Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

By PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One More

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End

I Love You... But You're so Bad...

1.7K 41 3
By PinkPrincess00


"HOW CAN YOU LOOSE TELLIE!" I shouted as we all sat in out hotel room.

"SORRY!" she sassed.

"Their fighting like a married couple." Niall laughed. I glared at him making him shut up. I'd been spazzing at Phoebe all day and night. It's now one am and the only thing we've decided is to go looking all over the country.

I shook my head and ran my finger's through my hair.

"Lets go outside and work out there." Liam said opening the door. I got up and was the first one the door. I quickly went for the stairs instead of the elevator. I jogged down them thinking hardly on my plan. Where do we look for Tellie? All I know is she thinks she's in Neverland! I jogged down the last flight and entered the hotels lobby. Of course Paul and the rest of security was their making sure no fans decided to sneak in the hotel.

"Hey Paul we're going to look for Tellie." I told him heading towards the door. He nodded and gave me a sympathetic look. I'm glad he get it.

"Put you're hood on!" He called as I made my way out.

"Will do!" I yelled back. I walked out and saw everyone else standing in a circle. I joined them and thought toughly not listening to Liam's lecture. We as in me, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Darian, Eidee, Juli, Phoebe and Killian all seemed bored by Liam's lecture soon he finished and pointed to me.  My plan was ready all we needed was to get it started. It was fun yelling at Phoebe... Although I did feel bad when she started crying, but that bitch deserved it... I mean she kidnapped Tellie, and then lost her. OF COURSE I'M GONNA SPAZZ AT HER!

"So I'll go with Phoebe, Niall and Li, Juli with Haz, Darian with Zayn and Eidee with Killian." I said sternly. Everyone but Eidee nodded.

"I'm not going with him." Eidee hissed. I glared at her. Bitch you're ruing the plan!

"I've got a plan." I mouthed. She looked at me with a confused expression. Ugh! I sighed and gestured for her to follow me. I walked around the corner of the building so that I was well out of sight. I sighed as Eidee joined me.

"Here's the plan." I started. "I'll stay with Phoebe and you and Killian not far behind. If Phoebe and me find Tellie then I'll get her and you arrest her and Killian. If the others find her some plan. Got it?"

She nodded and walked away. I followed after her smirking at my plan. Phoebe will never know what hot her. We rejoined the circle and Liam started speaking and lecturing us one how to try and avoid fans and paps.

"Kay lads! Let's go!" Liam shouted and him and Niall started leaving as well as every one but me, Phoebe, Eidee and Killian. I smirked knowing that my plan was going to work. I just hope we find Tellie...

"You look awfully happy for a guy whose daughters missing!" Phoebe snapped bitterly.

"You look awfully alive for a dead bitch." I sassed back.

"Lets just find her." She snapped walking away and down the street. I frowned and followed her.

"What do we after we find her?" I asked as we went down a narrow street.

"We'll figure out later- TELLIE!"

"What?" I snapped looking around. No one's here but us... I hope Eidee's not far behind us.

"She's four Louis, if you call her name she'll come." Phoebe snapped next to me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Where would you find a four year old?

"If I was four I'd go some where I know." Phoebe said as if she read my mind. Am I thinking out loud?

"Yep!" She said taking the same bitter tone.

"Shit!" I muttered. God why did I pair up with her?

"TELLIE!" She shouted again. The cold air flew making me shiver. God it's cold! I can't imagine how Tellie must be...

Alone in the cold and somewhere she's never been before.

"This you're fault Louis." Phoebe hissed as we turned another corner.

"No. It's yours if you hadn't kidnapped her-"

"-If you would've just let me have her-"

"-If you hadn't faked your death-"

"-If you didn't seduce me!"

I stopped dead in the street. The only sound our breathing.

"I didn't seduce you... That night you had as much free will as me, I never made you do anything."

I could see her tensing up. Of course she thought I was right... God she used to kiss the ground I walked on!

"You sweet talked me and you know it!" She snapped breaking the silence.

"You loved it! You loved me-"

"TELLIE!" She shouted breaking me off mid-speech. We walked down another corner and I saw two figures. I think they’re sticking their tongues down each other’s throats- HOLY IS THAT HARRY

"HARRY!" i shouted. The two figures stopped as I walked to them only to see Harry and Juli looking embarrassed. WHERE TRYING TO FIND TELLIE! SO THEY STICK THEIR TONGUES DOWN EACH OTHER!

"Look Lou I can explain-" Harry started.

"Save it!" I snapped walking away. I could hear footsteps coming after me but I just ignore it. That was my best friend! He's making out with a girl while Tellie's missing! Seriously!


I turned and saw Phoebe running after me. "What?"

"Remember that time when we we're seven." She mused. I laughed at the memory.

"OH god..." I laughed.

"When you threw Paint all over me from you're tree house."

"Then we did it to Darian." I laughed.

"She's still mad at us for that..." Phoebe laughed.

"Remember grade six dance...?" I mused. She nodded.

"You only went with me cause you're mum made you..." She whispered.

"No... My mum never told me to do anything. I just didn't want to look bad when you rejected me."

"Well I didn't reject you."

We both laughed together. It felt like I was with the girl I fell in love with. The girl who could take all my pain away and make me feel happy.

"Lou what happened to us?" She asked.

I gulped. Maybe I should tell her... "Well when we reached high school you turned into the hottest girl on the planet! Every boy wanted you!"

"But I wanted you..."

"I know... That's why I broke you're heart... I new you liked me but you just kept friend zoning me... And I felt so humiliated that the hot girl was my friend so i started being a basterd to you hoping you'd forget about me... But when we got into our last friends dared me to break you're heart. So I did..."

The tension expended and she laughed.

"Louis.. that's the dumbest thing I've ever herd!" She laughed. I laughed with her. I love this girl... NO! I hate her! I'm just sweet talking her again!

"Lou look." She mused pointing forward. I looked and saw a telephone booth. Sitting in front of it was a little girl her sobs were loud and she was curled up in a ball.

"It's Tellie." Phoebe mused again. I could just feel my blood pumping faster and my heart skipping beats. This is where the plan takes part... This is where I pray that all of my problems end. I looked at Phoebe who was already staring at me.

"Louis, let her stay with me." She snapped taking a step forward. I could see the pain in her voice and the tears forming in her eyes. She was no longer the girl she was before... She was an army man ready to fight to the death.

"Oh hell no! Swag masta from Doncaster don't listen to you!" I sassed taking a bigger step forward. I looked behind me and saw the tip of Eidee's heels around the corner ready to sprint.

"EIDEE NOW!" I shouted. Phoebe looked at me confused as the clopping of heels filled the air. I saw Eidee heading towards us with a tazer. Where's Killian? 

"LOUIS!" Phoebe shouted.

"Don't even run." Eidee snapped nearing us. Phoebe's eyes floated off to the gap between her and Tellie to the gap between Eidee and me.

"What are you gonna do about it...?" Phoebe sassed confidentially.

"She's got a gun!" I snapped.

"Where's Killian?" Phoebe asked automatically.

"Oh don't worry." Eidee said sweetly. "He'll join you in jail!"

Phoebe made a run between Eidee and me. I swiftly grabbed her forearm pushing her to the ground making her groan as blood came from her head.

"Get out of my life bitch!" I yelled storming away. I jogged over towards the telephone booth where Tellie was curled up.

"Hey baby..." I cooed bending down in front of her. She looked up at me her blue eyes shinning with tears. She shook her head and pointed behind me. I looked and saw Eidee helping Phoebe up handcuffs on her wrists.

"Mummy..." She whimpered.

"It's okay. She's gone." I said happily. More tears fell down her eyes as I wrapped my arms around her. I stood up Tellie tightly in my arms crying into my chest.

"I don't want you to hurt her..." She whimpered again. "I wove my mummy."

"Baby girl you've got me..." I mused stroking her hair. "It's all gonna be better..."

She cried more into my chest as I walked off towards Eidee. I herd footsteps running.


I looked and saw Harry and Juli running towards us.

"Oh stopped kissing have we?" I snapped sarcastically.

"OI!" Eidee shouted. "Juli do you're job and take this chick to the police station!"

Juli nodded and walked over to Eidee.

"You found her!" Harry shouted rushing over to me.

"Hey Tellie it's uncle Hazza!" I mused. Harry and me cooed over her as she just cried.

"So, Phoebe and Killian are gonna have a good time in prison!" Eidee said walking over to us.

"As long as I never see her again!"




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