My Market Sales Geek Marcel

By SunDanielle

612K 16.7K 3.7K

Perhaps Highschool is not all about bleachers, books, and boys. Maybe in the midst of it all you can figure o... More

My Market Sales Geek Marcel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Not a chapter, but Please Read!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not a chapter, but it's important so Please Read!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 16

12.1K 339 41
By SunDanielle

~Georgia's POV~

By the time Thanksgiving comes around, Marcel, hasn't gotten beaten up, we've finished our science project, I have all A's, and I can't stop thinking about Marcel. But there's one thing I haven't done, kissed Marcel. It just hasn't happened. And I don't know when it will. The right time I guess. I don't know.

Cameron and I are still "dating." I just can't seem to get away from him. I'm afraid he'll hurt Marcel, or even me if I break up with him. But I've decided, today, I will actually try to break up with him. Today, I'll see if I can end my nightmare of Cameron. Today, I might actually be able to be with Marcel.

I stand by the back door, and recap exactly what I'm going to say to Cameron. Every word I repeat, gives my stomach a sick knotting feeling, and I almost feel like throwing up. I've never been so nervous I my life. I'm so afraid Cameron is going to hurt me, and this time, Marcel won't be there to save me. I'm on my own on this one.

I unwillingly push open the doors, and step out onto grass, my feet dragging as I walk. The marching band is not practicing outside today, its just the football team, and the cheerleaders.

The rest of my team finally see's me arrive, and they immediately begin practicing, as if they have been practicing the whole time. I roll my eyes at them, and continue down the field, to the football players. One of the girls on my team shouts at me,"Hey Georgia, are you coming?" I don't even turn around as I answer, "Just give me a second."

I feel so vulnerable in my cheer leading outfit. Compared to the football players in big pads, and helmets. The thought of getting close to the lot of them, makes me squirm. I have frequent shivers, as I make my way over to Cameron, who is tossing the ball around with Macky Brady. Man I hate them both.

Cameron's nose has healed, but it is now a little shifted to the right. He hasn't talked about Marcel punching him. He hasn't even talked to me about Marcel since either. He's acted like it didn't even happened. And no one else has talked about it either, or else Cameron would beat them to a pulp. He has to keep up his popularity, and quota, so he doesn't speak of it. But last that I've heard of the situation, Cameron said he let Marcel punch him, just to make Marcel feel good. I find that to be a total lie.

I stop right in front of him, straightening my skirt, and keeping my eyes towards the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. I never thought I'd ever be so afraid of someone I call my boyfriend. But Cameron doesn't notice me. I fix my hair a little, then clear my throat. But he still doesn't even give me a glance. So I speak up, trying to act brave, but my voice is so shaky ,"C-Cameron. I need to speak to you." Cameron finally hears me, and he turns around. He lightens up and says,"Oh hey babe." Then he grabs my face again, kissing me hard.

I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of him using me just to impress people. I'm tired of feeling used. I just want Marcel.

Our lips part for just a moment, and I find this my only second to get anything out, so I whisper, trying to be kind, "Cameron, not right now, please. I really need to talk to you." I plead. Cameron grabs the back of my neck, with a chunk of my hair, and pulls me back. He studies me for a moment, while I strain my neck back, scared out of my mind. He nods his head finally and says, "Fine. Come over hear."

He leads me over to the football post, still holding my neck, then lets go, when he places me in front of him. I rub the back of my neck gingerly, pain growing where he grabbed my scalp. "What do you want to talk about?" he finally snaps, his eyes full of wonder. Oh please don't let me die.

I take in a deep breath, and look down. "Cameron," I begin, "The school year is almost at it's half way point, and I've been thinkin-" "What does this have to do with anything Georgia, I'm missing my game?" Cameron interrupts harshly. I look up at him, now serious, "Cameron, this is important, and I need you to listen, and to understand the best you can." Which you can't understand much, so I'll have to make this simple for you.

The words I'm trying to say, beat against my mouth, screaming to come out. But I just can't say them. I hear Marcel's words in the back of my head,"...the surprises have just begun." Just say it Georgia, end this misery and break up with Cameron, so you can be with Marcel. Just say it!

"I'm breaking up with you!" I finally blurt out, a little to exuberant than I intended.

Cameron swallows what I have just exclaimed in his face, and he blinks a few times, talking a step back. He shakes his head and asks quietly, "Wait what?"

I don't want to repeat it again, don't make me say it again.

"I'm breaking up with you." I echoe, my voice shaking.

Cameron whips his head towards me, his hands in fists, "You can't just break up with me Georgia! That's not how it goes, I break up with you, which I wouldn't..." his voice trails off in angry commands. He mumbles for a moment, then he looks back at me, his eyes angry. I feel like being a coward and rolling on the grass, crying, but I stand taller.

"You can't break up with me. And I said so, and I make the final decision." Cameron says, pointing his finger in my face.

I won't back down. Not for this. I built up my last drop of confidence, and shoot it out. "Well I've decided, and that's the way it goes. We're done Cameron."

Cameron grits his teeth extremely hard, and his anger all comes out. He whips out his hand, and slaps me again, his palm going straight to my eye. This is ten times harder than the last time he hit me.

I stumble backwards, clutching my cheek. I regain my balance, and tears threaten to fall down my cheeks. But I won't let them, not for Cameron. I make my way back over to Cameron and build up all the energy I can muster and say, "Cameron, we're done. I won't let you keep treating me like this. I don't care what on earth you have to say to me, we're through, and I'm never speaking to you again. And you'll never be able to use me again."

Cameron looks at me even more angry, but his frustration can't disguise the look of defeat in his eyes. He brings both his arms forward, and I flinch in fear, that he will this time hurt me more. He shoves me as hard as he can towards the ground, knocking my head on the hard earth.

"Fine Georgia! Fine! We're through. I never liked you anyway. Just get out of here!" he screams.

 My vision is a bit fuzzy from the impact of the ground, but I scramble to my feet, running as fast as I can to the doors. I whip open the doors, and lean against the lockers, trying to catch my breath. Trying to clear my head. But the thing is, even though I just got slapped, and shoved to the ground, I've never felt so relieved and happy in my life. Now Marcel and I can finally be together.

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