Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19 (mature)

46.3K 952 812
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: Hello everyone! I must apologise to you at how slowly it might seem like this book is going by... it's probably going to be a bit longer than the last two, but I don't know if it'll be longer than the first? WE'LL SEE. THERE'S STILL MORE THINGS TO COME. Just warning you since we're already on chapter 19 and there isn't even a baby yet xD OKAY. This chapter is dedicated to UniKitty for drawing the adorable picture in the multimedia!

[Louis' P.O.V]

On Harry's birthday, I woke up before he and Fionna both because of a knock at our front door. I sleepily pulled on some pajama bottoms and stumbled to it, opening it and peeking outside groggily only to be practically tackled back into the flat by an overly excited Phoebe.

"We came early for Harry's birthday!" she crowed. "Since we have to drive home later, but... mum let us miss school and everything and just-"

"I know, Phoebs," I chuckled. "Mum told me all about it last week."

My mum and the other three girls raced in, already bouncing despite the early hours. My mum grabbed me in a tight hug, "Hello, dear! Where's your lovely family?"

"Sleeping still," I smiled, rubbing at my eyes.

"Oh, did we wake you?" my mother frowned. "We told you we would be here early!"

"Right, right," I nodded. "I dunno, I just didn't expect 7AM early."

"Sorry, should have made that more clear," she patted my arm.

Felicity hugged me from the side, "When's Harry having the baby again?"

I grinned larger, "April 17th. Do you all wanna hear what his name is?"

"You've chosen a name?" my mother practically launched herself at me, and all my sisters clung on to me as well.

My eyebrows shot up, "We did..."

"Well tell us, you idiot!" Lottie pushed at my shoulder.

"Lottie," my mother scolded, looking to me. "Tell us!"

I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders, "Not without Harry."

"And I suppose we can't wake him up early on his twenty-first birthday," my mum sighed.

My sisters looked at her in exasperation before looking to me pleadingly, but I shook my head, "Mum's right. Harry gets to sleep. Especially since he's quite pregnant. He's always so tired, poor boy."

"Is he overworking himself?" my mother frowned, and I nodded.

"I tried to tell him that Fionna would still know that Harry loved her if I mainly cared for her for a bit, or just a bit more than Harry did. But he's convinced that she'll think he doesn't love her..."

"And she's allergic to shellfish and strawberries?" Lottie asked. "And you found out about one... the hard way? Mum was telling us..."

"Yeah," I winced. "Uh... we found out about the strawberries the hard way. We probably shouldn't talk about it once Zayn gets here. It... he's really upset about it."

"Aren't you upset about it?" Phoebe asked. "I was upset! My poor little niece..."

"Oh goodness, yes, I was very upset," I nodded instantly. "I was scared for my little beebee. But she was okay, that's good. Zayn is still upset since... well, he gave her the strawberries? But we all thought she'd like them. It was a bit of a joint effort, he just fed them to her."

"Ah," my mum sighed in sympathy. "The poor lad is blaming himself?"

I scratched at the back of my head, nodding slightly, "I guess... Chris called me about it yesterday to ask about Fionna's allergy test. Said Zayn was wondering how it went, too, he just... he's too upset to talk to me."

"What do you have to do with anything?" Daisy frowned, always the clever girl.

"He thinks I hate him," I murmured. "And I don't, of course I don't. He loves Fionna and he was trying to make her like him... since she usually hides her face when he talks to her. But that's just my beebee, I've tried to tell him that, she's shy. She really liked strawberries... strawberries just... nevermind. Um-"

My mind was drifting back to kneeling on the kitchen floor with my wheezing baby in my arms, and my heart was threatening to beat painfully out of my chest. My mother rubbed soothingly on my back, "What you mean to say, is that you know Zayn would never do anything to intentionally hurt Fionna, so you would never hate him for some accident like that?"

"Right," I nodded.

"My Louis?" a sleepy voice sounded from the hall, and the girls instantly leaped into action. However, I managed to snag two of them in my grip before they could all charge Harry.

"Look out, love!" I called. "They're coming for you!"

Harry giggled as the girls stopped in front of him, cooing over both his tummy and the wide-eyed Fionna in his arms, "Good morning..."

"Happy birthday!" Phoebe and Felicity trilled, patting at every inch of Harry.

"Thank you," he told them kindly, kissing the tops of their heads.

"Oooh," Fionna said slowly, almost as if she were in awe of her aunts.

I released Lottie and Daisy, wanting to hug Harry myself. However, the rest of my sisters and my mum all crowed, "Happy birthday!"

With a pouting face, I wiggled my way over through them, and Harry automatically slid into my arms as Fionna finally noticed me and screeched, "Dahey!"

"Beebee," I murmured, kissing her forehead before I cuddled Harry closer and stroked at his tummy. "Hello, lovely... I'm your husband but I'm almost last to wish you happy birthday!"

Harry kissed my frown away, shrugging, "Still love my Louis most."

"Mmm," I hummed, nuzzling my nose against his. "And I love you. Happy birthday, beautiful."

"Keep it PG!" Lottie bellowed, tapping at both of us. I shot her a glare, but Harry laughed and gently tapped her right back, but tapping her forehead instead of her shoulder. She grinned, holding her arms out for Fionna. "Can I hold you, Fi?"

"No," Fionna giggled.

"Feenna has spoken," I shrugged as Lottie gaped at her in surprise.

"I wanna try!" Felicity gasped, racing over to Fionna. "Can I hold you, Fionna?"

"No!" she yelled gleefully.

"Jokes on both of you, she can't say yes," I laughed.

"Do you want your Dada to hold you?" Lottie tried hopefully, smiling smugly at her own cleverness.

"Dada," Fionna cooed, pushing her head under Harry's chin like the little Kitten she was. "My..."

"Okay," Felicity said sadly. "I'll just find Lucy then..."

Harry patted her reassuringly, "Can probably hold later when Feenna is not hungry. But Lucy is on my and my Louis' bed! She is just so lazy..."

My mother stepped up next, hugging Harry and Fionna gently before she held her hands over Harry's tummy, almost as if she were asking for permission. Harry of course nodded, and my mum gently petted his belly, "How're you feeling, Harry?"

"Good," Harry nodded. "Baby is healthy, Feenna and Louis are healthy, so I am good!"

"But you, silly boy," my mother laughed. "How are you? How's your back, your feet, your head?"

"Oh," Harry blushed, and his ears turned to the side slightly. The fantastic lad was clearly shy since the limelight was being put onto him. "They hurt sometimes, but my Louis helps."

"That's good of him!" my mother gave me a narrow look. "I'd have to have a word with him if he didn't give you back and feet rubs. It's one of his duties considering he's part of the reason for your baby. You're doing most of the work, the least Louis can do is help you out as much as possible."

When she put it that way, I did feel extremely guilty that Harry being pregnant wasn't interchangeable. We couldn't take turns carrying our baby boy, Harry had to grow the little guy all nine months. However, Harry leaned his head against my shoulder, "My Louis does help out, helps out so much! Even tried when he was hurt, but I would not let him."

My mother nodded, "Good... now, you two should go in the kitchen. Louis, make Harry breakfast for his birthday... I'll feed Fionna."

The girls had raced off to our bedroom to find Lucy, so we all filed into the kitchen so I could make Harry breakfast. My mother sat at the kitchen table with Fionna, occasionally feeding her bites of baby cereal and peaches as Fionna tried to basically eat her own pajama shirt as well, covering it with baby cereal. Harry sighed, leaning and gently pulling the shirt from Fionna's mouth and using his thumb to gently wipe away some of her slobber, "Beebee, you are needing a bib."

"Where is one, I'll grab it," my mother offered.

Harry blushed, and I turned around from where I was making French toast, "They're all being washed. She's got about twelve, and she's lost them all."

"Oh Fionna," my mum sighed. "What are your daddies going to do with you?"

"Love her!" Harry crowed, booping Fionna's nose.

Fionna giggled, reaching to play with the necklace my mum wore. She attempted to lean forward to put it in her mouth, but my mother shook her head, "No, no, Fionna. That could make a baby choke."

Our tiny baby gaped at my mum for a moment, almost as if she were shocked that her grandma had told her no. She looked to Harry then, her bottom lip trembling, "Dada..."

I laughed then, looking to my mum in surprise, "I think she just told on you..."

My mother laughed, but Harry hummed, reaching and gently smoothing Fionna's curls, "Beebee... you are needing a nappy change. Do you want to come with Dada?"

"I've got this, dear, you just relax!" my mother insisted, standing with Fionna. "Can I maybe... dress her as well?"

Harry shrugged, and I waved my hands at her, "Have at it. She needs to be changed out of her food covered jammies anyway, and we gave her a bath last night, so you can go right ahead and switch outfits."

As my mother hurried from the room chattering away to Fionna, Harry placed Fionna's dirty bowl and spoon into the sink and slipped up next to me to peer over my shoulder as I cooked. His tummy was pressed gently against my back, his hands settling on my hips as he kissed my cheek, "Elijah is very wiggly..."

"Shh..." I chuckled. "Don't say his name too loud. We're trying to keep it a secret until we have everyone here to tell them!"

Harry was quiet for a moment, watching as I flipped his French toast in the pan, "Think they will like it?"

"His name?" I asked softly, turning slightly to meet his gaze. His large green eyes blinked back, and he was biting his lip nervously. "Of course they'll like it. And even if they don't, too bad! We like it, yeah? That's all that matters. He's our baby. Plus, even if they don't like his name they'll still love him. I mean... they love Fionna, yeah?"

Harry smiled at that, "Yes... they do love our Feenna."

"They'll like his name," I nodded, twisting even further around to peck his lips. "Now, birthday boy. Go sit down so I can bring you your food and medicine!"

The younger boy obeyed, waiting patiently as I put some cinnamon on his French toast, poured him a glass of milk, gave him a few grapes on the side, and grabbed the vitamins he needed to take. I plopped myself down in front of him, cutting off a piece with a fork and offering it to him along with the vitamins. He lifted his eyebrows at me, "Are going to feed me, my Louis?"

"I am, my Kitten," I grinned, watching as he took a drink of his milk to wash down his medicine.

Phoebe and Daisy came curiously into the room then, the envelope with our baby boy's sonogram pictures in it. Phoebe tapped me shyly on the shoulder, "What's in this? Who is.... E... Elidge-uh?"

"Ahh," I chuckled. "I seems that our secret is out, lovely!"

Harry nodded, smiling at the girls, "It is said like Elijah! E-lie-shuh. And he's my and Louis' baby boy! His pictures are inside the envelope."

"Ooh!" Daisy squealed. "Can we look?"

That got Lottie and Felicity's attention, and they came dashing into the room. Felicity was clutching Lucy to her, and the lazy cat was draped happily in her arms. Lottie looked suspiciously at us, "What do they want to look at? Are you keeping secrets?"

I motioned to the brown envelope my younger sisters held, feeding Harry another bite, "Go ahead and look. Careful with the pictures, though..."

Harry watched them curiously as I fed him his toast, and then all the girls squealed as they glanced at the first picture. Phoebe's words were the first of the shrieks that could be understood, "He has ears, too!"

"Well," I chuckled. "He is Harry's baby, too..."

"And his name is Elijah?" Daisy asked, squealing in adoration. "He kind of looks like one!"

"His name is Elijah?" Lottie gasped. "Oh my God, why didn't you tell us you named him?!"

I held a hand out to her soothingly, "Easy, easy... we were going to tell you eventually."

My mother finally reentered the room with Fionna dressed in a green dress, scattered with yellow sunflowers, "What on earth is going on in here?"

"Uh," Fionna frowned at the girls gathered close to us, all examining Elijah's sonogram pictures and cooing.

My mother gasped, striding over and peering over Felicity's shoulder, "3D ultrasound shots?! Oh my goodness, look at him! He's not even fully grown and yet he already seems so perfect! Maybe a tad like a little baby alien, but he's so cute!"

"Oooh!" Fionna screeched.

Harry declined the next bite of French toast, eating a few grapes instead, and then he patted his belly, "We are full, I am thinking. Thank you, my Louis. It was good!"

"Anything for my lovely Kitten," I hummed, leaning to kiss his lips. He happily kissed back, his hands coming up to caress my face.

"Elijah..." my mother murmured suddenly. "Louis. Harold. Explain the name on this envelope."

"Elijah Edward Tomlinson," Harry told her shyly. "Is Pumpkin Seed..."

My mother quite literally burst into tears then, and Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise as Fionna whimpered. She pointed to the sonogram image, "Elijah Edward?"

Harry blushed, "Yes... was afraid you would not like it. But my Louis and I like it so-"

"Not like it?" my mother shook her head, offering our whimpering baby to me. "I love it, it's so beautiful!"

I pulled Fionna into my arms, snuggling her close to soothe her, "Harry picked it out! Well... I picked the middle name."

"It's like both of your babies have a little piece of your name in theirs!"

"That was the goal," I said to her, but I smiled at Fionna to reassure her.

Felicity handed the sonogram image she held to Daisy, sneakily coming around by me to lean down next to Fionna, "Hello, Fi!"

Fionna cooed shyly at her, hiding her face partially into my shirt, "That..."

One by one the girls handed over the pictures to my mum, gathering around Fionna to talk to her. Lottie held out her arms for my little beebee, "Wanna come play with me?"

I looked to Fionna, "Want to go play with Aunt Lottie, beebee?"

"No..." she giggled.

Ever so gently, I offered Fionna over to Lottie, who happily scooped her up. Fionna, however, gasped, reaching for me again in desperation. Lottie tried to scurry away, "Let's go play!"

"No!" Fionna shrieked. "No, no, Dahey, Dahey!"

Lottie turned around with a sigh and lowered Fionna down onto her bare little feet, and I frowned, "Hold on, Lottie, she needs some socks or something so she doesn't get a-"

But then Fionna was wobbily pulling away from Lottie, shakily toddling towards my chair with her arms outstretched for me. My mother gasped, nearly dropping the sonogram images she held in her hand. My eyebrows shot up, and my lip quivered as I held my arms out for my teetering baby. She slowly and wobbily cleared the distance between us, and I scooped her up and burst into tears as Harry screeched, "Walked so far that time!"

"She really did!" I gurgled, placing a kissed on a suddenly terrified looking Fionna's head. "Oh my beebee you're growing up so fast!"

"I want to try and see if she'll walk to me!" Lottie crowed, and my mum gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Let her daddies cuddle her a bit," she told her softly. "Go feed Lucy for them."

My mother sent the girls from the room one by one as Harry and I continued to embrace each other, Fionna gently pressed between me and Harry's tummy. Harry pulled back first, scrubbing at his eyes, "Feenna is so smart..."

"Dadadada," Fionna said softly.

"Do you like walking, my little beebee?" he asked her.

"No," she cooed, leaning her head back against mine before she screeched out a long and drawn out 'maow'.

I gave a teary laugh at that, gently kissing her nose, "Are you being silly again now that it's not so crowded in here?"

My mother stepped up beside me, stroking my back as she reached and slid the envelope onto the table, "You two sure do make some beautiful babies."

"I know," I hummed. "It's all Harry, I think."

"No," Fionna sighed.

"Fionna says no," Harry giggled. "Her Daddy helped, too."

Lottie poked her head back into the kitchen, groaning out, "Can't Fionna come play with Lucy and us in the living room?"

"You go sit in the living room with our beebee, Kitten, and I'm gonna do the dishes," I wiped at my eyes, sucking in a deep breath and kissing Fionna's temple before handing her over to Harry.

Harry frowned at that, and my mother chuckled, ushering Lottie back into the living room and disappearing as well. The younger boy watched as I stood, carrying his plate and glass over to the sink. He stood with Fionna and hurried after me, "But... my Louis, want to stay with you! Is my birthday, and I am wanting to stay with you."

"Well," I shrugged. "It is your birthday, I suppose... do you want to stay in here and keep me company? This shouldn't take too long."

"Yes," Harry announced, shifting Fionna to his other hip and wincing. The baby was playing with the collar of his shirt and babbling cheerfully to herself.

My eyes narrowed as I carefully scrubbed at his plate, "You alright...?"

"I am fine," he offered me a smile.

I fought my own smile then, "Right... and you wouldn't lie to me, baby, right?"

Harry groaned then, pouting a bit, "Okay... my feets are hurting some? But it is not bad! I am fine."

I scrubbed faster at the few dishes then, setting them in the drainer before hurrying over to table to wipe it down. The younger boy giggled at me just as I tossed the flannel I had back into the sink, "To the couch so my Kitten can rest his feets!"

The couch, however, was taken by the girls, so Harry and I sat on the loveseat instead. We placed Fionna at our feet, and as she spotted Lucy laying by the coffee table she squealed and crawled happily towards her. That got the girls up, and they all raced to crowd our little baby in hopes of playing with her. Fionna gasped, sitting on her tiny bottom and staring at them in shock, "Uh..."

My mother, who had taken up her usual spot in the recliner, chuckled, "Give the poor baby girl some space. You're going to overwhelm her if you crowd her like that."

"I want to see if she'll walk again!" Lottie crowed, pointing to Felicity. "Help her stand?"

"Lottie..." I warned. "Don't be mean."

"I'm not, I'm not," she waved a hand, but she came over to Harry and I and carefully bumped our entwined hands apart so she could clamber onto my lap. "Hi."

"What on earth are you-" I began, moving to push her gently to the floor.

"This is my Louis, now," she crowed.

"Mine, actually," Harry disagreed, folding his hands smugly across his tummy.

"I know that, you all can have him, brothers are disgusting," Lottie whispered. "I just want to see what Fionna does."

"That," Fionna said however, pointing to Lucy as Felicity helped her stand. She bounced slightly once she was on her feet, simply moving her knees instead of lifting her feet from the ground. "Maowmaowmaow-"

"Fionna," Lottie called to her, and Fionna looked to the voice in confusion. "Hey Fionna, I'm sitting on your daddy's lap!"

"No," Fionna frowned.

"Mine," Lottie told her. "He's mine now."

"Lottie," my mother sighed, but Lottie shook her head, her blonde hair hitting me slightly in the face.

"Hey-" I spluttered.

"No..." Fionna whimpered again, moving as if she wanted to sit down to crawl over. "My!"

Lottie shook her head, "No. He's mine."

Fionna's face crumpled at that, but instead of  walking like Lottie was hoping, Fionna fell out of Felicity's grip with a loud wail. She plopped down on the ground, making a sound between crying and screeching, "Dahey! My!"

"Lottie you made my beebee cry!" I scolded, pushing at Lottie so I could stand. Harry made a small sound of sadness for our baby, and I hurried over to scoop her off the floor by Felicity's feet.

"We didn't do it!" Daisy shook her head, motioning between Phoebe and her.

"I know," I chuckled, pulling Fionna into my arms. The little baby instantly clung to me, whimpering as she pushed her tiny face against my neck. "Poor little Kitten, Aunt Lottie was not nice to you! I'm your daddy and you are my beebee..."

"My," she gurgled. "My..."

My mother made a sound of adoration as I carried Fionna to sit down with Harry and me on the loveseat, squeezing her gently between the two of us, "Can someone run to our room and get her Maow for me? And her blankie."

Phoebe dashed to retrieve Fionna's things, and Fionna cooed as the younger girl finally brought her stuffed kitty and blanket. She clutched them close to her chest once Phoebe had handed them to her, making a shy noise as she blinked up at her aunt, "That..."

"Is saying thank you, I think," Harry grinned at Phoebe. "I say thank you, too!"

"You're welcome, Fi," Phoebe giggled.

At that moment, the living room door opened to reveal Niall and Liam standing and smiling in, yet they didn't enter the house. I turned slightly, frowning at them, "Come in guys, don't just stand out in the cold!"

"Baxie wanted to walk in first," Niall shrugged, and then I spotted the little guy as he came toddling around the couch, a sippy cup in his grip. He was all bundled up, seeming poofier than normal with all the layers he wore. His little ears were hidden by a hat and his tail was tucked into the clothing layers. The other two slipped inside then, removing their coats and shoes. "It's bloody cold out there."

Harry laughed, "Baxter is warm, I think!"

Baxter giggled, pointing at Harry, "Gog."

Niall raced over to us behind the love seat, both of his hands messing up Harry's curls, "Happy birthday mate! We're the same age again."

Liam came to stoop in front of us so he could remove some of Baxter's layers, "Happy birthday, Harry!"

"Thank you," Harry smiled shyly. "To both!"

All of the girls, having been told to wait by my mother, finally got to launch themselves at Niall and Liam while Felicity scooped up Baxter and carried him to play with some of Fionna's toys. Lottie slowly began to make her way after her, "Baxter's fun to play with... he actually plays instead of snuggling with his dads!"

Harry frowned at that, looking the baby cuddled happily between us. Her eyes were droopy as she sucked slightly on the corner of her blanket, her Maow clutched tightly in her grasp. I leaned and kissed his temple reassuringly, "Baxter likes playing cause he's a boy. Our Feenna will play sometimes, she just like snuggling too since she's our beebee girl."

My mother waved a hand, "Plus she's so used to being cuddled, she just knows that being cuddled means being safe. Elijah's a little boy but I bet he'll be just like her."

"Who's Elijah?" Liam asked, sitting down since the couch was once again vacant. Niall plopped down next to him, Daisy attached to his side as she stroked at his tail.

"Oh," my eyes widened.

"Oops," my mother grimaced. "Here... I'll grab the envelope and let you two explain."

She stood and hurried into the kitchen as Niall and Liam both examined us curiously. Harry jumped slightly before giggling, reaching for my hand and moving it to his tummy. Niall leaped up at that too, leaving Daisy sitting on the couch in surprise, "Sorry, Dais, I just wanna see what little Pumpkin is up to!"

Daisy nodded, "He is pretty cool! I think I'm gonna go play with Baxter like everyone else."

She bounded from the room just as my mother came back out of the kitchen, stepping over Niall, who's tail was wagging so fast it was nearly a blur, and handed Liam the brown envelope, "Look inside!"

Niall hadn't been able to feel Elijah's kicking, but he stood and rejoined Liam on the couch, "What are they?"

"The envelope says Elijah, but that doesn't tell me who- oh! Pumpkin?" Liam gasped. "Is Pumpkin Elijah?"

"Elijah Edward Tomlinson," Harry nodded happily. Fionna looked up at him sleepily, and he booped her nose.


Before either of us could respond to her declaration, Niall was screeching, "Oh look at his little baby cheeks! He still looks so scrawny though..."

"Is still putting on beebee fat," Harry explained. "He will be bigger."

"Is he gonna be bigger than Fionna?" Liam asked, examining the picture he held in his hand closely.

"Good question," I murmured. "Fionna was born early, so of course she was tiny, but she still would have been a relatively small baby anyway. Elijah, though, he's growing normally now. That's why Harry's tummy has been growing bigger."

"He started out really small though, didn't he?" Niall looked up.

"Did," Harry nodded, gently rubbing his tummy. "Sickish, too? My poor beebee boy... but is healthy now, Dr. Shell said!"

Niall went back to looking through the few photos, suddenly bursting into a loud cackle that made all of us including Fionna jump, "Oh yeah! Elijah is a boy, no doubt on that!"

My mother sighed, "Poor Fionna... you have to deal with boys all the time, huh?"

Fionna giggled at that, but then she flopped into a laying position with her head on Harry's lap. Harry stroked softly at her hair, cooing, "Love her so much though... my little beebee, you are ready for a nap already?"

"Usually she naps after lunch," I explained. "But I guess she wants to get one in before so she can party hard when Zayn and Chris come over."

"Will take her and read to her?" Harry offered.

"I'll help!" I grinned, looking to my mum and the couple still looking at Elijah's pictures. "If that's alright?"

My mother waved a hand at us, "I think they're playing with Baxter in Fionna's room, but you can have them move to Elijah's."

Fionna gave all the girls and Baxter judgmental looks as they walked past and to the next room over. However, once I slipped her pacifier to her, and all three of us had squeezed into the rocking chair with a book, she sighed contently, "Das. My."

We read to her from her favorite ducky book, rocking slowly with Harry on my lap and Fionna cradled carefully between us, tucked more on top of me so she wasn't resting all of her small amount of weight on Harry's tummy. She fell asleep before we even finished the story, and Harry and I each stole a kiss on her forehead before placing her in her crib with her Maow and her blankie. We warned the group playing in the next room over to try and keep it quiet so they wouldn't wake the sleeping beebee, and then we made our way back into the living room.

Much to my surprise, Chris, Zayn, and Dr. Shell were already gathered in the living room. My mother had pulled up a chair from the kitchen for the older man, Chris and Zayn had squeezed onto the couch with Liam and Niall, and my mom remained in the recliner. That still left the loveseat open for us, and the three newcomers all greeted Harry with smiles and 'happy birthday's. Zayn, however, seemed to be hiding against Chris' side.

"They found Elijah," my mother told us. "They just don't know his middle name yet."

"I do," Dr. Shell said smugly.

"That's because you're Harry's doctor, cheater," Chris huffed, looking to us. "What's his middle name?"

"Edward," I kissed Harry's temple. "Like his dada's."

"Cute!" Chris cooed, and Zayn nodded quietly.

"Thank you," I chuckled, moving my hands to rest on Harry's belly. "So Zayn, you ready to head back to work here in two days?"

"Not really," he shrugged, and then he quieted down again.

"He's ready," Chris patted Zayn's leg reassuringly. "Maybe not for the work aspect, but he misses you two's heart to hearts behind the counter."

"I miss it, too, man," I chuckled. "I miss it, too."

Zayn cracked a small smile at that, but he didn't reply. Dr. Shell was examining the raven haired lad curiously, and he finally spoke up, "Cat got your tongue?"

"Uh... what?" Harry giggled.

"Figure of speech," I waved a hand nonchalantly. "He means Zayn is being really quiet."

"Oh yes," Harry nodded, squirming slightly, almost in discomfort. "Zayn, you are being quiet!"

"Sorry..." he said quietly, but then I was sensing that he was just apologizing for being so silent.

"No one blames you," I said immediately, trying to meet his gaze so he'd understand. "Promise."

"Thanks," he said softly, and Chris kissed his cheek, whispering something into his ear with a fond smile.

Harry made a strange noise, squirming against me again. I looked to him in concern, arching an eyebrow, "You alright, love?"

"Yes," he frowned, but his hands came up to run across his chest. "Hurts here though... kind of? Aches a little."

My throat constricted a bit with worry, suddenly afraid that his aching could be caused by something severe as his heart or lungs, "Can you breathe alright?"

"Yes," he nodded immediately. "I am breathing fine... just hurts?"

I instantly looked to Dr. Shell, who was discussing something with my mother, "Lucca."

His eyes flitted onto me, and he arched his pierced brow, "Yes?"

"Harry says his chest hurts? Show him where, Harry..." I told the younger boy gently.

Harry blushed at that, "Oh... well..."

"What, baby?" I shook my head.

"Well like," he cheeks turned an even brighter red, and he shyly covered the place where I knew his nipples were. "Hurts here pretty much."

"Ohh," my mother nodded knowingly. "Your poor boy, I feel your pain. It's just part of the hormones, and like back and feet pain there isn't much to do for it."

"I'm so confused," I shook my head.

"Basically," my mother tried to explain. "Well... he's not a girl so they aren't called breasts... pecs? His pecs hurt."

Niall giggled until Liam covered his mouth gently, and Dr. Shell examined Harry thoughtfully, "You might actually lactate with Elijah, then. Were you ever sore with Fionna?"

Harry shook his head, "No... things just would feel a lot better when..."

The boy's eyes flickered onto me, and I gave a smug smile as everyone quickly averted their gaze. Dr. Shell cleared his throat, "Well... anyway... you might actually lactate a bit with Elijah, then. It could happen at anytime. However, it would still probably be best to bottle feed him since you're still very much male and wouldn't be able to produce much."

Harry continued to rub irritably across his upper torso, and I eventually slipped a hand behind to him to rub at his lower back as we all chatted. Eventually, the girls brought a grumpy looking Baxter back into the room and handed him over to his daddies, and they all found spots to place themselves across the floor and on people's laps. My mother gradually got up and went into the kitchen to make lunch, Harry's choice of homemade pizza, and our baby girl finally woke up.

She sat on my lap and watched everyone curiously, and Zayn seemed to quiet down again since she was in the room. Chris kept a reassuring hand on the boy's leg until Zayn stood, "I think... I might go see if Jay needs help."

I gently stopped him as he passed by, "Will you take Fionna with you and get her some water in a sippy cup? I'd do it but Harry's back hurts so I'm rubbing it for him."

"Louis-" Zayn shook his head quickly, folding his hands behind his back.

"C'mon, mate, your niece wants you to take her to get water!" I insisted, looking to the baby girl on my lap. She was chewing at her Maow's ear, and she gurgled at me. "Right beebee? Wanna go with Uncle Zaynie?"

"Maow?" she giggled.

"Well it is not a no," Harry pointed out, looking to Zayn as well.

Zayn winced in defeat, holding his arms out for my baby. I handed her up and over, and Zayn held her close to him nervously, "And... water in a sippy cup. Which one?"

"Any of them work," I waved a hand.

Fionna's little ears were turned shyly to the side, something that reminded me so much of Harry. However, she was cooing to Zayn as he carried her from the room and into the kitchen. Chris leaned forward on the couch, grinning at me, "That's a good idea... he's basically terrified of holding her again, so why not make him face his fears? Even better, give her something to drink... although water is a little ordinary."

"I didn't want to push him," I shrugged.

Zayn eventually carried Fionna back into the room, a smile on his face as Fionna swung her sippy cup around shrieking, "Key, key!"

"Ohh," Harry giggled. "Uncle Zayn gave her her ducky cup!"

"You probably just made a best friend for life, Zayn," I chuckled, and Zayn moved to sit on the floor with her so she wouldn't bother Baxter, who was gradually falling asleep in Liam's arms. The girls all hurried to gather on the floor behind him, watching quietly. Fionna chewed at the top of her sippy cup at first, sitting in front of Zayn, but then I grabbed Fionna's blankie and Maow and tossed them to the lad.

"Oooh!" Fionna squealed, making grabbing motions for her stuff. Zayn jokingly placed the blanket over her head, and she gasped in surprise. I could see her tiny arms moving under the blanket as she tried to tug it off her head, so Zayn reached forward and plucked it back off for her.

"Oh, I found Fionna, guys," he grinned.

She apparently thought that was the funniest thing ever, and she gave a shriek of laughter as she tried to pull the blanket back onto her head. And at that, Zayn had started a new type of peek-a-boo. Chris eventually moved down next to Zayn to play as well, and we all talked quietly for Baxter's sake. Once lunch was ready, we ate in the kitchen, but the girls sat on the floor since we had a limited amount of chairs, and Fionna sat on my lap and ate pea sized bits of pizza.

"Is really good, Jay, love your pizza!" Harry enthused. "Thank you!"

"Anything for you on your birthday, dear," my mother chuckled.

Along with the pizza, she'd baked him a cake as well, icing it and covering it with sprinkles. Baxter was still passed out, having long since been placed in Fionna's crib for his nap, so they saved him a piece of cake, but Fionna played more in her cake then she ate. She did, however, enjoy eating the icing from her fingers, and she squealed when Harry kissed the icing off of her face, blowing raspberries onto her chubby cheeks.

"You have icing everywhere, little beebee," I told her once everyone was beginning to make their way into the living room to give Harry his gifts. "You're going to need a bath tonight!"

We settled for wiping her down with a warm flannel at the kitchen sink as Dr. Shell and my mum picked up the kitchen. Finally, we all settled back down in the living room as Harry opened his gifts. My mother and sisters had gotten Harry several maternity clothes, clothes for Fionna, and some strange looking pillow that was bigger than I was.

"It's a pregnancy pillow," my mum explained. "With five kids... well, I suppose I was only pregnant four times... but still, one of these really came in handy. One part goes behind you to support your back, one supports your tummy and leg so baby doesn't rest on your bladder, and then there's a place to put your head as well!"

I frowned, "But he uses me for that..."

"Uses you for what?" my mum looked to me in confusion.

"To keep Elijah off his bladder!" I insisted. "And then Feenna is snuggled between us."

Fionna was too busy playing with the girls and the wrapping paper on the floor to pay any mind to what was happening. Niall laughed, "Jealous of a pillow, Louis?"

"Yes," I said immediately.

"Thank you, Jay," Harry giggled, putting a hand on my leg gently. "It seems nice, I cannot wait to use it. Needed these new clothes, too!"

Niall and Liam had bought Harry a hand held back massager, and Niall winked at the both of us, "I bet you and Louis can have some fun with that."

Liam sighed, covering his face with his hands, "You weren't supposed to announce that, dear."

Zayn and Chris had given Harry another two months free on the flat, and I'd glared at Chris for that, but Chris held up his hands, "Hey, this isn't your birthday. This is all Harry."

Dr. Shell had yet another picture frame, only this time he had included the 3D image of our baby boy sucking his thumb, his assumed height at the time, and his assumed weight. The picture was the orangey color, the frame was black, and in white bubble letters read Elijah Edward Tomlinson. Harry had practically launched himself at the man for a hug, and Dr. Shell awkwardly patted Harry's back before Harry sat down beside me again and thanked everyone. My mum and the girls had to leave before 6PM since they still had to drive all the way back home, unable to stay the night.

The girls all whined as they got ready to leave, and my mother sighed, "I know... I don't want to leave either. But this was the deal. We got to come to Harry's birthday and miss one day of school. Tomorrow we have school again!"

Zayn was quick to soothe them, "You all are coming up for my and Chris' wedding, right? You can stay with them for longer, then! Elijah will be here then, too."

The girls all squealed at that, and Harry and I gave them and my mum hugs and kisses goodbye. Fionna was growing a tad fussy, but she allowed me to hold her as we hugged the others. Baxter left covered in the cake he had finally woken up to eat, and Zayn thanked me quietly before he and Chris left, and I shot a hand out to mess up his perfect quiff.

At last, Harry, Fionna, and I were all alone in the flat. I looked down to Fionna, smiling softly, "Little beebee, you need a bath. Then we're going to rock you to sleep and put you in your crib for awhile."

"Oh?" Harry asked curiously.

"I've got a few presents to give you," I nodded. "Some of my gifts I couldn't give to you in public."

Harry's cheeks flushed at that, and I stole a quick peck before I sauntered down the hall to give Fionna a bath. The younger lad eventually joined us in the bathroom with Fionna's pajamas and her baby lotion. Fionna was chewing at the beak of her rubber ducky as I washed her tiny belly and washed some dry icing from her hair. Harry cooed in adoration at her, and she gurgled gleefully at him. Once she was clean, I bundled her in a large towel, carrying the nakey baby with me to her room. The curly haired lad followed with her pajamas, and we let Fionna crawl around after Lucy for a bit before we scooped her up to put her pajamas on her.

"Sorry, beebee," Harry giggled. "Cannot be nakey all the time, might catch a cold!"

"Oh," Fionna said, as if she actually understood what Harry meant.

We all sat on the floor, Lucy lounging lazily between us as we wrote Fionna's walking improvements into her baby book.  Like always, we rocked Fionna in the rocking chair and read to her until she fell asleep, and then we carefully placed her inside her crib, grabbed her baby monitor, and crept from the room. Once we had pulled her door halfway closed, I kissed Harry gently, "Go feed Lucy while I get your presents ready?"

He nodded, and I patted his bum lightly before we parted ways. In our room, I pulled Harry's physical gift from the closet, setting it down on the dresser and carefully sliding off my wedding band before I continued what I was doing. I pulled down some massaging oil, retrieved the back massager Harry had gotten, and I placed the warming lube up on the dresser as well. Harry slipped into the room quietly, walking up in front of me with his tummy cradled, "Um... are ready for me to be in here now?"

"Mhmm," I chuckled, turning around and grabbing his physical gift. It was a circular picture frame with a picture of Harry, Fionna, and me inside of it. Harry's eyes widened as he shakily took it from me.

"Circle because..."

"Because circles have no end," I agreed with a hum, reaching to caress his cheek. "Read the back?"

Harry flipped it over to see the note I had attached, but he was too busy scrubbing the tears from his eyes, so I slipped behind him, folded my hands across his tummy, and read to him softly:

Happy birthday, baby Kitten. Just because you're twenty-one today doesn't mean I love you any less than those two years ago when you still called me 'Harry's Louis'. I still am Harry's Louis, though, even if 'Harry' has turned into 'my'. You've got my heart permanently, lovely. We've got two babies together and I love you and them more than anything in the world. Forever, my love, just like this circle.

The younger boy crushed himself against me, sobbing into my neck, "Love you s-so much!"

"I love you, too, handsome," I peppered his face with kisses. "Can I give you a back massage, now? Carrying our beebee in your tummy can't be easy."

Harry sniffled, but he nodded, carefully placing the circular frame down on the nightstand and sliding his wedding band off of his finger, almost as if he knew what his back massage would lead to. However, before I let him sit down on the bed, I carefully pulled his shirt over his head to start stripping him down. Once he was no longer in his clothing, I slipped mine off as well, grabbing the remote for the iPod dock I had plugged in over in the corner of the room and pressing play before my hands were too oily to do so.

"The Fray, my Louis?" he squeaked.

"And a few other songs," I nodded. "Most of them just make me think of you."

I gently booped his nose, climbing onto the bed next to him and dumping the supplies out beside us. Ever so gently, I caressed his round tummy before I wiggled up behind him, willing myself not to grow hard so soon. However, we were both nude, and being pressed so close behind him had my body growing eager. With him tucked between my legs, I poured a bit of the massage oil into my palms, rubbing them together to get it warm, and I began gently kneading my finger tips into his lower back.

He gave a sigh that went straight to my groin, arching his back slightly as I pressed into some of his tenser muscles. The boy leaned into my touch, practically purring, "Feels good, my Louis..."

"S'good," I breathed, reaching for the back massager and praying it already had batteries inside of it. I flicked the on switch, and it buzzed to life in my palm. Harry turned slightly in confusion, but I placed it between his shoulder blades and he relaxed into it instantly. With one hand moving the back massager around, I reached with my free hand to rub circles against his hip with my thumb. "Just tell me where you want me to put my hands."

"Oh," Harry gasped. "Um..."

He felt backwards, for my hand I had against his hip, bringing it around underneath his belly to rub at the soft skin just below the large swell of our baby. I was half hard at this point, and I turned off the back massager, letting it fall from the bed as I wiggled closer to him, pressing against him completely so I could rub one hand across his chest. Much to my surprise, he arched his back at that, crying out. I stilled my hand, "This okay?"

"Yes," he whimpered, grabbing the hand I had placed below his tummy and moving it further down to his hardening cock. "Oh..."

"I think we need the lube now," I murmured, releasing his dick to grab the bottle, pouring some of the slick liquid into my palm before moving my hands back to stroke his nipples and cock.

He pressed his hips up into my hand, a high pitched whine leaving his throat. I could feel the lube beginning to tingle on my hand, and I knew in a short period of time he'd be writhing against me from it. But before he could grow too overwhelmed, he squirmed forward, turning around so he could press his lips almost roughly against mine, "My Louis... w-want-"

"Can I suck you off?" I asked him hoarsely. "This is all about you, though..."

"Okay," he croaked.

I wiped the lube from his dick gently, figuring it probably wouldn't feel too pleasant if I had it in my mouth, and then I helped him lay back against the pillows as I dropped down and took him between my lips, suckling gently on the head of his cock. I didn't even bother to hold his hips down, simply stroked my own cock to hardness as I worked my of his tongue across his cock, flicking it up the vein and stroking what my mouth didn't cover with my hands.

His chest was heaving, so I stopped for a few moments and placed a clean hand on his tummy, "Okay?"

"P-please," he whimpered. "Want to- to have inside me."

"Oh yeah?" I teased gently, but I nodded quickly as he whined.

With two lubed fingers, I stretched him open as he squirmed on the bed, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets in his hands. Figuring that if he wanted me inside him before he came, I decided to speed up the process. I crooked my fingers one last time before putting a bit of the warming lube on my own cock and looking down at him for permission. His lips twitched into a smile, but he still looked desperate, "No condom, it is okay, inside now please."

"So demanding," I joked.

"It is my birthday," Harry's legs moved to wrap around my waist as I positioned myself at his entrance. He attempted to push me in, but I resisted so he wouldn't end up hurting himself by moving too quickly. "Now inside, inside!"

"Okay, okay," I soothed, rubbing my hands down his thighs and adjusting his legs for better access. "Wait... maybe we should lay on our sides like usual. If not, I won't be able to be as close to you.

Harry whined, but he wiggled experimentally onto his right side before shaking his head and moving to his left. He outstretched a hand behind him, "My Louis, please-"

"I won't make you wait anymore," I promised, moving behind him and helping him lift his leg up so I could push in.

His head fell backwards against my shoulder instantly, and I wiggled one arm underneath him so I could pull him close to me. Instead of the fast pace we usually moved at to keep Fionna from waking up, I moved leisurely, slowly so that we could both feel the slow drag of it all. Each time he exhaled, a low whine left his lips, and I kissed the area where his shoulder and neck met. He gasped at that, "Love my Louis so much..."

"Happy birthday, baby," I croaked in pleasure. "Love you, too."

I moved the hand that I'd had stretched across his chest down to his tummy, splaying it across the skin there, and Harry came untouched with a loud keen of surprise. He clenched tightly around me, and I came as well, shuddering as I pulled him closer. We lay together until I finally slipped out of him, and he stretched in contentment.

"Thank you, my Louis..." he sighed happily. "Love you so much."

"Let's go take a bath, hmm?"

I helped him to the bathroom where I ran a bubble bath for us both. We didn't stay in it long, only long enough to wash our hair and bodies since Harry was growing tired and I figured we should probably change our sheets since we'd made a bit of a mess on our others. With clean sheets and a spare comforter on our bed, I tossed the dirty ones in the washer and grabbed Harry's new pillow from the living room. Harry was always sprawled across the bed, boxers low on his hips as he stroked circles onto his tummy, "Wiggly..."

"A wiggly beebee boy Elijah, hmm?" I giggled, putting the large pillow on the bed and laying down carefully next to him. "Speaking of beebees, do we want our beebee Feenna?"

"Yes!" Harry crowed.

So I crept into Fionna's room to retrieve her. However, much to my surprise, she was already standing at the side of her crib and staring over in horror. My eyes widened as well, because I'd seen her attempt to stand in her crib before but she'd never actually managed. The bar barely came up to her neck, and I couldn't help but giggle at her, "Beebee..."

She fell backwards in surprise, and I stopped at the edge of her crib as I stepped on something squishy. Looking down, I found her Maow on the floor, and I stooped to pick it up. She squealed as she saw it in my hand, "Maow!"

"I've got it, Daddy's little Kitten... want to come back to my bed?" I asked her.

"No," she cooed, but she wobbly attempted to pull herself up again. I scooped up her, her pacifier, and her blankie since I already had her Maow, and decided to give her a quick diaper change before we went back to bed. Once she was clean and squirmy, we joined Harry.

The younger boy had turned on his fan, and he'd surprisingly curled up with the body pillow. He had part of it tucked between his legs so that it curled around his front and his back, and he had his head nuzzled against it, "Like this pillow a lot! Does not even feel like I have to pee a little bit!"

"That's good," I chuckled, but I felt a tad replaced now that the boy was cuddling with a pillow instead of me. "I have our Feenna!"

Harry gently patted the place next to the pillow, and I crawled onto the bed with him. He gently reached out and brushed his fingers across my tattoo of Fionna's name, "You will get Elijah's when he is born? Or soon since he is named?"

"Whatever you want, lovely," I hummed.

"When he is born," Harry decided, kissing Fionna's nose as the little girl gurgled happily.

I flipped off the lights, crawling into bed with Harry and our beebee. Fionna was babbling away to herself, and as my eyes adjusted I glanced at Harry to find him happily snuggling with his pillow. Fionna had her baby blanket to keep her warm, Harry had his body pillow, but I had the comforter shoved at the bottom of the bed so Fionna wouldn't get lost under it, and I was a tad cold. Eventually Fionna's babbles silenced, and her breathing came in short puffs as she cuddled down between me and Harry... or Harry's pillow.

"Night, beebee," I murmured softly. "Goodnight Kitten. I love you both."

"Love you, too, my Louis," Harry sighed. "Love you beebee."

We lay quiet for a moment, Harry's fan blowing more on me than anyone else, and I started shivering slightly. I closed my eyes tightly, however, curling in on myself in attempts to get warm. Suddenly, however, Fionna was moved closer against me. I felt a leg being draped over my hip and an arm wrapped over me. My eyes flashed open, and Harry leaned forward to brush his lips against mine. His pillow was still behind him so he had support on his back, but the pillow was no longer in front of him.

"What happened to your pillow, lovely?" I asked, careful not to be too loud for the benefit of the sleeping baby between our chests. 

"Not as cozy as my Louis," Harry shrugged, rubbing my bare back gently as if he knew I was cold. "You will turn the fan to the side kind of for me? So it is not directly on us. Is cold kind of, yes? Will use you as a front pillow, I think. Like you more."

My heart fluttered happily, and I abided his wishes and turned the fan before I snuggled as close as I could without squishing Fionna, "Well I'm here as a pillow for as long as you need me."

"Forever then," Harry hummed. "Love you. Goodnight, my Louis."

"I love you, too, Kitten. Goodnight baby."

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