The Fallen and the Forgotten

JessieBest által

14.1K 503 17

Heaven and Hell are very real, Angels are Demons are no different. The world is in constant battle between th... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not a chapter!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

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JessieBest által


Nick stilled above her, what was he doing? She was beneath him and she was probably now afraid of him. Great job, you bloody fool. Nick frowned, than he stood up and pulled her up with him. She landed right in his arms, and she seemed shocked when he pulled her into his embrace. Well, angel, I’m as confused as you are, he thought. He felt her tense in his arms, than she visibly relaxed. What was going on here? Why did he care about this Fallen? Why did here care about any female? Why did he care at all? Nick frowned as he noticed her bewildered brown eyes staring at him, not with disgust or hatred or anything he was used to. No, she was looking at him with wonder, with amusement. He let her go and stepped away from her. He rubbed his neck, feeling his tattoo raise at the encounter.

  He nearly snarled in revulsion. He hated that thing, as much as he used to take pride in it. He had a special tattoo, one even his Prince had admired. He had got it doing one of the most evil things he had ever heard of, and he regretted it. It gave him nightmares every night, and left this feeling in his chest. One he didn't want. He used to be a feared demon in Hell; everyone respected him and listened to him out of fear. He had brought the other beings' worst nightmares to life, and the thing he liked most, he was involved in a lot of them. Nick used to smile at this fact, now he just felt disgusted.

 "Nick, what am i doing here?" Lane's voice was soft; she seemed to be able to tell he was angry at the moment. To know he was on the verge of becoming enraged. Nick took a deep breath, fighting to calm down. He didn't want to hurt her, he had brought her here to help heal her and keep her safe.


Lane was confused with Nick's emotions, and she knew that the name he had given her seemed wrong, it didn't fit him. But she wouldn't push; pushing normally got her in trouble. She was curious though, and she knew she would have to find out more about this specific Fallen Demon. Her curiosity was part of the reason she had been dropped from heaven...

She shook her head, pushing away those thoughts. She had gotten over that, she had moved on and now she had to focus on herself. Where was she? What was she doing here? Why was this demon helping her? And more importantly: What was wrong with her?

 Nick's eyes were glazed over; he was seeing something from the past. And by his expression, he didn't like it. She turned around and looked around the room. There were bloody bandages and a bloody shirt lying on the floor next to the bed she had woken in. She could smell the blood, it was her own.

 She stiffened, did the demon cut her? Did he want her blood for some ritual? She grimaced; she was judging him too harshly. Maybe it was blood from her arm, or from when the doctor decided to cut her arm open. What had that doctor been doing cutting into her arm anyway? Who had given them the right to drug her and cut her? Had they know about the Fallen blood in her system, was that it? If so, who told them? Lane sighed, too many questions and not enough answers.

She walked over to the bloody bandages and shirt; she threw the bandages away and searched the house until she found his washer and dryer, than she took the shirt into the bathroom and soaked the shirt in cold water, sighing when the water turned a dark pink. After throwing the clothes she found into the washer, she sat down on the floor and placed her head in her hands. Her father really did hate her now; she was foolish to believe otherwise. From now on, all she had was herself. When the time to choose came, she would choose herself.

She looked down at her arm and sneered. That stupid Fallen Angel had gotten her blood on her, and now it was healing which meant the blood was in her system. It was poison to her, and for the next month she would be uncontrollable. Her emotions wouldn't be hers. She would feel things she had never felt, or she would feel one emotion so strong she couldn't help but follow it. Normally, that was anger. She needed someone to help her through it. She hated to, but she knew she needed to stay with someone for the next month, someone stronger than or as strong as her. She didn't have friends, no one who she could call on. Lane shook her head, it was so not fair. She felt a hand touch her shoulder and she jumped and turned around, kicking her leg out and knocking her opponent’s legs out from beneath them. There was a growl, than she was pulled down to the floor.

 "Angel, that was not a good idea." Nick's voice was hard, and deep. It sent tingles down through her body and made her toes curl. She felt her heart beat pick up and her sight became darker slightly and she knew her brown eyes had become a color closer to black. She was mad, something about this demon made her feel safe, and comfortable. Those emotions were something she did not want to have. She didn’t need them.

 "Why- why is that?" She stammered, her voice breathy but soft. Nick's eyes had become pools of sapphire, and they were watching her, a hint of smiling tugging at his lips.

 "Well it might be because now you are once again beneath me and I am a man by all means, and you are a beautiful woman, totally irresistible." Lane felt her heart stop and her eyes widened, even as she felt her hands grab his arms and a soft gasp escaped her lips. She felt her eyes go even wider at the sound, than she looked into the sapphire blue of Nick's and she licked her lips.

 "I don't know what you're talking about.” Nick was leaning closer to her, his lips nearly touching her own, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

 "Angel, everything about you is irresistible." At that moment, Nick's phone decided to go off. The ringtone was loud and it made her jump, it brought her out of the daze. She smiled, than looked up at Nick, who looked frustrated.

 "You may want to answer that, Demon. Apparently it isn't going to stop going off until you do." Nick nodded and stood up, pulling her up with him. He walked out of the bathroom and answered his phone, his voice clipped. She ignored him and his phone conversation. Lane placed her hands on either side of the sink and looked at her face in the mirror. Her eyes were dark and her cheeks were pink. Her pale skin was a shade darker, she was flushed. What had she just felt? Had the demon been talking about wanting her? Her breathing sped up as she thought of it; she couldn't convince herself it was out of fear. She knew it was out of excitement. She cursed and shook her head.  She really had to get away from the Demon, before she did anything she knew she would regret.


 "What?" Nick said into the phone, frustration plain in his voice. He had been about to kiss the angel. He had been so close, and he knew she would have let him. She had looked amazed when she touched him; she felt the same thing he felt. She was a Fallen Angel, who was poisoned with another Fallen's death blood. She was out of control emotionally, that was it. That was why she had acted the way she had acted. But he’d be damned if he didn’t want to think it was because she had actually felt it on her own.

 "Damn Nick, you're with a woman aren't you? Is she human, or demon?" His 'friend' said through the phone. Luke was a demon, a low level demon, but one who all other demons feared. Luke was able to control the elements with just a thought and he had made countless people burn just for fun. He was a low level demon who was smart, sneaky, and, in women’s eyes, handsome.

"Yes i am and it's none of your damn business. Now what do you want Luke?" Nick snapped, feeling anger and confusion seeping into his thoughts.

 There was silence on the end, than Luke spoke, his voice deeper, rougher. "It’s another Fallen isn't it? She's made you change Nick, so either she's a witch, or you might have-"

 "Shut.Up.Luke. tell me why you called or I’m going to hang up." Nick’ voice was little more than a growl, and he felt tendrils of his power searching through the house for the angel.

 "Don't threaten me, Nick. You are strong, but I don't play fair. Where's your little angel? Still in the bathroom where you left her? “Nick froze, how did Luke know that? “You are broadcasting you thoughts, memories, and dreams around here, and since you are worried about her, I got a vision. She is beautiful, and you shouldn't have answered the phone." There was a click and Luke hung up, leaving Nick feeling angry and confused. If other demons found out about Lane, she would be in danger: a lot of danger.


"You know, I’m wearing a pair of bloody jeans and a shirt which is torn and also covered in blood, some new clothes would be nice. Some from my apartment would do just fine. I think it’s time for me to go home anyway.” Lane wasn’t lying, she didn’t like the smell of own blood, and she was covered in it. She wanted to go home and go to bed, where she knew she would be safe, at least for the night. Neither rummy nor any of her neighbors would let her be harmed. Lane’s voice was authorative, she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She needed to go home, she was starting to feel things other than calm and she did not like it.

"I will go get you some clothes, what's your address?" The Demon didn’t even look at her; he was looking at his hand, which he kept clenching and unclenching. Lane could feel he was angry, but she didn’t know why. Whoever he had been on the phone with had put him in a bad mood, but she didn’t take to being locked up lightly.

 Lane shook her head, "Oh no, you're not going to my place. I don’t need a Demon knowing where I live and keep everything.”

Nick looked at her, completely dumbfounded for a moment, than he shook his head. Lane glared at him, feeling her temper rise. She didn’t like being told no by someone who had not right. She had told him of what she was doing out of politeness. Nick trying to boss her around didn’t sit well with her, it made her angry. "I wasn’t asking, Demon”

 Nick stood up and walked over to her. Her grabbed her arm and looked at the wound, then he looked at her, and eye brow arched. "You think I’m just going to let you leave? You have a Fallen’s blood in you and you have already killed one innocent. I won’t let you kill another.”

 She winced, and nodded slowly. "You're right; i could kill someone without thinking about it."

 Lane found a pen and paper and wrote down her address. As she handed it to him she shrugged, “The front door is locked and the key is...well i do believe it's in the house. Just don't break my door; I don't care about the furniture. Okay, i do care about my bedroom." She shook her head, “Just remember I will kill you if you go into my bedroom. Do not kill anyone near my place; they could be my friends or even someone who is protecting me for all you know.”

Nick frowned, clearly not liking the threat. Lane didn’t care though, there were things in her bedroom that only she knew about, and she would like to keep it that way. If she had to kill the Demon that had saved her life, then so be it.

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