Uniquely Ever After - Larry S...

By LarryWriting

1.3M 31.4K 22.1K

Harry, Louis, and their baby Fionna are working on their happily ever after. But no one would expect an unbel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (mature)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (slightly mature)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (slightly mature)
Chapter 17
Chapter 19 (mature)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 18

38.3K 868 615
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: Hallo everyone! I think I'm liking this college stuff. I come to my dorm, do the reading I'm supposed to do, and then I'm home free to do whatever I want. No chores or anything xD Plus they have really good soft serve ice cream. ANYWHO THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO PhilxDan FOR WRITING AND PERFORMING THE SONG IN THE YOUTUBE VIDEO OVER ON THE SIDE IT'S BRILLIANT AND SHES FANTASTIC GO LOOK NAO.

[Chris' P.O.V] (:D)

I woke up alone in bed, stretching before I rolled out from under the covers and shrugged on some pants and a t-shirt. My voice was gravely and hoarse as I peered down the hall sleepily, "Zayn, love?"

When he didn't respond, I walked down the long hall and down the stairs, wandering around through the living room, dining room, and kitchen before frowning and retreating back up the steps. I finally found him on the outside balcony of the second floor, standing outside in the cold morning. I frowned, hurrying back down the hall to snatch a blanket from the hall closet and rushed back to the door.

He didn't turn around as I crept out onto the cement with him, walking up behind him and draping the blanket on his shoulders. Between his fingers he balanced a cigarette, the smell of the smoke lingering in the air.

"Zayn..." I sighed, lightly resting my hand on the small of his back. "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is Harry's birthday," he mumbled, bringing the cigarette to his lips for another puff.

It all clicked then. Zayn hadn't been back to their flat ever since Fionna's incident. It had nearly been two weeks, and I could still see how obviously he was affected by it. The poor boy had literally thrown out all the strawberries we owned.

"It'll be fine, darling," I tried to assure.

He groaned, pressing a hand over his face, "I work almost everyday with Louis-"

"Today's Sunday, you're not working with him today," I attempted to joke.

"Thankfully... I just almost feel sick every time we're in the same room. He acts like nothing has ever happened and we're still the best of friends and- I almost killed his baby, the sweetest baby girl ever that's practically my niece and-"

His words instantly made my heart sink. I should have known he was still blaming himself, was the only one who had ever blamed himself, "Zayn, darling, no one blames you..."

"I blame me and-" he groaned, taking another drag on his cigarette. "I'm pretty sure I'm losing hair. I'm so stressed."

"I can see that," I murmured, motioning to his cigarette. He knew my opinions on smoking, and although I'd never make him do anything he didn't want to do he had basically quit. He only ever smoked if he was highly stressed.

He moaned, handing the cigarette to me ashamedly, "M'sorry, Chris."

I gently pulled the cigarette from his hands and sloppily put it out against the cold rail, blowing away the ashes before I placed it on the table to grab on the way back in, "Z, baby, you don't need to apologize."

He turned instantly, pressing himself into my chest and shuddering. My hands stroked softly at his hair as I hushed his panting breaths. As I adjusted the blanket around him, he sniffed into my chest, "Because Fionna didn't already hate me before, then I fed her something she's allergic to and she could have died and-"

"She probably doesn't even remember it," I murmured. "I took Harry some medicine for Lucca the other day, and she was rolling around on the floor with Baxter being her happy little self."

"She kissed my cheek," he croaked hoarsely. "When she could finally breathe again? I was standing with Louis and making sure she was okay and she kissed my cheek."

"Oh," my eyebrows shot up. "See! She loves you Zayn, she'll love everyone who loves her, too. Well... not as much as she loves Harry and Louis of course but that's different."

Zayn finally straightened back up, and much to my surprise he had a single tear on his cheek. I leaned forward to kiss it away, and he sucked in a sharp breath, "If I... I'm terrible with other people's kids, how on earth am I going to raise some of our own?"

My heart gave a slight flutter at that. Zayn had seemed so skeptical about having the kids just at Christmas when Harry and Louis had given us a baby outfit jokingly, but now he was saying that he did want kids, had thought about having kids, "I for one think you'd be a great daddy... or dada, we can decide when it happens."

"What if I feed them the wrong things?" he whispered, and I nearly laughed but I could see that he was genuinely worried.

Instead, I brushed my lips gently against his own and ran a hand over his tousled hair, "It's kind of a thing we just have to learn along the way. God only knows how many bumps and tumbles Fionna's taken. Do you not remember what happened when she was only like... two weeks old?"

"That's just because Ella was a bitch," Zayn scowled. "I felt so bad for them then..."

"Fionna's been through a lot and she has more to come, but she's got her daddies to take care of her, she's got Liam and Niall, and she's got us, right?" I pressed.

Zayn looked appalled, "Of course she's got us! I'd do anything for her..."

"See, Zayn?" I placed a finger gently on his chest. "You're not a horrible person. You're my fiancé for a reason, babe. I love you. You'd be a great father, and you're a great uncle figure to Fionna. I know when she's a bit older she'll love you very much. She loves you now, too, she's just... she's only like eleven months old. We have to cut her baby brains some slack."

"And not feed her strawberries," he whispered.

"Come on," I kissed his temple. "I'm not in shoes and you're not in shoes, February mornings are freezing. Let's head in before we both freeze to death. This blanket I got for you won't save us for long."

He plucked the cigarette off the table to throw it away as I opened the door for him, ushering him inside, "I need to completely stop. Knowing my luck Fionna would be allergic to even the slightest hint of cigarette smoke as well."

I shivered as we stepped into the warm flat, "Louis and Harry are going to Dr. Shell's for a Pumpkin check-up today, so I think Fionna's getting some allergy tests done while she's there."

"Smart thinking," Zayn murmured as he led me back to our room, tossing his old cigarette in the waste bin and stripping back to his boxers before he crawled into bed. "I don't think I'm prepared to face the real world yet."

I pursed my lips, stripping as well before crawling back under the covers with him as well, "Would you like to face... the us world?"

That seemed to spark his interest, and he moved to touch noses with me, "What  would that us world involve?"

I suggestively through a leg over his waist before shrugging, "Oh you know... the usual."

"I love you so damn much," he shook his head in awe.

"I love you, too," I hummed, stroking his cheek. "Now... the usual?"

"I think the usual sounds fantastic right now," he breathed, and then he was rolling over on top of me to press his lips to mine.

[Louis' P.O.V]

"No!" Fionna crowed, flailing her limbs happily as I placed her on the bed between Harry's legs. We were at Dr. Shell's for a check-up on Harry, to possibly get Fionna an allergy test so we never had to relive the terror of her allergic reactions to anything else, and because Dr. Shell claimed he had a surprise for us.

"Have to sit there so you won't fall, beebee," Harry told her, reaching forward to gently adjust the beanie on her tiny kitten ears.

"No," she sighed happily.

Dr. Shell chuckled, walking over with a new bottle of the ultrasound gel, prepared to look at our 25 week old baby, "You're silly, squirt."

Fionna instantly silenced as Dr. Shell spoke to her, and her already large eyes widened in terror, "Maow..."

"You know him, beebee," I hummed softly. "He's a nice guy."

"Do you wanna see your baby brother, Fionna?" Dr. Shell asked her, gently tapping her forehead to make her squeak. "Do you even know about him yet?"

"Probably not," I hummed. "I think she'll love him though... well, maybe eventually."

"She'll definitely be jealous at first," Dr. Shell chuckled.

"But we will still love her the same, will make sure she knows," Harry frowned.

"I know you will, Harry, you're a fantastic father," the older man explained, waving his hand idly. "I just mean that Pumpkin will need a lot of attention at first, and Fionna will be used to having all the attention on her."

"I'll be there to help though," I explained. "If Harry is with Pumpkin, Fionna and I can hang out with them. That's actually how it will probably be for a bit since Harry won't be able to lift anything bigger than our baby boy."

Dr. Shell chuckled, "Right you are... now! Are you ready to see the surprise I got you?"

Harry looked to me and shrugged before looking back to the doctor, folding his hands across his tummy, "Yes?"

"No," Fionna objected.

I gently scooped her up, cuddling her close and blowing a raspberry onto her cheek, "Pay no mind to our beebee's input. We're ready!"

The man grinned, turning to the ultrasound that was covered with it's usual sheet, "Notice anything different about the shape?"

I examined it, and I supposed it did look a bit different, not as bulky, "Uh... thinner? Taller maybe? Oh! Did you get a newer one, Lucca?"

"Even better!" he crowed, yanking off the sheet to reveal a new machine that appeared much more high tech. "Not only is it new, but its 3D!"

"Ooh!" Harry gasped, his face lighting up.

"Ooooh!" Fionna mimicked, drawing out the sound longer before giggling.

"The squirt is excited," Dr. Shell laughed, flicking on the machine so that it instantly hummed to life. "Do you see how fast that was? With the old one we'd be sitting here another ten minutes before we got results."

Harry gently moved up his black maternity shirt, stroking a thumb across his tummy, "3D ultrasound... what will it make our baby look like?"

"You'll be able to see his features much better," Dr. Shell explained, squeezing some of the gel out onto Harry's tummy and spreading it around with the wand. He reached and pressed a few more buttons on the machine, and the flat screen flicked onto a tannish color. Harry wiggled slightly in anticipation, and the older man laughed. "Hold still, lad."

We could already hear Harry's heart, and then we could hear our little Pumpkin's as well. I adjusted Fionna in my arms to reach for Harry's hand. Suddenly, out of the tan color of Harry's insides there was the obvious shape of our baby's face. His lips were pouty, his cheeks full and babyish, and his eyes were closed. Harry gasped, "Oh..."

"It appears your Pumpkin is resting," Dr. Shell chuckled. "He's not very wiggly."

"Eyes are closed?" Harry breathed. "Sleeping or something?"

"Possibly, but his eyes will always be closed for another week or two," the man explained. "Then his eyes will be able to open."

Dr. Shell moved the wand around so we could see his whole little body. His curled body, his little arms pressed up close to his cheeks, his belly and parts that signified that he was definitely a little boy. His little black ears were more visible on his head with the ultrasound, and my free hand moved to brush over the backs of Harry's, "He's going to be so much like Harry... I just can't wait to see what his hair will look like."

"He might be a fair balance between you both, just like Fionna," Dr. Shell chuckled, having Harry hold the ultrasound wand as he found his usual clipboard to monitor our baby boy's growing progress. "I'm actually surprised at how much of a balance she's at."

"I think she looks more like Harry," I hummed, looking at the baby in my arms. She'd tugged off her beanie and was sucking at it, her eyes flitting onto me as she noticed me looking at her. She gave a gurgling smile around the hat, and I gently bumped my head against hers. "My precious little beebee..."

"So we'll run a glucose and blood pressure test on Harry," Dr. Shell murmured, examining his clipboard. "Pumpkin is growing healthily... in about two months your baby will be the size of an actual pumpkin, no doubt! He's a tad bit bigger than Fionna was, which is good. His little lungs are making great progress, and I'm beginning to question if we'll even need the steroid treatments. This pregnancy is actually going fantastically, much better than I expected."

My heart practically soared at that. At the beginning of Harry's pregnancy I'd been terrified, but now I was overwhelmingly happy, "How big is Pumpkin now?"

"He's about 12.6 inches long and... well the ultrasound says 1.4lbs, but look at his chubby cheeks! He's producing fat well and I say he's at least 1.8lbs. About the size of a cauliflower! Notice how much bigger Harry's tummy his now?"

"Have noticed," Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Feet and back have, too."

"Poor lad," Dr. Shell chuckled. "Hopefully Louis has been helpful with that."

"Has been helpful with everything," he beamed at me. "Love him so much..."

"I know, lad," Dr. Shell sighed. "Let me just print out some 3D images of your little boy for you, then we can get to Harry's tests."

"Um," I spoke up. "Also, you said you had the supplies to run allergy tests? How do those work?"

"Oh yes," he nodded, his eyes falling to the baby in my arms. "For little Fionna?"

"Yeah," I murmured, cuddling her closer. She cooed at me, nuzzling her head under my neck as she continued to bite at her beanie. "I just... I didn't like the strawberry incident."

Harry shuddered, and Dr. Shell gave me a sympathetic look, "I remember lad. I didn't like the strawberry incident either. I don't think anyone did. Fionna here is a heart stealer, isn't that right squirt?"

Fionna peeked up from my neck as Dr. Shell said her name, and she squeaked a bit as he made eye contact with her, "That."

He chuckled at her, pressing a few more buttons on the ultrasound machine as he helped Harry move the wand to get good pictures of our baby. Fionna wiggled so she could look at me, and I adjusted her so we could talk, "Hello, beebee."

"Dahey," she garbled. "That?"

"I guess, little Kitten," I giggled. "Sure."

"My?" she asked before stuffing a few fingers into her mouth.

"Yours," I promised, kissing her nose to make her pat at my face with her slobbery hands. "I'm your daddy, you're my beebee!"

"My Louis, look!" Harry crowed suddenly, and I turned my attention back on the monitor to see our baby's thumb slip between his pouty lips.

"Oh," I breathed out, examining his tiny hand and wanting nothing more than for it to be placed in my larger one. We still had about three months to go before our baby boy would join us, yet I was so excited to cradle him in my arms. "He really is perfect..."

Dr. Shell chuckled, "You two haven't even met him yet."

"Does not matter," Harry cooed, running his hand along the side of his tummy that wasn't sticky with gel. "Is our baby Pumpkin and we just love him so much."

The man took one last shot of our baby sucking his thumb, and then he flicked off the machine and handed harry a flannel to wipe down his belly. Fionna reached for Harry, making a frustrated sound and screeching, "Dada!"

"Yes, beebee?" Harry smiled up at her.


"So silly," he chuckled, leaning to put the rag bag where Dr. Shell had it placed, then he pulled down his shirt and held his hands out for Fionna. I lowered her down to him, and he tucked her against his side. "Dada's beebee is so precious."

"No," she cooed, rolling over to try and push herself up. She attempted to crawl over his chest, but he used one hand to shield his tummy while the other pulled her back against his side so he could sit up.

Dr. Shell came back over with a cart of supplies, chuckling as he carefully covered the ultrasound machine with the sheet again, "Alright! So while we wait for your baby boy's pictures to develop... who wants to go first? Squirt or Dada?"

"Dada will go first," Harry claimed, looking at Fionna as she whined and tried to squirm into a crawling position again. "Daddy will have to hold beebee, though?"

"Silly Feenna," I sighed, picking her back up and lowering her to the ground so her tiny boots met the tile floor. I kept my hands supporting most of her weight by keeping them around her middle, that way she could try and walk without falling.

She screeched happily, bouncing up and down as she wobbled and moved her tiny foot forward. Harry giggled at her as Dr. Shell slipped a blood pressure cuff onto his arm, and Fionna and I carefully walked around in circles by Harry's bed. Ever so slightly, I began easing off on how much of her weight I was supporting, and by the time Dr. Shell had okayed Harry's blood pressure and was moving on to the glucose test, I only had my hands around Fionna's middle to help her balance.

She garbled something in her own little language, and then she spotted her Maow and her blankie placed on her diaper bag closer to the hospital bed. She screamed then, toddling forward much to my surprise and leaving me standing in confusion. Harry made a gasping sound and my jaw dropped open as she toddled the last four steps or so necessary to reach her Maow, and then toppled over onto the bag with a happy sound.

"Walked," Harry croaked. "Walked again, more steps that time!"

"She's a determined little thing," Dr. Shell murmured. "Always liking to get a head start on things, huh? She was born early, she was eating solid food early, she's walking early..."

Fionna simply ignored us all, brining the ears of her Maow towards her mouth so she could suck at it.

"Come here, Daddy's Beebee," I told her hoarsely.

She looked to me in surprise, squealing as she grabbed her Maow in her hand and moved to crawl towards me. I'd been wanting her to walk, so instead of letting her crawl across the dirty floor I met her in the middle, scooping her into my arms and cuddling her close.

"Growing up so fast," Harry wheezed, and I moved to sit down next to him, Fionna pressed between us.

She crowed loudly, touching Harry's chest, "My!"

"Hey daddies," Dr. Shell chuckled, snapping us out of our small family moment. "We need to get the glucose test on Harry started so we can start Fionna's allergy tests as well while we wait for the glucose to make it's way through Harry, see how his body manages the sugars.

"No," Fionna declared.

"Feenna will not take lightly that you are stealing her moment," I gave a teary laugh.

 "Sorry, squirt," Dr. Shell reached between Harry and I to muss Fionna's curly fuzz, and she hid her face in the crook of my neck. "You love attention, but you don't want direct attention, hmm?"

"Likes attention from daddies I think," Harry explained, wiping at his damp eyes. "But is so shy with other people."

Dr. Shell hummed in agreement, "Alright, Harry, I've got this liquid that I need you to drink. It's kind of like a... really sweet Sprite."

"Like Sprite," Harry shrugged. "I can drink it."

"You have about five minutes to do so..." Dr. Shell said slowly, retreating over to the fridge and pulling out a strange container of something. He popped the lid off before coming back over and handing it to Harry. "Here you are, lad."

Harry curiously sipped at it, but then his nose scrunched, "Oh... yes. Is very sweet."

"Oooh," Fionna gurgled, wiggling closer to Harry since he would always share is yummy things with her.

"Sorry beebee, cannot have this," Harry kissed Fionna's forehead, and I pulled Fionna closer to me as I adjusted myself on the bed. "Taste is weird, anyway."

"Drink faster, lad!" Dr. Shell joked.

Harry scowled at him, "Why?"

"So we can see how your body deals with the sugars," Dr. Shell explained again.

The younger boy's ears flattened suddenly, "W-wait... will not hurt my Pumpkin, right?"

"Of course not!" the man frowned. "I would never do anything to hurt your babies."

"Good," I spoke up, my face darkening as I looked at the man. "Because then I'd have to hurt you."

Fionna gently touched my cheek with a finger, "That."

"I know, beebee," I hummed, kissing her cheek as we waited for Harry to quickly drink his overly sweet liquid.

"Okay... as for Fionna's allergy tests, I'll basically run food allergy tests. I'm fairly certain she's not allergic to your cat or Niall and Liam's dog, we would have noticed a stuffy nose or teary eyes by now. We also know that strawberries caused a reaction?"

I winced as my mind flitted back to the horrible few minutes when Fionna was gasping for air, "Ugh..."

"I'll take that as a yes," Dr. Shell murmured. "Well, I don't think we'll have to test for that, so-"

"Wait," I interrupted, pulling Fionna closer as she tried to grab for Harry's drink again.

"That!" she screeched, and I quickly handed her her Maow to quiet her.

"Are you wondering about how I go about the test?"  the man asked, and I nodded.

"Basically," the man explained, moving to point at Fionna's arm. "I'll make a series of tiny little pinpricks down her arm-"

"What?" I shook my head, pulling her closer. "Why are you doing that, that sounds like it'll hurt her..."

"Well there'll be slight pinches but it won't hurt long..." he said slowly. "Then on each little poke I make I'll put a drop of a sample food allergen. If the bump raises and becomes itchy, she's more than likely allergic. I'll do the most obvious ones... peanuts, soy, shellfish, the works."

"Just a raised bump?" I asked skeptically. "What if it causes a more severe reaction? Lucca, I've already told you, the strawberry thing, I can't-"

"I know Louis, I know," the man soothed.

"Will hurt you, too, if you hurt our baby," Harry warned, finally setting down the empty container. "We are trusting you. Cannot let anything bad happen to her."

"I couldn't let anything bad happen to her either," he held up his hands. "It scared me half to death when the little squirt had an anaphylactic attack. Especially because I was too far away to actually help. It was a last minute idea to send Kepa."

"Well thank you for doing so," I croaked, moving to press my nose to the top of Fionna's head. "She wasn't doing well when Kepa finally showed up... I thought... her eyes closed and I thought that..."

"Do not want to talk about it!" Harry croaked.

"Me either," I breathed. "She's okay obviously, she's right here. She's still her silly Feenna self. Still Daddy's little beebee."

"And I promise you nothing I ever do will change that," Dr. Shell said softly.

"No!" Fionna crowed.

"So would you like to carry on with the allergy tests?" Dr. Shell asked.

I bit my lip, starting to have my doubts on the whole situation, "It's safe for her?"

"Skin tests are the best types of allergy tests, much better than the blood test where the allergen is injected straight into the blood stream," the older man explained. "With this test, she only runs about a 8% risk of having a severe allergic reaction, and if she does I still have the correct amount of epinephrine measured out to stop the reaction quickly."

"And it will help? Allergy tests?" Harry asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and cradling his tummy with one hand before he stood as well, reaching with his free hand and smoothing down Fionna's curls.

Her ears flattened momentarily, but she turned her head to see it was only Harry, and her face lit up as she reached for him, "Dadadada-"

"Beebee!" he grinned just as largely back at her, and I slid Fionna over to him.

"Alright," I sucked in a deep breath. "Yeah... yeah we'll go through with the allergy test."

"Now," Dr. Shell explained. "I have a certain tool that looks like a ruler, kind of? When I push it down on her little arm it'll make five small places on her arm so that I can apply the allergen to the tiny puncture wound. Unfortunately, I'll have to do it on both of her arms but-"

"Why both?" I frowned.

"I have to test ten food allergens?" he said slowly. "Just be glad we're not doing multiple allergy types. It would be over one hundred."

"My poor beebee," Harry crooned. "Daddies can hold her though?"

"Of course!" he nodded instantly, turning and bringing the cart he had grabbed closer. He held up the yellow ruler looking device he was talking about. "Whenever you want I'll disinfect her arm and we'll get started."

"No!" Fionna screeched happily, but then she mouthed at Harry's neck as if she was searching for food like she had used to.

"Beebee, you have not done that since you were very little," Harry giggled, moving to sit back down on the edge of the bed so he could place Fionna on his thigh. He glanced up at Dr. Shell, however. "My Pumpkin is too big for Feenna to sit anywhere else..."

Dr. Shell motioned for me to sit down as well, and he moved the cart over so it was in front of us. With a cotton swab, he disinfected both of her tiny arms, and she stared down in awe at her damp arms afterwards, "Oooh..."

"Sorry, squirt," Dr. Shell murmured next as he gently took hold of her arm, despite the fact that her ears flattened and she tried to cringe back against Harry's belly. He aligned the yellow tool and quickly pressed down on it. She jolted immediately, bringing her arm up close to her chest and screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Beebee, beebee," Harry soothed, but his voice sounded strained. I felt slightly upset myself as Dr. Shell quickly repeated the same actions on her other arm and she began to wail loudly, trying to turn around and burrow her face into Harry. The older man was quick to start taking bottles of liquid, using a dropper in each one to place a single drop onto the tiny pinprick marks on Fionna's arms. Within less than a minute, he had placed a single allergen drop on each arm, somehow managing to line them back up in the same way they were placed so that he knew which pinprick had whatever allergen he had placed on it.

"I'm terribly sorry, Fionna, the worst is over now..."

"No!" she screeched, wiggling to burrow herself into Harry's side. "Nononono!"

Harry cuddled her close, swaying slightly with her as he hummed softly to our little baby, "Beebee..."

"Sing or talk to her so she'll calm down," Dr. Shell suggested. "It'll make this easier on all of us."

"Sing to her, Kitten," I told him softly. "I bet she'd relax faster if you sang to her."

Harry frowned, "Do not know any songs?"

"I'll make one up!" I grinned largely, leaning forward and thinking for a moment, then I touched my whimpering baby's back as I began to sing softly. "Daddy's got you, you don't need to cry... because you go to a special place, when you shut your eyes."

Harry looked awed, and Fionna sat up slightly to look at me, scrubbing at her eyes. Harry gently lifted her into a cradled position, starting to sing as well, "Close your lamb-lambs, go to the land of dreams.
The trees are made of sweeties, and the clouds are vanilla ice cream."

"You two are good at this," Dr. Shell mused.

However, I hushed him softly, motioning to Fionna. The tiny beebee's eyes had fluttered shut, and Harry cuddled her closer as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. She squeaked slightly, but her eyes didn't reopen, and her whimpers died down into deep puffs against Harry's neck. He smiled adoringly down at her, looking up to Dr. Shell, "Yes... this is much better than sad Feenna. I like my cuddly happy beebee."

"Unfortunately she probably shouldn't sleep," Dr. Shell sighed. "It might influence the tests."

Harry sighed, but he gently stroked at Fionna's cheek to make her eyes open. She jolted awake, gasping slightly, "Dahey!"

"Right here, beebee," I assured her. She squirmed in attempts to sit up, looking around in confusion, and I giggled slightly. "Did you already forget where you were Beanie Baby?"

"No," she murmured.

"That's good," I giggled, but she looked around confusedly still.

"So..." Lucca murmured. "While we're waiting, let's talk about your baby boy. Plan the due date and such, shall we?"

"Can," Harry nodded, and I grinned excitedly.

"So when do you think Pumpkin will be ready?" I asked. "Like... I'm so ready to hold him. Then again, we still have a lot of stuff to do... like my mum is still going to throw Harry a baby shower, we still need more baby supplies-"

"You still need a name," Dr. Shell laughed. "Unless you plan on naming your child Pumpkin Seed Tomlinson."

"No," Harry giggled. "That would be silly..."

"Have you considered anymore names since the last time I talked to you?" he asked.

"Harry said his middle name could be Edward!" I crowed.

"Yes," Harry agreed with a sigh. "First name can still be William, though."

"But I don't like my middle name," I frowned, reaching out and smoothing Fionna's mussed up curls down, and she reached for me. Pulling her into my lap, I kissed her forehead gently. "I do like my beebee's middle name though, even if it is like mine. Louise..."

Fionna beamed at me, gurgling happily, "Maow."

"Daddy's beebee Fionna Louise," I cooed to her.

"Ah," Dr. Shell nodded. "So you want the next baby to have something like Harry's name."

"Yeah!" I nodded.

"I'm sure you'll come up with a good enough name," he chuckled. "As for due dates... I was thinking perhaps April 17th? Harry will be at least thirty-six weeks... we could even do it a week earlier on the tenth to assure that Harry doesn't go into labor any sooner."

"Like with Fionna," I winced. "Talk about a terrifying experience, I was afraid she's already be in the birth canal and then... well, it would have been bad."

"Like April 17th," Harry nodded. "Means my baby will be ready then."

"I agree with Harry," I reached and gently touched the younger boy's tummy.

Dr. Shell grinned at that, "April 17th it is then!"

"That," Fionna crowed, and then we all looked to her so she could coo and lean back against my chest. Harry leaned forward to gently talk to her until Dr. Shell finally announced it was time to look at her tiny arms again.

She frowned at him as he gently took her arm in her hand, and Dr. Shell soothed, "Just looking this time little baby."

"No!" she screeched angrily at them, her ears flattening as she flailed around.

"Beebee," I soothed. "Daddy's beebee, hey..."

"No..." she whimpered, but she stilled, looking back at me sadly as Dr. Shell examined her arms.

"Well... it appears that she might be prone to a shellfish allergy," he murmured.

"Like Dada," I nodded. "Now it's a definite no shrimp."

"As for the other allergens... no sign of a reaction!" Dr. Shell grinned. "However, still take caution. Those are just the major reactions. If she shows signs of an allergic reaction... like a rash, or... like with the strawberry incident of course. Call me or bring her in. You have the epinephrine I gave you for her as well."

"Her little case is in the medicine cabinet with Harry's," I nodded. "And then I take one of each basically everywhere we go just in case..."

"Playing it safe," Dr. Shell patted my shoulder, and Fionna screeched at him.

"My!" she flailed at him, and I giggled.

"He knows, beebee," I stroked her curls. "I can't be his Daddy anyway. He's older than me. A lot older."

"Hey..." he warned, but then he motioned to Harry. "Get more comfortable on the bed, lad. Let's draw your blood to test the sugars."

"Um... you will hold my hand Louis?" he asked me nervously.

I smiled reassuringly at him, "Don't I always, baby Kitten?"

I snuck a quick peck to his lips before Dr. Shell moved a different cart in front of us, reaching for Harry's arm and tying a sort of tourniquet around his bicep. He disinfected the area, and Fionna leaned over almost as if she wanted to touch the cotton. I cuddled her close, however, using my free hand to entwine my fingers with Harry. He huffed nervously, closing his eyes as Dr. Shell prodded at his arm for his vein.

Like always, I focused on Harry's face and talked to him softly as he got his blood drawn instead of watching the dark red liquid fill out into the vial, "Did you know, Harry Tomlinson... that I love you with all my heart?"

"Love you, too, my Louis," he giggled.

Fionna wiggled in my grip, "Maow! Maow!"

"Think she wants her Maow," Harry announced, and finally Dr. Shell placed some gauze on Harry's arm and wrapped it tightly to stop the bleeding.

"I'll just start the test on these, then as soon as I have your results, you all are free to go!" Dr. Shell explained.

I gently pressed a kiss to Harry's lips, standing and stretching by lifting Fionna up above my head. She gave a squealing giggle, wiggling slightly in my arms before I quickly released my grip on her, only to catch her before she'd barely dropped a centimeter. However, she screamed loudly, practically cackling when I caught her again. Harry laughed loudly, his hands gently petting his tummy as he watched us lovingly.

Fionna and I scooped up her Maow before I playfully, but of course gently, deposited her on the bed so she'd roll around between Harry and I. Harry grinned reaching for my hand and moving it to the down and to the right of his belly button, "Kicking here..."

"I feel it!" I grinned largely, leaning over a gurgling Fionna to press my lips to Harry's tummy. "Hello baby boy..."

Dr. Shell brought over the sonogram images in a manila envelope, handing them to us, "Here you are."

"Beebee boy pictures!" Harry crowed, carefully opening them and looking at them happily. I grabbed Fionna so she wouldn't fall and wiggled around to face the direction Harry was facing, resting my head against his shoulder to look.

Just like on the ultrasound, our baby boy looked positively perfect. Maybe we were biased since we were his parents, and I already loved the little guy more than I loved myself, but he was undoubtedly one of the best things ever.

"Love him so much," Harry gurgled happily, tears spilling over and dripping down his cheeks.

Fionna screeched, looking horrified, and she crawled towards Harry whimpering, "Dadadadada-"

"It is okay, beebee," the younger lad sniffed, hugging Fionna gently as she crawled up between his legs. "I am just so happy! Your beebee brother... he is perfect like you!"

Dr. Shell chuckled, turning and examining a few things on the cart before turning around again, "And even better news, Harry's body is regulating his sugars normally, which means he isn't at risk for gestational diabetes. His blood pressure is fine, his blood sugars are fine... April 17th and you'll have yourself one healthy baby boy!"

"And Dada will be healthy, too?" I asked for assurance.

"It looks like it!" the man crowed.

I leaned over, once again nuzzle my face happily against Harry's belly, "I can't wait to hold my healthy beebee E!"

"Baby E?" Dr. Shell asked in confusion.

"Oh," I murmured. "Like... Edward. I don't know. We sometimes call Fionna our beebee Fee... and it just went along."

"But if Edward is Pumpkin's middle name, you'll need another name that starts with E for his first name," the older man tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Can end like Fionna's too?" Harry asked hopefully, suddenly very interested in the conversation.

"Maow?" Fionna held her stuffed kitty out to me, and I booped her nose before placing it back in her arms.

"Like... end in an a?" I asked confusedly.

Harry pursed his lips, "Does not have to... just want names to sound... alike?"

"So have an 'uh' sound to the end," Dr. Shell translated. "Like Nehemiah or something?"

"But with an E," I added. "Fee and E."

Harry squirmed excitedly, "I like it, what are E names! Need E names!"

"Um," I racked my brain. "Evan... Ethan... Edmund..."

"Edmund Edward, Louis?" Dr. Shell asked skeptically. "That has a horrible flow to it."

"Sorry Mr. Baby Name Maker," I mocked. "I hadn't started pairing it with his middle name yet."

Harry suddenly sat up straighter, a large grin spreading across his face, "Elijah? Can name him Elijah?"

My heart gave an unexpected flutter at the name, and I moved back to press my lips to Harry's tummy, whispering to our unborn baby boy, "Elijah Edward Tomlinson... oh my God, Harry, I love it so much..."

Harry nodded happily, stroking at my hair as he croaked, "Yeah! Yeah, is perfect for our beebee... Baby E Pumpkin!"

"That?" Fionna asked, and I sat up again to carefully move Fionna's hand to Harry's tummy.

"Feenna," I sniffled happily. "This is your beebee brother Elijah..."

"Oooh," Fionna said softly, and I helped her move her hands softly across Harry's tummy. 

"We love him and you very much," I told her gently, kissing her temple.

Dr. Shell chuckled, "Elijah Edward Tomlinson... now that has a nice flow. I like it."

"Elijah Edward Tomlinson," Harry whispered happily. "Already love you with all my heart, beebee boy."

And it was true. He wasn't born yet, we loved him so much already, and his name just made him seem all the more real.

[A/N2]: I LOVE FINNA. ALSO, ALL THE CREDIT FOR THE SONG LOUIS AND HARRY ARE SINGING UP THERE GOES TO PhilxDan! Go look at the youtube thing in the multimedia, it's fantastic! :D

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