stealing hearts // niall horan

Oleh goodlouisvibes

103K 2.3K 265

Allison is definitely torn around the edges. Allison. Just Allison. No last name, no middle. Her town calls h... Lebih Banyak

Stealing Hearts (Niall Horan)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Ed Sheeran One Shot: Give Me Love
Bomb In A Birdcage

Chapter 20

3.1K 69 10
Oleh goodlouisvibes

Stealing Hearts 7/12/13

Chapter 20 (3308 words!)

Author’s POV






It was around five thirty when Paul Higgins got the call. He was just having a dream about how nice it would be if Allison could come on tour with One Direction. He rubs his face picking up the phone as if he had been awake.

“Hello?” He asks, curiosity on who the hell was calling him this early. He didn’t even bother checking the caller I.D thinking that it would either be one of the boys, Simon, or his wife.

“Is this Mr. Paul Higgins?” A soft voice cracks through the receiver. Paul pulls the phone away from his ear checking to see who is calling. St. Mary’s Hospital showed up on the screen, the same hospital that Allison and her sister, Ashley, happened to be staying at.

“Yes this is he. How can I help you?” He asks getting a little worried. Allison said she would call if she was in unbearable pain.

“This is St. Mary’s Hospital, I’ve been told to call you regarding, urm Allison Carter?” His eyes go wide jumping out of the bed getting dressed in his day clothes. Doesn’t matter what has happen he is going down there to the hospital.

“What has happen?” Nerves run through his body, thoughts running through his mind miles and hour.

“Well, you see….” The lady says leading off the sentence.

“C’mon, what happened?” He states getting angry with the woman. He pulls the shirt over his head, sliding it into place. He pulls up his pants in a hurry buttoning them up.

“She’s been kidnapped.” Paul stops what he’s doing, and just stands there wide eyed in shock. He drops the phone to the floor making it disconnect from the woman. He grabs the phone off the floor, the car keys and runs out the door. He runs to the elevator in a hurry ignoring how he really should tell Niall about what’s happening.

By the time he gets to the hospital, his stomach has grown in his throat. Police cars surround the hospital in hopes to search for some sort of clue. Police dogs were in the wood sniffing for some kind of sent. Paul runs to the hospital doors, which happened to be guarded by two officers.

“Name and reason you’re here?” One guards asks with no emotion what so ever.

“Paul Higgins, I was called her on the behalf of Allison Carter.” The guards look up once her name is said. They let the broken man through letting another officer take him up to the first floor where her room is.

“Paul!” Ashley screams down the hallway. She runs straight into his arms, letting Paul engulf her into the hug. People passing gave her the same pity looks she’s been receiving all morning. Her eyes were blood shot, with tears constantly streaming down her face.

“They took her Paul. They said they would never come back but they did! They took my baby sister! Did you know that Paul? He tells everyone that I’m the younger one because she doesn’t want anyone treating her as if she’s a small child. I was born nine minutes before her.” Ashley croaked out in pain. Allison has always looked after her through everything. There was never anything the Allison missed if it involved Ashley. Every surgery, Chemo! Allison was the one who got the money for her tumor removal. Even if it wasn’t a severe tumor that needed to be removed at that moment, it was still there. It wasn’t anymore thanks to Allison. Allison could’ve gone to jail, prison, but she still stole because it raised the money for her removal.

“Who Ashley?” Paul looked down at the broken girl. None stop tears ran from her eyes down her face dripping onto the dirty white tiled floor. Some people passed not giving them the slightest look while others dripping with too much pity. Paul was tired of all the glances they got. He walked Ashley into an unoccupied sitting her down on the bed. The girl wipes the tears with the back of her hands, like Allison had always told her to incase there was something on her fingers that might get into her eyes.

“My ex-parents.” Paul’s mouth dropped to the floor in shock. He remembers Allison telling him how awful they had been when they left. He never thought something like this would happen though. Just the thought about how someone’s own mother and father doing this made him cringe.

“She’ll be okay Ash-“

“Allison isn’t really that strong Paul! She hides it under all the skateboarding and stealing shit! I’ve known her all my life; she takes care of other people before herself. All the cussing and badass stuff is just a way to hide everything. She hasn’t cried in three and half years until you all came along. Not because she says crying is weak, oh no! Quite the opposite actually. She says crying shows that you have emotion and she doesn’t want anyone taking advantage of her emotions. My parents ruined her. She was once always full of happiness and joy. Now? She’s full of determination and set on saving me.” Her voice is full of emotion ready for people to get real and find her sister. Her eyes gloss over with unleashed tears. A smile frown has firmly sketch its way onto her face staying there until Allison changes it. The bags under her eyes show the stress and exhaustion she’s been facing.

“Ashley. I know this is tough but you need to go to sleep. You should even be walking and moving around the way you are. Sleep. She nods lying down on the empty bed. She curls herself into an small ball shutting her eyes closed. Paul walks out the room telling one of the nurses that Ashley was asleep in there.

“Paul!” The nurse that he has seen Allison with a lot came running up to him. The nurse had faded brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail. She wore blue scrubs that ironically complemented her blue eyes.

“I’m Cathy, I’ve basically taken care of the girls since their parents went to hell.” Paul remembers Allison always talking about a girl named Cathy when she was with him. The nurse had red eyes from crying. Her makeup was slightly ruined but you can only tell if you looked closely.

“Can you explain to me what has fully happen?” He asks finally ready to help find Allison.


The sun shined through the white curtains right onto his face. It was nice waking up to the sunshine instead of rain. Even though he loved England and Ireland, he wished it didn’t rain so much. One reason why he loved coming to America, the sun was almost always shining. He wished America was closer together like England is so he wouldn’t have to travel as far for everything. He could travel from London to Scotland and back half way in about six hours, while it might take six hours to cross one state alone. He gets out of bed letting his joints crack into position getting rid of the air bubbles in his bones. He looks over at the clock wondering what time it was and how long he had to go until seeing Allison. That girl has captivated his mind since the first time he saw her. Her brown hair long and carefree if that’s even possible. Her grey eyes are strong but will always have a dash of bright blue sparkling in the sunlight. Everything she wore hugged her body in the right way. She is one of those people who needed fixed and loving, if only she would let me completely in.

“Niall mate you ready yet? Andy is taking us to the recording studio in about ten minutes. Are you even awake Niall? Niall! NIALL!”  Liam shouts through the door giving it a slight bang. Liam always made sure everyone was up and ready, even though every time they still had to rush to get to places.

“M’ up! Damnit, calm your ball sack!” Niall yells back grinning from ear to ear. He could practically feel Liam roll his eyes. Niall skips to the bathroom after throwing on his clothes, trying to make his Quiff perfect. The Irish boy runs out the door, grabbing his phone and wallet, and heads towards the elevator ready to face the screaming girls. The other lads are already waiting down in the lobby with Andy and Preston.

“Where’s Paul at?” Zayn asks realizing that the manger is missing. The other boys feel the need to look around them searching for their bodyguard. Preston and Andy share a look that go missed by the boys.

“He’s already up at the studio.” Andy claims giving the boys a shove out the door. Ear piercing screams let loose as soon as the girls see One Direction. The boys’ send out smiles and waves even winking at a few of the girls making them scream louder. As the got closer to the van, Niall noticed a girl who was letting out an ear-piercing scream like the others. She held a newspaper from today. It was something about St. Mary’s Hospital but Niall didn’t get a chance to read it. Liam dragged him into the van making him sit down. The girl had a nervous expression on her face. It soon turned to worry, taking down off the street. She held desperate on her face as if she knew something he didn’t. He’ll look it up after recording he tells himself.

*Parents before kidnapping*

Shelby paced back in forth in the office of the mansion they bought. Chris, her husband, sat in one of the couches watching his wife worry about money.

“Listen Chris. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what I would do.” She says bringing on the fake tears the her husband can’t stand. She’s the kind of women who must always look pretty and at her best. She must have to money. She planned on dropping her kids after high school but when Ashley, that money steal as she calls her, got cancer her dreams were almost smashed. She then planned on sneaking out in the middle of the night to lead her husband and herself to the Grand Caymans Islands. They were known for really good casinos. It hurt when she left 30 grand for the money stealer but she planned on getting more.

And it worked.

She slept with the Casino owner, letting him rig a bunch of games for her. She won three million total. She blew by the money faster then a girl and chocolate. Yachts’, houses, Jet Ski’s, you name it. Even worse, it didn’t stop there. She slept with the millionaire around the island gaining money from them. She had at least three Rolex watches, and more then fifteen black diamond necklaces because that’s what is big over there. Her husband was hurt. His heart was broken as soon as they left their two children on their own. He really shouldn’t have left, but he really loved his wife at the time. Call him mental, most people do. He just couldn’t break up with the woman. No matter how many times she’s cheated on him. He ignores the pain saying it’s for their own good.

Yeah right.


They were soon down to their last half a million. They were illegal residents’ in the Caymans since there three month visa expired almost three years ago. Chris doesn’t know how they haven’t been caught; maybe she’s sleeping with the mayor. He brushes off the thought and continues shopping around in the newly built shopping mall. They passed a couple of girls that surround another girl that said she went to America and saw One Direction. Even then, the two adults make their way to a fancy lunch place, only to order lettuce. The same girl, with her group of friends walk in the restaurant. Shelby was shocked they were letting in such girls, breaking the dress code. They sit them down beside the two adults.

“You should’ve seen them. They are so much better looking in person. And they had a teenage girl with them! She was so pretty, just something a little off about her. She claims that there’s nothing going on between them but I know love when I see it.” She claims giving her friends a look they all know.

“How do you know she’s not just going for their money?” A friend questions. This caught the attention of the two adults. The slow down their eating as they listen to the girl talk about this ‘One Direction’. Shelby hoped that they would give a little more information about where she was and mostly about the money.

“That’s just it. I know I really shouldn’t have but I followed her the same day. She walked right into the hospital like she belonged there. It was really weird. No one batted an eyelash. What bugs me is that she said her name is Gray, but when she greeted the Nurses, they all either called her Allison or Gray. Then she walks into a room so casually and greets the person lying on the bed. And it was like her twin or some shit. It was weird! I feel like a stalker now. At least I wasn’t the only one doing it either. Paul Higgins the bodyguard of One Direction was also following her.” The girls stared wide-eyed at their friend. Shelby and Chris share a knowing look, throwing money down on the table walking back to their pent house.

“Chris, do you know what this means?” His wife asked with an evil glint in her eyes.

“Were going home.”

**Parents leading up to kidnapping**

“They will want her back Chris! Don’t you get it? They will do anything to get her back, which includes money. Money money money!” Chris gave his wife a mental look ignoring the way she grinned about the money.

“We’ll get her back. Kidnap her that’s right! Even better, she’s in the hospital with broken bones and shit. Easier to grab her. Heard she’s a fighter, because she did get those broken bones from fighting a burglar. So we’ll do it tonight! Let’s go get the stuff honey.” The wife sneered at her husband with glaring eyes. He nods going along with his wife wonder if his daughter is actually okay.

It was twelve o’clock at night, and the two parents make their way through the back door of the hospital. They read online that Allison was on the first floor. One Direction member Niall Horan was devastated when he heard the news. This made Shelby look up which member of the band he is.



Blond hair.

Loves food.


Those were the main facts she got from most of the One Direction websites.  He’s kind, that’s always good. She tells herself walking up the stairs silently. The door to the first floor was coincidently open already. She walks on through navigating through the dim hallway. A nurse was doing some nurse thing on the computer, but she had the client list next to her. The two kidnappers sneak back to a closet hopping that they would find some sort of clothing to wear.



There were green scrubs ready for them both. They walk back out to the nurse ready to make up some excuse on why they needed to check up on this one patient. To their luck she wasn’t even there. Chris grabs the sheet quickly looking through to find the name he’s looking for.

Carter, Allison – room 193

The surprisingly went unnoticed as they wheel out a drugged out Allison to a waiting car. Chris picks her up, placing her in the trunk of the black Ford Explorer.    The dealership had stuck a ford sticker on the back out the car without the couples knowing. Shelby had a dog cage set up so she couldn’t jump over the sits. Not like Allison could anyways. They arrive to the new-pent house they are renting at the Ritz Carlton hotel. They plan to move her back to the Grand Caymans when they send out the ransom letter. Chris carries Allison in the elevator and waits until the reach the pent house. It was a large openly space inside, a huge TV in the living room. There were plenty of rooms in the pent house. Shelby decided that Allison would go on the end of the same hallway they were at. She ridged the room so it looks on the outside in. Also, she had a camera set up in the corner of the room so she could monitor her daughter. Chris places his daughter on the floor softly considering they had everything else that was in the room removed. Shelby looks at him with disgust before walking over to the girl, and slapping her right in the face.

“Show no mercy.”

Shelby turns to look at her husband, who has delicately made the ransom note to the Irish member of One Direction. Who happened to be a couple floors below them.



Niall Horan,


Thought that we’d let you know that we have your precious Allison May Carter. She won’t be hurt, for now. Want her back alive? Five million dollars by the end of this month. Remember, we’ll be watching. Tick tock.




Somebody You Hate


Niall just arrived back from recording and was more than tired. His lungs ached from singing, but his fingers ached more from playing the guitar. The other members of One Direction move sluggishly up to their hotel room ready for bed. Niall thought about just giving Allison a call since he couldn’t make it in to the hospital today. He soon remember to Google St. Mary’s and see what the girl wanted him to see. He pulls up his phone deciding he’s going to call Allison first. Niall frowns when he gets her answering box voice. He decides to call Paul, finally realizing he hasn’t seen him all day. He rings up Paul who answers on the second ring.

“Hello?” He croaks out, voice sore from crying.

“Paul! I was wondering if I could talk to Allison? She didn’t answer the phone when I called. Wanted to apologize for not making it to the hospital.” Paul sucks in a deep breath trying his hardest not to burst back into tears. He had just heard the doctors tell Ashley that if Allison’s ribs get worse than, it could cause internal bleeding.

“I’m sorry Niall Allison-“

“She’s asleep isn’t she? Well that’s okay, I’ll come by tomorrow and see-“

“No Niall. Listen. Allison was kidnapped last night by her parents.” Niall sucked in a breath feeling his heart pound his chest. His stomach was in his throat, afraid to even open his mouth.

“Niall if you see her or find anything-“ Someone started to knock on the door. This made Niall’s tears run down his face. He holds the phone by his ear, opening the door to be greeted by Louis.

“Hey mate, this letter was dropped off at the door for you. Hey? Niall you okay?” He questions deep in concern. Niall ignores him carefully opening the letter. When he reads it, he drops it onto the floor along with the phone.

“Niall what did it say?” Louis asks full of worry. Tears run down his face, and his heart is full of pain. Louis gasp as he reads the letter. He picks up the phone, looking at the caller I.D.

“Paul thank god! Niall he- no we got- No just listen.” Louis makes sure Paul is full on listening before continuing.

“We got a ransom note for Allison.” 

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