The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara r...

By Vixenthief

53.9K 2K 308

After a year of searching for her clan and two years of living with the Mitsu village she found, she leaves a... More

The sequel has begun!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Special one shot chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Short A/N
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Recovery A/N
Chapter 32
Final A/N

Chapter 27

872 40 9
By Vixenthief

"Okay pups. I need to train you as much as I can starting today." She announced after tracking down her students. She hardly trained them before so they are far behind. "I want to see how good you are. I assume you have been training, right?" She eyes them while putting emphasis on the last word. Hara nodded sleepily, Ayame was currently jumping up and down since the moment she had appeared, and Kazuma snorts with Emi on his shoulder which makes him look cute instead of bratty.

Kaiya tosses up two bells and caught them in her hand. "Three bells. Not using dogs this time nor do we need two. Your teamwork potential has already been proven. So, come at me!" She shots, slamming her hand into the ground as black lighting bursts all around, blinding them. The three genin jump back into the foliage as she does the same on the opposite side.

Her ears twitch and turn, listening for any sound. She sniffed the air and felt the ground beneath her feet...... She relaxed her guard by a mere fraction right as a kunai grazed her cheek. Kaiya darted away again. Only one set of footsteps could be heard behind her. Who attacked alone? Her eyes widen and she skids to a stop, nose twitching. "Minefield. I almost ran into it." She crouched, looking at all the wires and paper bombs a fast moving target probably wouldn't notice.

She moved her hands quickly to form signs and ducked behind the tree, springing the first few bombs. The explosion drew in one of the three. Ayame. Her dark blue eyes widen and she covered her face. "Oh no! Sensei I.....I had no..... There's no way...." Her voice croaked like she was about to cry. The genjutsu wasn't that strong. It wasn't a pretty one either. She made the illusion of a fried corps with her charred clothes on it. "There's no way......I would fall for that. Come out come out wherever you are sensei." She sang.

That girl..... is kind of creepy. A high pitched bark sounded from behind her. Emi. Kaiya darted out only to be netted. The little wolf proceeded to chew on her foot with her puppy teeth. She huffed, looking up at the sky where three young faces hung over her. "Well..... Your team work has improved. Ayame actually took part in the attack. Very nice. Classic ambush and distraction." Haruka took the bells, passing them around while she spoke. Neither one was moving to untie her anytime soon. The little twerps. She sharpened her pointed nails with chakra and cut herself free. "It is a shame that I will not be able to properly train you. Do you all know your chakra natures?"

Kazu nodded his head. "I'm earth."

Haru yawned "Earth and water......" She tilted her head at that. "Kekkai genkai?" He nodded sleepily and walked to a bush, laying down by it. "Why does that make so much sense?"

"I bet he can make flowers." Aya giggled. "Oh and I am fire. Like an Uchiha oh and Sarutobi, oh oh and-" Kazu slapped a hand over his teammate's mouth. "No need to ramble out every clan name known for fire natures. We already know that you're an info junky." Kaiya chuckled at them and captured them into a tight hug. "My pups." She cooed. They squirmed, well more like Kazumi did, trying to get free.

The raven cracked an eye open and looked at the group. "Kaiya-sensei. Do the Mitsus have a set nature?"

"Not really. The Mitsu came from one being and didn't mingle with the other clans very much so our bloodline is pure. Of course there are those who find mates outside the clan and marry but the majority stay together. Especially after the genocide taking place thirteen years ago. We stuck close our pack ever since."

"One being?" Haruka looked strangely intrigued. So did her other students.

"Tsukimo. But we call her Luna. We worship her as a deity. That is the being our clan came from." Said goddess was chuckling pleasantly from within her mind. "Though I wonder where her origins began." This was directed towards Luna herself instead of being a rhetorical question. Kaiya yawned, flopping down onto her back beside Haru. Ayame laid down to, dragging reluctant Kazuma with her. The four of them formed a pile with Emi on top.

Eventually they all fell asleep together there in the training ground.


When she does wake, she finds herself in a wonderful dog pile. Best dog pile ever. Kazuma was snuggled up to her warmth as she hugged him, Haruka had his head resting on her thigh like a billow, Emi wormed herself into the nest that is her hair, and Ayame was sleeping the opposite way of her and Kazu with her head on Haruka's stomach. A shadow was standing over them and it was what woke her up. Actually it was the scent of lavender and the sound of breathing. Not a shadow.

"Hn? What is it Neji?" She grumbled, hugging the brunette genin tighter.

"I came to inform you that lady Tsunade has awoken." Such formal speech. Oh well. Gaara was nearly the same just not such a stickler around her. He always used fancy words here and there. Neji was Neji though. Nothing she can do about it. Instead she lifted her unstuck arm out. "Join us."

She laughed at his appalled face. Oh great. Now she was using big words. He just shakes his head, smirking at her nonsense. It was then that the whole group started showing up. "Geez Kaiya, we were looking everywhere for you." That would be Ion. Now she had a self-assigned mission. She WILL make this wonderful dog pile the most-greatest-awsomest-magical-wonderful dog pile that the Inuzukas would ever see, hell, the whole ninja world!

"Join usssss." She beckons her friends, grinning like a child. "It's really comfy see? So very comfortable on this sooooft soft grass. Oh yes, I think I might doze of while....." She lowers her eyelids and gives fake snores.

Naruto grinned and flopped down beside her and so did Lee. The others just looked at her like she was crazy. Maybe she was. There is a war coming, they needed this. "Oh. Shikamru, what lovely clouds I can see from here. Want to watch them with me? Ino, are you going to let this beautiful field feel worthless. It gives you pretty flowers doesn't it? Hinata, don't have Naruto be lonely over here. Its kinda cold so be his heater-" Cue heiress strategically fainting and landing right beside the blonde. "-I promise to pay for barbecue later. C-mon Sakura, I know you want to."

One by one the slowly eased into the pile. Kiba didn't even need convincing, he had no issue with napping with Akamaru as his blanket. She stared at TenTen, Neji, and Shino. TenTen shrugged and flopped grown over Lee. Probably spandex looked like a perfect cushion. "You want to be left out again Shino?" The Aburame immediately sat down. Sat down because he didn't want to crush any bugs.




"You are remarkably manipulative."

"And you joined us too Neji." He was leaning against TenTen .

"So it seems."

Kaiya enjoyed the silence of all of her friends. It's hard to believe that only four years ago she was petrified with the idea of meeting people. Kurenai and Azuma's team were the closest to her. They were her siblings in all but blood. Speaking of, the Nara made a wonderful footrest. Ino took to being a blanket. If only Asuma was here to tease about what she could have missed.

Kiba sat up, looking over at her. "You crying?"

"Of course not." She sniffs. "Just a bug in my eye. Shino, you do that?"

"Bugs do not fly into eyes. Why? Because that is stupid."

Kaiya growls and turns over on her back. The sky was darkening. "Hey. You guys want to start some fireworks?" She carefully got up to not move anyone. Seeing her marvelous masterpiece. Most of the boys were asleep. Hinata kept fainting every time she saw Naruto's face so close. 'I approve of this pairing.' Kaiya blinked in surprise at Luna's voice. She ignored it and went on to waking them up..... with a firework.

Once it popped loud in the sky, everyone jumped to their feet. "Fireworks!" Ayame squealed with joy. She gave a wink before both girls unrolled some scrolls and released the piles of stocked up colorful explosives.

"I'm not even going to ask what you kids are planning." A calm voice drawled. She turned to see Kakashi. Yes! More people the better. "Fireworks of course." Naruto shouted. "Kaiya, go get more people." Nice to know he was on the same page.

"Of course?" She heard the copy nin ask as she turned back to everyone who was now standing. "My genin! Spread the word of a barbecue party! All ninja who are willing are invited. Now go, this is A-rank priority!" Kakashi looked at her with a perplexed expression. "Did you plan this from the start?"

It didn't take long for the majority of  the Akamichi clan to swarm the field with grills and picnic blankets. Jounin and chunin, some genin too all came around. Inoichi and Shikaku came with their wives. Even Hiashi decided to show up alongside Hanabi. She spotted Izumo and Kotetsu coming up the hill. She ran over and tackled Izumo.

"Yo!" She looked up and saw Tsume and Hana along with Anko. "I'm going to guess this was your idea." The snake woman smirked. Kaiya hopped off the flustered gate guard and shrugged. "Yeah well...." She looked to the side with the Nara and Yamanaka heads came over. "There is a war starting. We need all the time we have left with our friends and family."

Inoichi placed a rough hand on the top of her head and smiled kindly. Shikaku nodded in agreement. "That is a splendid idea Kaiya." This made her blush slightly. She may like praise but this amount of attention was something she isn't used to.  She shook her head and grinned once more. Kaiya jumped onto a stump, cupping her hands around her mouth to amplify her call. "Alright everyone, hurry up and get your food. In a few moments the fire works will begin!" She waited with a materialized Lira and summoned Tomo. 

Once it looked like everyone was eating or displaying a plate of food, the three wolves let out a chorus of howls that echoed through the woods. The smarter groups took that as a signal while others looked at them curiously. A screaming flare of sparks shoot up into the stars before popping.

The sigh arouses a string of 'oohs' and 'ahs' from the crowd. Her genin go around handing out sparklers. Kaiya thought of things to say as the dull booms slowly die down. She had never been one for speeches. Sometimes there are moments where she is spurred on to say.... something. Kaiya taps the shoulders of each young Shionogi and they follow. Before the adults arrived, they had indulged her as she came up with something. As the older groups were distracted, they lined up according to age. The Konoha eleven made a single line behind the current genin.

Kaiya stood on another stump behind both lines. "Everyone?" She didn't need to raise her voice much. "There is a war. Take your time and savor these moments with your family and friends. The food from home and the familiar scenes. My generation is young and have never seen war before. But many of you have. I made a jump to jounin do to certain qualifications I met. It was just a promotion to me for a year or so before I knew of the true burden it holds. I have genin of my own. Ones I will leave behind and might never see again."

She looks down at the aforementioned kids. "I already care for them as if they were my own. Yet this is war and anything can happen. Ideally we will all return but that will not happen. No one knows who will die or not. These genin may not have a teacher anymore by the end. As my father, the third Hokage, taught me so long ago, was that we are all candles. Once the flame is lit, the fire won't go out." She lights her sparkler and holds it high. "Because the will of fire burns forever." The group in front of her lights up their own wands of fire and slowly every person had a flame.

Kaiya felt something warm swell up in her chest as the adults looked on approvingly at her.


Tsunade watched from the back while Shizune helped her stand. "You know..... She is a better student of Sarutobi sensei than any of us were." She rasped quietly. The orange and gold light reflecting off the wolf girl's eyes did nothing to hide the wisdom passed down to her by both her father and brother. The woman beside her chuckled. "I think she single handedly gained many clan heads approval. Who knows, she might be the Hokage instead of Naruto."

"Don't joke. There's no way she will steal that dream away from him."


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