, "Sorry, I really am-" 

"Leave," I spit out, shaking my hand as my knuckle protested where I'd connected it with his collarbone.

He nodded, turning and walking away, but pausing to glance back, "I-" 

"I said leave!" I roared. 

He sprinted to his car parked on the street then, and I was spinning and leading Harry back into the house before Kyle even had pulled away. I slammed the door, locking it and breathing heavily. I felt a gentle hand on my back, and I turned to find Harry gazing at me worriedly. My mother came hurrying back from the kitchen with Elijah, "Are you alright, boys? I could hear you yelling, Louis..." 

"He exposed us," I croaked. "My Kittens. He exposed them." 

"What?" she gasped

"What is though?" Harry asked softly. 

It clicked in my brain then why Harry wasn't panicking yet either. He didn't know how bad it could be that Kyle had told people who had told others. There was another knock at the door, and I instantly unlocked it and ripped it open, prepared to punch Kyle again. However, Niall was standing there, screaming a bit as my fist pulled back, "I'm innocent!" 

Baxter giggled from behind him, and Liam looked around the blonde boy, "Are we not allowed in?"

"I-" I groaned. "No... I mean- just come inside." 

"My Louis," Harry asked again, quieter this time. "Kyle exposed. What do you mean?" 

"Kyle exposed what?" Liam asked immediately, his arms tightening around Baxter. 

"Hybrids," I croaked. "Mainly Harry and our babies."

"Oh my God!" Niall covered his mouth, his ears and tail falling. 

Harry's ears slipped into his hair as well, "Is that bad, then?"

"Baby," I whispered. "It means that... remember when Victor wanted to run tests on you for money? That's kind of what it's like to be exposed. People know that your part cat, know it's not normal... they'll want to- to take you from me." 

Harry's eyes widened, "Cannot! Cannot take me, cannot take you, we are fine!"

"And our babies," I groaned, covering my face as my eyes fell on Elijah. He was so little he couldn't be tested on. And Fionna, my silly little baby girl who hated shots and allergy tests. She couldn't be tested on either. And God forbid, none of them could be taken from me, I couldn't stand that. "They would want to take our babies." 

Harry's breath immediately hitched and his eyes filled with tears, "Take, take where?!"

"Away," I whispered. "For testing and keeping and they wouldn't give them back-"

"No!" he screeched, reaching out immediately for Elijah. My mother handed him over instantly, but Harry scanned the living room frantically as he burst into tears. "Our Feenna, need her in here need her safe- "

"Harry," Niall said instantly. "We're going to help you. Liam, me, Louis... Chris and Zayn will be in on it too, I know. We can stay here. We can fight. We'll keep them from separating you we can hide you." 

Liam nodded, "Niall is right. Don't worry just yet, we don't even know how many people know." 

Harry was sobbing into Elijah's little onesie, and he cuddled him close as he walked into my embrace, the tiny tummy he had left from Elijah pressing against me as he got as close as he could. I wrapped my arms around them both, "Y-Yeah... we've got help... we'll fight." 

My sisters came into the room then, Fionna in Daisy's arms. She immediately noticed Harry's tears and wailed out herself, "Dadadadada!" 

Daisy carried Fionna over to us, handing her up to me so I could release Harry and hug her close, kissing her little head, "I won't let anything happen to them..." 

My family stared at us in helpless sympathy, Liam and Niall looked determined, and little Baxter's ears had flattened in surprise and confusion. Harry stepped forward again to press his face into my shoulder as he continued to sob, "I am so scared for my beebees... Kyle told on us last time and- Feenna! Took our Feenna.

"Not again," I whispered, snuggling Fionna close and touching Harry's head gently with the other. "I won't let them take any of my family." 

"Come eat some soup and you all can come up with a plan," my mother suggested softly. "We can't worry ourselves yet, that won't help us much, yes?"

Harry sniffled, "Just... just want my beebees and my Louis safe. Please, just need them safe." 

"I'll keep them safe," I whispered. 

"And you," he squeaked. "Need you safe. Need you. Just love you so much." 

"I love you, too, lovely. I'll keep safe if you keep safe," I nodded to him, wiping at his tears with my free hand as my own tears spilled over. "Kay, baby?" 

"Yes, my Louis," he whispered sadly.

"Lob," Fionna sniffled. 

"Love you, too, Jelly Bean," I kissed her temple and leaned to kiss Elijah's head. He huffed, signifying that he was awake. Probably from all the tears and hugging. "I love you little baby boy Pumpkin." 

"Come on, dears," my mother murmured, gently placing her hands on mine and Harry's shoulders. "Come in the kitchen for a bit." 

I nodded, craning out my arm to lock the door before I led Harry into the kitchen with Liam, Niall, Baxter, and my sisters following behind us. Kyle was an absolute idiot who had almost crushed Harry and I before, almost broke us beyond repair. I wasn't about to let his stupid ways do it again. I'd do whatever it took to protect my family, my Kitten and my babies, and definitely wasn't about to let them be taken from me. Harry shakily gave Elijah a bottle in the kitchen while I fed Fionna some soup, our legs wrapped around each other's under the table. We needed each other, it was a fact. And I was determined to keep us together.

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