The Pen Is Mightier Than The...

By BrookieLynn1304

20.8K 586 77

She's a poet with a mean streak a mile long. She's always had a way with words. She could twist them into More

Skylar's Blue Sky
A New Project
The Wild Side
House Calls
So This Is War
Marry-Go-Rounds and Hairspray Flamethrowers
The Girl With The Dixie Heart Tattoo
Emergencies and Memories
The Truth and Into Alex's Head
Finding Skylar
Home Videos
Trust Issues
The Guard Dog
Pre-Interview Pep Talks
Pop Tarts and Problems
Missing Model
Where Skies Are Blue
The Knucklehead
A Picture Paints One Thousand Words
Fascist Anarchists
The Bitch Came Back
Alex Gets Hitched (For Real This Time)
Separation Anxiety
Office Meeting
Coffee Conversations
The Princess and The Prince
Bets and Badasses
New Years Eve
The Notoriously Late and Her Leather Jacket
Mon Cher
What's The French Word For Heroin?
I Love You More
Roller Coaster From Hell
Water Gun Wars
24 Hours
Little Italian Grandmothers
Alabama Water
Off To Neverland
Superguling The Pieces Back Together
Pregnant Model
Our Little Secret
Nikki's Nightmare
The New Years When No One Gets Arrested
Hospital Wedding
First Time Away
Done With Bad Luck
New Babies
Nikki's Promise
Preterm and Talks With Daddy
First Trip Home
Do You Still Love Me?
Extended Family
The Morning Routine
Nona's Story
Trip to Disneyland
First Day Fights
Meeting Santa and Meeting the Legion
The King and The Queen
Little Brothers
Sixx is Our Number
Epilogue: First Date

The Next Morning

220 7 2
By BrookieLynn1304

When I open my eyes again I hurt. I regret opening my eyes completely, my body hurts, my head hurts, and my liver wishes it could kill itself. When my eyes do focus I notice that I'm not at home, I scan the room and see that I'm in Vince and Alex's living room. By the amount of light that is shining through the skylight above us I'd say it's at least noon. The room is covered with party hats, streamers, and red solo cups that were once filled with alcohol. I look at my feet to see only one of my blue Chuck Taylor's on and that my pink and black pocka dotted sock is on my other foot. Asleep underneath me on the couch is Nikki and I'm just hoping to god we didn't have sex in front of God and everyone at this New Years Eve party. I groan and bury my face in Nikki's chest again.

After about ten minutes Nikki starts to move around, his grip tightens around me and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm never drinking again." I mumble and he laughs sleepily.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Nikki wonders.

"Nope." I admit. "You?"

"Not a thing." He admits. "I think you lost a shoe, babe."

"Okay so I wasn't seeing things?" I ask and look up to meet his eyes.

"No you're not losing your mind yet." Nikki assures me. "I can't remember if I told you this or not, happy new year, Skylar."

"Happy new year, Nik." I say and kiss his lips.

We no more than pull apart when someone falls down the stairs...literally. Nikki and I both sit up to see Tommy sitting at the foot of the stairs and hear Vince laughing his ass off upstairs.

"So uh, did you fall or did Vince push you?" I ask and the drummer stands brushing himself off.

"A bit of both actually." Tommy admits and walks into the kitchen.

Vince is next down the stairs followed by Stella and Smudge. Nikki and I follow everyone to the kitchen where my Aunt LeeAnn and Alex are pouring coffee. Nikki sits down at the table between Vince and Tommy and drags me into his lap.

"Well good afternoon, alcoholics." Alex sings and we all groan.

"If you weren't knocked up you'd be hungover like the rest of us." Tommy tells her and I yawn.

"I thought you didn't drink, sugar." My aunt asks me and I shake my head.

"She's a boarder line alcoholic, mama." Alex tells her as she hands out mugs of coffee.

"Yet I didn't get drunk and get hitched." I remind her and she scowls.

"Sky, did you meet Jay and RJ's girls last night?" Vince wonders and I shrug.

"Probably and they like for real or are the just knocking boots?" I ask.

"What does knocking boots mean?" Tommy wonders aloud.

"Fucking." Nikki says simply.

"Thank you." The drummer says.

"Mama, you see them more than we do." Alex reminds her mother. "Is it a legit thing or is it just a fling?"

"I hope it's just a fling, they're hussies and your father would be rolling over in his grave if he only knew what his sons were screwing around with." Aunt LeeAnn states.

"What's a hussy?" Tommy asks again.

"A slut." My fiancé tells him and the drummer laughs.

"Thanks again." He laughs. "I think one of the little pro hoes said that they were one of the Dallas Cowboys' Cheerleaders."

"Yeah I think I heard that too." Vince admits and Alex glares at him and he sighs. "Babe, I talked to them that doesn't mean I want in their pants."

Alex has been a little more self conscious about herself since she started gaining the baby weight. She's convinced that Vince won't want to be with her now that she's fat. So every time Vince talks to another girl she gets really fucking jealous. With her brothers' new girlfriends around I think it's worse. Especially if they're pretty little cheerleaders.

"RJ's girlfriend, Bethany, was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader but she torn her, uh, ACL I think. Either way she can't dance anymore. Now Jay's girlfriend, Emma, she's some Yankee model from New Jersey. She can't cook to save her life." Aunt LeeAnn explains. "Oh Skylar, honey, I found your shoe upstairs."

"I was upstairs last night?" I ask making everyone at the table laugh. "Shit, I'm never drinking again." I say for the second time this morning.

It's quiet for a few minutes mainly because all of us that are suffering the effects of drinking ourselves into the ground last night are trying to cure it with coffee. The quiet doesn't last very long when I girl with bleached blonde hair busts into the kitchen dragging RJ behind her. This must be Bethany. She squeals making all of us squint and hold our foreheads.

"I found out this morning!" She says in an extremely high pitched voice. "I'm pregnant! RJ and I are going to have a baby!"

"I never thought that I'd want to punch a cheerleader in the face." Tommy mutters and Nikki laughs.

"Let alone a pregnant one." Nikki adds.

"I thought I was done with cheerleaders getting pregnant with jockstrap's kids in high school." Vince laughs.

I look over to Axl and my aunt who look absolutely horrified. They don't like this board and now fucking RJ had to go and knocked her up. I bet Alex is wishing that she killed her older brother when she had the chance.

I am kinda worried about all of this though, Alex is really freaking out and that can't be good for the baby, right? I glance back at Nikki and he's watching Alex as well.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks quietly.

"I think so." I admit and he looks over to Vince.

"Hey, maybe you should take your wife out of here for a few minutes." Nikki tells Vince. "She doesn't look to hot and her freaking out might hurt your little girl."

"Oh shit, yeah okay." The singer says and pushes himself up.

I watch as Vince leads Alex off into a different room and RJ's big brother senses kick in. Her older brother leaves his baby mama and goes to see what's up with his baby sister. Bethany continues to talk Aunt LeeAnn's ear off. Nikki's grip gets tighter around me and he kisses my cheek.

"What's bouncing around in that head of yours?" He whispers in my ear.

"Nothing." I lie.

There is something bouncing around my head but I'm not going to tell anyone about it. It seems like every other girl around me is getting pregnant and when I was pregnant I lost the baby. How is that fair?

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