Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

By PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One More

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End


1.7K 41 5
By PinkPrincess00

Louis yawned waking up from his dreamless sleep. He promised himself to act normal like nothing ever happened. He looked around the dull and expensive hotel room. He sighed before kicking the blanket off revealing his tattooed arms and bare chest. He massaged his temples before getting off the bed and slowly walking out of the room. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the suite's kitchen.

"Um... Louis..." Darian muttered choking on whatever she was eating.

"What?" He grumbled in response. He looked up at her and saw her eyes practically popping out of her head as she looked at Louis's body. "Like what you see?"

"You can't just walk around shirtless!" She managed to choke out, her cheeks burning red. Louis made a mental note to remember to ask Darian the question again later.

"If Zayn walked out here shirtless you'd have no problem." Louis protested. Darian pursed her lips narrowing her eyes at Louis. Louis noticed as he grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge. He twisted the lid off before gulping down half the drink with no breaths.

"Cover up." She hissed.

"No." Louis sassed. Darian glared and Louis just looked all 'bitch please' back at her. The tension in the room slowly left as Zayn walking in; shirt on.

"HA!" Darian shouted pointing to Zayn. "He's wearing a shirt!"

"SO?" Louis replied still all sassy.

"Whoa... what’s going on?" Said Zayn confused. He held both of his hands up blocking Louis and Darian from reaching each other.

"Darian won't let me be shirtless." Louis pouted childishly.

"Why?" Zayn chuckled.

"Cause she likes what she see's." Louis bragged. He flexed his biceps making Zayn glare.

"Put a shirt on Lou." Zayn snapped.

"HARRY!" Louis yelled pretending to be hurt.

There was a loud 'thud' in another room making everyone look down towards the bedrooms.

Niall came crashing into the room something caught on his foot making him fall to ground in front of Louis.

"Louis!" He panted.

"That'd be me..." Louis answered. Louis put the bottle up to his lips and started gulping down the rest of the water.

"Me and Harry can't find Tellie!" Niall replied in one breath. "L-L-Lou... T-t-the front door... To t-t-the room was open..."

Louis spat out the water and it fell straight on to Niall's face making him gag and fake being sick.

"No need to spit on me!" Snapped Niall.

"Who gives! What the fuck did you just say?" Louis shouted back.

Niall got on his feet slightly jumping, as he stood straight. "Tellie's not here..."

The word swirled around Louis’s head making his stomach turn into an endless pit. He was shocked that the small girl didn’t wake him this morning but he never thought much of it. It now registered to him how quiet everything had been, too quiet. He just couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t! He refused to believe it.

"GUYS!" a voice echoed through the hotel room he recognised it as Harry. The shock and fear was clear in Harry’s voice making Louis more intrigued then he already was. Louis was first barging passed Niall and swiftly sliding across the ground towards the noise.

“What?” Louis demanded. Harry pointed towards the doorway. The door was wide-open leading into the corridor of other suites rooms. They were joined by a curious Darian her eyes wide as she saw the pale flower lying on the cold wooden floor.

Louis had the same reaction, His eyes widening and his face filling with fear. He bent down and slowly took the flower into his hands, playfully twirling the stem around d his fingers.

“Orchard…” He muttered getting to his feet.

Harry whistled as awkwardness creped into the room, Louis and Darian giving each other wary looks.

“Wow…a flower! How sweet!”  Harry said sarcastically earning two glares from Darian and Louis.

“It’s not just a flower…” Louis growled through clenched teeth.

“I’m with Lou.” Darian snapped.

 Louis gave her a confused look. “How do you know what an orchard means?”

It registered to Darian what she had just said. She quickly put her hands over her now ‘O’ shaped lips stepping towards Harry for protection. Louis fists were now clenched his eyes filled with fury.

“Phoebe told me…” Darian quickly said stepping behind Harry’s right shoulder. “She told me everything… That’s why I got pissed when you dumped her because she was in love with you.”

Louis’s fists dropped his face softened his eyes glistened with hope. A look Harry had never seen on his best friends face was there, a face filled with love. Not the type of love you have for a friend, relatives or maybe a girl your crazy about for a week. It was the look of daring passion for someone special, someone he wanted badly to be with this second but couldn’t forgive himself if he did.

“You love her…” Harry muttered.

Louis shook his head making his face return back to his normal look.

“That bitch just kidnapped my daughter! Why are we standing here!” Louis yelled furiously. He stormed away from the doorway and down towards the room he was staying in.

“GUYS!” A voice boomed. Darian and Harry looked to see a concerned Liam and a worried Paul running towards the door.

“Liam told me what happened boys.” Paul announced the dread in his voice sicking them more.

“Police are on their way.” Liam said sternly. “And remember don’t touch anything!”

“To late…” Harry muttered under his breath.

“What?” Liam snapped.

“There was an orchard…” Darian mumbled. “Lou picked it up.”

Liam groaned and planted his face in him palms. Just then Louis came back into the room looking worse then before. Harry could swear Louis was going to break down any second now, but Louis kept his fists clenched as if someone would attack him at any second.

“Louis- we thought we had good security- we didn’t think anyone would get in- I’m sorry-“ Paul begged.

Louis cut him off. “There’s nothing you could’ve done… we all knew it was happening sooner or later… The only thing we can do is get her back...”

As if on cue Zayn and Niall entered the room.

“We’ll be right back.” Harry said. He grabbed Lou’s forearm and dragged him back towards the rooms.

“Harry.” Louis pouted. Harry didn’t reply he just walked into a room closing the door behind them.

“Drop the act Lou.” Harry snapped.

“What act?” Louis grumbled. Harry glared at Louis as Louis pouted like a six year old.

“We both know you want to be the responsible one out there! We both know your hiding it and probably because of the fans. So you go out there and be the concerned father you want to be and stop pretending that you don’t want to scream your lungs out!” Harry said sternly. Louis breathed in heavily and sighed.

“Harry… What if I never get her back?” Louis muttered sadly.

“Don’t think like that! You’ll get her back… There’s no way that bitch can keep her. Not after everything.”


Louis wasn’t sure what Harry would do but the next he wasn’t expecting.

“LETS GO GET THAT BITCH!” Harry yelled looking satisfied.


“A frying pan..? Lou she kidnapped your daughter… hit her with a fan!”

“The one’s that blow or the one’s that scream?”

“lets just hit her with an oven.”

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