The Pen Is Mightier Than The...

By BrookieLynn1304

21K 586 77

She's a poet with a mean streak a mile long. She's always had a way with words. She could twist them into More

Skylar's Blue Sky
A New Project
The Wild Side
House Calls
So This Is War
Marry-Go-Rounds and Hairspray Flamethrowers
The Girl With The Dixie Heart Tattoo
Emergencies and Memories
The Truth and Into Alex's Head
Finding Skylar
Home Videos
Trust Issues
The Guard Dog
Pre-Interview Pep Talks
Pop Tarts and Problems
Missing Model
Where Skies Are Blue
The Knucklehead
A Picture Paints One Thousand Words
Fascist Anarchists
The Bitch Came Back
Alex Gets Hitched (For Real This Time)
Separation Anxiety
Office Meeting
Coffee Conversations
The Princess and The Prince
Bets and Badasses
New Years Eve
The Notoriously Late and Her Leather Jacket
Mon Cher
What's The French Word For Heroin?
I Love You More
Roller Coaster From Hell
Water Gun Wars
24 Hours
Little Italian Grandmothers
Alabama Water
Off To Neverland
Superguling The Pieces Back Together
Pregnant Model
Our Little Secret
Nikki's Nightmare
The New Years When No One Gets Arrested
The Next Morning
Hospital Wedding
First Time Away
Done With Bad Luck
New Babies
Nikki's Promise
Preterm and Talks With Daddy
First Trip Home
Do You Still Love Me?
Extended Family
The Morning Routine
Nona's Story
Trip to Disneyland
First Day Fights
Meeting Santa and Meeting the Legion
The King and The Queen
Little Brothers
Sixx is Our Number
Epilogue: First Date


208 7 1
By BrookieLynn1304


"Remember the doctor's number is--"

"In the book on your desk." I remind her. "Babe, I've got this."

"Okay." Skylar smiles. "I'm not sure about this."

"I am, you're going to love it in New York." I promise her and she looks down at Bleu.

"Okay handsome, I'm going to miss you." She says and sits on her knees in front of him.

"Do you have to go, mommy?" Bleu asks her and she frowns.

"I do, I'm sorry." Skylar tells him quietly. "You're going to have so much fun with daddy."

I get down on their level and grabs Bleu's sides. Skylar smiles and I nod.

"We're going to have so much fun." I assure him.

"Fight 216 to New York is now boarding." The PA says and Skylar looks up.

"That's me." She says quietly. "I love you." Skylar tells Bleu and he hugs her neck tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"Who's going to read the bedtime story and who's going to make breakfast or lunch or dinner?" Bleu asks her.

"Daddy will, baby." She assures him. "I'll call before bedtime."

"Bleu tell mommy you love her." I tell Bleu and put my hand on his back.

"I love you so much, mommy." He says quietly.

"I love you too, baby boy." Skylar says and kisses our son's lips.

My wife stands up to face me while our son hugs my legs. Skylar draws in a shaky break and wraps her arms around my shoulder and I pull her closer to me. Her breathing is really shaky now and I kiss her cheek, Skylar is on the verge of crying her eyes out.

"Don't cry, baby." I tell her quietly. "Everything will be okay."

"I know, I know." She says quietly.

"You're going to miss your flight, Sky." I tell her and she pulls back.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." Skylar says and kisses my lips. "I love you so much, if anything happens I'm on the next flight home." She says and kisses my lips again. "I love you."

"I love you too, everything is going to be fine." I promise her and she smiles.

"I'll call you two as soon as I land. I love you both so much." Skylar says and kisses Bleu's hair. "I'll be back in a few days."

Skylar grabs her bags and goes to catch her flight, I look down at Bleu who is crying. I scoop him up and wipe the tears from his eyes. I hug him tightly as we walk back to the car.

"Everything is going to be okay, Bleu." I promise him.

"I miss mommy and I'm ititty." He says.

"You're what?" I ask worried.

"Ititty, daddy, ititty. Like scratchy." Bleu explains.

"Oh itchy! Baby, don't scratch." I say. "I miss mommy too." I admit.

I drive back home and Bleu goes to play. There was a message on the answering machine from Bleu's school but since the first day I don't really like the school so I didn't pay all that much attention to it.

After I pretend to listen to the message I start to make lunch for Bleu and I but the phone goes off. It's too early for Skylar to have gotten into New York so I have no idea who it is. I run to grab the phone and pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Nikki! Elizabeth has chicken pox! I guess it's going through the school, does Bleu have it?" Vince asks.

"I don't think.....oh fuck off!" I yell and really hope Bleu didn't hear me.

Bleu was saying that he was itchy earlier today. He might have chicken pox! Fuck if Skylar catches wind of this she's going to want to come back as soon as possible.

"Vince, hold on." I say and put down the phone. "Bleu! Can you come here for a second?"

"I'm coming." He yells down the stairs.

Bleu comes into the kitchen and I pick him up and put him on the counter. I ask him where he was itchy and he raises up his shirt. Red dots are dabbed all over his skin and I look at them in disbelief.

"Oh no." I mutter and Bleu's eyes grow.

"What's wrong, daddy?" He asks worried.

"It's chicken pox, baby. Mommy is going to kick my ass." I mumble. "Elizabeth has them too." I pick up the phone again. "Vin, they're all over his chest and stomach."

"Where's Skylar?" Vince asks.

"A plane heading to New York." I say and he sighs. "Where's Alex?"

"Landed in Alabama three hours ago." He admits. "What are we going to do?"

"Skylar's going to want to come home." I mutter.

"So is Alex." Vince agrees. "Wait, we're kinda smart. We don't need our wives to figure this one out!"

"Yeah! Why don't you and your kids come over and I'll call our Doctor and see what to do." I offer.

"You're a genius, Sixx!" Vince yells. "We'll be right over."

Later on that night RC, Bleu, Elizabeth, and Vince are all passed out in our living room while The Lion King plays on the big screen. I can feel Skylar being bothered by the plates and glasses in the living room so I start to pick them up and walk them into the kitchen as the phone goes up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Babe! I miss you." Skylar says and I grin.

"I miss you too." I say and lean on the counter.

"I don't get how you do this. I miss you and Bleu so much." She admits and I half smile.

"I do it with great difficulty, my love." I admit.

"Is Bleu there?" Skylar wonders.

"He's actually asleep, babe." I admit.

"Oh. Well give Bleu a kiss for me, okay?" She ask and I smile.

"I will." I promise her.

"So what's been going on at home?" Skylar asks.

"If I tell you, promise me that you won't fly home." I ask.

"Okay." She mumbles kinda worried.

"Bleu, Elizabeth, and RC all have chicken pox but Vince and I have it under control." I promise her.

"He has what?" Sky asks. "I'm coming home--"

"Sky, I called the doctor and followed all the steps he told me. It's under control and will be until you get back. I promise." I assure her. 

"Okay, I trust you." She admits and I smile. "I love you."

"I love you too and you should get some rest." I tell her.

"Call me in the morning?" Skylar asks.

"Of course." I swear. "I love you, my cut throat journalist."

"I love you too, my rock god." She says.

"We're going work on Bleu's baby sibling when you get home, right?" I smirk and she laughs.

"Of course, my love." Skylar tells me. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweet dreams." I tell her.

"Goodnight, love." Skylar says as the phone disconnects.

I walk back into the living room and see my sleeping son. I kiss Bleu on the forehead and rub his hair.

"Mommy loves and misses you." I tell him quietly. "I miss mommy too." I admit to myself.

I miss her so much, I can't wait to have her home.

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