Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

By PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One More

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee

It's Not Really The End

1.9K 39 9
By PinkPrincess00

The night passed quickly and soon morning came. Harry, Zayn, Darian and Niall had escaped from the hotel with everyone's luggage. Fortunately Louis and Liam had realised that Tellie hadn't come downstairs with them... Meaning they where now boxed in my fans and paparazzi.

"Hey baby girl!" Louis greeted sitting on a chair next to Tellie. She just huffed and crossed her arms looking out at the view from the balcony.

Louis sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Tell Tell, you can't ignore me forever." He pointed out. She again huffed and kept her little eyes ahead not even glancing at Louis.

"Cristell Jayde Tomlinson..." He warned. She gave a small gasp a quickly looked at Louis her eyes filled with fear. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was forming an o.

"I sorry! I didn't mean to!" She yelled jumping to her defence. Louis cut her off with hushing sounds trying to calm her down.

"Baby you didn't do anything... Just talk to me. Please!" He begged childishly. She pursed her lips and looked away from Louis her eyes filling with anger.

"No." She replied stubbornly. Louis rolled his eyes and stood up. He walked back into the hotel room from the balcony careful not to close to the door.

"She talking yet?" Liam asked as Louis came inside.

"She got scared because I called her whole name... Other than that she's being stubborn and won't even look at me." Louis replied. Liam sighed and shook his head.

"You can't expect her to be happy." Liam said sternly.

"Why not?"

"Because she's four, she doesn't know what's happening. All she knows is that she got told she can't see her mom and been told to live with a complete stranger, and then you told her she wouldn't see her mom again, and then her mom comes and tells her your lying, and as we know she loves her mom, and then she sees you hurt her mom then tell her she's in hospital, then Eidee says you put her in now she doesn't want trust you because you lied."

Louis widened his eyes at Liam taking in all the information Louis had said.

"But she was fine before!" Louis muttered. He again ran his fingers through his hair before sitting on the lounge Liam sitting across from him. Louis had to agree with Liam's very long statement. She was only four and is being confused by everyone; he can't blame her for just not speaking to anyone.

"Yeah but she believed youse and now her moms come and told her that you and Darian lied about her dying, and Eidee said you lied about her being sick." Liam replied matter-of-factly. Louis thought whether it was wise to argue with Liam over the case, but he decided just to face the facts.

"I guess so... But why not believe me?" Louis replied truthfully.

"Because as we know-"

"She loves her mother." They both ended in union.

Liam quickly grabbed his phone as it vibrated in his pocket quickly retrieving the call and saying words like 'yes' and 'okay see you soon.' Louis watched him curiously as he slid the phone back into his front jean pocket.

"Paul said we're good to go." Liam shouted happily. They both stood up ready.

"Tellie!" Louis yelled towards the balcony door.


Louis sighed and walked towards the balcony. He went out and grabbed Tellie's hand pulling her off the seat.

"Hey." She pouted as Louis dragged her through the room.

"I'll lock everything!" Liam volunteered. Louis gave him a nod and continued dragging Tellie towards the exit.

"No. I don't wanna go." Tellie protested as Louis dragged her into the hallway outside.

"You have to come." Louis snapped.

"No I don't want to!" Tellie yelled jumping up and down. "I want mommy!"

"Tellie just shh." Louis hissed bending down so he way her height. Tellie just screamed more jumping around loudly. Louis got back to his height and gave her a sharp look. She stopped screaming and looked up him with awe. Louis tightened his grip on her hand and dragged her a little more attempting to get her moving on his own. She screamed louder and jumped up and down trying to get her hand out of Louis's grip.

"I WANT MY MOMMY!" She screamed tears tricking down her cheeks. Fury filled Louis from head to toe as Liam watched anxiously awaiting what Louis would do next.

"Tellie shh!" Louis hushed. Tellie jumped up and down ear piercing screams coming from her small mouth.


Louis breathed in before calmly speaking. "Tellie you've got to be quiet okay."

"NO!" She screamed jumping around again. "I DON'T WANT TO GO! I WANNA GO HOME TO DOCASTAH!"

"Doncaster." Louis corrected making Tellie cry louder.


"CRISTELL JULIET TOMLINSON!" Louis shouted back. Tellie didn't even notice she just jumping and screaming trying to escape Louis's grip. Louis tried to calm her down hoping that paparazzi weren't hiding behind the corner videoing the scene.


"Shut it!" Louis hissed. She automatically stopped screaming and just gave out small sobs.

He sighed and started dragging her into the elevator Liam following.

"Lou, just tell her what we suggested." Liam said as Tellie whimpered.

"Yeah cause that'll help!" Louis snapped back. Liam glared at him.

"If you don't I will..." He threatened.

Louis rolled his eyes and sighed. "Hey... Tellie..." He bent down so he was her height. She looked him straight in the eye tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I want mommy..." She whispered her voice shaky.

"Yeah but baby... um... Mommy doesn't want you..." Louis stuttered. He couldn't believe what he was doing but he was doing it... and Liam was nodding him on as Tellie looked confused.

"Mommy w-ove me..."

"Love." Louis corrected.

"What did I do wrong?" She said more tears falling. The sight was breaking both Lou's and Liam's hearts as Tellie cried wondering why they would say that her mother doesn't love her...She just didn't understand. "Nothing baby... Mommy just-She's got some problems..."

"What about Uncle Kill?"

"He shot Eidee..."

"With a gun!" Tellie shouted enthusiastically. Louis and Liam laughed making her pout.

"Yes with a gun..." Liam laughed.

"Uncle Li?"

"Ye-e-e-e-s?" He sang back.

"Where's Uncle Zayn?" She asked.

"Favouritism much..." He snapped sarcastically. Louis rolled his eyes as the elevator doors opened.

"Okay." Louis started. "Tellie I'll pick you up okay? And no yelling."

Tellie nodded and Louis picked her up. Liam gave him nod and they walked out and straight out onto the street. Camera's flashed and fans screamed.







"Weird fans..." Liam muttered as they got in the limo waiting for them.

"Yeah weird..." Louis agreed. The car started driving and Louis and Liam small talked while Tellie berried her head into Lou's chest scared by the flashing lights of the cameras.

"You okay Tellie?" Liam asked taking up a concerned tone. She slightly nodded her head still clutching onto Louis.

"El's there..." Liam mused looking at his phone. Lou's eyes lit up and a grin formed on his face. Liam laughed as Louis gazed out the window.

"I'll hold Tellie." Liam said as the limo stopped. "You go get El."

They got out of the limo and Louis handed Tellie to Liam. Liam set her down and held her hand as Louis walked into the airport. There he saw her; Eleanor. He could spot her long hair and her beautiful eyes from where he stood. She looked and saw Louis. They both stayed in they're spots as if their feet where glued to the ground. Soon they both broke into run and rushed to each other not caring that they hurt people in the process. It seemed like it took hours for them to meet each other halfway. As soon as they where close enough Louis wrapped his arms around her waist and they slowly kissed.

"What are they doing?" Tellie asked as Liam walked into the airport holding her hand. Liam smiled as he saw Louis and Eleanor but quickly put his hands over Tellie's eyes.

"Uncle Leeyum?" She said trying to take his hands off her eyes.

"This way." He sang leading her towards Darian and Zayn.

"Liam, What are you doing?" Zayn snapped shaking his head.

"She's four." Liam protested. "She shouldn't see that stuff."

"I think they've got the right idea..." Darian mused. Zayn smirked receiving a playful hit on the arm off Liam.

"Where am I?" Tellie asked her little hands still trying to get Liam's away.

"You could damage her eyes..." Harry said quickly.

"OH shit-I mean spoon!" Liam shouted. He moved his hands off her eyes and spun her around so she could see Louis and Eleanor.

"What's shit mean?" Tellie muttered.

"It means-" Niall started but quickly cut off by Liam's glare. "It's just a bad word..."

"Oh... Where's daddy?"

"With his girlfriend." Harry smirked.

"What's a girlfriend?"

"You know how Uncle Zayn and Aunty Darian make the bed shake?" Harry asked keeping a straight face. Niall and Liam both started cracking up into laughter as Darian and Zayn both turned shades of red.

Tellie nodded.

"Well Daddy and his girlfriend Eleanor do that to!"

This time Zayn and Darian couldn't suppress their laughter and joined in the laughing.

"Does that mean they'll get married to?" Tellie shouted happily.

"Well there's no guarantee's but I guess so..."

"so it's you who fills her head with storys!" Niall exclaimed sarcastically pointing his finger at Harry. "They've all been blamming me for that stuff and it's you!"

"Well I can't tell Louis I told her." Harry laughed.

They where soon joined by Louis Eleanor.

"What's happening?" Louis said happily.

"It's vas." Darian corrected. Louis was about to say one of his sassy comebacks but was cut off by Zayn.

"I was gonna wait to do this," Zayn started his eyed on Darian. "But after seeing what happened to Lou after he let that girl go-no offence El. Darian I've never felt this way about anyone in my life! God it's you! You just make everything make my life complete. And I know management's gonna yell and scream at me for this but I'm doing it anyway! I've done a lot of shit in my life... And sometime's I feel ashamed off my mistakes...But when I'm with you...Darian when I'm with you i couldn't careless about what I've done. I love you...and I know that now... I've been picturing the perfect girl in my head and everything she is, and she's standing right in front of me..." Zayn winked at Louis who was giving him thumps up. The next moment Zayn was on one knee a box in his hands.

"Darian. Will you marry me?"



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