missing | gilinsky

By gilinskyshigh

222K 5.2K 902

Soon after Nadia Johnson's brother goes missing she meets a stranger who is determined to make his way into h... More



2.6K 64 5
By gilinskyshigh


"I don't know. Maybe I like him." 

I pop a french fry in my mouth to act as a filter before I say anything I might regret. Chewing slowly, I nod and swallow, then take a long sip from my water. 

We're sitting in the food court waiting for Sam and Gilinsky to get here from the tux rental place in the mall. Our dresses are packed in Hannah's car, which is conveniently parked next to Gilinsky's jeep. 

We've been waiting here for what seems like forever, so I figured it was the right time to bring up the whole Hannah taking Sam to prom thing. Apparently she might "like him". As if. 

I watch as she rolls her eyes and leans back further in her chair. "What?"

I shrug and decide to eat another fry. I'm not sure what to say to her because I can't tell her how I actually feel, I know it won't do us any good. 

There's no way she has a crush on Sammy. I may have thought that before New York but I know better now. I learned a lot of things from that city. If anything I know she wanted to go with Jack - so what's the problem?

"Spit it out. You're annoying when you're trying to stay quiet." 

I bite my lip and look around, wishing the guys would hurry up. I glance hurriedly down at my phone. Where are they? 

"You might not like it."

"I don't like half the things you say, that doesn't stop you from saying them." 

Shifting in my seat, I push my fries away so I'm not tempted. "I know you're lying to me." 

Hannah perks up at that, her eyes narrowing. I sigh. I knew she'd get mad, she hates when I accuse her of lying, but I don't get why it'd make her angry this time. We both know I'm right. 

"Where'd you get that idea from?"

I purse my lips at her and give her a knowing look. "Really, Hannah? We've been friends for how long and you think I can't tell when you're lying." 

She refuses to make eye contact with me, her vision focused on the table. "Things are complicated right now, Nadia."

"How do you mean?" 

Groaning, she grabs the fries from my tray and starts shoving heaps of them into her mouth. She didn't order any food, claimed she wasn't hungry - which was another thing she lied about. "It's just - I need to tell you something." 

"Okay..." I say, starting to grow a little weary. 

"Jack kissed me." 

My heart stops and for a moment I forget where I am. Jack? Jack as in Gilinsky or Jack as in my brother? I want to imagine it's the latter, but who I am to know? Hannah must see the horror in my eyes because she quickly specifies that she meant my brother. I sigh in relief. 

"The night before he left - well, morning, it was really early. Like two or three in the morning, I can't really remember." 

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, what?" 

"He came to my house kissed me then left and nothing ever happened after that. And now he's here again and he's just acting like nothing ever happened so I'm acting like nothing ever happened but I seriously can't take it anymore!" Hannah's eyes are blazing, and she won't stop shoving fries down her throat. 

I take a minute to process everything she's just told me. So I was right in the sense that I knew she liked him, but I had no idea something ever happened between them in the first place. I can't believe Jack would do something like that. He's not one to kiss and pretend nothing happened. 

Before Dad died Jack had girls all over him, and trust me, if he kissed one the game was over - he was sold. What's different now? But most importantly how does taking one of his best friends to prom going to change any of that?

"That still doesn't answer my question of why you're taking Sam to prom. Won't that make things worse?"

"Yes," she answers, then shakes her head. "No. I don't know! That's the whole thing. When Jack questioned Sammy's motive about it last night at dinner I sort of freaked and got mad and wanted to show off, so I went for it. I feel stupid now." 

"It's fine, Hannah, we can just tell Sam what's going on and-"

She cuts me off instantly. "No! We're not doing that. Jack doesn't even like me, I just wish I knew why he'd kissed me. I don't want things to be weird now. I'll go to prom with Sam, have a great time, and who knows maybe I will actually end up liking him instead." 

I frown at Hannah's plan, but if it were me in her shoes I'd probably do that same thing. "Are you sure?"

She nods. "Of course. Now hush up, they're here." 

I turn to the left and see that she's right. Gilinsky and Sam and walking towards us. Gilinsky has a look of relief on his face, he looks happy to see us. I can't help but smile. Sammy looks emotionless, like he couldn't care less where he was. 

Something's going on with him. Just like something was going on with Hannah. I've (sort of?) fixed that problem so maybe I can fix his. I just want him to go back to his normal self. He was fine at the airport when he first picked us up, but something changed from when we got to my house to now. I don't understand what it could be. 

"Hey, beautiful," Gilinsky murmurs once they reach our table. He leans over and kisses my jaw, giving me a lazy grin. I blush, sitting up to kiss his cheek. I've never felt like this with anyone. So...free. 

He pulls out the chair beside me and plops down. Sammy does the same and sits next to Hannah. He offers her a small smile, and she smiles back, but something is off. 

I clear my throat, snatching the fries back from Hannah. The trays almost empty now, but I figure the guys are hungry. "Want some?" I ask, picking one up and holding it out in front of Gilinsky.

I giggle as he bites the whole thing out of my hand, just missing my fingers. "Thanks." 

"Gross," I tease, wiping his saliva off the tips of my fingers. 

He winks at me. "You weren't saying that last night."

Another blush creeps up my neck. I slap him on the shoulder and laugh. "You disgust me." 

But really he doesn't. He makes me feel anything but disgusting. He makes me feel alive, and that's all I've ever wanted. 


sorry it's kind of shorter than usual, but since it's spring break I'm (hopefully) going to be updating a lot more, so don't worry. 

hope you liked it and sorry for any mistakes! don't forget to comment and vote if you'd like,

chapter 51 coming out soon!!! I think the prom chapter is going to be 52, so keep your eyes open!

- gilinskyshigh

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