If Only You Knew.

By TheWanted_Fans2

15.1K 406 185

Megan and Jodie want nothing more than to be happy but things keep coming up that cause upset between them an... More

Part 1 - You ready?
Part 2 - Nando's.
Part 3 - Meet and greet.
Part 4 - Stay please?
Part 5 - I'm sorry.
Part 6 - What?
Part 7 - Wow.
Part 8 - Home.
Part 9 - The memories.
Part 10 - Uhh.
Part 11 - Questions, questions, questions...
Part 12 - Toby and Lizzie.
Part 13 - Er, I-I...
Part 14 - I'll miss you.
Part 15 - Wanted Wednesday.
Part 16 - LA baby.
Part 17 - Last day.
Part 18 - Home.
Part 19 - Heartbreak?
Part 20 - Dried tears and worry.
Part 21 - Weakness.
Part 22 - Bad dream.
Part 23 - Blame and guilt.
Part 24 - Wishes.
Part 25 - Regrets?
Part 26 - Broken.
Part 27 - Love and hate.
Part 28 - Surprise.
Part 29 - Plans and laughter.
Part 30 - The dinner.
Part 31 - Things change.
Part 32 - Laughs and memories.
Part 33 - Bets and plans.
Part 34 - Smiles all round.
Part 35 - O' happy days.
Part 37 - Secret planning.
Part 38 - A little bit... Intimate.
Part 39 - Agreements, arguments and plans.
Part 40 - Epliouge.

Part 36 - Rampage time.

157 9 6
By TheWanted_Fans2

*Jay’s POV*






“Get up” Megan giggled, hitting me with a pillow.

“Morning to you too princess”

“You called me that earlier when you were sleep talking”

“It’s your new nickname, wait what?”

“You talk in your sleep” Megan told me, giggling again.

“Erugh” I groaned letting my head hit the pillow.

“Get up McGuiness or else”

“Or else what?” I teased, winking.

“Or else I will be forced to eat you” Megan said, her face completely serious.

“Eat me?” I chuckled; Megan started to blush furiously before she ended up laughing hysterically. Max appeared in the doorway, a worried and confused look swept over his face. He looked between me and Megan before finally looking at me,

“Is she ok?” he asked, I shrugged and we both looked at the girl who had curled up into a ball, her arms clutching her sides as they hurt with tears streaming down her face as she continued to giggle.

“I’m not sure to be honest” I said after a few moments,

“What happened?”

“She said she’d eat me” I stated simply, Max shook his head, a rather amused look appearing on his face,

“She looks like she’s seen Tom try and do the floppy fish” and with this statement Max said, Megan let out another shriek of laughter and attempted to cough out the words ‘floppy fish’ between her laughs and gasps as she tried to recompose herself.

“I’m leaving” Max said quickly, I nodded and followed him out the room, but not before turning to Megan,

“See ya soon Princess” I chuckled; waving a goodbye and leaving the room, letting Megan breathe and calm down.

“She’s a weird one” Max commented as we walked down the stairs.

“You’re telling me” I replied, Max chuckling along with me this time as we could hear faint laughs from upstairs.

*Jodie’s POV*

“Where’s Megan?” I asked Jay as him and Max entered the living room.

“Upstairs, she was crying with laughter so we left her to calm down” Jay smiled, his eyes wandering up to the ceiling.

“Did you ask her?”

“Ask her what?” Jay questioned, obviously confused.

“For one, did you tell her you want her?” I asked,

“That sounded so sexual” Tom commented as he jumped onto the sofa, smirking.

“Shut it Thomas” I snapped, winking at the immature boy, “And two” I resumed, turning back to Jay, “Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?”

“No and no” Jay replied,

“Whyyyyy?” I whined, stomping my feet as I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Becaaaause” Jay mimicked, smirking.

“Oh ha ha, very funny” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, Nathan stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, making me instantly forget my bad mood with Jay and snuggle closer to my boyfriend.

“Cute” Megan’s voice rung out, I smiled at her,

“Oi, you, I want details” I winked, Megan shook her head at me and smiled back,

“Details? Ok, Jay decided to throw water all over me when I got there so my makeup and hair was ruined then he made me run to catch up with him and my top got caught so all the lace is ruined, and then on the way home I took my heels off because my feet were hurting and then Jay took them off me and chucked them in the bush thinking he was funny... all because he was drunk, he’d consumed so much alcohol before I had arrived, I doubt he even remembers last night” Megan told me, my smile faltered, my anger rose, my fists clenched and unclenched as I bit down on my lip so hard it was most probably bleeding but my foul mood with McGuiness was back.

“McGuiness!” I shouted, Jay rushed in from the kitchen, a concerned look over his face. “Are you stupid?”


“I asked if you were stupid but apparently you can’t even understand that, dumb ass” I replied back, narrowing my eyes at the boy, Jay looked desperately at Megan for help as she stood there, her face wiped from emotion, her eyes trained on Jay. Jay was still looking around desperately for some sort of reason for my angry outburst at him.

“Last night” Megan muttered, Jay stopped and looked at her,

“Why’s she angry then?”

*Nathan’s POV*

I could feel the waves of rage radiate off Jodie’s figure as she stood, back to me, her eyes most probably narrowed at Jay like a hawk ready to catch it’s prey. Jodie obviously hadn’t caught the corner of Megan’s mouth twitching into a smile as the dramatic scene unfolded; I smirked, knowing that this would be hilarious.

“You ruined her makeup, ripped her top, threw her shoes into a bush which resulted in her having to walk home bare feet all because you were drunk?” Jodie shouted, my hands rested on Jodie’s shoulders as I started to rub them in an attempt to calm her down before she made a fool of herself, but on top of trying to calm Jodie down, I was trying to keep my body from shaking with laughter. I could see Tom holding his phone and he was most probably recording it. Max and Siva sat either side of Tom, small smiles also apparent on their faces too.


“Do you even remember last night?” Jodie interrupted; Tom was now smirking as his shoulders shook with his light laughter. “God dammit Jay. I’m going to kill you!” Jodie shouted one more time, Jay realised that she was on a rampage as I gestured with one of my hands for him to run before she does attack him. He nodded rather secretively and ran for the stairs, Megan watched him leave with the rest of us moments before we realised Jodie had chased him upstairs.

“MCGUINESS OPEN THE DOOR AND FACE THE MUSIC PRETTY BOY” Jodie shouted, me, Tom, Max, Siva and Megan all raced upstairs and stood at the top of the staircase, watching the dramatic scene unfold in front of us. Tom was the first to crack and actually fell to the floor, struggling to breathe as his laughter filled the upstairs hallway. Max followed Tom’s breakdown and I soon after, Megan then started laughing which made Jodie turn around in annoyance.

“I can’t breathe” Siva gasped, trying to regain his breath.

“What’s so funny?”

“I lied” Megan started, Jodie turned around and started hammering on Jay’s door before stopping and turning back to us,

“You lied?” She repeated,

“Yes. It was perfect Jodie” Megan giggled, Jodie then didn’t look so angry towards Jay, but towards Megan.

“Megan you little shit” Jodie shouted, pushing past us and chasing Megan as she ran down the stairs.

“Jay you’re safe now” Siva shouted, Jay’s door creaked open but there was no figure standing behind it, Siva walked in there to get him out, only laughing when we could hear Jodie’s shouts from downstairs that were directed at a cheeky friend of hers.

“Guys, move!” Megan shrieked, her laughter filling the staircase as she raced up them, Jodie hot on her tail.

“Sivaaaa!” Megan shouted as she ran behind him, Siva stepped out the room and the door slammed shut just before Jodie managed to barge in there and rip Megan’s eye balls out of their sockets.

“Dammit Jay, sit behind the door before she kills me!” We heard Megan shout, Jodie stopped and kicked the door a few times for good measures before turning on her heel and walking off, leaving the other four of us, gasping for air as we struggled to contain our laughter.

*Megan’s POV*

“What did you tell Jodie to make her go off on one?” Jay demanded, still looking terrified after his little run in with Jodie.

“Only that you tipped water all over me and ruined my hair and makeup before making me run which whilst running I ruined my top and then when I took my heels off you chucked them in a bush because you were drunk. Oh, I also told her that you were drunk before I arrived and that you probably didn’t even remember last night.” I stated casually, as if that was a normal occurrence.

“You did what? No wonder she went on a rampage!” Jay exclaimed, thrashing his hands around.

“Get over it McGuiness” I giggled, “I’m not going back down there for a while yet, she’ll most probably kill me”

“Well you told her that I basically took you out on the crappiest date known to mankind when it was all lies; no wonder she’s going to be mad! I nearly lost my balls because of you!”

“Sorry sir!” I smirked; Jay chuckled and looked around,

“How about we watch a film?” I nodded and Jay put The Proposal in, my favourite film of all time. Ryan Reynolds popped up on the screen and I think I must of drooled or dribbled because Jay was staring at me like I had two heads.


“Obsessive freak” Jay commented.

“Only because you wish I fantasised about you McGuiness”

“You do”

“You wish”

“Don’t need to wish”

“How comes?”

“Because you’re my Princess and I know you lay in your bed, looking down at the ground too far below you, waiting for Prince McGuiness to come and save you from the wretched tower your evil step mother locked you away in years ago.”

“Wow, Jay. You have some weird dreams”

“Only about you Princess”

“Will you stop calling me princess?”

“No because you keep calling me McGuiness”

“Shut up” I muttered, falling into Jay’s arms as we lay in bed watching the best movie ever to be produced.


We're nearing the end guys! Sad moments:( But on the up side, I have started another Nathan Sykes story which is called 'Trapped In Love' I'd really like it if some of you went ahead and read it, it'd mean the world to me as I've worked hard on the storyline so far and I really hope you guys like it.

Chapter 36 dedication goes to @chelseylea, she has read pretty much all the way through including voting for every chapter even though we're not close, just her comments on this story has helped me carry on this fanfic so I'm really happy about that!

So the romance is budding between Jay and Megan but do you reckon they'll get together? As always, read, comment and vote!



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