Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (mature)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 23

27.3K 773 365
By LarryWriting

[A/N] I have to write with google chrome because my bold/italics/andshit bar is gone with internet explorer. :( I would like the bold bar back, thank you. ANYWHO! This chapter is dedicated to Menzie98 for making me the adorable multimedia :D I've also just remembered that I left off in a rather serious predicament. Yes. Lettuce stray from this peppy authors note and become somber once more.

[Jay's P.O.V]

My poor boys were so broken, Harry physically and Louis quickly becoming both emotionally, mentally, and physically. He simply sat in the corner next to his husband, cuddling both Fionna and Elijah. By the time Lucca and I had allowed Louis some time alone with Harry and the babies, we'd come back into the room to find Louis sobbing brokenly into Fionna's curls while Fionna whimpered into his neck. 

From then on he'd remained silent, occasionally placing Fionna down for a few moments if he needed to change Elijah's nappy or give him a bottle, but otherwise he'd found a way to cradle Elijah with one arm and hold Fionna on his lap with the other. I'd called his friends, asking Liam if they'd watch the girls since I'd more than likely be out longer than expected, and Zayn and Chris offered to drop by, but I'd told them I'd have to talk to Louis about it first. 

Around noon, Harry still wasn't showing signs of waking, and Louis was only growing worse. After Lucca had switched Harry from an oxygen mask to nasal tubes, I dragged the doctor out of the room once more, glancing back in to make sure Louis wasn't disturbed, "Lucca Shell. Is that boy going to wake up? Because if... if he isn't... you need to tell Louis. You can't just drop it on him, you'll have to ease him into it." 

"I honestly have no idea, Jay," the man tiredly ran his hand over his bald head. "Whatever is wrong with Harry... it can't be a coma? He has no head trauma... unless it was anesthetically induced... but it wasn't. I think... Harry's body was under a lot of stress, it's trying to recover. And because of that, Harry isn't waking up." 

"But he will?" I asked hoarsely. "He'll wake up... that boy is loved by so many people. Me, his friends, my son... my son, oh God..." 

"Louis, I know," Lucca tiredly ran his hands over his face. "I'm not giving up on Harry, though, he's... he's like a son to me in a way? But don't tell him I said that..." 

"He is my son," I wiped at my eyes, trying to stop the burning as tears spilled over. "What can we do for him?"

"Wait... keep Louis and his babies calm," Lucca shrugged helplessly. "There is literally nothing wrong with him... he just has to wake up." 

Slowly, Lucca and I made our way back into the lab. Louis' eyes flitted onto us, but he was changing Elijah's nappy as Fionna clung to his sweats and nuzzle her head against his leg sadly. I walked to his side, leaning and picking up Fionna, "Love... have you eaten lunch yet?" 

He finished putting on Elijah's nappy, buttoning up his little blue onesie, "M'not hungry." 

I watched sadly as he swaddled his baby boy in a fuzzy blanket, placing him back gently in the bassinet and kissing his tiny forehead. He slipped Elijah his pacifier, gently stroking the fuzzy hair on his head before he turned and held his arms out for Fionna. She reached for him immediately, giving a heart melting croon of, "Dahey..." 

"Let's get you some food, beebee... then we will cuddle your brudder some more and-" he swallowed hard. "And we'll talk to Dada, yes?" 

"Dadadada!" Fionna screeched, twisting her head to look at Harry on the unmade bed. The lad was still so pale, more than likely naked beneath the sheet he was covered with. Her face fell, however, when Harry didn't respond, and her head slumped onto Louis' shoulder. He hurried towards the fridge with her.

His voice was hoarse as he crouched down in front of it, placing her down as well, "Let's- let's see what there is for my beebee to eat..."

"Dadadada..." she whimpered.

Louis made a choking sound, but he pulled out a small peach cup, "What about some peaches?" 

"No," she replied sadly, clinging to his shirt before she plopped herself down on the tile. "No..." 

"C'mon, beebee girl... you has to eat..." I heard him whisper, scooping her up close and digging in a drawer until he pulled out a spoon. 

I looked in on Elijah to find him drifting in and out of sleep, occasionally sucking on his pacifier before he'd go still for a bit, only to start up the motions of his mouth once more. Louis looked in on him as well as he carried Fionna over, sitting carefully with her on the floor before he opened her peaches. She started to screech as he scooted a little ways away from her, but then he leaned forward and gave her a quick spoonful of peach juice that she spluttered around in surprise. However, she smacked her lips before opening her mouth again for more. Dr. Shell came over to glance at Harry's heart monitor, shaking his head. 

Louis' attention suddenly snapped up to him, the spoon in his hand trembling slightly, "What?" 

"Nothing lad," Dr. Shell sighed. "That's the thing. There's still just... nothing?"

My son's gaze flitted back onto Fionna, but he gave a short nod, offering his baby another slice of a peach with his trembling hand, "Okay." 

She turned her head away, however, and he sighed. He stood, walking over to put the half eaten peach cup back in the fridge. Fionna wailed at that, clumsily trying to push herself to her feet and toddle after him. He was already turning back around by the time she was halfway to him, and he stooped to pull her into his arms and cuddle her close as she gurgled, "Dahey, Dahey-"

"It's okay, beebee," he whispered softly, once again looking in on Elijah as he walked past me. "You can go get something to eat, too, Mum." 

"I had a granola bar earlier," I murmured back to him sympathetically. 

He moved Elijah's bassinet closer to the chair he sat in, cuddling Fionna in one arm as he took Harry's hand with his free one. His eyes welled up with tears as he continued to study Harry's face, "Kitten... I really need you to be okay." 


[Louis' P.O.V]

He wasn't getting better. The only highlights of the day were Harry's and my babies and the fact that he wasn't getting worse. My mother and Dr. Shell were both quiet, more than likely not knowing what to say because there wasn't anything to say. Nothing would be perfectly alright until my Kitten woke up.

I sat with our babies next to his bed instead, cuddling Fionna and occasionally Elijah whenever he wasn't sleeping. My beebee girl seemed to know that something was wrong, because she wasn't as squealy as normal. She only wanted to cuddle, and she'd whimper every time I put her down to change Elijah's nappy or give him a bottle.

At one point she had instantly kept pointing at Harry, cooing, "Dadadada!" 

So I'd scooted closer so she could stroke his pale cheek and give his closed eye one of her famous open mouthed kisses. I'd nearly burst into tears once again, but instead I gently wiped some of her slobber from Harry's eyebrow, "Sweet little beebee..." 

Throughout the day I pleaded with Harry, clinging onto his hand while Fionna napped on my lap or while she clutched nervously onto my shirt, "Kitten, you have to come back to us... family is forever, baby, remember? You can't leave me and our little Kittens. I love you so much..." 

And when I said that, Fionna would add in her own pitiful little, "Lob..." 

Around 8:30pm as I was giving Elijah a bottle and Fionna was whimpering and bouncing next to me as she clung to my pants, my mother finally came over from where she'd been murmuring to Dr. Shell, "Louis, baby, I have to go back to the girls."

"Okay," I said hoarsely, trying to keep my breathing even as I glanced over at Harry. It had almost been an entire day without my Kitten. And he was still so pale and lifeless. "Maybe... maybe when you come back tomorrow my Kitten..."

"Oh, Louis baby I really hope so..." she whispered, carefully picking Fionna up and prying her off of my leg. 

"Wait..." I shook my head, standing with Elijah and putting his bottle down for a few moments. His little face twisted in confusion, and he rooted against me for more food, but I held my free arm out for Fionna. "I want her to stay with me..." 

"Louis," my mother sighed. "Where on earth is she going to sleep?" 

I felt my face crumple, which set Fionna into the tears that were already threatening to break free, and I pressed my nose into Elijah's hair as I sniffled, "I don't know... I just-" 

"Okay, okay!" she murmured quickly, stepping forward and placing Fionna at my feet. 

"I've got an air mattress she and Louis can sleep on," Dr. Shell hurried over to me as well, trying to be nonchalant as he glanced at Harry's heart monitor. It only panicked me when he did that. 

Elijah suddenly screeched in my arms, and I finally broke down, bursting into tears once more, "I'm sorry baby boy, hold on..." 

I turned to get his bottle, and that only made Fionna cry as I stepped away from her. My mother tried to pick her up, but she wailed louder. I needed Harry so badly, he was so good at calming down our babies. But not even the loudness of their crying awoke him. My mother reached for Elijah then, taking him and his bottle since he would be content with anyone snuggling him as long as he was being fed, and that allowed me to scoop up Fionna and hug her close to silence her crying as she garbled, "Mine Dahey..."

"Maybe you should just take a nap, Louis," Dr. Shell murmured. 

"No," I sniffled. "Not until Harry wakes up." 

The man was examining me in concern, but I simply smoothed Fionna's curls and wiped at my eyes, trying to calm myself down so she'd relax as well. My mother swayed lightly with Elijah, a sad smile crossing her face, "What about your little look alike? Can I take him home?" 

"Louis' baby," I whispered, looking at my Kitten and wanting desperately for him to giggle with me over the joke, reminisce back to the time when I was still called Harry's Louis by the boy.

My mum made a sad sound, "Do you remember when you first introduced Harry to me? How after that the boy literally complimented everything I made, everything I did?" 

"He wanted you to think he was a good person," I murmured. "He was so afraid you wouldn't like him..." 

"And now I love him," my mother said softly. "Like a son. And I can't wait for him to wake up." 

My already shattering heart broke just a little bit more, and I nodded weakly, "He's right here but I miss him so much, it's been an entire day that I haven't heard his voice and heard him laugh and- did you know that we've never really spent a night apart since Fionna was born?"

My mother stared at me sadly, "I hope to God he wakes up soon, Louis, I really do. You two should be celebrating your new baby boy, not spend it being sad." 

All I could manage was a strangled sound of agreement, and my mother sadly handed me Elijah's nearly empty bottle as she moved him up to burp him. Fionna had quieted in my arms, her little face tucked up into my neck. As Elijah made a tiny burping sound, my mother placed him in his bassinet, leaning and kissing his forehead before kissing Fionna's head, my cheek, and waving to Dr. Shell.

Dr. Shell pursed his lips, "Goodnight, Jay. See you tomorrow, I'm sure?"

"I'll come as soon as I can," she promised.

As my mother hurried from the room to get back to my sisters, I once again pulled Elijah's bassinet closer to the chair by Harry's bed, and Fionna and I sat down next to Harry once more. Dr. Shell, however, brought over a water bottle, a sippy cup of water, and a banana for Fionna and me to share, "I don't care if you two aren't hungry, you're at least going to eat this and drink some water." 

I broke off little pieces of the banana and let Fionna eat them off my fingers while Dr. Shell brought out and aired up an air mattress for us. The loud sound woke up Elijah, and I had to place Fionna down to change his nappy, put some more lotion onto his poor little parts, and cuddle him close until he went back to sleep. The entire time I did that, Fionna sat at my foot whimpering and attempting to cuddle with my leg despite the fact Dr. Shell continuously offered her her Maow and blankie from her nappy bag. 

Eventually Elijah was asleep again, and I gently sat down with him on the floor so I could cuddle both him and Fionna. Fionna excitedly crawled onto my lap, making excited little squeaking sounds. Elijah snuffled quietly, but he didn't wake up as Fionna leaned against my chest and curiously gazed down at the little boy cradled against the other side of me, "Oooh..." 

"Your beebee brother," I told her softly. 

I straightened to look at Harry on the bed, a sinking feeling spreading through me as he looked the exact same as he had all day. But it was bed time for our babies, so I gently moved Fionna off my lap despite her protests to put Elijah in his bassinet, and then I picked her up back to change her nappy. She didn't have any jammies since she hadn't come to spend the night, but the little yellow outfit she wore was comfortable enough anyway. Dr. Shell sleepily told me to call him if I needed anything as he'd just be upstairs napping, and that his phone would be on loud. 

I nodded, moving the air mattress closer to Harry's bed. As I carefully lay down on it with Fionna cuddled to my chest, she looked around hopefully, "Key? Key?" 

"Oh..." I murmured. "We don't have one of your books, beebee..." 

"Key!" she insisted. 

"There's no pictures, but I'll tell you a story," I spoke to her softly. "Once upon a time, there were two ducks. These ducks weren't like any of the other ducks, because they were daddy ducks, and they had two little ducklings that they loved very much." 

"Oooh..." Fionna cooed. 

"Oh yes," I continued, feeling my throat close slightly and having to swallow the rising lump. "They loved their beebees and they loved each other more than anything in the entire world. Never could never part the daddy ducks from each other, and nothing could part them from their beebees."

"Dahey key," Fionna giggled. 

"Mhmm," I nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple as I sucked in a large breath of air to continue. "But one day... one of the daddy ducks started taking a really long nap. The other daddy duck was so worried for him, so worried about what would happen to their beebees. But the worried daddy duck and the beebees didn't have to fear, because the sleeping daddy duck woke up and they all gave each other plenty of kisses and they all snuggled together. They knew that because they were a happy ducky family that nothing would ever keep them apart. And with that, they lived happily ever after. The end." 

"That," Fionna murmured. "Key." 

At that point, I had silent tears streaming down my cheeks, and I snuggled Fionna closer and sniffled into her hair. She was oblivious to my tears, squirming a little as she tried to roll over, and I adjusted myself to let her get comfortable. Her pacifier was more than likely in her nappy bag, but she settled for sucking gently on the corner of her Maow's ear as she cuddled close. Once her breathing came in quick little puffs, I kissed her forehead, covered her with her blankie, and rolled carefully off the mattress. Elijah was luckily still asleep in the bassinet, so I sat with Harry and grabbed his hand in both of mine. 

"Hello, handsome..." I whispered in the dim lab. "I've got both our beebees asleep... and now I... now I feel so lonely. I wish you could wake up and talk to me," I scrubbed at my eyes, letting my head slump forward so my forehead rested gently on his shoulder, and I continued to wheeze. "Why are you still sleeping, anyway, Kitten? You know how much I need you with me... remember how you can't be lost forever? You promised me, baby, you can't break your promise... Harry?" A choked sob escaped me as I gently pressed my lips to his bare shoulder, starting to croon some of the lyrics of his favourite song. "You can never say n-never... while we don't know when, time, time, time again... younger now than we were before. Don't l-let me go, d-don't-" 

But then I couldn't continue on any further, breaking down into sobs that racked my entire torso and gripping onto the side of the mattress and the hand of Harry's that I still clutched. In the back of my mind I was warning myself not to wake the babies, but the rest of my mind was screaming about how I couldn't lose him. Not after everything we'd been through. Our first kiss, the first time we'd made love... how we'd survived Victor together.

We discovered Harry's shrimp allergy, we learned just how jealous Kyle could make him. We'd covered it all, I was his, he was mine. His crazy mother Ella couldn't take him, we'd stayed together. We made Fionna, Harry carried her and then we'd had our beautiful baby girl even though she was a month too early but perfect all the same. We'd been through nearly losing her to Harry's psycho mother, thinking we lost her only to get her back again. All of it together. And then we'd made Elijah, thought we were going to lose our unborn baby boy... but we hadn't. And we had him, he wasn't even two days old but he was so, so perfect. All of it together. And then everything had went downhill, had gone downhill so fast. My Kitten had hurt himself, wasn't waking up... and I was left sobbing in the dim lit lab and clinging onto the hand of the person who it felt like I'd been through over half my life with even though it'd only been a little over two years. Clinging onto one the three people that I needed most.

[A/N2]: Shorter than usual, but... yeah... sorry... D: I'll try and make the next chapter longer. 

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