The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara r...

By Vixenthief

53.9K 2K 308

After a year of searching for her clan and two years of living with the Mitsu village she found, she leaves a... More

The sequel has begun!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Special one shot chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Short A/N
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Recovery A/N
Chapter 32
Final A/N

Chapter 24

980 38 1
By Vixenthief

"Your eyes are still as they were in the past. I have come to realize making vengeance one's bread of life does not resolve anything. It's not to late for you. Don't withdraw into your own world obsessed with hatred for you won't be able to return." Kaiya understood the meaning. He was giving Sasuke a chance on the behalf of Naruto.

"So? If I were to return, what is there for me?"

Kankuro turned to look at his brother. "Forget it Gaara. Naruto already failed to convince him, he's a criminal, fallen to the level of the Akatsuki. He's not like you.

Temari adjusted her fan. "Plus the Raikqge and others harmed by the Akatsuki won't stay silent. After attacking the five kage summit, he's wanted internationally. Just face it. This guy has no future."

Gaara continues anyway. "Sasuke. You and I are quite alike. We both walked through the darkness of this world. So your eyes, may they even pick up the faintest glimmer of light, in the past or even at this moment...."

"I shut my eyes a long time ago. The things I seek now lie only in darkness." He states, that crazed smirk lifting his lips.

Gaara's seafoam eyes became shadowed with the faintest bit of sorrow before they closed. Kankuro noticed also. "Gaara, you're the Kazekage. Don't let your feelings interfere." Sand began floating out of his gourd. "Yes....." He opens his eyes. Then something she never seen before happened. From his left eye, a tear fell. "....I know."

Her anger bursts immediately. Nobody, nobody, makes Gaara cry. The black lightning sparked around her body. Kankuro and Temari draw there weapons when the sand was ready. The puppet master cringed. "Oh boy....Kaiya's pissed." The ametarasu tries to reach Gaara but the sand kept blocking.

"You block my inferno style well, I'm impressed." Sasuke smirks, his tone mocking. His Susana making him hover. "Your ultimate defense is in good shape." Kaiya growled but was blocked by a arm clad in red.

"Do not attack"

"Tch, fine."

Darui runs over while making hand signs. "I'll join you sand guys. The first strike's mine and then you can follow me." She looks over to see that the blonde guy had started to finish healing Black kage now that he was able. "Gale style, lazor circus!"

"Secret technique, puppet triad!"

"Cyclone scythe jutsu!"

"Shadow thunder slash!"

"Sand showers barrage."

Lighting, black lightning, poisoned kunai, and wind all shot forward to attack the Uchiha. The explosion shakes the whole building around them. The smoke cloud clears but through it she can already see the massive outline of a fully formed skeleton with horns. "Gaara. I got an ultimate defense even greater than yours."

Gaara's eyes narrow at this newly revealed ability. "The power....of darkness."

"The power only those who've awakened the mongyeko sharingan in both eyes can achieve. This is the third power, the Susano!"

"Susana...unreal." Gaara mutters.

Kankuro narrows his eyes. "Sasuke, he always has something else hidden up his sleeve, every time." The Uchiha give a crazed lopsided grin. The blonde guy, Cee, caught on to what would happen. "Darui! You sand folk! Get back!" Gaara shields everyone as Sasuke cracks his neck. The skeleton swung a purple flaming sword towards them. It took out all the pillars.

Kaiya grits her teeth when realizing what he was up to. "Not good. Wolf god transformation!" After shift into the massive canine, she used her body to shield most of the samurai that would fall victim to the falling chunks of roof. She growled from the pain when some hit her back directly on her spine or dead.

After a minute, the raikage broke out and Gaara removed the boulder his sand protected the others from. "Kaiya? Are you alright." She blinked through the haze of red as she shook off her own burdens. The samurai beneath her looked up. "Thank you."

Her jaw opens, her voice coming out loud since her size increased. "Don't mention it. I'm fine Gaara, just a sore back is all." Suddenly she collapsed on her side, shifting back at the same time. "Damn....I might have hit my head to hard also."

Temari saw blood trickle down the she-wolf's face. "You need to get a medic."

"I'm fine. More importantly, Sasuke escaped." They all departed, running back to the meeting room. On the way they encountered Zetsu spawns but easily destroyed them. Her vision was getting rather fuzzy as they went on. She new it was the wound on her head but she didn't dare show it. Not when enemies were around. She didn't want to call Sasuke an enemy but Temari had been right. He is now wanted internationally.

"Where is Sasuke?! Where is he?!" Black kage shouted. Gaara ordered Kankuro to help remove the spawns off Chojuro and the samurai. The adorable swordsman smiled timidly. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." Lady blue stepped around the corner just then.

Little old man grinned mischievously. "I turned him into dust."

"How dare you! I wanted to be the one to take him down."

Kaiya growled, not tolerating anything while she had a massive headache. "You're the kage. Stop acting as if someone stole the cookie jar." It was quiet but they had heard it since they shot her a look.

"I agree with the Mitsu girl. You'll still get a go at it anyway." An echoing voice sounded throughout the room. Her ears lifted as she turned her head to look around. A new scent was slowly forming in the room out of nowhere. It didn't even have a trail to show where he entered from. A masked man materialized from a swirl which matched the design of his orange mask. It was the opposite of Kakashi's kamui. "So quit whining, Raikage." The man mocked as he landed on the platform beneath him.

His toes were painted blue....of topic but still strange.

"My name is Madara Uchiha" He introduced, adjusting the younger Uchiha on his shoulder. Looks like Mei ruffed him up quite a bit. A redhead that was not here earlier smiled. "Sasuke!" he has fangirls even now? Poor guy can't escape huh.

"I am here to explain something to you all. Once you understand it, I'll ask you a question." The aura surrounding him was powerful. Even the beast inside was unusually quiet, as if it was wary. "It's about my plan. Project Tsuki no Me."

She glanced around again and didn't see danzo or his subordinates. Black Kage used his 'literal' lightning speed to punch Madara but went right through him. "What?!" Sasuke was warped away again by the older Uchiha, acting as if nothing happened. "Anything Akatsuki is bad news, and honestly, won't make any sense." The raikage says while removing himself from the now destroyed wall. "Return Sasuke right now!"

"That, will depend on your response to what I'm about to tell you."

Lil old man was hovering in the air, now beside the angry lightning charged man. "Just calm down Raikage. Let's hear him out and take it from there."

One thing stood out to her about this guy. It was his scent. For some reason it felt vaguely familiar. Her ears continued to stand at attention, never dropping her guard. He jumped down behind the redhead to warp her away like he did Sasuke. Kankuro narrowed his eyes. "So, that's what Madara's ability is."

The masked man jumped back to his original position. "Now, are all of you prepared to listen?"

Gaara turned his head. "But first tell us, why are you trying to win over Sasuke?"

"Sharingan who aquire the Susano are quite rare. I like to stock up on good eyes. By battling the five kage, he'd hone his visual prowess even further which is exactly why I sent him here. I was hoping to weaken the five kage and hold at least some of you hostage, but I guess that was to much to ask."

"Take us hostage? What ever for?" Lady blue asks.

"To make sure project tsuki no me was implemented smoothly."

The old man spoke next. "I'm surprised the infamous Madara Uchiha is still alive but I'm  confused why you of all people need such round about tactics. With all your power you ought to bring any plan to light easily."

"My injuries from the battle with Hashirama were far too severe. I currently have little power, I am but a shell of my former self."

The blonde fellow named Cee spoke next. "So this plan is to restore your power is that it?"

"Hm....I guess you could say that, but there's so much more to it."

"Just what are you scheming."

Madara sighed. "This is going to be long story so I'll have to sit down"

It took a loooong time. Most of it she was having mini blackouts because of what might be a concussion. From the snippets she caught was that the sage of six paths was real. Uchiha and Senju were the dependents of two brothers. At one point he told "The sage once saved the world from a certain monster."

"What monster?" Gaara asked.

Madara turned his head. "Gaara, you used to have a small piece of that monster sealed inside you. It was the aggregate of all of the tailed beasts, a creature that possessed almost infinite chakra. The ten tails." With the name Gaara's eyes widened in shock while trying to imagine such a creature. He proceeded to name the jinjuriki and which beast they held inside, well, used to. His goal was to combine them all and create the ten tails and become the jinjuriki for it. He needed the power to launch a certain jutsu. A large scale genjutsu that he can project his eye off it's surface. Everyone will be in a world with no war and hatred. That was the gist of it.

"That's insane! I'm not just going to hand the world over to you!" Black kage shouted.

Gaara narrowed his eyes once it all sank in. "That kind of peace is only an illusion. Peace is only meaningful when it's achieved honestly."

Lady blue spoke out next. "So what exists in such a genjutsu world anyway? No hopes, no dreams, it's just an escape." Kaiya's ears started ringing now and her vision got fuzzy. This better end soon so she can get a check up. Madara was saying something about there is no hope at all. If we don't cooperate and give the nine and eight tailed beasts over, then there will be war.

"My brother was already captured!" A shouts in his booming voice.

"Actually the eight-tails capture has failed and he escaped. Now there's a perfect shinobi to be a jinjuriki."

The raikage was practically flaming up now with rage, not directed to the masked man this time. "That fool! He used this chance just to run off and play hooky?! Unforgivable, he's going to get my iron claw for this!

"As if! No one in Konoha will hand over Naruto. We look out for one another as if they were family. And Naruto IS my friend!" She growled through the ringing in her ears. Gaara glanced at her. Seeing the anger in her fiery eyes.

The masked man chuckled. "Ah, the will of fire. It continues burning on even now."

Gaara narrowed his eyes. "I too am Naruto Uzumaki's friend. I will not allow anyone to take him." He steps forward to stand slightly in front of the wolf girl. She will get herself killed if she tries attacking him.

"Neither will I." Mei says firmly.

Onoki looks to A "What about you Raikage?"

"I'm never handing over my brother!"

Madara moved his head slightly. "I may not have any strength, but I do have the power if the seven tailed beasts I've collected. You have no chance of winning."

Gaara balled his fist at his side. "We won't abandon hope."

"Very well. I hereby declare war on you all, the fourth great ninja war begins now. The next time we meet, will be in battle!" With that he stands and warps out of the room. Kaiya was finally able to relax her stance but that only resulted in her falling over. Sand wrapped around her to lay her down gently onto the floor.

The hit on the head earlier must have been worse than he thought. "Cee, would you mind attending to her injury?" The blonde man nodded and knelt beside the Mitsu.

Onoki sighed. "So what do we do now?"

"Our nations must form an alliance." Gaara confirms the one thought going through everyone's head.

(Alright I gotta stop it here. Enjoy this new chapter and sorry for it being late. Busy busy busy)

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