colours of viridian | BOOK ON...

By Kate_Marr

9K 1K 200

First book in the 'JADED' series! ~"You taste..." He trailed off in the most seductive voice I had ever heard... More

I n t r o : coulours of viridian
P r o l o g u e
A b o v e
S t u b b o r n
C o n t r o l
H a u n t e d
P r e d a t o r
P r e y
W r o n g
C o n f l i c t e d
F a s c i n a t e d
C u r i o s i t y
e X p o s e d
H e a d a c h e
M a s t e r p i e c e
E x p l o s i o n
S e l f i s h
F r o z e n
V e n o m o u s
I r r e s i s t i b l e
B l o o d l u s t
K i s s
Q u e e n
K e n a d i a
B i t t e r
I n v i s i b l e
D i s a p p e a r i n g
P o n d
B u t t e r f l i e s
B e t r a y a l
R e g r e t
A n g u i s h
T r u s t
F r u s t r a t i o n
B e a u t i f u l
B i t e
H u n g e r
H e a r t a c h e
S t a y
D a r k n e s s
S u b m i s s i v e
W o r t h l e s s
A k a s h a
T e a s e
C a l m
I n t r u s i o n
S c a r e d
Y o u r s
S e c r e t s
W h i p l a s h
L o v e
B r a i n s t o r m : info overload
V a n i s h e d
D e s t r u c t i o n
A l i v e
R e v e n g e
D i s f i g u r e d
B i t t e r s w e e t
N u m b
N o t h i n g n e s s
P u r i f y
P o w e r
Q u o t e s : chapter favourites
Q u e s t i o n : quick authors note

F r i e n d s

133 19 5
By Kate_Marr

W a r n i n g : Very Graphic Scene Below!
S o n g : M a k e M e W a n n a D i e - T h e P r e t t y R e c k l e s s

C h a pt e r XX
M a k e n n a

"Makenna!" Stephanie huffed, throwing her skinny arms around me as soon as I sheepishly entered our room. "Don't you do that to me again. I know we're not the closest of friends, but you're still like a sister to me." She squeezed me as I felt myself smile a little bit from her worry, "You couldn't even call?" She pulled away, her emerald green eyes narrowed in concern and suspicion. "We've been roommates for a year now. I know you don't just leave for a few days without so much as a text...what's going on?"

My cheeks heated up as I thought of my confusing day with Viridian, "N-nothing." I stuttered pathetically, pulling off my dirtied clothing to dress more comfortably.

Her eyes inspected my face carefully, "Kenna... You're blushing." She began to grin, "It was a guy, wasn't it?" She sat down on the chair at her desk (she used it for her hair and make-up.) "Fess up. Who was it?"

"No! No...well, yeah. But it wasn't like that." I said quickly, over-enthusing the word as I tried to make it perfectly clear to her it was purely platonic -I was choosing to believe my little bloodlust of my own was just my bodies twisted way of coping with the fear.

Her lips curved up into another knowing smile. "Then why are you blushing? You were gone for three days; something must have happened." Steph tugged her hair up into an elastic.

I frowned, plopping down onto my bed exhaustedly, "No trust me. He's a jerk and super commanding..." And a vampire who wants to suck me dry. "There's nothing there but a mutual understanding."

"Sounds kinky," she winked, making me groan and fall farther into my bed. She straightened out her floral skirt, "Are you going to the pool party? You can come with me. I mean, unless you want to be alone and think about this awfully commanding male you've got hidden somewhere."

"You go, maybe I'll meet you there tonight." I rolled my eyes, turning on my side. My body was suddenly heavy and tired, like I hadn't slept in three days.

"I get it. You're too tired from your three day activities of...." She trailed off suggestively with a giggle. "I hope I see you there, Sarah and Amy miss you too." She wiggled her fingers in a goodbye gesture as she left out the door.

My eyes instantly shut as I fell into a peaceful darkness of nothingness.


I awakened to a cold and darkened room. I must have slept all the way into the night. My eyes strained, feeling my skin crawl with goosebumps. It didn't look like Steph was back yet as I made out her flat bed shape in the blackness. Groaning, I flipped over, reaching for the long nightstand between mine and Steph's beds. My hand grasped the little string of cold beads, pulling it to bring some light into my dark world.

But it didn't work. Frowning, I sat up, pulling my knees to my chin as I yawned myself awake. A shiver fell down my back as a cold gust of wind blew in from the window over the table. Why was it opened so wide? My eyes checked out the dark forest three stories down, just passed the tall black gate. It was chilling.

My skin was crawling and my stomach was turning anxiously. I had a bad feeling.

Viridian's words came into mind, telling me to not be alone. I didn't think to ask why, I was still too dazzled. Why didn't I listen to him?

I could feel my heart pounding violently in my chest as I looked into the darkness passed my bed. My breath caught in my throat as I heard a rustle sounding out somewhere.

"So jumpy, My Love." A familiar deep voice purred out of the blackness, sending icicles of fear rolling through my body before I could even muster up a scream.

My head begun to spin. Jagged pieces of memories coming to me in only sound: "You must have the sweetest smelling blood I've ever smelled, little girl.", "I will try not to drain you dry. I want to save you, my little living blood bag.", "None of those other girls are nearly as good as you, My little Kenna.", "So young, but so tasty.", "I will keep you safe. You're mine, little child.", "I will never tire of tasting the sweetness running through your veins.", "The older you get, my love, not only are you more beautiful, but your blood is tainted in all of the little sins you've committed throughout the years. It's delicious."

"I'm sorry, My Love. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" The voice shook me from the overwhelming memories.

I knew this man. I've known him almost all my life. But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't put a face to his soft, deadly voice. My eyes frantically looked around the room, trying to see where he was. I could feel him as if he had wrapped his cold arms around me and were squeezing the life out of me and strangling my neck with his frozen hands. I couldn't make a sound even if I wanted to.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He growled darkly just before I felt those same hands pin my arms down to the mattress. A pair of glowing silver eyes caught mine in the second it took him to pin me down and suddenly pierce my strained neck painfully with his two elongated fangs.

A scream erupted from deep inside of me, thrashing my legs under him as he chuckled amusedly, gurgling in my flowing red liquid as I felt the warmness stream down my neck, dampening everything around me. My eyes filled with angry tears as I kept trying to push him away. The longer his teeth were in me, the more the pain boiled inside of my veins. His large cold hands held my weakening body down easily, his teeth slicing and slashing into my skin repeatedly along my neck and shoulder, each time a little deeper, as if purposely doing it to cause me a great deal of unnecessary pain. My blood was quickly draining from my body from the many wounds as my screams turned into whimpers, my body growing drowsy and limp. I could feel my own blood start to block my air flow as he bit down into my jugular, making me cough up the bubbling blood. My heart began to slow in my chest, the adrenaline drained with my life essence. Everything was painful. My lungs screamed for more oxygen and my body cried from the venomous poison spreading throughout it.

He laughed, vibrating my tiny numb body. Cupping the side of my face with one of his hands, his lips suddenly pressed down onto mine; drinking and licking up the blood as it filled my throat and mouth in a mere second of him not drinking it from my neck.

"I'm sorry, My Love." He purred watching with his glowing intrigued eyes as my body twitched from the slow burning suffocation while the blood gurgled inside of my mouth, sputtering out of my lips, "It seems I may have gotten a little too carried away." He pushed back my bloodied strands of hair as my lungs began to fill up with the hot thick liquid; drowning me in my own blood.

Tears blurred my eyes as I watched him exhale loudly and release my dying body.

"It had been good, My Beautiful Kenna. But it seems as though our time has come to an end. I will deeply mourn that sweet blood of yours. Do believe me when I say I never wanted it to end."


So... Uh.... Did Kenna just die?
Well, Kate. I couldn't tell you because this literally just came out while I was writing. But let's see where it goes, shall we?

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