
By JPGLayUnicornLove

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In a world where vampires exist, they were ruled by the DeClaire family. They were both respected and feared... More

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: Lost of a family member
Chapter 3: Someone is in love ...
Chapter 4:Meeting her again
Chapter 5: What's wrong with that Hyung?!
Chapter 6: I'm not alone anymore
Chapter 7: His suspicion are right...
Chapter 8: Sunhwa's trap, Kai's freedom
Chapter 9: The person I don't want to meet
Chapter 10: Kai's past, Demon's whisper
Chapter 11: Indirect Kiss, Weird voices
Chapter 12: Constant pain of the past
Chapter 13: Unexpected First meeting, Unexpected First kiss
Chapter 14: Kinda a first date
Chapter 15: Kai's dissapearance, Demonic aura
Chapter 16: Kai's pain, New power
Chapter 17: Parent Teacher Meeting
Chapter 18: Sehun's nightmare, Welcome Back
Chapter 19: A week?!
Chapter 20: How we found him, New Hairstyle
Chapter 21: Red moon
Chapter 22: We're Official
Chapter 23: Who is she??
Chapter 24: Red Eyes
Chapter 25: Shocking things
Chapter 26: The secret behind the council
Christmas Special
Chapter 27: Memories
Chapter 28: The truth behind the crest
Chapter 30: Unnamed Hybrid
Chapter 31: 1789
Chapter 32: I want answers
Chapter 33: Ouh Oh
Chapter 34: I have to tell them
Chapter 35: Luhan's Past
Chapter 36: True Love
Secrets and Facts about this Book
Chapter 37: Lay's Ultimate Creation
Chapter 37: It's Gone
Special Chapter: Roses are really red.
Chapter 38: Trust
Chapter 39: Fake
Chapter 40: Blood-Lust
Chapter 41: True colours
Chapter 42: For you
Chapter 43: LuLu?
Chapter 44: How the past be forgotten

Chapter 29: The secret behind those doors

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By JPGLayUnicornLove

Suho's pov:

The explosion is loud and clear. Soon, all we see smoke coming from the tower of the palace. Mira face is filled with fear. Soon, the guards collapsed as they coughed up blood. I need to get out of here.

What about Mira?

Unknowingly, I grabbed her hand and ran. I said to her," Everything is going to be okay. We need to get out of here."

Mira tighten her grip on my hand. I ran to where the mirror is. We usually use a mirror as a portal to the human world and here. Without it, we will be stuck here till the next Blood moon which is a really long time.

Just then, we bumped into the twins. Hibiki and Ren might have thought that we are the intruders as they pointed their swords at us. They lowered their weapons after they realise that it is us.

Mira asked," What happened?"

Hibiki looked down as Ren said," We have been attack by an unknown force."

Hibiki lifted up his head and said," More like a shadow. Vincent and Aurora are facing him off. We are tasked to go to the south tower and light the beacon to warn everyone to evacuate."

I asked," What about Alexander?"

They lowered their heads as tears flowed down their faces they both unisonly answered," He's dead."

Hibiki then continued," He died while."

Ren then finished his brother's sentence," Protecting us."

Soon, an army of, what it seems to be shadows behind us. I tched and said," Let's go."

The twins ran forward as I dragged Mira with me, not letting her hand go. Why are they attacking us? We had peace for a hundred years now. We have made peace with wolves, Spiritual phantasm and even witches. Maybe... I should have known. Demons...

We ran up to a tower and then hid in one of the rooms, which is actually Vincent's office . Hibiki and Ren looked down and smirked.

Hibiki said," Well I guess, Mira."

Ren then continued," Is enjoying herself."

They both pointed at our linked hands. I looked down and noticed that Mira is blushing like mad. I let go of her hand and said," Sorry."

I walked around as I looked around. I am so fascinated by the place. I am like a little child looking through a display glass of a toy shop. In all the years I have been walking through the halls of this place, this is my first time to actually step into this particular office.

I just then remembered what I asked a while ago. I looked over at the three council members. I looked particularly at Mira and said," You have not answered the question."

The twins are rather confused and rather curious of what I said. Mira sighed and said," He is asking about the lord."

By the way she said that, I guess it is true. I asked them," Who is it? The hidden ruler."

Mira looked down, averting any eye contact with me. However, the twins looked seriously at me. They said unisonly," Our apologies."

Ren then continued," We can't tell you."

Then, Hibiki continued," Even if we wanted to."

Mira then walked towards the shelves nearby Vincent's desk. She took out a book and said," We can't tell you. But this is all we can do to inform you about the lord."

Mira took a deep breath and said," All I can tell you is how I became a vampire."


27 August 1820

The world is a really nasty place. The world is filled with disgusting and selfish people. That is what my mother used to say. Kiriki Hitomi, my mother, is a woman with a special job. Her jobs requires us to be hidden and constantly running. That made us to move to certain places.

Well, This is what you expect from a mother who is a high class assassin. All these years, my mother has protected me from many bad people. She has also taught me a few skills so that I can survive on my own if we were to separate. We have moved to England from Japan. We have left the land of the rising sun to a much cold and unfamiliar atmosphere.

England has snow but it is different from Japan. Here, the snow is dirty, polluted in short. Back home, The snow flake is white, pure and shimmered at the presence of the sun. But here, the snow is nothing like that. I have seen the poverty of this place. People abandoned, alone, hunger, beaten.

I am too young and weak to help all of them. All I could do is to watch silently, as the light gray snow flakes fall down to the ground, like how my heart is whenever I see these people.

I reached home and took off my coat. I walked towards the table and saw a file. De Claire. It looks like my mother needs to 'visit' these people. Well, I might as well start packing. These people are very powerful. There might be people chasing my mother when this is over.

So I guess I have to get ready my things. Any wrong move, we might be killed. I looked at the 'reading' room or more like the weapon storage room.

I looked at the door. People my age would have a hobby or an interest. Other girls would like to paint or be able to play an instrument. However, I have done that in the earlier part of my life.

Girls would usually talk or even shop with their mothers. However, How I spent with my mother is a bit different. I only train. Like my mother, I have the urge to kill. Like an instinct, like a curse, like a blood lust.

Just then, I heard a thud behind me. I look around and saw my mother. She walked towards me and smile. She said softly," Pack your bags."

I answered," Where are we going?"

My mother's smile fade as she said," More like where are you going. I am sorry for everything. I am not the mother that deserve a daughter like you. You are really small for your age and you also inherit my killing blood lust. Now, hurry."

I am stunned. What is she saying? Me? Alone? She knows that I am incapable to be independent on my own. I can't even reach high places.

My mother pushed me and said sternly," Hurry!"

Something is wrong. Something is really wrong. I looked down and I finally noticed my mother's abdomen. It is bleeding. Her eyes shot wide open before collapse. Behind her is a man. I look upon the man's eyes.


Before I knew it, I am on the ground. All I see is red. Red. Usually people would think of apples or wine when it comes to red. For me, all I could think of is blood. Blood. Blood.

All I could hear is....

" Would you like a second chance to live?"

At this point, I don't know.

I looked up and saw a man. A man with golden hair. The man smiled and said," My name is Christopher DeClaire. My father sent me for your mother but I have something else for you. Come with me and serve the DeClaire family. Come and serve the royal vampire family as a creature of the night."

End of flashback......

" End.... That's all I can say."

So the name of this ruler is Christopher DeClaire. Interesting but yet creepy. I think I might have heard of the name before. He might one of my father's business associates. But then again, it is more than a hundred years and I have to admit that my memory back then is quite rusty.

Just then, I heard a loud sound which scared the hell out of me. But then, I soon to realise that it is only Ren. I glared at him and only find him to reply," Don't glare at me like that. I am not one of your little children that you call them members."

Hibiki only looked at his twin and said," Of all the things, Children? Most of them are taller than him."

They are lucky that they are higher ranking than me or they will face my wrath. Mira tried to calm things down," Now, Now. Let's not talk about height. I just want to know why Ren made that sound."

Ren looked over at the young lady and said," Well, I think I might know what they want."

Ren looked over at his brother. Hibiki knew what his brother is thinking. Hibiki sighed and said," I guess that could be it."

I am at lost here. What more secrets does this place need to hide?!

Kris' pov:

It has been almost two days since Suho left for the meeting. Weird. Not only that. I can't even get through the portal. I hope that he is okay. Just then, Xiumin hyung came and said," Don't worry. I am sure that he will be here in one piece."

Just then, the door opened and revealed Suho with all his clothes almost ripe off. Beside him is Mira and in Suho's arms is a young lady. Why is it that we have received woman guest recently.

I then soon realised that it is not any women. The one in Suho's arms. I thought that she is in total lock down. That woman. The Vampire hybrid.

I point at the woman and said," Who is that woman?"

Mira's pov:

My lord, Nice act. Just as you want to know, we had no choice. There is a high possibility that they are looking for her.

I looked at the both of them and said," The Council is destroyed. Alexander dead. I don't know where is the others and the twins, we got separated when we teleport back. The portal is unstable. We landed in Japan when we got here."

Suho sighed as he said," We have to walk here and Stop standing there and HELP ME CARRY THIS GIRL ?!"

Xiumin immediately took the girl away from Suho's arms as Suho stretched his back which produced a 'crack' sound. Kris then scratches his head and said," Well, You should have brought your passport."


Kris and Xiumin only looked at him with their eyes all widen. Xiumin then said," Kris this is your fault. Hey, I need to take this girl to Lay. So, See Ya."

With that, he took off. Suho only pant and his eyes showed anger. I rubbed his back gently and said," There, There. Kris is an idiot, that is the reason for him to say that."

With that, I got an intense glare from Kris. Suho only smiled at me as he stopped, well, being insanely angry.

Unknown pov:

Where am I??

What is this?

I opened my eyes and saw my brother laying down beside me. I reached out my hand tried to wake him up. Fortunately, he did.

He sat up and asked me," Hibiki, Where are we?"

I looked at behind and saw that place. The place where we are born. The place we stayed when we are still human. The place we used to call home. The place where we met him. They place where he killed them.

I stared at the abandoned building and said softly to my brother," Of all the places. Why here?"

I can feel my brother's cold icy hand on my shoulder. He sighed and said," I know. I am even surprised hat this place survived after all these decades."

Me and my brother hold hands as we entered the place. The creepy and cold atmosphere here made our instinct went haywire. To control it, our hair slowly turned black and our eyes glowed, which represents our true vampire mode.

We slowly reached down to our pockets for a card and standby in our fighting stance as we felt a third presence that is not suppose to be here.

Sehun's pov:

I walked around at the mansion. I sighed I was lonely, really lonely. I then stumbled upon an unknown tree. I turned around as someone walking towards me. The sun is too bright that I could bot get a clearer vision of his face. But I manage to get his main features as I soon to realised that the man is tall and blonde. He then sat beside me and gave me a red rose.

What am I? A girl?

I only stared at the rose, thinking of what the hell I am suppose to do with this. I then heard a familiar voice," You are just a boy. I can't believe that your uncle would do that to you."

I am startled by the familiar voice.

" You didn't tell your grandfather that you have meet me right?"

I am stunned. The voice is too familiar to me. It is as though I heard it everyday.

" It is good that you did not tell them about me."

Who is it? That alluring deep voice. Just to clarify people, I am not gay.

" Because they will kill you. I don't you to get hurt or to die."

Who are you? I then look up to get a look at the face of this familiar mystery man.

The light shadowed upon the tree and I saw his face. That voice, that face. It can't be. It is

" They will kill you knowing that the both of us are cousins."

Kris hyung.

I opened my eyes and gasped for air. I then realised that my arms are up in the air as though I am grabbing something in front of me. But then, I ended up grabbing Chen hyung's hand.

Chen hyung than looked at me in pain and said," You're breaking my hand. Let go!"

I tend loose the tension on my hands and let his hand go. He then rubbed his precious hand and muttered," This is what I get for carrying you up here."

I looked around my surroundings and I realised that I am back at home, in my room. Then, I asked the most obvious question," Why am I here?"

Chen hyung then answered," Well, Sunhwa called the others but they didn't bother to answer their phone. 
I was so happy when Sunhwa called me for the first time only to find that you collapse. I picked you up and bring you home and nurse you while the others minding their own business."

Somehow and surprisingly, I got what he said even though his explanation pace is faster than the Japan bullet train. I stood up but to only get stopped by Chen hyung. I smiled at him and said," I am fine. I just need some alone time to adjust myself. I felt weird.'

Chen hyung is no doctor so he did not know that what I said was merely an excuse to get out of this room. This might not work on Lay hyung but it did on this guy. As I said, Chen hyung is no doctor. Chen hyung loosen his grip and I head towards that basement. If you guys are wondering why is the house so quiet most of the time is because we spent cost of our time training, studying or working.

Unlike the rest, I was secluded to the outside world. However, I am not like Kai, who always make the place chaotic by making his escape attempts. I took the liberty to train myself. I reached to my destination. I saw Tao doing his usual wushu routine. Xiumin hyung and D.O hyung are weight lifting in the other room.

I walkes towards a two way mirror as I saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun through it. Their usual derpy faces are gone and replaced by serious ones. The atmosphere changed from funny and cheerful to intense as they do what they do best. Weaponry.

Chanyeol is checking out his new rifle as Baekhyun is doing his usual target practice and as per normal, his target score, perfect. I walked towards the other room beside it. I opened the door and on the lights. I changed to my gear, wear my boxing gloves and punch the punching bag, trying to get the frustrations out of my system.

Why is Kris hyung there?

I gave the punching bag the final blow which made the chains supporting it broke and collapse.

I pant for air even though I do not need it. But I am feeling confused.

Just who is the man I am living with? Who is Kris hyung really is?

That I need to find out.


Okayyyyy Chapter 29 doneeeee hahahha

I am back for the moment.....

I dont know if this pleases you but pls comment your thoughts and I will be right back with the next chapter. There is a reason that I have not been updating and the main reason is that I am piling up my a chapter so that i can update my stories easily even when I am busy with my examss....  and I am thinking that it will be unfair for you guys that I cant update for like 4 to 5 months just because of my demanding studies sooo I hope that you guys can understand. 

If you guys have and questions or anything you want to clarify pls write it down in the comments and I will reply youuu... and It has been a year that awakening has been up and I would like to thank all of you for your support and I want to tell you that Awakening is half way to the end even though there is a lot of mysteries in it. 

And soooo this is RIN signing offf




I am srsly loving this trailer. You guys should watch this. If you alr did, then watch it again.

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